
We have 1194 industry supporters:

Name Title/position Affiliation Country Academic/Industry/Other Additional information
Steen, Marc Senior Research Scientist TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry

Interest in Responsible Data Innovation and Design for Wellbeing.

Kemper, Jeroen Strategy & Projects Manager NN Group Netherlands Industry
Pachet, François Dr. Spotify France Industry

EurAI Fellow, Spotify

Schmidhuber, Jürgen Chief Scientist & Co-Founder; Scientific Director, Professor of AI NNAISENSE; Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, USI & SUPSI Switzerland Academia, Industry
Bahlmann, Claus Head of Department Siemens AG, Mobiliy Division Germany Industry
Calejo, Miguel CTO Logical Contracts Portugal Industry

Former President, Portuguese AI Association

Cammisa, Marco AI Practice Manager Exprivia SPA Italy Industry
Chiancone, Andrea Italy Industry

AI*IA member

Correa da Silva, Flavio S Associate Professor, Chief AI Officer University of Sao Paulo, Autem Medical Brazil Academia, Industry

Director Laboratory of Intelligent Interactive Systems (Brazil), member AI*IA (Italy), Senior member SSAISB (UK), Senior member ACM (US), Honorary research fellow Univ. Aberdeen (UK)

Fallica, Gabriele Benedetto Digital Strategic Planner Web4raw Italy Industry

Natural Language – AI*IA Member – Semantic search engine prototype study

Felix, Rudolf Managing Director PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH, Company in the PSI Group Germany Industry

PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro GmbH is a Company within the PSI Software AG Group. I´m charaing the AI actitivities in the PSI Group.

Galasso, Fabio Head of Department OSRAM Germany Industry
Gilardoni, Luca Managing Director KIE srl Italy Industry

AI*IA member

Giollo, Manuel Reserch Scientist Amazon Italy Industry
Hindriks, Koen Associate Professor Delft University of Technology Netherlands Academia, Industry
Martin, Francisco Co-founder and CEO BigML, Inc Spain Industry
Kocsis, Otilia Managing Director SC BOK Technologies & Solutions SRL Romania Industry
Latkowski, Rafal Director of Data & Technology, Lecturer LoyaltyPartner/emnos Poland Industry
Levacher, Killian Research Scientist IBM Research Ireland Ireland Industry
Manzini, Alberto Data Scientist Energy Way Italy Industry

AI*IA member

Monette, Jean-Noël Software developer Tacton Systems AB Sweden Industry
Neukart, Florian Principal Scientist / Assistant Professor Volkswagen Group Region Americas, University of Leiden Netherlands Academia, Industry
Przewozniczek, Michal Assistant Professor Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Poland Academia, Industry
Veldsink, Jan Lecturer Professor Rabobank, Nyenrode Business University Netherlands Industry

Head of AI and Cognitive computing in Rabobank Compliance

Vitulano, Felice Innovation Manager Exprivia SPA Italy Industry
Ziafati, Pouyan Co-Founder and CEO / Research fellow LuxAI / University of Luxembourg Luxembourg Academia, Industry
Prenger, Tjeerd Entrepreneur AI enthusiast Italy Industry, Other
van der Putten, Peter WW Director Decisioning Solutions & Assistant Professor Pegasystems & Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry
van den Broek, Egon L. Assistant Professor Utrecht University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Schmeier, Sven Associate Head Company Germany Industry
Basadonne, Alessia PhD candidate (Executive) University of Pavia Italy Academia, Industry
Montmirail, Valentin PhD Student CRIL, CNRS and Artois University France Academia, Industry
van Hoof, Charel Ir, MBA/MBI, Sr. VP VC Netherlands Industry
Mohr, Florian Team Leader Research Center Germany Academia, Industry
Gogas, Periklis Associate Professor Democritus University of Thrace Greece Academia, Industry

Department of Economics

Körber, Nils MMI Germany Industry
Biraghi, Riccardo Software Engineer IBM Italy Industry
Oliver, Nuria Director of Research in Data Science & Chief Data Scientist Company and NGO Spain Industry, Other

Expertise Statistical Machine Learning
Human Behavior modeling from data
Interactive, intelligent systems
Computational Social Sciences
ACM Fellow
IEEE Fellow
EuroAI Fellow
Academic of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering
Spokesperson and member of the Panel of Experts for the Spanish Government on AI and Big Data

Kapidis, Georgios Greece Academia, Industry
Zayed, Mohamed Senior Research and Development Engineer Jouve France Industry
Martin, Pompéry Philipps-Universität Marburg Germany Industry
Moura, Paulo Researcher INESC TEC Portugal Academia, Industry

PhD in Logic Programming. Creator of the Logtalk programming language.

Volz, Raphael Professor Pforzheim University Germany Academia, Industry
Marcel, Burggraf Integration and Operations Architect Dimension Data AG&Co.KG Germany Industry

As a kind of Consultant I´m used to identify technology solutions which improve my clients business outcome to automate or optimize operational services (not only technical). This starts from a technical analysis and ends with the conception, coordinating the implementation of the services, train the teams or to build new teams.

van Remortel, Piet Dr. MDCPartners Belgium Industry
Mulder, Tom Lead Data Scientist Wehkamp Netherlands Industry
Varanasi, Kiran Researcher DFKI Germany Industry
de Jong, Youri Product Manager KLM – Royal Dutch Airlines Netherlands Academia, Industry

I am interested in opening up research possibilities for students/researchers into the use of machine learning in highly operations driven environments (in this case airline operations)

Shoaib, Muhammad AI specialist Kaios Netherlands Academia, Industry
Massimiliano, Ruocco Associate Professor Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Academia, Industry

Senior Research Scientist, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Telenor

Elbert, Fliek AI Solutions Lead Kaios Netherlands Industry
Robino, Giorgio software engineer UNIGE/CNR Italy Academia, Industry

I created first italian conference about conversational computing. I manage now, the italian chatbot community blog. I’m interested in general in Conversational AI.

Timmer, Sander Healthcare Industry Solutions Manager for AI Microsoft Belgium Industry
Heesen, Robert Director Product Comapny Germany Industry

Company specialized in applied AI in language and image processing

de Vries, Gerben Applied Scientist Wizenoze Netherlands Academia, Industry
Alfieri, Claudio Arthur Partner Machine Learning Reply Italy Industry
van Rijn, Flip Netherlands Academia, Industry

Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence and Master degree in Artificial Intelligence with the specialisation in robotics.
Interests in computer vision.

Besold, Tarek R. AI Lead @ Alpha Health Telefonica Innovation Alpha Spain Industry

Interests/areas of expertise: Cognitive systems; explainable AI, computational creativity.

Groen, Roland Chief Innovation Officer Company Netherlands Industry
Papahristou, Nikolaos University of Macedonia, Greek Ministry of Education Greece Academia, Industry
Desain, Peter Full Professor of AI Radboud University and MindAffect Netherlands Academia, Industry

Brain Computer Interfaces

Bauer, Klaus Head of Basic Technology Development TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co.Kg Germany Industry
Schreurs, Ruben CEO Company | Digital Decisions Netherlands Industry

AI in Digital Marketing, Data Management, Deep-Learning applications.

Fages, Jean-Guillaume Co-founder COSLING France Industry

Constraint Programming Expert
Choco Solver co-administrator
ACP Doctoral Research Award
AFIA Doctoral Research Award

Tax, Niek PhD candidate Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands Academia, Industry
Mc Garvey, John Strategic Partnerships, Senior Manager Infectious Media United Kingdom Industry
Menz, Andreas Specialist for software rollout Germany Industry

Huge interest in deep and machine learning. Professional experience in neuronal nets and interaction with mass data in the automotive sector. German Diplom degree in business informatics in Karlsruhe (HSKA).

MENAKIEV, Preslav Business Analyst Luxembourg Industry
Vovkanics, Ivan Data Scientist UNIQA Austria Industry
Wind, Roland Software Architect Company Austria Industry
Hill, Jon University of Edinburgh Germany Industry
Reichenberger, Volker Professor University Germany Academia, Industry
Seiffert, Ulrich game designer ++ gameus!de Germany Industry, Other

KI is part of (single player) games all the time.
Neuronal networks and genetic programming are new ways to enhance games (and other applications).

NN, OLAP, GAME-KI, System Integration (big data integration)

Ullrich, Simon Head of Research Company: Naissance Capital Switzerland Industry
Solak, Imdat CTO Company Germany Industry

Areas of interest: Practical AI with European Values!

Richter, Sebastian Co-Founder Coral Innovation Germany Industry

Develop, trained, optimized and deployed a text mining system which recommends content based on technical interests for innovation managers, CEOs and technical staff in general.

Freebody, Dr. King Owner, Entrepreneur Independent Consultant, Automobile Industry Germany Industry

Ph.D-Thesis: „Prediction of the energy yield of wind turbines using probalistic neural networks“, 2003

de Greeff, Joachim COO Interactive Robotics Netherlands Academia, Industry
Eber, Rene Student RWTH Aachen Germany Academia, Industry
ten Have, Herbert CEO Fizyr B.V. Netherlands Industry

Deep learning for vision guided robotics. Double winner ot the Amazon Picking Challenge.

Zandvliet, Martijn Lead Programmer / R&D Ramjet Anvil Netherlands Academia, Industry

I work as a data scientist and research and development lead in a small startup that develops natural language processing tools. Other than that I am a scholar with interest in machine learning, theoretical physics, and mathematics.

As an EU citizen I am concerned not just with the EU falling behind in the field of AI, but also with the fact that policy makers don’t seem to know much about it at all. Through efforts like CLAIRE I hope that the EU can increase its competitive edge, and ensure that policy makers (and EU citizens in general) are educated on the increasing effects of AI on the future course of our continent.

Deecke, Christopher Germany Academia, Industry
Liebegott, Mike CEO Futureworxx Germany Industry
Esper, Ian Principal Software Engineer / M.Sc Defense Engineering Meddit Brazil Academia, Industry
de Gea Fernandez, Jose Team Leader DFKI Robotics Innovation Center Germany Academia, Industry

José de Gea Fernández, born in 1976, received his M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering (2002) from the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), Spain and his PhD in Robotics (2011) from the University of Bremen, Germany. Between 2003 and 2009 he was a Researcher at the Robotics Group of the University of Bremen. Since 2009 he is working at the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) of DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in Bremen. There, from 2011 to 2013 he acted as Deputy Head of the Department for „Mobility and Manipulation“. Currently, he is Senior Researcher and the Head of the Team „Robot Control“. He has co-authored over 40 scientific publications and has been involved in different German national (BMBF, DFG, BMWi, DLR) and European projects (EU, ESA) in several areas within his research in robotic manipulation. He led the DFKI team in the German project SemProm, which specified the software / hardware characteristics and designed the control strategies for the humanoid robot AILA. He acted as project leader of the DFKI contributions in the EU Project Robofoot and led the four-year project BesMan (Behaviors for Mobile Manipulation), funded by BMWi (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) and DLR (German Space Agency). His main research area is on mobile manipulation, basically interested on control concepts to perform complex manipulation actions in unstructured and dynamically changing environments. He is also active in the area of safe human-robot collaboration, currently leading the European project FourByThree in which DFKI RIC develops new series-elastic actuators to create safer industrial robot manipulators. Moreover, he led the cooperation project iMRK with Volkswagen in which a novel safe and intuitive dual-arm robotic system was developed for human-robot collaboration in production scenarios. Currently, he leads the DFKI RIC contributions in the project HyBr-iT (funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research – BMBF) in the area of human-robot collaboration which includes important industrial participation.

Rouvoet, Lars Netherlands Academia, Industry

Highly interested in AI

Diez-Olivan, Alberto Senior Data Scientist, PhD TECNALIA Research & Innovation Spain Academia, Industry

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to be added as a supporter of the CLAIRE vision document on behalf of TECNALIA Research & Innovation.
TECNALIA Research & Innovation ( is a private, independent, non profit applied research centre of international excellence. Legally a Foundation, TECNLIA is the leading private and independent research and technology organisation in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. The main goal is to transform knowledge into GDP, meaning wealth to improve people’s quality of life by generating business opportunities for industry. TECNALIA is committed to generate major impacts in economic terms, by means of innovation and technological development, addressed by 7 business divisions, covering economic sectors of Energy, Industry, Transportation, Construction, Health and ICT. TECNALIA is a key agent in the ERA (European Research Area) and it also actively participates in the governing bodies of several European Technology Platforms and partners. TECNALIA is a member of EARTO and of EUROTECH, linking together the most important research centres in Europe. This research network represents an excellent opportunity to provide a deep knowledge of future trends in society and technology to the group on AI. TECNALIA has been granted over 250 patents and promoted more than 30 spin-off companies, which highlights the knowledge-to-application-oriented activity in which I have developed my research activity.
I have more than 10 years experience in research activities related to AI paradigms at TECNALIA, which includes working in both national and international (EU funded) projects and targeting different application sectors such as maritime, renewable energy, railway, agro-food, civil structures and machine-tool. My research activity is focused on data science, transforming the intelligent analysis of information in competitive advantage for society, from imagination and innovation to real, sustainable impact. I also have an interdisciplinary training in engineering and computing, with strong quantitative skills. The ability to work in a team, a strong work ethic and problem solving skills are some of my strengths. Therefore, I strongly believe I can contribute to the CLAIRE vision document.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Alberto Diez-Olivan.

Wilken, Pierre Jack Softwaredeveloper Germany Academia, Industry
Donini, Michele Applied Scientist II Amazon United States Academia, Industry
Patz, Matthias Vice President Innovation & New Ventures Deutsche Bahn Germany Industry

At DB Systel (digital partner of Deutsche Bahn) we are developing AI-enabled service (eg audio & video analytics, as well as predictive analytics) for travel & transport domaine.

Fabrizio, Magugliani Strategic Planning E4 Computer Engineering SpA Italy Industry

Consulting with key customers to define the road map and market positioning for the AI/ML/DL products and services of E4 Computer Engineering. Identifying start-ups and innovative thinkers for potential partnerships and collaborations. Identifying, driving, developing & supporting opportunities for E4 Computer Engineering’s products and solutions in the AI/ML/DL space.

Verberckmoes, Olivier Belgium Academia, Industry
Merkwirth, Christian ML Engineer Nauto Poland Academia, Industry
Reh, Fabian Business Analyst Germany Industry
Herpson, Cédric Associate Professor Sorbonne Université, LIP6 France Academia, Industry
Schenk, Willem Executive Assistant to the Dean of Hybrid Design Studies Parsons School of Design United States Academia, Industry
Edelkoort, Lidewij trend forecaster Trend Union France Industry
Elakehal, Emad Eldeen MD ibiidi ltd United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Kapitan, Daniel Chief Data Scientist Mediquest Netherlands Academia, Industry

PhD in Physics
Practicing data scientist in healthcare
Interested in establishing open, safe, auditable and understandable AI for public good

Metzke, Tobias Head of Legal & Compliance Mandaris AG Switzerland Industry
De Coninck, Sven Ceo Belgium Industry, Other
Espericueta, Rafael Computer Science PhD Student (focusing on machine learning) University of California, Santa Cruz United States Academia, Industry

n computer vis/*mM

van der Beek, Timmo CTO Laboratoire Laser Afrique Netherlands Academia, Industry
Misur, Marin Ph.D Croatia Academia, Industry
Schneider, Lukas B.Sc. Germany Academia, Industry
Chennamkara, Suresh Client Services Specialist Fitch Solitions Germany Industry
Melis, Frank CEO Industry Netherlands Industry supports local economies with KeyBattleFramework to ignite economic opportunities to mobilize all talents and assets by winning a number of selected ‘key battles’. We digest all the data collected in the network in CockpitWork (big data analysis tool) to generate meaningful information for all stakeholders including policy makers in public sector. We develop new AI and ML techniques to serve policy makers in Europe.

Emmanouil, Patavos Senior Director FTI Consulting Belgium Industry
Murphy, Maximillian Switzerland Academia, Industry

I have a PhD in pure mathematics and have over a decade of experience in working with datasets over 1 Tb. I am now working on feature extraction from very small datasets, which is very different!

