“The richness of AI methodologies and tools are crucial for conceiving a new generation of data processing systems, where modelling, reasoning and learning techniques may support individuals and institutions to shape and govern a virtuous data-driven society. The CAIRNE initiative may play a precious role toward this goal, by fostering collaborations among different research groups working on data management from diverse and complementary perspectives.”

Maurizio Lenzerini, EurAI Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, Member of Academia Europaea, Univ Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy

“With CAIRNE we can strengthen the collaboration on AI in Europe in order to be able to better interact with similar initiatives across the world and to establish a strategy for the evolution of AI that takes into account all research areas and the ethical, economic and social aspects so that the whole humanity can benefit from it.”

Piero Poccianti, Former President of the Italian Association for AI (AI*IA), Italy


The CAIRNE Rome Office was founded in February 2019 after the Symposium in Rome held on Feb. 27, 2019, and it is hosted at the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. The office represents in CAIRNE the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) and its main activities are carried out in synergy with AI*IA.

The CAIRNE Rome Office has been instrumental in many local and global actions. Among them, it played a role in helping to set up the National PhD program on AI in Italy and the European Summer School in Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) in collaboration with European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI). Currently it is involved in the ICT-48 TAILOR project and supports the Research Network Task Force and the Task Force on COVID19.


Prof. Dr. Domenico Lembo

Office co-Head

Dr. Marco Maratea

Office co-Head

Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Greco

AI*IA President

Dr. Emanuela Girardi

Member of CAIRNE
Extended Core Team

Eleonora Giudici

Administrative Staff


Rome Symposium

  • 27 February 2019

Rome Office (re)Opening

  • October 11, 2023
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Rome Office
Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica automatica e gestionale Antonio Ruberti (DIAG)
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via Ariosto, 25
00185 Roma RM
room B211