Our Swiss CAIRNE office was initially founded in 2020. Given the strength of its academic and industrial ecosystem, its economic landscape and tradition on the protection of human rights, Switzerland plays an essential role in the advancement of human-centred AI.

We are focusing on empowering the Swiss AI community by connecting European partners and fostering the development of ethical humane, trustworthy AI-powered solutions that are compatible with the social and economic interests of all humans.

For this purpose, the CAIRNE office Switzerland is establishing an active network comprising academia, industry, public entities and international organisations. We actively engage with media and general public through outreach and participatory activities that inform society at large about the state-of-the-art in AI and provide spaces to discuss the effects of these technologies. CAIRNE Switzerland was  supported and hosted by ZHAW digital, Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur from 2020–2022.