Boeni, Michael Chairman & CEO Blackzendo AG Switzerland Academia, Industry
Feusi, Michael Business Analyst Swisscom Switzerland Industry
Zeidler, Philip Germany Industry
Köther, Ulf CEO KRT Medical Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Germany Industry
Pirig, Claudia Consultant Germany Industry
Dhar, Prajit PhD/Scientific Researcher Leiden University India Academia, Industry
de Wendt, Markus CEO Open Logic Systems GmbH&Co.KG Germany Academia, Industry

diploma in computer science. For more than 20 years working with data driven methods like AI.

Lex, Knape Chief Data Science Officer Data Analytics Netherlands Academia, Industry
Frick, Nicholas Teamleader Germany Industry
Mikhaylovskiy, Nikolay CEO NTR Lab Russia Industry
Guth, Michael Technology Transfer Organization Germany Industry, Other

Managin SME network on artificial intelligence for machine building and production

Adranale, Deyaa Senior Data Scientist CEP Group Germany Industry
van der Spek, Thierry Leiden University, LIACS Netherlands Academia, Industry
Portmann, Edy Swiss Post Professor of Computer Science University of Fribourg Switzerland Academia, Industry
Yali, Wang PhD candidate Leiden University China Academia, Industry
Haemmerl, Norbert Software development, data science leadership GWVS mbH Germany Academia, Industry

Applied data science with machine learning, neural networks, genetic algorithms

Azevedo, Carlos Experienced Researcher in IoT Technologies Ericsson Research Sweden Academia, Industry

Distributed machine intelligence, multi-objective optimization, decision-making under uncertainty, flexible machine learning.

Maurice, Kügler Investment Manager High-Tech Gründerfonds Germany Academia, Industry

As a representative from Germanys biggest seed venture capital fund I am interested in supporting the AI research initiative (not only) from an ivestors perspective

Haarich, Max Ambassador to Munich Republic of Užupis Germany Academia, Industry, Other

We foster cooperations between arts and tech to create innovations that are more inspired and more human-centered – especially for disruptive technologies like AI, AR/VR, robotics and biohacking.

Our embassy’s honorary consul Roboy ( is the world’s first artificially intelligent diplomat.

Verhoef, Wilco Student Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Pritz, Torsten Delivery Manager Germany Industry
Thiele, Thomas Expert for Artificial Intelligence Deutsche Bahn Germany Academia, Industry

AI Expert @ Deutsche Bahn with a research background from RWTH Aachen University (Cybernetics Lab/Information Management in Mechanical Engineering)

Winterer, Thorsten PhD, Team Lead Optimization flexis AG Germany Industry

member of ACM, GI, GOR

Kaplan, Frederic Professor EPFL Switzerland Academia, Industry
Steinmann, Rolf Switzerland Industry
Widmer, Tobias CTO Onedot Switzerland Academia, Industry

„Big Data is not the new oil: small and messy data, properly refined, is the new fuel.“

Technology entrepreneur with over 15 years of professional experience, software engineering, software architecture to project management, data management, product development, business operations, business strategy and entrepreneurship.

Currently Co-Founder and CTO at Onedot, an AI-powered data preparation company in Zürich, Switzerland. I head product development, technical recruiting, IT strategy and IT architecture from front to back and coach our exceptionally talented team to excel at what they do.

Tverdyshev, Sergey Germany Academia, Industry
De Cat, Broes Senior product analyst OM Partners Belgium Academia, Industry
De Kock, P. Director Jheronimus Academy of Data Science Netherlands Academia, Industry
Ornek, Evin Pinar Master’s Student TU Munich Turkey Academia, Industry
Simonsen, Kristian Munter Master student OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University Norway Academia, Industry
van Zoelen, Emma Graduating MSc Student AI Utrecht University & TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry

Currently working on Human-Agent Teaming

Vandersleyen, Joachim Manager Software Engineering AISIN Belgium Industry

Background: computer science
Day to day: lead a team of data scientists and software engineers in the domain of mobility
Affiliations : IEEE, ACM, ITS, ERTICO

Saglik, Tolga Masters Student University of Luxembourg Luxembourg Academia, Industry
Hartenstein, Mark MSc. Student Imperial College London Germany Academia, Industry

Engineer in industrial AI project, soon master’s student of machine learning.

Ustun, Ceyda Phd student CEU Hungary Academia, Industry
Nguembang Fadja, Arnaud University of Ferrara Italy Academia, Industry
Lukasson-Herzig, Anna CEO NYRIS GmbH Germany Industry

nyris is a visual search engine, our tech is leading in terms of speed and scalability.

Eldesouky, Bahaa Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Germany Academia, Industry
Krennwallner, Thomas Austria Academia, Industry
Kröchert, Maria engineer Germany Industry
Loeckx, Johan Lab manager Artificial Intelligence Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium Academia, Industry
Defferrard, Michaël PhD student EPFL Switzerland Academia, Industry
Rethmeier, Nils Researcher DFKI Germany Academia, Industry

Working on practical AI solutions since 2010.
PhD student at DFKI working on Unsupervised Learning, Machine Teaching, Reinforcement Learning and model interpretability for Common Sense Understanding.

Erdogan, Emre PhD Student Bogazici University Turkey Academia, Industry
Maus, Heiko Head of Topic Area Knowledge Work at DFKI / Dr. German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Germany Academia, Industry

Semantic Technologies, Organizational Memory, Semantic Desktop, Context, Knowledge Work, Personal Information Management

Vercauteren, Mathias Founder One Data Partner Belgium Industry
Luppes, Jeffrey Master Student, Machine Learning Engineer iCIS Radboud University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Herbig, Nico Researcher / PhD student German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus Germany Academia, Industry
Meertens, Quinten PhD student LIACS, Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Kefalas, Marios PhD candidate Leiden University Greece Academia, Industry
Dr. Bernardi, Ansgar Principal Researcher DFKI GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Angelo, Basile Master Student University of Groningen Italy Academia, Industry
Ieva, Carlo Senior Research Engineer Simula Research Laboratory Norway Academia, Industry
Cetoli, Alberto Research Engineer Context Scout Italy Industry
Keshavarzi, Alireza Master Student University of Tubingen Germany Academia, Industry
van Stein, Bas PostDoc University of Leiden Netherlands Academia, Industry
Pavlidis, Pavlos Student University Greece Academia, Industry
Porwoll, Martin Germany Industry, Other
Colombo, Michele Master Student; Machine Learning Engineer University of Pisa; BioBeats Group Ltd Italy Academia, Industry
Esen, Sercan Senior Software Developer & MSc Computer Engineering Sony & Bogazici University Turkey Industry
van den Berg, Jelle Student University of Leiden Netherlands Academia, Industry
Leysen, Christiaan CEO & Co Founder Overture Belgium Academia, Industry
Erden, Berna MS student Bogazici University Turkey Academia, Industry
de Winter, Roy Master student University of Leiden Netherlands Academia, Industry
Gario, Marco Senior Research Scientist Siemens Corporation United States Academia, Industry
Wieland, Fabian Scrum Master Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall Germany Industry, Other
Sadler, Philipp M.Sc. Cognitive Systems University of Potsdam Germany Academia, Industry
Bruinsma, Nick CEO Pixelbluemedia Netherlands Industry
Berger, Armin CEO 3pc GmbH Neue Kommunikation Germany Industry
Kupnik, Samo B.Sc. Bionic Engineering Student Slovenia Industry

As one of first graduate Engineer of Bionics in Slovenia looking forward to work with A.I. in industry as well in research for development of new production methods and environmental solutions in nanobionic sphere.

Pham, Vu Dual-Student Hamburg School of Business Administration Germany Academia, Industry

Machine Learning Nanodegree,
Interests in Deep Learning, Capsule Networks.

Immer, Alexander MSc Student EPFL Switzerland Academia, Industry
Confalonieri, Roberto Assistant Professor Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Italy Academia, Industry
Serra, Joan Researcher Telefonica Research Spain Industry
Kampffmeyer, Ulrich Managing Director PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung GmbH Germany Academia, Industry, Other Curriculum, Publications, Awards, Fellowships

Babelotzky, Wilfried Germany Industry
Jimenez, Luis Project Manager GPOMCT Mexico Industry
Grefenstette, Gregory Chief Science Officer Biggerpan France Academia, Industry

natural language processing, information retrieval

Pals, Hugo Netherlands Industry
Müller, Johann Dipl. Ing Engeneer Germany Academia, Industry
Lopez-Sanchez, Maite Phd. Associate Professor or Tenured University Lecturer/Professor Universitat de Barcelona Spain Academia, Industry

Areas of interest/expertise: Multi-Agent Systems, Ethical issues.

Sindhya, Karthik Cofounder, Chief business development officer FINNOPT Ltd. Finland Industry

Cofounder, consultant of FINNOPT providing technology solutions in the area of computational intelligence to global companies. Also, docent of the Faculty of IT, University of Jyväskylä Finland


55 rue de Mareil 78100 SAINT GERMAIN EN LAYE FRANCE

Hod, Shlomi Student in Cognitive Systems Master Program Potsdam University Israel Academia, Industry
Steiner, Ralf Inventor+Founder IPCentury Project IPCentury Holding Germany Industry

IPCentury is an AI-based search and analysis tool for technical developments (patents). The huge (>10^7 nodes) AI-network is mapped (in a special way) on a Hilbert-space to effectively run the analysis.
Note for more.

Wansink, Bob Msc Student Universiteit Leiden Netherlands Academia, Industry
Macho González, Santiago Head of the R&D department SENSEDI Spain Academia, Industry
Saget, Sylvie University of Gothenburg Sweden Academia, Industry, Other
Bischof, Stefan Research Scientist Siemens Corporate Technology Austria Industry
Moyse, Gilles CEO reciTAL France Academia, Industry
Compagnon, Paul PhD student LIRIS/INSA Lyon – Orange Labs France Academia, Industry

deep learning

Ruijter, Sander Master Student University of Leiden Netherlands Academia, Industry
Rane, Roshan Prakash Masters in Cognitive Systems University of Potsdam India Academia, Industry
Lőrincz, András Senior Researcher Eötvös Loránd University Hungary Academia, Industry

Application of Explainable AI (XAI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in diverse fields

Collet, Christopher Germany Industry
Prévoteaux, Simon Data Scientist Thales France Industry
Aryan, Abi Researcher Delegano United States Industry
El Mernissi, Karim Ph.d. in AI Sorbonne University France Academia, Industry
Lercher, Alexander Student Alpen-Adria-Universität Austria Academia, Industry
Karatsin, Ilias Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Academia, Industry, Other

Neapoli, Madytou 34

Correia, Paulo Ms Student Faculdade Ciencias UL Portugal Academia, Industry


Shafi, Jawad Assistant professor COMSATS Univeristy Islamabad, Lahore Campus. Pakistan Academia, Industry
Mulayim, Mehmet Oguz PhD student IIIA-CSIC Spain Academia, Industry

Conducting research primarily on Machine Learning for Healthcare; Case-Based Reasoning; Introspective Reasoning.

Le Goc, Marc Full Professor Université Aix-Marseille France Academia, Industry
Bozo, Merve Software Engineer Istanbul Technical University Turkey Academia, Industry
Dimassi, Mouhamad CEO company France Academia, Industry
Kovacs, Peter None None Slovakia Industry, Other
Fuchs, Philipp Bachelor Electrical Engineering TU München, Infineon Germany Academia, Industry
Koeman, Vincent PhD candidate Delft University of Technology Netherlands Academia, Industry
Beerepoot, Iris PhD researcher VU Amsterdam Netherlands Academia, Industry
Stampfli, Marc Company Switzerland Academia, Industry
Formolo, Daniel software eng. and phd student vu universiteit amsterdam Netherlands Academia, Industry

De Boelelaan 1081
Room T3.18 – Sciences Building

Mazurkevich, Alehander Founder Transfer Money Technologies s.r.o. Czech Republic Academia, Industry


my and our company would like to offer our team to develop AL, and all new technologies.

Inform me what we need to do thanks.
Transfer Money Technologies s.r.o.

Lefèvre, Lucas Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium Industry
Gómez Maureira, Marcello A. PhD Candidate LIACS, Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Martinel, Niki Assistant Professor University of Udine Italy Academia, Industry
Platter, Frederik Florian Student Universität Klagenfurt Italy Academia, Industry
Calimeri, Francesco University of Calabria Italy Academia, Industry, Other
Dahl, Veronica Professor (Emeritus) Simon Fraser University Canada Academia, Industry, Other

Areas: very interested in Responsible AI (co-applicant of one such proposal), particularly in interface with legal aspects. Other strong areas of research: computational linguistic, grammatical inference for indigenous, under sourced languages, logic programming (one of the 15 founders), computational molecular biology, constraint based reasoning (CHR), knowledge bases, responsible AI.
Awards include: Chair of Excellence Award from the European Commission (2008-2011), for my work on Constraint Solving and Language Processing for Bioinformatics. See other awards at

Barge, Alexander CTO compaio Germany Industry
Meisgen, Frank Dr. Vodafone GmbH Germany Industry

Head of Big Data Technology Germany

Bahar, Kazim CEO AISOMA AG Germany Industry
Ballester, Guifré Master of Data Science UPC Spain Industry
Galajda, Martin Student, programmer Masaryk university Slovakia Academia, Industry
Traeger, Manfred Director I.R.I.S. AG Germany Academia, Industry
Garcia de Guindos, Iciar graded Psicology + student IT Uned Spain Academia, Industry
Carles, Jose L. Student UNED Spain Academia, Industry
Piatov, Danila Researcher Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Italy Academia, Industry
Fredriksson, Einar Director Ios Press B.V. Netherlands Industry
Rienstra, Tjitze Researcher Koblenz University Germany Academia, Industry
Toda, Aleix Student UPC Spain Academia, Industry
Gomez-Espinoza Martin, Roberto CTO Spain Academia, Industry

Roberto Gómez-Espinosa holds an Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering Master Degree from Polytechnic University of Madrid and several specializations in artificial intelligence technologies: „Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng (Stanford CS230 Course)“, „Deep Learning NanoDegree by Udacity“, „Self Driving Car Engineer by Udacity“, „Professional Program Certificate in Data Science by Microsoft“, “Machine Learning Specialization by the University of Washington,” „Big Data Specialization by University of California San Diego“ , “Machine Learning by Stanford Online University”.

Chamorro Martinez, Jorge Andres MSc. Student focused in Deep Learning Ponthficial University of Rio de Janeiro Colombia Academia, Industry
Castellor, Roberto Spain Industry
Stavseng, Gry Helene Project manager OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University Norway Academia, Industry, Other
Stiegler, Fabian Developer AAU Klaugenfurt, OpenText Austria Academia, Industry
Houben, Marco Student Company/ university Netherlands Industry
Junker, Ulrich France Academia, Industry

Interests: preference handling and explanation generation. Chair of a working group on advances in preference handling.

Seeberg, Peter business development manager Germany Industry
Montoya, Rafa Researcher UNED Spain Academia, Industry
Schober, Fabian Student Universität Klagenfurt Austria Academia, Industry
Lamerichs, Geert Msc economics, quantum computing business analyst Tilburg university, Accenture Netherlands Industry

I’m analyzing the market potential of Quantum Computing, which has some strong affeliations with AI. I believe it is benificial for the EU to fund this industry more, since running behind means losing the race for a more resiliant society to other countries which are heavily investing.

