ResponsibleAI – Transparency and Fairness of data-based applications in practice @ SDS2023

June 22 @ Zurich, Switzerland

In collaboration with CLAIRE | Zurich, Databooster is organised a workshop on ResponsibleAI – Transparency and Fairness of data-based applications in practice.

The usage of AI will soon be regulated in the European Union, with the upcoming AI Act which is currently in discussion and will be put into place in the very near future. Similar to the GDPR, this new EU regulation will impact the data science activities of Swiss companies dramatically: the use of many data-based algorithms, applications, and decision procedures will have to be re-thought, and often adopted, in order to address the requirements of the regulation.

In this workshop we will focus on two relevant requirements for AI systems which pose new challenges to data scientists:

  • Requirement of Explainability and Transparency of prediction, recommendation, and decision models
  • Requirement of Non-discrimination and Fairness of AI systems towards social groups

Distinguished speakers will explain these two requirements and comment on the state-of-the-art of how to implement such requirements technically, in a concrete data-science application.

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their specific challenges, open questions, etc.  with the experts as well as with the other workshop participants, in a moderated exchange format.

We expect that, with respect to practical implementation for real-world use cases, many questions may found to be still unexplored, requiring innovative approaches and further research to answer them. Representatives of the Databooster program will be present to support participants in receiving further support for such questions. This support will be delivered individually and specifically after the conference, but targeted innovation initiatives will be kickstarted on the spot already.


?Ricardo Chavarriaga, CLAIRE | Zurich, ZHAW
?Christian Hauser, FHGR
?Christoph Heitz, ZHAW
?Belinda Müller, Eraneos