EU/UK open letter
Like many of our colleagues and fellow citizens across Europe, we are watching with some concern the developments regarding the intended exit of the UK from the European Union. Especially in light of the text adopted by the European Parliament a week ago regarding a comprehensive policy on artificial intelligence and robotics – which in large tracts shows great consistency with the vision put forward by the European AI community, as organised in CLAIRE – we find it useful and necessary to make a clear and public statement regarding strong cooperation between the EU27, the UK and closely affiliated European countries in the area of artificial intelligence.
The following open letter has been drafted by the CLAIRE Core Team and several of our prominent supporters in the UK:
EU/UK Open Letter
This letter has been signed by 452 AI experts and stakeholders from the CLAIRE community, of which 337 have PhD-level expertise (or equivalent experience) in AI, from 24 European countries, as well as some CLAIRE supporters based outside of Europe.
A press release providing key statistics on the signatories is available here.