Fumeo, Emanuele Value Advisor Associate SAP Italy S.p.A. Italy Academia, Industry
Caseau, Yves President of ICT Commission National Academy of Technologies of France France Academia, Industry

Michelin Group CIO
Scientific council for INRIA and IRT System X
Lead scientist / dev for Knomee

Del Verme, Manuel MSc Sapieniza Univeristy of Rome Italy Academia, Industry
Zouganeli, Evi Associate Professor OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University Norway Academia, Industry
Štepec, Dejan Software Developer XLAB d.o.o Slovenia Academia, Industry
Gonzalez Rocha, Sergio Natan Full Time Professor Universidad Veracruzana Mexico Academia, Industry
Hernández, Félix Associate Professor UNEX Spain Academia, Industry
Ferrario, Andrea University of Udine Italy Academia, Industry
Fischer, Tim Apprentice Bank Vontobel AG Switzerland Industry

I am intending to obtain my Master Degree in Data Science

Gaimari, Giancarlo Technical Partner RINA Consulting Italy Industry
Fuchs, Maximilian Student TU Darmstadt Germany Academia, Industry
Aguilar Sotos, Ares Student UNED Spain Academia, Industry
Rosendahl, Ann-Marie CEO AR Digital Verksamhetsutveckling AB Sweden Industry
Graf, Benjamin Software Architect / Data Scientist SAP SE Germany Industry
Hussing, Marcel Student TU Darmstadt Germany Academia, Industry
Philonenko, Laurent SVP, Innovation Avaya United States Industry

AI is going to transform numerous industries, including communications and contact centers. I am involved and driving leading AI projects.

Kukkonen, Kaisa PhD student Turku School of Economics Finland Academia, Industry
Meusel, Robert Head of Data Science – Digital Connected Assets SAP SE Germany Industry
Rosa, Juan Luis UPC Barcelona Spain Industry
Basar, Erkanb PhD Candidate Radboud University Netherlands Academia, Industry

Previously, I have studied Artificial Intelligence Master Programme at Radboud University as a member of Radboud Scholarship Programme. During my master studies, I was working in FloodTags[1] as a part-time developer as well. Currently, I continue my studies as a PhD student at Radboud University and continue working as a computational linguist in the same company. Thus, I have experience in working with artificial intelligence technology both in academia and in private sector.


Veldhuis, Ton director Company + PublicPrivatePartnerships Netherlands Industry
De Caigny, Arno PhD Candidate IESEG School of Management Belgium Academia, Industry
Karpova, Liubov Student University Potsdam Germany Academia, Industry
Kada, Prasad Consultant Capgemini Sweden Industry
Kalfoglou, Yannis AI Strategist Samsung Research United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Samsung R&D Institut

Ruder, Sebastian PhD student National University of Galway, Ireland Ireland Academia, Industry

Natural language processing

Jilek, Christian DFKI GmbH & TU Kaiserslautern Germany Academia, Industry
Schröder, Markus DFKI GmbH, TU Kaiserslautern Germany Academia, Industry
Tsamardinos, Ioannis Professor University of Crete Greece Academia, Industry
Kuijpers, Roelof Netherlands Industry
Garcia Frey, Alfonso CEO YOTAKO S.A. Luxembourg Academia, Industry
Rahimli, Kanan Ms Student Sapienza Azerbaijan Industry

I do independent researches on integrating AI technology with Medical Systems.

Kirtsoudis, Dimitris Student Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Academia, Industry
Durodola, Lola Ololade Manager HSBC United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Artificial Intelligence ethics; Artificial Intelligence in financial institutions; focus on employee surveillance. Coined #AIFearFactor. See paper at

Rodríguez, Abián Student, Computer Science Degree Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Spain Academia, Industry
Fernandes de Oliveira, Rafael CTO Curiosity GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Haya, Pablo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain Academia, Industry
Romeijn, Marc Machine Learning Engineer Spotify Netherlands Industry
Kottapalli, Jayshree Global Head of Ai and Analytics Vodafone United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Martinez Palenzuela, Yaser Senior Data Scientist Deustche Telekom Germany Academia, Industry
Kirkedal, Andreas Senior speech research scientist Interactions LLC Denmark Academia, Industry

NLP and speech technology

Hera, Andrei Software Engineer Continental Automotive Romania Academia, Industry
Perret, Jérémy R&D Engineer Hubware France Academia, Industry

PhD in AI, Natural Language Processing.

Penkov, Svetlin The Univeristy of Edinburgh United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Ramisa, Arnau Research scientist Wide Eyes Technologies Spain Academia, Industry
Wasik, Szymon Assistant Professor Poznan University of Technology Poland Academia, Industry
Anil, Mehmet Ali Director Grus BV Netherlands Industry

Biological neural netwirk sims,HW implementations, accelerator chips

Herremans, Dorien Assistant Professor Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore Academia, Industry

– Marie-Curie Individual Fellow for Experienced Researchers (completed, QMUL, London)

– Current position, lab leader in Singapore, but would like to be affiliated with Europe AI movement.

– Senior member IEEE

Purohit, Ashwin Germany Industry
Ahmed Bem, Ajaz Board University United Kingdom Industry
Persidis, Andreas CEO/Dr Biovista Greece Industry
Acar, Ayşe Student İstanbul Bilgi University Turkey Academia, Industry
Orteg-Mier, Miguel Head of Department Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Spain Academia, Industry
Roca, Carlos Student UNED SPAIN Spain Academia, Industry
Rúbio, Thiago Researcher / PhD Student LIACC / Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto Portugal Academia, Industry
Bergmann, Urs Research Lead Zalando Research, Zalando SE Germany Industry
St-Jean, Richard VP Terraform power Canada Industry
Chaves, Pedro Web Developer Coordinator Portugal Academia, Industry
Bartoletti, Ivana Head of Privacy and Data Protection Gemserv United Kingdom Industry
Buchheister, Sandra Portfolio Manager AI DB Systel GmbH Germany Industry
Giannakopoulos, George Research Fellow (Demokritos) and CTO (SciFY) NCSR „Demokritos“ and SciFY PNPC Greece Academia, Industry
Lamballais Tessensohn, Tim Junior Scientist TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry
Sánchez, Katia Spain Industry, Other
Bonenkamp, Koen Co founde Bloqhouse Netherlands Industry
Redlhammer, Ekkehard CEO DYNAXITY (company) Austria Academia, Industry
Roberge-Mentec, Tristan Knowledge Transfer Officer CERN France Academia, Industry
Fichte, Johannes PostDoc TU Dresden Germany Academia, Industry
Manieri, Andrea Project/Proposal Manager Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa Italy Industry
Kraume, Karsten CIO Bertelsmann / Arvato Germany Academia, Industry

The ERCIS Omni-Channel Lab, at the University of Münster, is a partnership between ERCIS and Arvato CRM Solutions. The Lab combines the academic research and teaching activities of ERCIS and Arvato’s practical experience of delivering tech-enabled Omni-Channel CRM solutions from 110 global locations for many of the world’s best-known brands. Its areas of investigation focus around ‘Processes’, ‘Data’ and ‘Analytics’. The ERCIS network, is an international and inter-disciplinary network of universities and individual researchers in the field of Information Systems. Close collaboration with industry, in terms of an Advisory Board, ensures the practical relevance of ERCIS research and delivers inspiration for innovative research ideas. For more information, including publications, please go to

Cayrol, Raphael Public Relations Officer Wizata Belgium Industry
Cuadra, Renzo Student University of Groningen Netherlands Industry
Di Gaspero, Luca Associate Professor of Information Technology Università degli Studi di Udine Italy Academia, Industry
Belloli, Michele Student University Italy Academia, Industry
Bernal Segura, Jorge Student UNED Spain Academia, Industry
Raso, Rocco Researcher German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Germany Industry
Lecue, Freddy Research Manager Accenture Labs Ireland Academia, Industry
Nowaczyk, Slawomir Associate Professor Halmstad University Sweden Academia, Industry
Meise, Volker CEO / Geschäftsführer Linkfluence Germany GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

We use AI in our software suite for social listening (called Radarly and Search), developed by our HQ in Paris. Happy to showcase if helpful.

Avdic, Edo UX Designer Sweden Academia, Industry
van Breemen, Albert Founder Netherlands Academia, Industry
Verbeke, Mathias Senior expert data innovation Industrial Research Centre Belgium Academia, Industry
Nourani, Cyrus Professor Dr. TU Berlin, SFU, MIT, Singularity Hub, GIITM: Germany and USA Germany Academia, Industry

Berlin Germany. and SF, USA.
Editor EIC: Apple Academic Series on Innovations Management.

Bewley, Alex Dr. United Kingdom Academia, Industry, Other

Formally a postdoc from the University of Oxford, I am an AI specialist for robotics and computer vision. I would like to see CLAIRE and ELLIS become a reality.

Reisner, Manfred System Safety, CEO AVQ GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

Not only for automated driving we are involved in Safety and Qualification topics on AI.

Hecher, Markus Master TU Wien Austria Academia, Industry
Aupetit, Michael Scientist Qatar Computing Research Institute France Academia, Industry

I study how Visual Analytics, Machine Learning, Topological Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence can support human understanding of complex phenomena and decision.

Siebert, Alexander CEO Retresco Germany Academia, Industry
Wagner, Achim Head of Research German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Germany Academia, Industry
Schotten, Hans D. Scientific Director german Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

Chairman of the German Society for Information Technologies (ITG / VDE),
Member of the Supervisory Board of the VDE Group

Pospiech, Alexander Data Scientist inovex GmbH Germany Industry
Gotszling, Luke United States Industry
Kofod-Petersen, Anders Deputy Director, Professor The Alexandra Institute Denmark Academia, Industry
Civin, Damon Principal data scientist Arm United States Academia, Industry
Maier, Andreas Head of Pattern Recognition Lab Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany Academia, Industry

Prof. Dr. Andreas Maier was born on 26th of November 1980 in Erlangen. He studied Computer Science, graduated in 2005, and received his PhD in 2009. From 2005 to 2009 he was working at the Pattern Recognition Lab at the Computer Science Department of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His major research subject was medical signal processing in speech data. In this period, he developed the first online speech intelligibility assessment tool – PEAKS – that has been used to analyze over 4.000 patient and control subjects so far.
From 2009 to 2010, he started working on flat-panel C-arm CT as post-doctoral fellow at the Radiological Sciences Laboratory in the Department of Radiology at the Stanford University. From 2011 to 2012 he joined Siemens Healthcare as innovation project manager and was responsible for reconstruction topics in the Angiography and X-ray business unit.
In 2012, he returned the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg as head of the Medical Reconstruction Group at the Pattern Recognition lab. In 2015 he became professor and head of the Pattern Recognition Lab.

Emec, Soner Program Coordinator Mechatronic System Engineering / Dr.-Ing. Technische Universität Berlin Germany Academia, Industry

Soner Emec received his Dr.-Ing. degree from Berlin Institute of Technology for his work on scalable knowledge discovery in streaming sensor data for fault recognition in machining processes, Germany, in 2016. He studied 2009 Engineering Science (Dipl-Ing. ) with a focus on mechatronics at the Berlin Institute of Technology and system dynamics in Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia. He works as a Research Engineer in the Department of Industrial Automation Technology at the production technology center of Berlin, is responsible for the engineering faculty coordination and the launch of the Bachelor-Master degree program Mechatronic Systems Engineering at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul.

He has experience in the areas of sustainable manufacturing, industrial automation and information technologies, and software development. His current research work is the sustainable integration of artificial intelligence techniques in industrial automation to improv scalable condition monitoring, predictive fault detection and online inspection in manufacturing. His research interests focus on the scalable and real-time pattern recognition on industry process data streams using machine learning as an enabler for advanced services and sustainable value creation.

In the past years, Soner Emec has worked on the cross-European project “Knowledge, Awareness and Prediction of Man, Machine, Material, and Method in Manufacturing” (KAP, WP1, WP10) funded as part of the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU. KAP was a multidisciplinary, industry-supported research initiative with 14 global partners from 8 EU countries, which aimed at developing the next generation ICT technology framework and manufacturing standards to ensure the efficient use of resources through the effective coordination of man, machine, material, and method by an increased intelligence across the automation pyramid.

Köhn, Sebastian Senior Manager Deloitte Germany Germany Academia, Industry
Krawczuk, Igor PhD Student EPFL Switzerland Academia, Industry
Benjelloun Touimi, Abdellatif Senior Standards Manager Huawei Technologies (UK) United Kingdom Industry

I am involved in different AI standardization initiatives, e.g. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 42, ITU-T FG ML for 5G, etc

Loi, Daria Principal Engineer Intel Corporation United States Academia, Industry
Somaraki, Vassiliki CEO & Founder V&V Health Innovations United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Athanasaki, Despina Student The university of Melbourne Greece Academia, Industry
Kayser, Bastian Germany Industry
Bangalore, Srinivas Director of AI Interactions LLC United States Academia, Industry
Yürüten, Onur Data Scientist Evolusys SA Switzerland Academia, Industry
Hartl, Florian Divisional HR Austria Academia, Industry

Graduate in Business Informatics, Strategic position within an international company

Topoleanu, Tudor Sabin R&D Software Engineer Siemens AG Romania Academia, Industry
Galmeanu, Honorius lecturer Transilvania University of Brasov Romania Academia, Industry

* Kernels
* RensorFlow
* DeepLearning
* Statistical Inference

Cataron, Angel Transilvania University of Brasov Romania Academia, Industry
Vögel, Hans-Jörg Manager AI, Cognitive Services and E/E Prototypes BMW Group Research Germany Industry
Gratiot, Arshia Founder Industry United Kingdom Industry

Representing start-up involvement in the design of regulatory enviornment

Turcea, Alexandru MD student; R&D engineer Transilvania University; * Corporation Romania Academia, Industry
Wråli, Christian Student, Master in Knowledge Management Nord University Norway Academia, Industry
Khouas, Leila Research Engineer Bertin-It France Industry
Quesada Real, Francisco José PhD Student University of Edinburgh Spain Academia, Industry
Cappuccio, Roberto CEO BVM S.r.L. Italy Academia, Industry

Areas of interest:
-Machine Learning
-Quantum Computing
-Quantum Computing for Machine Learning

Bolioli, Andrea Research & Innovation Manager CELI – Language Technology Italy Academia, Industry
Wang, Hilary Technical Trainer ABB Singapore Academia, Industry
Nenkova-Aslan, Nadezhda Consultant Austria Industry
Müller, Christian Head of Competence Center Autonomous Driving German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Germany Academia, Industry
Höhn, Sviatlana Research associate (postdoc) University of Luxembourg Germany Academia, Industry, Other
Spindler, Christian CEO TrustIn.AI Switzerland Industry

TrustIn.AI develops products to enable interpretable, transparent and fair AI solutions for organizations. We are happy to become part of the CLAIRE initiative!

Fuentes Hitos, Dunai Spain Industry
Macias-Hernandez, Jose Juan Associate Professor University of La Laguna Spain Academia, Industry
Schluter, Natalie Associate Professor, Head of Data Science IT University of Copenhagen Denmark Academia, Industry
Stoy, Kasper Professor IT University of Copenhagen Denmark Academia, Industry
Johnson, Alexander Junior Adviser (Valuations) PwC Sweden Academia, Industry
Huijsmans, Maarten co-founder WebMonks Belgium Industry
Baier, Patrick Senior Data Scientist Zalando SE Germany Industry
Mañas, Oscar Graduate student / Computer Vision Engineer Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain Academia, Industry
Rupp, Jörg CEO DORUCON DR RUPP CONSULTING Gmbh Germany Industry, Other

network management, innovation management, consulting, project management,, networking, cluster management, subsidies, grants, subventions, horizon 2020, ki, hpc, security, industry, sme, small and mid size companies

Voormanns, Klaus VP Portfolio Management Bertelsmann / Arvato Germany Industry

The ERCIS Omni-Channel Lab, at the University of Münster, is a partnership between ERCIS and Arvato CRM Solutions. The Lab combines the academic research and teaching activities of ERCIS and Arvato’s practical experience of delivering tech-enabled Omni-Channel CRM solutions from 110 global locations for many of the world’s best-known brands. Its areas of investigation focus around ‘Processes’, ‘Data’ and ‘Analytics’. The ERCIS network, is an international and inter-disciplinary network of universities and individual researchers in the field of Information Systems. Close collaboration with industry, in terms of an Advisory Board, ensures the practical relevance of ERCIS research and delivers inspiration for innovative research ideas. For more information, including publications, please go to

GASCON, ALBERTO Head of Advanced Analytics CEPSA Spain Academia, Industry
Rodríguez Parada, Héctor Software Engineer UNED Spain Academia, Industry
Marrow, Paul Researcher Developer – Data Science, Applied Maths Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Chartered IT Professional (UK)
Professional Member, ACM
Inventor, multiple patents pending (1 granted)
Involvement in AI from a biologically-inspired perspective

Gurel, Peretz Israel Industry
belkhir, nacim Research scientist Safran France Academia, Industry
Armbruster, Chris Director Data Science Retreat Germany Academia, Industry

10,000 Data Scientists for Europe
Our mission is finding and empowering new talent as rapidly as possible: 10,000 Data Scientists and Machine Learners capable of designing and producing the data-driven products of the 21st century.

