AI Sandbox Summit

November 19 @ Brussels – closed event

Effective regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems is a challenging task given the intrinsic unknowns of emerging technologies. Sandboxes are a regulatory framework where companies can test innovative products or services in a controlled environment. They have been proposed as a viable alternative to encourage innovation in AI by private organizations while protecting users.

The challenges of establishing and operating effective sandboxes are still poorly understood. To address this, the AI Sandbox Summit provides a forum for organizations involved in AI-related regulatory and innovation sandboxes across Europe to exchange their experiences and lessons learned. It will produce concrete and actionable recommendations for the strengthening of innovation environments to reap the benefits offered by AI responsibly and sustainably.

This event is organized by the Brussels and Swiss CLAIRE Offices, with the support of FARI, the AI for the Common Good Institute. CLAIRE seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation, with a strong focus on human-centered AI. CLAIRE represents the interests of its members by promoting European AI through  media channels and events, fostering cross-border collaborations, and participating in EU Horizon calls to facilitate community building.

Aligned with these objectives, CLAIRE will host its second AI Sandboxing summit in Brussels with the objective to share practices and insights across member states and promote recommendations on how to apply EU AI regulation. Further, the workshop aims to report and share insights and best practices resulting in recommendations to the EU commission. As a result of discussions and shared experiences, the commission can adapt AI innovation programs where needed.