Daae-Qvale, Agathe Norway Industry
Mitchell, George COO / Dr. Realizeit Ltd Ireland Industry
Winter, Robert CEO Elastisys AB Sweden Industry
Diaz-Aviles, Ernesto Co-Founder and CEO Libre AI Ireland Academia, Industry
Katanguri, Prakash Lead Architect Merkle Inc United States Industry
Sjöberg, Per-Olov Chef of Online- and Development Department of Norrmejerier Dairy corporation Norrmejerier Dairy Sweden Industry, Other

Norrmejerier head office and main produktion dairy facility is located in Swedens brand new testing area of 5G, the city of Umea. This will certainly be an opportunity for robotics in industry and society. I am quite concerned about ethics and practical use. My main experience lies in marketing and relevant systems, some front line. I prefer my LinkedIn as a contact way for peers, but have sadly no time for sellers I did not contact first.

Winter, Jos MSc Student Delft University of Technology Netherlands Academia, Industry
Moreu, Enric Research Assistant Insight Centre of Data Analytics Spain Industry
dempsey, pat Strategic Projects Director nui galway Ireland Industry
Auer-Welsbach, Chirstoph Founder City.AI, global applied AI network Netherlands Academia, Industry
Gustavsson, Peter Senior Partner Elpis Partners Sweden Industry
Foy, Stephen Deep learning researcher and Valeo expert Valeo Ireland Industry
De, Sagar Data Scientist Workday Ireland Industry
Knop, Robert Germany Academia, Industry, Other

I’m looking for an education path in the field of AI. I did some online certificates at Udacity and Coursera already, but I would like to learn more (studies/research) and get things into practice (job/consulting).

Hanna, Mina Chair, IEEE-USA AI & Autonomous Systems Policy Committee, Co-Chair Policy Committee of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems IEEE-USA United States Industry
Kofránek, Jiří CEO, owner Creative Connections s.r.o. Czech Republic Academia, Industry

We deal with the research and development of medical simulators and the creation of extensive computer models of the human organism (see and

We work closely with the academic sphere.

CEO and CreativeConnections s.r.o. owner, Jiří Kofránek, is an Associate Professor at the Czech Technical University and also of Charles University.

Jiří Kofránek is the head of the Laboratory of Biocybernetics, Institute of Pathological Physiology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University. U Nemocnice 5, 128 53 Praha 2

Omlin, Christian Professor University of Agder Norway Academia, Industry
Åström, Joakim Artificial Intelligence Lead CGI Sweden Academia, Industry

Keynote speaker, about own experiences of applications of A.I. ( machine learning, deep learning) for industries such as manufacturing, space, utilities/energy, crime fighting/police. Works operative as an IT consultant: data scientist, solution architect

Jakob, Michal Head of AI for Transport and Mobility Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic Academia, Industry
koopmans, hugo Cief Data Science DIKW Intelligence Netherlands Industry
Kun, David CEO Functional Finances Ltd Netherlands Academia, Industry
Radosavljevik, Dejan Lead Data Scientist & Manager Data Science a.i. T-Mobile Netherlands Netherlands Academia, Industry
Farkas, Richárd head of data science BlackSwanData and University of Szeged Hungary Academia, Industry

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Bozic, Bojan Research Fellow Dublin Institute of Technology Ireland Academia, Industry
Rios, Andre Data Scientist Dublin Institute of Technology Ireland Academia, Industry

AI expert

Vallejo, Marta Head of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning ClearSky Medical Diagnosis United Kingdom Academia, Industry

MSc in Artificial Intelligence
PhD in Optimisation and Machine Learning
3 years of postgraduate experience at Heriot-Watt University
Working in the area of AI/Machine Learning/Data analysis focused on healthcare (Neurodegenerative diseases)
More than 15 publications in reputed journals and conferences

Olhofer, Markus Chief Scientist company Germany Industry
Tidemann, Axel Senior research scientist Telenor Research Norway Academia, Industry
Koch, Christian Data Scientist CarDataBank Germany Academia, Industry

At the Moment doing projects in cv centered around car images. Im currently interested in Reinforcement learning and possibilties of putting RL into production.

Sure-Vetter, York Professor Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany Academia, Industry

– also Director at FZI Research Center for Information Technology
– former president of GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences

Lewis, Colin Founder Poland Academia, Industry

By working closely with scientists and leading thinkers from multi-disciplines, the founders of the AGI Sentinel Initiative ( believe that we can help humanity to better understand intelligence. If human beings have a better understanding of intelligence, it will not only help to build artificial intelligent machines, but it will also help to improve individual’s situation awareness, decision making and values, and ultimately greatly improve people’s knowledge of each other and our world, and thereby improve the quality of life for society overall.

Elezi, Ismail PhD Student of Deep Learning 1991 Italy Academia, Industry

I am a PhD Student of Deep Learning at Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice, while currently I am a visiting scholar at ZHAW University at Switzerland.

Srinivasan, Gokul Krishna Chief Technology Officer Startup Finland Academia, Industry, Other

Expert in autonomous vehicles – aerial and ground vehicles.
Strong expertise in multi agent systems.
Leading a team of experts to create AI that will one day have intuition and common sense.

van Dongen, Jos Principal Consultant SAS Netherlands Industry
Rodosthenous, Christos IT Officer and Phd Candidate at Computational Cognition Lab Open University of Cyprus Cyprus Academia, Industry

Christos Rodosthenous is a Ph.D. candidate at the Open University of Cyprus (OUC). His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition and reasoning, Story Understanding, Crowdsourcing, eLearning and new technologies and Trends in distance education.

Currently, he works at the eLearning and Digital Content Management Sector at the Open University of Cyprus. He is involved in numerous National and European projects involving eLearning technologies, distance education, Web Portals, Digital repositories, Open Access and Open Data initiatives.

He is an advocate of Free and Open source software and actively participates in many actions for promoting its usage in the public sector.

Stalder, Melanie Engineer company Germany Academia, Industry
Gencoglu, Oguzhan Head of AI Top Data Science Finland Academia, Industry
Ziebart, Volker Dr. Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland Academia, Industry
Isoaho, Pauli CTO Arctic Robotics Oy Finland Industry
B, Tiru Machine Learning Engineer Enterprisebot Pvt Ltd India Industry

I am self taught ML engineer, Have good understanding in ML, DL and NLP areas. Interested to explores new research areas and ready to collaborate in research.

Yenicelik, David CEO The AI Company LLC Switzerland Academia, Industry

Areas of interest include high dimensional optimisation, bayesian optimisation and neural architecture search.

Pascu, Sorin CEO Appstam Consulting GmbH Germany Industry
Lechner, Werner BMW Group Germany Industry
Freundlieb, Michael Director Data Intelligence Arvato SCM Solutions Germany Academia, Industry
Gricius, Gabriella Assistant Analyst The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies Netherlands Academia, Industry
Moreno, Ana Computational Linguist Bitext Innovations S.L. Spain Academia, Industry
Jensen, Rune Møller Associate Professor IT University of Copenhagen Denmark Academia, Industry
Torossian, Bianca Assistant Analyst The Hague Center of Strategic Studies Netherlands Academia, Industry
Vella, Godfrey Chair NCFHE Malta Academia, Industry
Hofmann, Dirk Co-Founder, CEO DAIN Studios Germany Industry
Acs, Ferenc Subject Matter Expert: Artificial Intelligence Mercedes-Benz Consulting GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

Baus, Jörg Senior Reseacher German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Germany Academia, Industry
Schuster, Jasmin AI & Innovation Project Manager Mercedes-Benz Consulting Germany Industry
Soares, Antonio Portugal Academia, Industry
Krishnamurthy, Sri President QuSandbox United States Academia, Industry
Soria-Frisch, Aureli Director of Neuroscience Starlab barcelona Spain Industry
Hanisch, Thorsten Senior Vice President Arvato CRM Solutions Germany Industry
Hansen, Nikolaus Research director Inria France Academia, Industry
Rodriguez Fernández, Jose Marcos CTO and Head of AI MeliorAI Spain Academia, Industry

MSc in Computer Science and MSc in Artificial Intelligence.

Worked in AI research for natural language understanding for various different private companies where I co-authored research publications. I am also the inventor of several patents for AI-based language understanding technology.

I have a special interest in bio-inspired algorithms and reinforcement-learning.

Duarte, Monique COO Melior AI United Kingdom Industry
Keluro, Caesar Co-Founder Nanocentric Technologies Nigeria Industry
Siebert, Mark Director engagement programs Elsevier Netherlands Industry

Writing a report on dynamics of global AI research and the definition of AI.

Lowndes, Alison B AI DevRel | EMEA NVIDIA United Kingdom Industry
Molan, Gregor Head of Research Comtrade Slovenia Industry

AI expert; SLAIS member

Joscelyne, Andrew advisor LT-Innovate France Industry
voight, randall Research Analyst Intl Research & Evaluation LLC. United States Academia, Industry

Quantum cryptography.

Foschini, Luca Chief data scientist Evidation health Italy Industry
Lowry, Mathew Founder Belgium Industry


Guttmann, Christian Vice President; Professor (Adj. Assoc.) Tieto; University of New South Wales Sweden Academia, Industry

We are the Nordic Leading AI company. I am overlooking all AI strategic and executive activities at Tieto – top 100 IT company (according to reuters). 15000 global employees.

Kumluk, Semih Data Scientist & Human Resources Manager Turkcell Turkey Academia, Industry

I have a diverse academic and business background. I also a Data Scientist in my company. Trying to combine my expertise and AI knowledge to widen the applications of AI as much as possible.

Canak, Caner Artificial intelligence manager Turkcell telecom company Turkey Industry

As Turkcell, we are leader operator in Turkey and we develop different kind of AI solutions. If we do together something unique, we would like to give all kind of support

Morelli, Davide CTO BioBeats Group LTD United Kingdom Academia, Industry

I’m a researcher and entrepreneur. My startup focuses on building AI models for analysis and prediction of physiological and psychological stress. I have a PhD in Computer Science (Pisa) and currently pursuing a DPhil in Engineering Sciences (Oxford)

Hiemstra, Bas Portfolio Solution Designer Automated Interactions Arvato CRM Solutions Netherlands Industry

The key to successful customer service automation is understanding, channeling and contextually serving your customers, aided by best of breed AI. For almost 20 years I help organizations create better online experiences by implementing relevant customer support, e-commerce and self-service solutions.

Goldstaub, Tabitha co founder cognitionx United Kingdom Industry
Alam, Muddasser Chief Scientist Wondrwall Group of Companies United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Pedramparsi, Hilla CEO Silicon Syrup Limited United Kingdom Industry

I have been leading ML teams at Yahoo and recently at Gamesys in London. I have the passion for AI and especially in the area of CNN.

van der Smagt, Patrick Director of AI Research Volkswagen Group Germany Academia, Industry
Umre, Ashish Head of Artificial Intelligence AXA XL United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Academic research background through a Bachelors in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering, Masters and Doctoral research work in Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, and Sociobiology.

Lilleby, Ian Co-Founder, CTO, CISO Infinite Alpha United Kingdom Industry

Passionate about pushing the boundaries of AI, model optimisation, reducing training times and improving accuracy in multi-model AI approaches. Contributing to scalability of AI infrastructures.

Fellowships include Chartered Management Institute and British Computer Society. Recently won the Wealth & Finance International award for Innovation in AI and Blockchain.

Kloeckner, Kristof Honorary Professor University of Stuttgart Germany Academia, Industry

Retired CTO of IBM Global Technology Services, Honorary Professor at the University of Stuttgart, experience in applying AI to IT Service Management

Fazio, Tommaso Data Scientist HUBX United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Chintala, Sandeep Managing Director Impressive Applications United Kingdom Industry
Di Rosa, Emanuele Chief Technology Officer App2Check Italy Industry

Dr. Di Rosa is currently Chief Technology Officer at App2Check, company dedicated to design and develop AI & NLP based software products, having as applications Customer Experience Analytics and Chatbots. He has a strong background in Artificial Intelligence, on both the Symbolic approaches to AI, more specifically in Automated Reasoning on which he wrote his PhD thesis, and on the ones based to Machine Learning and sub-symbolic representations. He is co-author of 18 scientific papers published by international peer-reviewed international journals/conferences/workshops/doctoral consortiums. Recently, he is more focused on Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification and Machine Learning. Recently, in this latter field, he was speaker at the 2017 Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York, in the board of the ESWC-17 Challenge on Semantic Sentiment Analysis and won the irony detection task at Evalita SentiPolc 2016. He was speaker and reviewer in many international conferences and workshops. He works since 2004 on chatbot design and development and was awarded in 2005 by Confindustria Liguria for his chatbot project involving the use of Latent Semantic Analysis for man-machine dialogue. He has a strong interest in building connections between academy and industry, believing that a strong synergy can lead to an important positive impact in both worlds.

Zoghbi, Susana Founder & CEO Belgium Industry
Kornai, Andras Professor Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary Academia, Industry


Carpenter, Nigel Chief Data Scientist RSA Insurance United Kingdom Industry

Expert in the application of Machine Learning within General Insurance.

Interested in the application of AI to Insurance and Actuarial domains.

Carrozo, Matthew Director of Communications Unbabel Portugal Industry
Barreto, Guilherme AE Unbabel Portugal Industry

Loureiro Solleiro, Alexandre Product Manager Unbabel Portugal Industry
Wolff, Gerry Director United Kingdom Academia, Industry

See „Introduction to the SP Theory of Intelligence“ (PDF,

Mannens, Erik Research Valorisation Director imec – Ghent University – IDLab Belgium Academia, Industry

Fusion of Semantics & ML

Shakurov, El Partner DataRoot Labs Ukraine Industry
Schauerte, Boris Product Manager Autonomous Driving & Principal Machine Learning Expert BMW Germany Industry
Arpteg, Anders Principal Data Scientist Peltarion AB Sweden Academia, Industry

AI researcher that has been working with AI for 20 years both in academia and industry with a PhD from Linköping University. Worked at Spotify for many years making use of big data and machine learning techniques to optimize user experience. Now working with the latest and greatest AI techniques at Peltarion as Principal Data Scientist, where we have the ambitious goal of making deep learning and the latest AI techniques available for all, not just the large technology organizations. Also founder of Agent Central AB, AI adviser for the Swedish government, member of the European AI Alliance, founder of the Machine Learning Stockholm meetup group, and member of several advisory boards.

Azzano, Massimo Head space physics Germany Airbus Germany Industry

Alte Uhldinger Str.5B

Pohlmann, Camila Community Lead Unbabel Portugal Industry
Torok, Agoston Lead Data Scientist AGT International Hungary Academia, Industry
Jaokar, Ajit Course director – University of Oxford – Data Science for IoT course University of Oxford – Data Science for IoT course United Kingdom Academia, Industry

In addition to my work in AI and IoT, I am also associated with UPM(University of Madrid) and the Harvard Kennedy school for future of AI. My current research work in AI relates to Affective Computing. I have a Bachelors in Engineering(Uni Bombay); Masters in Information systems(Uni Salford); PhD(ongoing – TBC 2019) in AI with Uni Madrid

Richter, Andreas President Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Huddleston, Martin Head of Cyber APMG International Ltd United Kingdom Industry, Other
Torres, Abel Founder DATAVERAS Belgium Industry
Lenz, Nicolas Member of the management geo7 AG Switzerland Industry
Adrian, Benjamin Dr. Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) Germany Academia, Industry
Musiol, Martin Senior/ Lead Data Scientist TU Munich, frog design, IBM Germany Industry
Goltz, Sean Senior Lecturer Edith Cowan University Australia Academia, Industry
Berthold, Michael CEO KNIME AG Germany Academia, Industry

Fellow IEEE
Past President IEEE-SMC
Past President NAFIPS

BLANCHARD, Philippe CEO Futurous SA United Arab Emirates Industry

Over the last 10 years, a team of experts from the Olympic Movement and the mega-events industry has followed the rise of e-games and new sports and investigated how technology impacts the future of sports, competitions and disciplines. A revolution is under way and the whole ecosystem is changing: new stakeholders, new business model, new expectations from the spectators and the competitors.

The time has come to master these disruptions and technology-based innovation in order to align completely with the ways sport and international competitions are promoted, played, sold and consumed.

FIFA is the international governing body for football, the International Olympic Committee for the Olympics. We set Futurous, the international committee of innovation. This new Committee provides a unique standpoint to influence and to develop the events of the Future… bringing business, entertainment and education opportunities.

Futurous takes the responsibility of
1. Staging a global event, which will be held every odd year, in different countries and territories;
2. Engaging with sponsors, social media, broadcasters, sport and gaming entities and venture capitalists to syndicate both the financing and the resources and to promote innovation;
3. Setting and operating a comprehensive technology platform, to support the outreach, the communication and the operations of the global event,
4. Creating a global database to increase the stakeholders’ experience and return on investments.

It also stimulated our willingness to Inspire, Invent, Include, Improve & Impact. Bringing education programmes, TEDx talks and hackathons, onto the field of play between each session of the competitions.

Observing and understanding the growing hunger for data and information, simply delivered everywhere on earth to everyone on-line, we deliberately designed the complete package: inclusive sports, education and a high degree of entertainment and ‘fun’. Fans and spectators wanted “an experience”, we wanted to bring ‘education and food for thought’.

Futurous articulate the competitions in 5 Galaxies articulated around disrupting technologies:
1. IT, AI, IoT: eSports
2. Mobility technologies: drones, sustainable vehicles, autonomy
3. Haptics, sensors and mechanics : Robotics and Exoskeleton
4. AI, VR: Virtual and Mixed realities environments
5. Sports 2.0 : Classical sports revisited through technology and innovation (Artificial wave Surfing, kinetic wall climbing, wind tunnel dancing, …)

poppe, toon Prof drs, ceo, venture capitalist KuLeuven, Uni of Illinois, Univ des Saarlandes Belgium Academia, Industry

Pioneer in wireless, online preventive heart monitoring.
According to IPO of the Hague our patent of the ultimate health app is unique worldwide and is based on a multi layered structure of learning algorithms in an artificial neural network for monitoring your EHR data and alarming in case of reaching predefined tunnel values.

Mitchell, Mike Chief Product Officer Agorai United States Industry
Kennedy, Catriona Independent researcher United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Waltinger, Ulli Co-Head Siemens AI Lab / Head of Machine Intelligence Research Group Siemens AG – Corporate Technology Germany Industry
raspati, marco CEO Company Italy Academia, Industry
Wykowska, Grazyna Knowledge Manager Hamburg Port Authority Poland Academia, Industry
García-Cuesta, Esteban Associate Professor Universidad Europea de Madrid Spain Academia, Industry

More than 15 years at AI área
Interested in cognitive AI, pattern recognition, and Ethics in AI

Joy-Warren, Victoria Software Engineer Canada Industry
Sarmonikas, George Head of IoT Analytics & AI company Sweden Industry
Stankovic, Milan Sépage & Sorbonne, Paris France Academia, Industry
Eickhoff, Jens Future Programs Uni Stuttgart and Airbus Defence and Space Germany Academia, Industry

Aerospace Engineer, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
PhD TU Hamburg Harburg, Germany:
AI Based Process Control and Failure Detection
Job: Airbus Defence and Space, Future Programs, Friedrichshafen, Germany,
Honorary Professor Universität Stuttgart for Satellite Systems Engineering and Operations,
Aere of interest: Satellite On-Board/On-Ground AI based Image Processing

Manaila, Florin Cognitive Systems Architect IBM Germany Industry
Fitze, Andy CO-Founder – Managing Partner SwissCognitive Switzerland Industry, Other

AI Influencer | Top Digital Leader | Co-Founder SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub | CIO CDO | Keynote Speaker | CIO of Year | Skipper

Papanikolaou, Panos Digital Media Manager Company Greece Industry
Svensson, Conny Head of Digital Tranformation and AI CGI Sweden Academia, Industry
Wood, Patrick Owner iRaishrimp S.L. Spain Industry, Other

Domestication of vannamei shrimp. Since 1983.
First pure aquaculture play on US stock markets.
With USFDA development of NASA technology for seafood.
Looking to robotize Steamans service and implement AI front-of-house directly for end consumers at brand concept popup shrimptailbar

Midwinter, Phill Technology Director Home United Kingdom Industry

Home Marketing Ltd
Beechwood House, Beechwoods Estate, Elmete Lane

Lopez, Jose Estudio Objeto Spain Academia, Industry
Polfliet, Jos VP of Applied AI Belgium Industry

Jos is the VP of Applied AI at Faktion, an AI engineering company that works for some of the biggest and most innovative companies in the world. Originally a mathematician, he has lead Machine Learning and AI implementation all over the world. Over the last years, Jos lead the team that was responsible for developing the NLP models that power, the most popular enterprise-ready chatbot platform in Europe.

Besides chatbots, Jos has created NLP models for companies like Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and has developed Pearl, the first AI Jury Member in the world. Jos was also responsible for the team that won first place in the Data Impact Award for their work on predicting suicide risk from analyzing social media data of teenagers, and the team that won the inQbet Hackathon by creating an AI Lab assistant for P&G.

Voted Best Keynote award on Data Innovation Summit 2017, regular speaker at Machine Learning/AI conferences including ML Conference Munich, AI Congress London, AI Norway, AI4Business summit, Chatbot Summit Berlin, Big Data Toronto, NTBC, ETIS, Data Innovation Summit, Luxembourg Analytics Summit, Screenforce Day 2018 Helsinki, SAS Global Forum, SAS Benelux Forum, meetups and guest lectures at University of Waterloo, University of Ghent, VUB, ULB, Schulich business school, …

Kalfas, Ioannis PhD Researcher KU Leuven Belgium Academia, Industry
Verhoeven Zupanc, Kaja NLP Engineer Chatlayer Belgium Academia, Industry
Maertens, Filip Business Development Faktion Belgium Industry
Jacquemart, Delphine Business Development Associate company Belgium Industry
Moelker, Peter Software engineer Netherlands Industry
van Gastel, Pieterjan Software Developer Festa Solutions B.V. Netherlands Industry
Fábregas, Xavier Dr. Switzerland Academia, Industry
Ahmed, Sheraz Senior Researcher German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Germany Academia, Industry
Oberrauch, Tobias CTO ai-driven Business Germany Industry
Meij, Staffan Co-Founder, CCO Readspeaker Netherlands Industry
Rocchi, Laura Research & Innovation Manager NIER Ingegneria Italy Industry
Paes, Paulo Technology Advisor Daytwo AS Norway Industry
Fricker, Samuel Prof. Dr. FHNW Switzerland Academia, Industry

Bonseyes marketplace for artificial intelligence

Köhne, Frank R&D viadee Unternehmensberatung AG Germany Industry
Landi, Marco President The Digital Box Italy Industry

former President WW Apple Computer

Raaijmakers, Stephan Senior scientist TNO, The Netherlands Netherlands Academia, Industry

Natural language processing; deep learning; explainable AI.

Shaw, Paul Senior Technical Staff Member IBM France Industry
Laborie, Philippe Principal Scientist IBM France Industry

Areas of expertise: Planning, Scheduling, Temporal reasoning, Constraint Programming

Dumeur, Renaud Principal Architect IBM France Academia, Industry
Pietsch, Malte Co-Founder deepset GmbH Germany Industry
Liaqat, Abdul Rehman Student University of Hildesheim Germany Academia, Industry
Möller, Timo co-founder deepset Germany Academia, Industry
de Meer, Jan B. Head of AIT Department GmbH ℅ HTW Berlin Germany Academia, Industry

since 2003: Theoretical Computer Science Teaching at several Universities A.S. in Berlin and Brandenburg and head of AIT Simulation Department of GmbH.
Before, leading scientist in: Leibniz Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Fraunhofer Association Institute FOKUS, Helmholtz Association of Nuclear Research

Axenie, Dr. Cristian Head of AKII Microlab – AI and VR Audi Konfuzius-Institut Ingolstadt Germany Academia, Industry

Current positions:

– Head of AKII Microlab (Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality) at the AUDI Konfuzius Institute Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany

– Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the Technical University of Ingolstadt, Germany

– Senior Research Engineer in Online Machine Learning and Big Data, Huawei European Research Center, Munich, Germany


– Awarded a Bavarian Elite Research PhD Scholarship (4 years funding, ~120.000EUR) by the Bavarian Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts.
– Awarded a Leonhard Lorenz-Stiftung Fellowship (7000EUR) for novel ideas in neurotechnologies research.
– Awarded Research Fellowship (2500EUR) by the Science Network of Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems for leading a workgroup at the Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop, USA.
– Awarded Research Fellowship (2500EUR) by the Science Network of Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems for leading a workgroup at the CapoCaccia Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop, Italy.
– Awarded a BayIntAn Fellowship (10000EUR) by the Bavarian Research Alliance for establishing a cooperation on neurorobotics with University of Waterloo, Canada and the University of Manchester, UK.
– Awarded a BayIntAn Fellowship (5000 EUR) by the Bavarian Research Alliance for establishing a cooperation on the development of a platform for Neuromorphic sensorimotor adaptation with ETH Zurich and University of California, Irvine.

KALAYCI, Tahir Emre Senior Researcher Virtual Vehicle Research Center Austria Academia, Industry
Scharkowski, Oliver Ingenieur Auto-Kabel Management GmbH Germany Industry
Fraile, Marlon IT Security Consultant AITRISK Limited United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Allgöwer, Dr. Michael Management Consultant Data Science b.telligent Germany Industry
Trost, Markus Partner Odgers Berndtson Group Germany Industry
Saucedo, Alejandro Chief Scientist The Institute for Ethical AI &Machine Learning United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Hopfgartner, Andreas Senior Consultant Data Science b.telligent Germany Industry
Herzfeldt, Sebastian Manager Reply AG Germany Industry
Tamburri, Damian A. Associate Professor TU/e – JADS Netherlands Academia, Industry
Petry, Sebastian Director Competence Center Data Science and AI b.telligent GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Luksenburg, Bas Netherlands Industry

A lot of direct industry colleagues in AI

Nurmi, Olli Principal Scientist VTT Finland Industry

Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications

Sacramento, Paulo Project Manager ESA/ESRIN Portugal Industry
Schneider, Markus Senior Software Developer Vector Informatik Germany Industry
Schlicker, Wolfgang Co-Founder and CEO IET GmbH & Co.KG Germany Industry

Model based testing

Dubba, Krishna Senior Research Scientist Blueprism United Kingdom Industry
Lang, Maren Head of Bioinformatics R&D BioNTech Germany Academia, Industry
Uskaner, Hakan CEO Offlimits IT Services GmbH Germany Industry
Tochi, Medina Macedonia Industry
Wender, Jan Head of Presales Atos science+computing ag Germany Industry
CZAJKOWSKI, Francois IT Business Partner arvato France Industry
Choukri, khalid CEP ELRA/ELDA France Industry


Mengshoel, Ole Jakob Professor NTNU Norway Academia, Industry, Other

Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, NTNU
Head, Norwegian Open AI Lab, NTNU
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CMU

Tunanyan, Hazarapet Data Scientist Picsart Armenia Academia, Industry, Other
Di Persio, Luca Dept. Comp.Science UniVr – HPA Italy Academia, Industry

I am working as a professor of Probability within the College of Mathematics of the University of Verona (Department of Computer Sience) and I am one of the co-funder and the chief-scientist of HPA (High Performance Analytics), a company (and an official spinoff of the University of Verona) focused on forecasting models development.

Escuela, Gabi Germany Academia, Industry
Saarela, Mirka Postdoctoral Research Fellow University Finland Academia, Industry
Asghar, Muhammad Zeeshan Postdoctoral Researcher University of Jyväskylä Finland Academia, Industry

5G, Self-Organizing Networks (SON), Network management,
Awarded half a million euro funding from BusinessFinland for TUTL project on 5G Cognitive Self-organizing Networks

Sanfilippo, Emilio Research fellow Italian National Research Council Italy Industry
Nouwt, Barry Medior Innovator Semantic Technology the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry
Van Opbroek, Annegreet Researcher TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry
Stolk, Martin Project manager TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry
Blake, Andrew AI Consultant, Hon. Professor U. Cambridge AI consultant: Samsung, Five AI, Siemens United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Also a signatory to ELLIS.
I like the idea of a unified approach between ELLIS and CLAIRE.

Maroni, Gabriele Università degli studi di Bergamo Italy Academia, Industry
Bouvy, Charlotte consultant self-employed professional Netherlands Industry

MSc. in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence, professional with senior experience in Artifical Intelligence, specialised in explicit knowledge representation, Business Rule Management, business architecture and eXplainable AI

Prestwich, Steven Dr University College Cork Ireland Academia, Industry

My main AI areas of research are SAT, constraint programming, evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, deep learning.

Everardo, Flavio PhD Student University of Potsdam Mexico Academia, Industry, Other
Federico, Marcello Principal Research Scientist Amazon AI United States Academia, Industry
Cochez, Michael Postdoctoral researcher Fraunhofer FIT Germany Academia, Industry
Wijnhof, Rik Project manager in transparancy Province of Zuid-Holland Netherlands Academia, Industry

Area of interest/expertise: Open data, transparancy, public administration.

Marsh, Ian Senior Researcher RISE, The Research Institutes of Sweden Sweden Academia, Industry, Other

Ian Marsh, Ph.D. working within telecommunications and traffic flow.

Ian has worked with deep neural networks, in particular LSTMs for traffic flow and clustering algorithms for IP traffic.

Olsson, Fredrik Senior research scientist RISE SICS Sweden Academia, Industry
Sahlgren, Magnus Head of Natural Language Processing RISE AI Sweden Academia, Industry
Wong, Moses CEO Siremix GmbH Germany Industry

I am an entrepreneur, inventor of an innovative new sound theory called Endpoint Mixing. Deep Learning practitioner, and teaching assistance of a Stanford University online Machine Learning training course, instructor is Prof. Andrew Ng

Andreev, Igor Cfo coo Pg Germany Academia, Industry, Other
Kop, Mauritz Master of Laws, LL.M. Artificiële Intelligentie & Recht Netherlands Academia, Industry

Artificiële Intelligentie & Recht is a niche law firm focussing on technological game changers such as AI, Machine Learning, Robotica, Big Data, VR, Nano-Engineering and Cognitive Computing.

Our lawyers specialize in the Farmaceutical, eHealth, Food & Feed, Media, Entertainment & Art industries, providing proactive lawyering services covering issues like algorithmic accountability, AI Impact Assesments, fundamental rights, privacy requirements for the GDPR in big data, multi-cloud, distributed ledger and deep learning implementations, product safety standards, traceability, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and maximization of intellectual property portfolio for both tech startups and globally operating multinationals.

We are based in Amsterdam. Our website:

We wish to exchange views on legal and ethical frameworks for AI, smart robotics and Internet of Things devices, with a focus on medtech, European foodlaw, entertainmentlaw and intellectual property.

Karampidis, Konstantinos PhD student University of the Aegean Greece Academia, Industry

Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Digital Forensics

Amiri, Puya Researcher Saarland university, DFKI Germany Academia, Industry
Fiorini, Paolo Professor Univerity of Verona Italy Academia, Industry
Pescape, Antonio Full Professor University of Napoli Federico II Italy Academia, Industry
Lilienthal, Achim J. Professor Örebro University Sweden Academia, Industry
ElFallah, Amal Full professor and head of MAS group Sorbonne Université France Academia, Industry
Wolf, Thomas Innovation Manager WABCO GmbH Germany Industry

Research for industrial AI solutions
Automated driving
Sensor fusion projects

Landgrebe, JobstDr. Managing Director Cognotekt GmbH Germany Industry
Yu, Zhewei Research project leader SupAirVision France Industry
Chauvin, Simon Machine Learning Engineer ESRLabs AG Germany Academia, Industry

area of interest/expertise : reinforcement learning applied to autonomous driving

Koch, Alexander Student Technical University Munich Germany Industry
Polimeni, Francesco Italy Industry, Other

1. Cross research on Deep Learning and Symbolic/Logical/Causal Reasoning (i.e. Intuition Driven Reasoning), to achieve human level AI
2. Bridge the Gap between the research on AI and the Business

Sonntag, Daniel Principal Researcher DFKI Germany Academia, Industry
Thiele, Christopher Data Scientist German Economic Institute Germany Academia, Industry
Snoek, Cees Full professor University of Amsterdam Netherlands Academia, Industry
Requena, Stephane CTO GENCI France Academia, Industry

GENCI is providing in France of a converged HPC / AI research infrastructure for the scaling of AI workflows and tools, the closer integration between HPC, numerical simulation, HPDA and AI

Bryson, Joanna Reader (Assoc Prof) University of Bath United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Actively engaged in both direct research on developing AI, using AI for scientific understanding, developing policy and regulation for AI and AI ethics.

Nucci, Francesco Saverio Application Research Director Engineering SpA Italy Industry, Other

High Level Expert on IA for Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Font Ruiz, Roberto Javier Biometric Vox S.L. Spain Industry
Daoutis, Marios Research Scientist N/A Sweden Academia, Industry
congedo, marco Senior Researcher CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes France Academia, Industry

Expert in Riemannian Geometry Machine Learning for Brain-Computer Interface

Spaccarotella, Simone Senior Software Engineer BBC Italy Academia, Industry

I graduated at the Università della Calabria majoring in Answer Set Programming. I am currently working at the BBC as a Senior Software Engineer. I have a keen interest in AI and I’d like to be involved.

Iacono, Andrea Software Engineer eBay Italy Industry
Ninni, Giorgio electrical engineer TIM – Telecom Italia Italy Industry, Other
Izzo, Dario Scientific Coordinator of the Advanced Concepts Team European Space Agency Netherlands Academia, Industry
Gamulin, Niko University of Ljubljana Slovenia Academia, Industry
Moroi, Alexandru Programmer Java developer with intrest in AI Italy Industry, Other

Have been intrested for a while in the deep learning and Now it can be used to solve real world problems. I got a year of experience in basic Java with js ws ajax json and sql. It helpped to get started into programmer frame. I have used tesorflow on my own time . I would like the opportunity to learn or help in any way.

Scano, Riccardo Information Systems Technician CREA Italy Academia, Industry

Computer Science
Semantic web
Programming Languages

Marano, Silvestro Software Architect IACV Research Italy Academia, Industry, Other

Graduated at University Of Calabria (UNICAL) in Computer Engineering with a master’s degree thesis aimed on the realization of a deep learning based computer vision system to detect threats in video surveillance scenarios and many years of expertise in tech industry as software engineer with various projects in mobile computing and algorithmic trading fields. I have also published IAT a computer vision mobile App developed synergically with some members of Eyes-Free a web community of people with visual impairments, to meet also their needs.

Rodríguez, Abdel Consultant (Senior Software Engineer) Addiva AB Sweden Academia, Industry

PhD on Intelligent Control applied to industrial applications. Currently interested on real life applications of AI.

Aarts, Antoine CEO Nederland AI Netherlands Industry

Soon we will release (mid feb) for midsize companies with AI Demo, App’s and lot’s of information.

Belotti, Pietro Fair Isaac United Kingdom Industry
Kraemer, Stefan Director NVIDIA Germany Industry, Other
MESCHEDE, Matthias Data Scientist Tweag I/O France Academia, Industry
Müller-Klieser, Stefan Software Engineer PHYTEC Germany Industry

embedded Linux expert, focusing on software and hardware ground work for AI products

Grandison, Tyrone VP, Data ByteCubed United States Academia, Industry
Pfeffer, Bernhard Head of Software Engineering b-plus GmbH Germany Industry
Billi, Enrico Consultant Billi Enrico Consulting Italy Industry, Other
touati, mohamed étudiant/ chercheur ENIT Tunisia Academia, Industry
Hook, Stefan Portfoliomanager AI Germany Industry
Ferreira, Luís Professor Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA) Portugal Industry

Main background in Mathematics and Computer Sciences; Is a research member of IPCA 2Ai – Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, heads the Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering and teaches subjects of Computer Sciences, Software Engineering, Systems Integration and Architectures in the Hight School of Technology at the Polytechnic Institute of Cavado (IPCA). Architectures and Systems Integration, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Data Visualization are his main research areas.

GRAND-PERRET, sylvie Air Traffic Management Senior Expert EUROCONTROL Belgium Industry, Other
Roa, Maximo A. Team Leader DLR – German Aerospace Center Germany Academia, Industry

Senior Robotics Expert, leading a group of researchers working on „Dexterous Manipulation and Planning“. Academic and industrial experience in different robotics areas (mechatronic development, planning and control) on multiple applications (industrial, service and humanoid robots). Experience in transferring knowledge and solving use cases in industrial companies.

Luque, Maria President Nexus Spain Industry
Einarsson, Hafsteinn Data scientist Íslandsbanki Iceland Academia, Industry
Apfelbeck, Florian Software Engineer Germany Academia, Industry
Gyimóthy, Tibor head MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence Hungary Academia, Industry
Ullrich, Carsten Germany Academia, Industry
Valentin, Klaus Expert Advisor Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Austria Academia, Industry, Other
Rakhshani, Amin Senior Data Scientist METIS Cybertechnology Greece Academia, Industry
Downar, Mateusz Advanced Analytics/Data Science Director MediaCom Poland Industry
Stein, Jascha CEO Germany Academia, Industry, Other

StartUp mit 2 ehemalig leitenden Entwicklern von Amazon Alexa. BMBF und Horizont2020 gefördert. Seal of excelence. Kunden und Partner wie Telekom und Volkswagen. Eigene Technologien in:
Spracherkennung, Sprachbiometrie, Sprachklassifikation, Natural Language Processing/Understanding

Radil, Tomáš Head of Applied Research Dept. CertiCon a.s. Czech Republic Academia, Industry
Lazaro, JoseMaria PROJECT MANAGER TECNALIA Spain Academia, Industry

Areas of interest: Applications of AI (industry, service sector, mining, construction, etc.), planning/scheduling, machine learning. Possible colaboration in international projects (TECNALIA).

Sojkowska, Anna IOS Press Netherlands Industry
Heck, Sven Oliver Visionary, Consultant Germany Industry

I am a degree digital artist with 12+ years in media, advertising and digital-domains, I am consultant for consciousness development, integral leadership and therapist in transpersonal psychology. I have founded / digital philosophy and UltraVision Consulting for holistic consciousness development. I am a speaker, consultant, training supervisor for topics ranging from Digital Leadership, Next-Level-Thinking and Future Mind-Sets to the Mastery of Life, personal transformation and essentials of holistic living. As a licensed healing practitioner, Integral Associate Coach, transpersonal therapist, and mentor I support bright minds, future leaders, conscious creators and entrepreneurs on their journey towards potential and realization.

Langenkamp, Wouter Researcher TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry
Fabiano, Gaetano Big Data Software Developer Engineering S.p.a. Italy Industry
Hoche, Michael Expert for Computer Science and IPR Airbus Germany Academia, Industry
Saviane, Christian CTO Walkstone Srl Italy Industry, Other
Kuthy, Antal Ceo Egroup ICT Software Co. Hungary Industry

Egroup is being member in both EIT Digital and EIT Health ( having over 25 years in advanced software tech (founder from early 90s in NLP) running several applied AI industry projects in Fintech, Healtcare (key project is health DataLake
Egroup also working on next gen ai, reasoning type of ai, in coop with Russian, Chinese, us and EU scientist. Egroup has Central European roots but active in Hk,China and Eu, while links to US partnerships as well.

Aretoulaki, Maria Director / Senior Voice User Interface Designer DialogCONNECTION Ltd United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Kisjes, Iris Senior Manager External Partnerships Elsevier Netherlands Industry

Dear Sir / Madam,
At Elsevier I am responsible for our technology partnerships and managing our tech hubs. As such I am very much involved in our participation in the AI community. I personally also have a keen interest in securing a positive and bright future in technology which of course means making sure we augment human intelligence through AI, build a robust ecosystem that can be trusted and is fair and transparent.
We have done research into AI and what AI actually means by looking at research in the subject. The report shows research related trends for China, EU and the USA. Including mobility of researchers. I think this type of information can help this group.
With kind regards, Iris

La Pietra, Giancarlo Founder Italy Industry
Rubichi, Sergio CISM, CISA ISACA Italy Industry, Other

Control and audit of information systems is becoming increasingly important, due to the competitive impact of information technology, the amount of resources expended by IT departments, the criticality of IS for the general functioning of our society and the corroboration of information as the organization’s most valuable asset. Information Systems – and the technology that supports them – must be audited in order to improve their benefits and allow organizations to manage the risks associated with them.
According to this statement, a good knowledge and experience concerning Information Systems process and Security matters – as well as a through passion for communication and control in the machines and human beings – took me to participate in this call for supporters.

Petropoulos, Christos Netherlands Industry
Tantar, Emilia Luxembourg Industry

Doctorat en Informatique, Intelligence Artificielle
Bourse Marie-Curie AFR
vice-Chair, a founding member and a promoter of the IEEE Student Branch Lille
Healthcare Startup of the Year Award
Luxembourg Healthcare Awards
Marie Curie- AFR Fellowship
European Commission under the Marie-Curie COFUND scheme
INRIA Explorateur Grant
INRIA, France
Guest researcher at CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Best paper award
GECCO (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference)

Castor, Martin Chief Scientist GEISTT Sweden Academia, Industry
Bergamini, Claudio CEO Imola Informatica Spa Italy Industry

Via Selice 66/A

maraschini, alessandro telespazio s.p.a. Italy Industry
Romagnoli, Raniero CTO Almawave Italy Academia, Industry
Wald, Stephan CTO BASIS Europe Distribution GmbH Germany Industry

…zur Zeit im BITKOM / DFKI Zertifikatslehrgang zum KI Manager…

Comella, Diego Country Manager Rs Components Italy Industry
Barrett, Gregg Director SignalRunner South Africa Industry

Undergrad in Marketing and Business Management (Oxford Brookes),
Master of Science in Data Science (Northwestern University),
CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst),
PRM (Professional Risk Manager)

Establishment and management of Data Science/Machine Learning/AI laboratories and operations.

Fraaije, Hans CEO / professor Culgi BV and Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry

I am the founder of computational chemistry company Culgi and am interested in the application of AI to the chemical industry.

Favalli, Andrea Almawave Italy Industry
Bonzi, Aldo Arrow Electronics Italy Industry, Other
Walter, Philipp CTO INFOSERVE GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Urain De Jesus, Julen Phd IAS – TU Darmstadt Germany Academia, Industry
Bettini, Alessandro Innovation Leader Company – Machinery Manufacturing Italy Industry
Grabner, Helmut Senior Lecturer ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Science Switzerland Academia, Industry
Schoonderwoerd, Tjeerd MSc. (PhD-position) TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry

PhD-student who focuses at identifying the requirements for socially-aware, explainable AI.

Huomo, Tua Executive Vice President VTT Technical Reserach Centre of Finland Finland Academia, Industry, Other
Rimbach, Tanja Senior Business Consultant Micro Focus Germany Industry

Combining artificial intelligence (AI) with knowledge management (KM)

Gruehser, Marcus CEO Common Sense Projects GmbH Germany Industry
Hohmeyer, Frank Chief Business Officer ratiokontakt GmbH Germany Industry, Other

siehe meine Profile

Veneri, Giacomo AI Developer bhge Italy Industry
Böhm, Konstantin CEO Ancud IT Beratung GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

also Vice Chairman of the Open Source Business Association e.V. the leading Open Source Organisation in Germany. We aim for open, sustainable, human centric Digitalization.
further Member of Nationaler IT Gipfel Deutschland Fokusgruppe Digitale Souveranität

Chionidis, Konstantinos Student for Masters degree in AI Tilburg University Netherlands Industry
Watkins, Chris Professor of Machine Learning Royal Holloway, University of Lonon United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Department of Computer Science,
Royal Holloway, University of London

Hatzack, Wolfgang CEO Company Germany Academia, Industry
Mohamed, Ahmed Student Saarland University Germany Academia, Industry

Please Check my online Profile .

MONACI, GIACOMO Digital Product Management personal Italy Industry
Sigloch, Dr Sebastian Innovation / Business Development Manager SWITCH Switzerland Academia, Industry
di stefano, barbara head of big data and advanced analytics organisation Italy Industry
Deswal, Unmukt Student Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Gomes, Luisa Data Scientist Be Consulting Italy Industry
CALASSO, FIORENZO B2B International Sales Dedalus S.P.A. Italy Industry
Hornig, Benedikt Student DHBW Lörrach Germany Academia, Industry

Ich habe mit einem Online-Kurs für maschinelles Lernen angefangen und informiere und entwickle mich im Moment in Richtung Deep Learning und Reinforcement Learning mit Hilfe eines eigenen Projektes.

Mangeruca, Leonardo Italy Industry
Mahr, Esther Conversational Experience Designer; Communications Manager IPsoft Germany Academia, Industry

The Real Women Behind Amelia: Esther Mahr

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De Dominicis, Gabriel CEO Forcive United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Pohl, Detlef Siemens Mobility Germany Industry
Boraso, Rodolfo Consultant, student Italy Academia, Industry
Ernst, Meike Digital Creative Director Germany Academia, Industry
Corcoran, Gerard Innovation and Research Partnerships Huawei Ireland Industry

Interested in Research and Innovation Partnerships and the Digital Singularity.
Founder ISOGG Ireland.
Board and Task Member Smart and Sustainable Cities.

Ott, Maximilian Consultant for AI IBM Germany Industry
Seybold, Philipp University of Southampton & Airbus Germany Academia, Industry

– MSc. Graduate in A.I. at University of Southampton
– 6 Mo. Machine Learning Engineer at Airbus
– Interest in advancing A.I. research in Germany and Europe

Humm, Bernhard Professor Hochschule Darmstadt – University of Applied Sciences Germany Academia, Industry

10 years of industry experierence
Professor teaching AI
80+ publications in AI and related topics

Sander, Slawomir KUKA Deutschland GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Guzzo, Andrea Data Scientist RETI Italy Academia, Industry

I’m a Data Scientist in Reti SPA and master degree student in University of Milan-Bicocca.
I worked in different AI projects and solutions for many important enterprise customers and now i’m doing research and innovation in my company and in university

Naumann, Toni Vertrieb und Finanzen Conimon GmbH Germany Industry
Garatzogianni, Alexandra Senior Research, Innovation & Tech Transfer Project Manager L3S Research Center and Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology (TIB) Germany Academia, Industry
Buschbacher, Florian Partner AI EY GmbH Germany Industry

Deep practical insights of AI. Bitkom executiv for Big Data and AI.

Rodríguez, Natalia CEO and founder Saturno Labs Spain Academia, Industry
Krause, Peter Head of R&D divis intelligent solutions GmbH Germany Industry

Google H-Index: 8

Ruffolo, Massimo Researcher ICAR-CNR Italy Academia, Industry

Massimo Ruffolo has 20+ years of experience as:
– Researcher of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in artificial intelligence, databases and big data, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, and natural language processing ( He is also: adjunct professor at the University of Calabria; reviewer of international conferences and journals; author of many scientific papers appeared in books, international conferences proceedings and journals in the computer science field.
– Founder, CEO/CTO of Altilia (, and founder of 2 other start-ups where he shaped product, marketing and business strategies directly executing R&D, product development, marketing, and sales activities.

Cardoso, Jorge Chief Architect and Professor Huawei Munich Research Center Germany Academia, Industry
Linnyk, PD Dr. Olena Artificial Intelligence Specialist FIAS Germany Academia, Industry
Kohler, Raphael Vice Chairman German-Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence Germany Academia, Industry

Based in Germany and Shenzen, we are German-Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (GCAAI), a non-profit organization founded in 2017. We are 500+ academic researchers, industry entrepreneurs, tech leaders, who live or work in Germany or China, sharing the very same goal: boosting the exchange of education, research and public resources between Germany and China in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Recently, further hubs of activities were established in Beijing, Shanghai and Frankfurt.

MISSINHOUN, Jean CEO VairLab France Academia, Industry
Calandrini, Roberto Head of Data Science & Architecture SNAM S.p.A. Italy Industry

Data Science, industrial application of AI deep generative models, AI and cybersecurity, AI applied to multi-sensor remote sensing systems for continuous surveillance, Trustworthy AI for decision support in mission-critical systems, AI application to Industry 4.0 and IIoT, AI-Enhanced Communities, Neuromorphic processing systems, Interaction of AI and chaos theory with application to statistical simulation of complex physical processes, HPC for industry applications

Hill, Richard Professor University of Huddersfield United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Socuvka, Ondrej Policy Manager Google Slovakia Industry

Slovak national, currently living and working in Brussels/Belgium. Following Artificial Intelligence, with focus in particular on Machine Learning, AI and Ethics, and Future of Work. Member of the expert group drafting Slovak National AI strategy.

Palomares Chust, Alberto Professor Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Spain Academia, Industry
Delpiano, Giorgio General Manager Strategy & Portfolio Shell United Kingdom Industry, Other

Member of AAAI

Mc Auley, Steven AI Strategy Lead TinyBox Germany Academia, Industry

– Veranstalter von KI Meetups in Hannover & München
– Preisgekrönter Vortragsredner
– Strategieberatung von DAX30 Unternehmen zur Nutzung von KI

Wiesmüller, Sabine Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Projektleitung Zeppelin Universität, Leadership Excellence Institute LEIZ, AI Ethics Germany Academia, Industry
Gatti de Bayser, Maira Research Staff Member IBM Research Brazil Academia, Industry
Dubanska, Barbora Head of Legal Novartis Czech Republic Industry

Experienced lawyer with strong interest in use of AI in healthcare

master in healthcare administration thesis on the use of AI in healthcare

Švarc, Petr Enterprise Architect and Solution Architect for AI domain Škoda Auto a.s. Czech Republic Industry, Other
Borasso, Massimiliano R&D Manager Meccanotecnica Umbra SpA Italy Industry

We would like to implement AI in our production process. We are interested in making a screening of potential applications.

Shiriaev, Fedor Software Engineer Careem GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Mutavdzic, Ratko Cloud Services Director Microsoft Corporation Croatia Industry
Tuncel, Mustafa Anil Software Engineer ETH Zurich Switzerland Academia, Industry
tarallo, pasquale indipendent thinker private Italy Academia, Industry, Other
Aparício, Sara Earth Observation Data Scientist European Space Agency Portugal Academia, Industry
Bizarro, Pedro Chief Science Officer Feedzai Portugal Industry
Sies, Tilmann Intrapreneur sepago GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Ajro, Naim Software engineer Macedonia Industry
Schwendner, Peter Professor, Head of Center for Asset Management Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland Academia, Industry

We are running projects to apply AI methods in the financial Industry together with asset managers, banks and European public institutions.
We are a partner in the EU H2020 project FIN-TECH and are organizing the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Industry in Winterthur

Romero, Laia Director Lobelia by isardSAT Spain Academia, Industry

Marie Curie 8

Németh, Géza Associate Professor with habilitation, Head of Laboratory University Hungary Academia, Industry

International Relations Workgoup Leader of the Hungarian AI Coalition
Hungarian NCP for AI4EU

Lenartova, Zdenka executive director slovak.AI – Slovak Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Slovakia Academia, Industry, Other
Berte, Jonathan CEO Robovision bvba Belgium Industry

We are a turnkey AI solution provider, with a scalable killer platform. We want to make AI available to all, breaking any hardware or knowledge barriers.

Novak, Zoltan Section Leader Hungarian National Association of Machinery and Power Engineering Industries Hungary Industry
Perez-Cortes, Juan-Carlos Director of the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lab. ITI Spain Academia, Industry

Google Scholar h-index: 19 (
Prof. Dr. Juan-Carlos Perez-Cortes holds a PhD. in Computer Science from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain. His field of research is on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Perception and Human-Machine Interaction.
After his initial work on Speech Synthesis, for which he was awarded a National Prize in 1990, he received a research grant and worked in Connectionist Systems, Language Models and Geometric Pattern Recognition, obtaining his doctorate on this field in 1994.
He became an assistant professor in that year and tenured lecturer in 1997. He was Research Subdirector of the Department of Computer Engineering of the UPV and he has worked since 1998 in applications of AI, ML and Pattern Recognition to medicine, biometrics, robotics and industrial and embedded systems at ITI.
In 2002 he was appointed as Scientific Director of the Instituto Tecnologico de Informatica (ITI), an Institute of the regional network of technology centers of the Valencian Community, Spain (REDIT). These institutions are private associations of companies belonging to each industry sector. Their mission is to close the gap between the knowledge generation phase and the market adoption of technological products and services. It also belongs to the Spanish Federation of Technology Centers (FEDIT).
He has been main researcher an/or coordinator of 37 public-founded national and international research projects and participated in 26 more. He has been responible of 34 research contracts with companies or administrations, and participated in 20 more. Perez-Cortes is author of 18 journal articles, 7 book chapters, 26 peer-reviewed international conference papers with proceedings and 14 national conference papers with proceedings.
He has been director or co-director of 5 PhD. thesis.

Costa-Soria, Cristobal Director of the R&D projects promotion area ITI – Instituto Tecnologico de Informatica Spain Academia, Industry
Sáez-Domingo, Daniel Technology Transfer Director ITI – Instituto Tecnologico de Informatica Spain Academia, Industry
Jha, Siddhartha AI Program Manager Fondation Botnar India Industry
Frattini, Giovanni Technical Manager Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Italy Industry

via Emanuele Gianturco, 15-80142, Naples

Mazin, Vasily Chief Research Officer Mind Simulation Russia Academia, Industry

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

For 15 years taught at the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. As a teacher, and then as an assistant professor, lectured and conducted practices in the following disciplines: “Discrete Mathematics”, “Intelligent Information Systems”, “Programming”, “Databases”.

Supervised theses in the following areas: pattern recognition, fuzzy logic algorithms, knowledge base.

In addition to teaching and research, participated in the development of applied and scientific programs in the fields of economics, construction, sales, modeling of physical processes in solids and calculating fire safety risks in the positions of programmer, lead programmer and project manager.

In recent years, the main activity is the design and creation of Universal Artificial Intelligence.

Derikyants, Leonid CEO Mind Simulation Russia Industry
Shi, Tianjin Zhejiang University China Academia, Industry
Rodrigues Leal, Marcos Regional Marketing Officer Abbott Laboratories Germany Industry
Witting, Casper Developer Netherlands Industry
Lippold, Ralf Community Member i4j Germany Industry, Other

• aktives Mitglied der von David Nordfors und Vint Cerf gegründeten Initiative i4j (Innovation4Jobs) insbesondere mit dem Fokus von KI und #PeopleCenteredEconomy (Firesidechats in Dresden bzw. Berlin für 4. Quartal 2019 in Planung; Einladung:
• Teilnahme (auf persönliche Einladung als interdisziplinärer Boundary Spanner) bei zwei vorbereitenden Workshops der vom Fraunhofer IIE/EAS und TU Dresden gestarteten „KI Initiative Sachsen (#KIKis) [2018/2019]

Cominetti, Paolo Product Research Center Bonfiglioli Riduttori Italy Industry
Albertazzi, Magnolia Italy Industry
Bastidas García, Oscar Chief Scientific Officer Binartis Genomics SRL, Universidad de Valencia Spain Industry

-Founder of BINARTIS GENOMICS, devoted to apply AI & deep learning to genetic diagnosis for clinical applications. (currently at start-up phase)
-Founder of CELEROMICS TECHNOLOGIES. Developped the first cell counting device that could be adapted to any laboratory microscope. Used AI and Computer Vision to automatically count & analyze cells under the microscope. Sold the system in more than 15 countries.
– Founder of DAVANTIS TECHNOLOGIES, national leader of intelligent videosurveillance. Applied AI & Computer vision to intelligent video analysis for surveillance applications. reaching +3m€ annual income; its surveillance system validated by the UK goverment for critical facilities (military, nuclear plants, etc).

-Winner of national biotechnology project (30.000 €)
-Entrepreneur of the year award (Entrepreneur Magazine Spain ) – 20.000 €
-Bankia National Entrepreneurs Contest : 16.000 €.
-Best Biotechnology Entrepreneur in Valencian Region. 5.000€


NEOTEC Research Grant : 550.000 €. (Project : MICROCOUNTER. Artificial Intelligence applied to automatic microscope image analysis and experiment automation)

CDTI R&D Grant : 320.000 € (Project ONCOMARKER. Automatic system based on microarrays & AI to diagnose colorectal cancer)

NEOTEC Research Grant : 300.000 €
(Project DAVIEW: Intelligent Videosurveillance Systems based on AI & Computer Vision)

IMPIVA Research Grant : 250.000 €
(Project GENVAL : Intelligent system for preimplantation genetic diagnosis)

Valencian Instituto of Finance, R&D Grant : 150.000 €

Areas of interest & expertise : Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Genetics, Clinical Diagnosis.

International Patent : Particle counting system adaptable to an optical instrument PCT/EP2013/057164

von Stryk, Oskar Professor Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany Academia, Industry
Hernández Fish, Pablo Data Scientist Tadorea Spain Academia, Industry
Schreijer, Hayo Product manager Company Netherlands Academia, Industry

Graduated (Master) in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (CKI) at University of Utrecht in 1995. Now working for governments to make documents and data available for reuse for findability and smart applications.

Oliveira, Rafael Director of Product ODSC United States Industry

I’m part of the team that organizes the Open Data Science Conference and the Accelerate AI Summit. We also host meetup communities around the world with monthly free events to provide content and share expertise in AI and Data Science

Celino, Irene Research Manager, Head of Knowledge Technologies group Cefriel – Politecnico di Milano Italy Academia, Industry

Computer Scientist with a passion for Research and Development. Expert in Web technologies with specialization in Semantic Web, Semantic Interoperability, Human Computation, Citizen Science, Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and Data Analytics.
Head of the Knowledge Technologies Group, a competency group in Human Computation and Semantic Interoperability with a focus on Smart Cities and transport/mobility. Project Manager and Project Coordinator, 15+ years of experience in 25+ cooperative research projects, at regional, national and European level, with increasing responsibilities over time.

ciaravella, gaetano Mechartonics & IoT Manager bonfiglioli riduttori Italy Academia, Industry
van Oosterzee, Anna Co-founder Ethical Intelligence Associates, Limited Netherlands Academia, Industry
Tomlein, Matúš Data Scientist Pygmalios Slovakia Academia, Industry

Researcher and data scientist working mainly in the domain of retail analytics using data from IoT sensors installed in physical retail stores.

Kollia, Ilianna Researcher/Data Scientist IBM, National Technical University of Athens Greece Academia, Industry

Currently I perform my research in the areas of machine learning, in particular, deep learning, and knowledge representation and reasoning, while working at the Big Data and Business Analytics Center of Competence of IBM in Greece.

I possess a Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI), in the area of query answering over ontologies, from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, 2014. I have obtained an M.Sc degree in AI from the University of Oxford, UK, 2010, an M.Sc degree in Techno-Economic Systems from NTUA, 2016, and a Bachelor degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NTUA, 2009.

De Boom, Cedric Postdoctoral Researcher Ghent University Belgium Academia, Industry
Schneider, Moritz Research Scientist / Innovation Manager SCHOTT AG Germany Academia, Industry
Robin, Jacques Research Engineer Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France Academia, Industry
De Deken, Olivier CTO Company Belgium Academia, Industry

As the CTO of a company focussing on additive manufacturing and AI, my expertise lies in the hybrid between these 2 technologies. This being AI for 3D objects and 3D manipulation / designing.

In my professional experience I’ve noticed the need for an International AI innovation network, so I want to put my efforts into this to make it happen. Therefor I strongly believe in CLAIRE!

Maqueda, Oscar COO / R&D Prívate company Spain Academia, Industry
Ramesh, Visvanathan Professor Goethe University Germany Academia, Industry

Researcher focusing on systems science and engineering for Intelligence. Best paper award in CVPR 2000, Longuet-Higgins Award for lasting contributions to Computer Vision 2010. Siemens Inventor of the Year for contributions in Real-time Vision and Modeling 2008, Current focus is on transdisciplinary research in integrated Human-AI systems.

Vegas Olmos, Juan Jose Principal Engineer Mellanox Technologies Denmark Academia, Industry

I have a dual position Aalborg University Center for Communication, Media and IT as Adjunct Professor, and Principal Engineer at Mellanox Technologies in the Software Architecture team, working on future technologies for network and AI acceleration.

Oanta, William Richard CEO Laif Computation S.R.L. Romania Industry

I have founded an R&D AI Startup (LAIF – in Romania in 2018, working on Brain-Machine Interfaces, and collaborating with the Oxford Computational Neuroscience Laboratory.

LAIF is a spin-off from the Oxford Computational Neuroscience Lab, to leverage AI in deep technologies. Established 4 specialised units (AI, SW, HW, Domain Experts), 3 business verticals (Services, Products, Research), interviewed over 60 people and hired 30, fostered partnerships with top academic institutions (RO, UK, FR and US), attained strategic partnerships with top industry players in the US. Achieved +$1 million revenue for our first year, led grant applications for a total of $4 million, and partnered for grant applications valued at over +$20 million. Strategy formulation and execution, Business Verticals Leadership, P&L Budgeting, Business Development, Clients Acquisition, Operations Management. Our product and research areas include Brain-Machine Interface, ML for Stroke Detection, Spiking Neural Networks, Dangerous Situation Awareness, Drag&Drop AI Environment, Medical Image Analysis – Radiology, Smart Wearable for Biometrics Monitoring.

Besides this, I am pursuing my Master in Artificial Intelligence at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

van der Wijst, Jos IP lawyer / partner Netherlands Industry
Dvorak, Pavel Research specialist Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe Czech Republic Industry
Koch, Milan PhD Student BMW Group Germany Academia, Industry
Schwartz Juste, Guillermo CTO Clear Image AI Luxembourg Industry
Sandhåland, Per Ove Norway Industry
Rott, wolfgang Germany Industry
Bucci, Marco AI and Data Expert IBM Italy Academia, Industry

Former researcher in genetic algorithms and optimization problems.

Darwade, Abhijit Lead Data Scientist TCS India Industry
Calvo, Daniel Artificial Intelligence Coordinator Atos Research and Innovation Spain Industry
Ismaili, Besim CTO ELA AS Norway Industry
Golub, Andrey co-Founder & CEO ELSE Corp Italy Industry

Co-founder, CEO and CTO of ELSE Corp, a Virtual Retail and 3D Commerce company.
Book Author „Искусственный интеллект для моды“ (Artificial Intelligence for Fashion).

I am a Business Transformation and Technology Innovation professional, in the past a R&D manager, contract professor, and a strategy consultant, specialized in the development and launch of innovative DeepTech products and services, mainly Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
As of technology entrepreneur since 2010, my best expertise lays in the field of Fashion/Luxury Retail and Manufacturing.

Since 2014 I am the co-founder and CEO of ELSE Corp, a startup that is developing a „Real-Time Fashion“ approach called „Virtual Couture Fashion“, which is a new business model and a set of technologies, including those for AI-Assisted Design and AI Driven Customer Experience, for an end-to-end Digital Transformation of the supply chains in the fashion sector. ELSE’s mission is to enable MASS CUSTOMIZED design and retailing for fashion brands, process which then leads to the HYBRID (ON DEMAND) manufacturing model, at the end driving the industry towards a true SUSTAINABLE fashion model, which is REAL-TIME and DIGITAL.

– Member of the European AI Alliance @ European Commission
– 3D Footwear expert @ 3D Body Processing Working Group (3DBP), IEEE-SA
– Expert @ Fashion Tech cluster, The Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC)
– Advisor @ Fashion Technology Accelerator (FTA Milan)
– Chairman @inTAIL 2018, AI Driven & Intelligent Retail
– IEEE Member since 2004

Buining, Fred Founder HIRO-MicroDataCenters Netherlands Industry

Development of Hardware for Big Data processing and AI. Active in EU funded projects incorporating AI in Edge and Fog Computing.

Ackermann, Marcel Machine Learning Scientist Freelancer Germany Industry
Graf, Dr. Winfried H. Managing Partner Berlin Digital Group (BDG Innovation+Transformation GmbH & Co. KG) Germany Academia, Industry
Sánchez-Holgado, Patricia Researcher Universidad de Salamanca Spain Academia, Industry, Other
Shaker, Ammar Research Scientist/Dr. NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Deifallah, Dina Data Scientist HeyJobs Germany Academia, Industry
Vassiliades, Vassilis Team Leader Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies – RISE Ltd Cyprus Industry
Popovics, Laszlo Head of Research and Development organization Hungary Industry

Now I have a role to establish AI competence center within R&D organizational unit. My current focus on AI avatars, NLP, NLG. Researching the organizational aspects, how we can align organizational culture with the use of AI, and how we can enhance our performance with the skills of using AI on a daily level.

Nagy, András Data Science Engineer Hungary Industry
Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas Professor. Managing Director IDE+A – Institute for Data Science, Engineering, and Analytics. TH Köln Germany Academia, Industry

AI expert: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithms, Sequential Parameter Optimization

regan, gilbert Post doctoral researcher DKIT and Lero Ireland Academia, Industry

PhD in Medical Device Software Traceability.
Interested in cybersecurity and AI

Aslam, Imran Switzerland Academia, Industry
Van Leekwijck, Werner Senior Researcher Universiteit Antwerpen Belgium Academia, Industry
Goodman, David Senior Consultant Trust in Digital Life United Kingdom Academia, Industry, Other

Co-author of ‚The Rise of Machine Learning in the Enterprise‘
Co-author of ‚The New Wave: A Guide To Successful Surfing‘ – How do you build and hold on to a job or a career in the enhanced workplace of the future when you’re competing for promotion with an intelligent machine?

Trautwein, Frank Managing Director Raylytic GmbH Germany Industry

Interested in medical AI applications, collaborations and interoperability.
See also

Žirgutis, Vytautas Associate proffessor University Lithuania Academia, Industry
Valcik, Jakub Research Specialist Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe Czech Republic Industry
Raftopoulos, Marigo Principal Consultant Strategic Innovation Lab Australia Industry

I have a PhD in digital media/game technology and work in the field of innovation. I am currently working on an EU H2020 MSCA-IF research proposal with the University of Tampere (Finland) to conduct research into the augmentation of human and artificial intelligence. The research proposal looks to investigate the human factors aspects of AI, which will include the use of participatory design practices, gamification and game-based activities as mediators of engaging interactions and problem solving between human and machine that generate data, develop insights, facilitate business problem solving and aid both human and machine learning.

Tani, Satyanarayana Graz University of Technology Austria Academia, Industry, Other
Quinn, Julia Program Coordinator Gavin Conferences United States Academia, Industry, Other

5911 Oak Ridge Way

Schmitt, Alexander Sales Director Asia EP Ehrler Prüftechnik Engineering GmbH Germany Industry
Kavicky, Radovan Principal Data Scientist & President GapData Institute Slovakia Industry, Other

Member: Slovak.AI & European AI Alliance

Turina, Danilo Technical lead Trian s.r.l. Italy Industry

CS degree and more than 20 years working in software development (in the industry of telecommunications (network management) and mobility/insurance (Big data / IoT)).
Yesterday employee of a large enterprise, today an entrepreneur.
Really interested in the technologies that are changing the world.
Currently investing in AI (now studying ML).

Gianfreda, Cosimo Damiano CTO E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A. Italy Industry
Marquering, Henk Associate Professor Amsterdam UMC Netherlands Academia, Industry

Focus on AI for medical computer vision

Goebel, Randy Professor University of Alberta Canada Academia, Industry
Herfet, Thorsten Universitätsprofessor Saarland Informatics Campus Germany Academia, Industry

AI in Telecommunications (5G/6G) and Computer Vision (Light Field Analysis)

De Nobili, Cristiano Senior Deep Learning Scientist Harman Samsung Italy Industry

After a degree in Theoretical Particle Physics and a Ph.D. in Statistical Physics (SISSA, Trieste) on Entanglement Entropy, I’m currently into AI. In particular, I’m working out deep learning solutions applied to language. In addition, I am a machine learning instructor and an active speaker for meetups and events. Really interested in AI application for improving nature and human conditions.

Zaborowski, Piotr HoCapabilities Eversis Poland Industry
Casas, Pedro Research Scientist AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austria Academia, Industry

I am an expert and lead researcher in AI4NETS at the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. AIT is Austria’s largest Research and Technology Organization, and an international key player in many of the research areas it covers. AI4NETS – AI for Networks, is my attempt to drastically improve the functioning and operation of the Internet and the services relying on it through the systematic and successful application of AI/ML concepts. For the last 15 years, I have been tackling the core challenges hindering the acceptability and adoption of AI/ML in networking applications such as security, performance, anomaly detection and troubleshooting, and Quality of Experience. I work as principal investigator, project manager, technical work leader and researcher in multiple international projects in AI4NETS, I have published more than 150 papers around AI4NETS topics, receiving 13 best paper, best demo, and best student work awards. I periodically organize different international scientific events such as summits, workshops, and groups of interest around AI4NETS topics, having organized 17 of these events in the last five years, 11 of them initiated individually by myself. My main research interests include artificial intelligence, machine-learning, and data mining based approaches for Networking, big data analytics and platforms, Internet network measurements, network security and anomaly detection, as well as QoE modeling, assessment and monitoring.

Caglieris, Marco CEO Koyre Italy Industry, Other

I am CEO of a startup who is developing projects in the industrial and medical sector with traditional and new technologies

Aarts, Emile Prof.dr. Tilburg University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Steinbrener, Jan Sr. Postdoctoral Research Associate (tenure track) Universität Klagenfurt, Control of Networked Systems Group Austria Academia, Industry
Avila-García, Orlando Senior Research Engineer Atos Spain Industry

Ph. D. in Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent Autonomous Robots and Systems research line head, Manufacturing and Retail sector, Atos Research & Innovation.

De Togni, Stefano Founder Etica Italy Industry
de Kruijff, Gepco CEO Deltas Planet Earth Netherlands Industry

Earth Observation (EO), Complex Systems, Blockchain,

Sonnenfeld, Kristina Rheo Germany Industry
Gerlick, Joshua Doctoral Student Case Western Reserve University United States Academia, Industry

Joshua Gerlick is a seasoned corporate executive, research academician, and management educator, whose unparalleled ability to communicate broadly between practitioner and scholarly spheres of influence has earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor and highly-sought speaker. His current research agenda is situated at the intersection of advanced technology systems, human-computer interaction, and organizational learning — examining how firms navigate moral hazards and develop risk mitigation strategies within an ecosystem increasingly driven by artificial intelligence-based decision-making platforms. He uniquely illuminates relevant insights that suggest how public policy and industry self-regulation may co-exist to reduce algorithmic bias, increase data transparency, and validate fairness and inclusion in AI-based decision-making.

Joshua has also earned numerous awards and accolades during his career as an entrepreneur, executive, and consultant. He is recognized as a „science pioneer“ by the University of San Francisco and a „rising star“ by the Pittsburgh Technology Council. His expertise commercializing public- and private-sector technologies spans industrial domains including semiconductor fabrication, diagnostic medical device manufacturing, and autonomous vehicle control systems. Organizations honoring his contributions as a champion of technology commercialization and agent of change include Honeywell Aerospace, the Project Management Institute, and NASDAQ.

As a scholar, Joshua has served on the faculty of Case Western Reserve University and Grand Valley State University, and he regularly accepts speaking engagements throughout the world. He is an active member and contributor to numerous scholarly- and practitioner-oriented organizations.

Joshua is completing his PhD in Management at Case Western Reserve University. He earned an MBA and BS in Business Administration from Carnegie Mellon University.

Mac Williams, Carmen Director Grassroots Arts and Research Germany Industry
Fröhlich, Holger Professor; Head of Data Science & AI University of Bonn, Fraunhofer SCAI Germany Academia, Industry
Bernardini, Ángela AI work package leader Naitec Spain Industry
Hurtado, Juan Andrés Director Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Design Spain Industry

Braunschweig, Bertrand Coordinator, national research programme on AI Inria France Academia, Industry
Henckel, Paul Test Engineer Denmark Industry
Koene, Ansgar Global AI Ethics and Policy Leader EY United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Dr. Ansgar Koene is AI Regulatory Advisor at EY Global where he supports the AI Lab’s Policy activities on Trusted AI. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the RCUK funded Horizon Digital Economy Research institute (University of Nottingham) where he contributes to the policy impact activities of the institute and leads the policy related stakeholder engagement activities of the ReEnTrust project. As part of this work Ansgar has provided evidence to twelve UK parliamentary inquiries, co-authored a report on Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making for the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, and was lead author of a Science Technology Options Assessment report on a Governance Framework for Algorithmic Accountability and Transparency for the European Parliament.

Ansgar chairs the IEEE P7003 Standard for Algorithmic Bias Considerations working group, is the Bias Focus Group leader for the IEEE Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS), and a trustee for the 5Rgiths foundation for the Rights of Young People Online.

Ansgar has a multi-disciplinary research background, having worked and published on topics ranging from Policy and Governance of Algorithmic Systems (AI), data-privacy, AI Ethics, AI Standards, bio-inspired Robotics, AI and Computational Neuroscience to experimental Human Behaviour/Perception studies. He holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Computational Neuroscience.

Petsinis, George Lead Data Scientist Intrasoft Greece Academia, Industry

Background in Data Science and Remote Sensing with many years of engagement in AI/ML projects through both academia and industry

Scholtes, Jan Full Professor Text Mining & Chief Strategy Officer Maastricht University & ZyLAB Netherlands Academia, Industry

Expertise in: information retrieval, text-mining & text-analytics, computation linguistic and machine learning, in particular for the fields of e-discovery, corporate & information governance, and other legaltech applicationa.

Since 2008, Scholtes holds the extra-ordinary Chair in Text Mining from the Department of Knowledge Engineering at the University of Maastricht and he is a senior research fellow of the Dutch School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS). (SIKS) is a Dutch Research School established in 1996 and accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (

From 1987 to 2009 Scholtes acted as President / CEO of ZyLAB. Scholtes has been involved in deploying in-house e-discovery software with organization such as the UN War Crimes Tribunals, the FBI-ENRON investigations, the EOP (White House), and thousands of other users worldwide.

Fernandez, Ed Board Director BigML Inc United States Industry
Scheid, Martin Researcher DFKI Germany Academia, Industry
Vicente-Palacios, Victor Clinical Data Scientist Philips Healthcare Spain Spain Academia, Industry
Anil, Basak Business development Grus BV Netherlands Industry
Coma-Puig, Bernat PhD Student / Researcher Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain Academia, Industry
Schweizer, Damian Keith Pharma Research and Early Development, Laboratory Informatics Expert F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Switzerland Academia, Industry
Loh, Carmen Marketing Communications Manager IOS Press Netherlands Industry
TANTAR, Alexandru-Adrian Business Analytics Group Coordinator, PhD Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Luxembourg Academia, Industry

SUZEN, Hasan CEO University of Antwerp and Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group Belgium Academia, Industry
Galinski, Radek Director Technologie & Innovation TERRITORY Germany Industry
Muiños Landin, Santiago Artificial Intelligence Researcher Robotics & Control Department AIMEN Technology Center Spain Academia, Industry
Gavagnin, Elena Senior Project Leader Data Science Institute of Business Information Technology (IWI), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Zurich Switzerland Academia, Industry
de Kleijn, Maria SVP Analytical Services Elsevier Netherlands Industry
Hahn, Thomas Chief Expert Software Siemens AG Germany Industry

President Big Data Value Assoc.
VP OPC Foundation
Chairman Labs Network Industrie 4.0
Member SteCo Plattform Industrie 4.0

Bahov, Bobby CEO & Co-founder AI Lab One Netherlands Industry
van Wijk, Robert Jan Senior manager D&E ASML Netherlands Industry
Camilleri, Jean-Luc Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Technologiques Universitaires en Robotique Productique Université de Toulon et du Var France Industry

J’ai mis au point un Nouveau Test de Turing dans le but d’évaluer et comparer les niveaux d’intelligence entre un humain et une I. A., et souhaite le faire connaitre à la communauté scientifique.
Jean-Luc Camilleri 32120 Sarrant FRANCE

Hupaylo, Deva Director Merrill United States Industry
Roehrig, Sofie Freelance Internat. Development Researcher & Automation Application Developer Freelance & Accenture NL Germany Academia, Industry, Other

MSc International Relations from London School of Economics; interest in and practical experience with machine learning through my job at Accenture NL (Intelligent Automation Deeloper); freelance research experience with Australian Dpt. for Foreign Affairs and Trade and Economist Intelligence Unit; main interest is applying big data and AI techniques to address societal and economic (policy) problems.

Berns, Michael Director of AI & FinTech PwC Germany Industry
Tohidi, Ali Head of the board & Managing Director CEMTCO(caspian electromechanic technologists) Iran Industry

In the past two years we have launched a program in the company
On the application of artificial intelligence in energy, health and education
We want to explore the applications of artificial intelligence with a human-centered approach to nature conservation
We want to create hardware pilots in these areas
Power station way for electric cars
Cardiac Patient Care System
And training for people in a remote place

Puyenbroek, Mischa Security architect IT consulting Netherlands Academia, Industry, Other
van Zandwijk, Mike Fellow Winvision Netherlands Industry
Gassama, Oumar H. Product Manager Talkwalker Sarl. Hungary Industry

I am an IT professional holding Information Technology (BSc) and Engineering Teacher (BSc) degrees at the Budapest Tech (now Óbuda University). Having 15+ years of project management experience in the private sector IT industry, with 5+ years of product management and business analysis experience in IT software development field.
Right now I am in the planning phase of a research/innovation/development program initiative, aiming to improve on and add support to investigation processes of law enforcement offices (as well as prosecutors and relevant NGOs) with a special focus on finding missing children in the EU through AI methodology-based solutions.

Daniels, Sebastien Head Data Privacy Benelux Novartis Netherlands Academia, Industry
Breevoort, Leen Chairman Company Netherlands Academia, Industry

Please contact us if you would like to know more.

Karabanov, Denis IPSoft Netherlands Industry
Geerdink, Bas AI Pragmatist Aizonic Netherlands Academia, Industry

Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence, currently working as AI Pragmatist.

Prima, Ryan Master Student Leiden University Indonesia Academia, Industry
Montero de Quadras, Miquel CTO & Founder Atomian Spain Industry
Leitner, Stephan Head of Unit Data Management and Analytics RISC Software GmbH Austria Academia, Industry
BHATTACHARYA, PRASENJEET Global Lead of Strategic R&D Organization Netherlands Industry


CLAIRE is also a great step towards contributing and reaching towards our SDG goals 2030.
I would like to be part of CLAIRE and also see how my company can be useful in advancing the research goals of CLAIRE.

Looking forward to hear from you.


Ozdemir, Mahir Fellow Weconomics Netherlands Industry, Other

Hi, told a friend of my, about our project progress

She mention Claire AI , and told me that you are also taking human (rijnlandsmodel) instead of the company (anglo saksich) as the starting point of organization. Our thinking and projects are based on the work of Peter Drucker, and we are putting effort in “how we can make knowlegde workers more productive” … Our missions have a lot of common ground , “ Weconomics is a network of partners.

Our focus is on the design, development and deployment of organization technologies (such as Blockchain)

to reduce organizational friction to create surplus(time) for a better and more sustainable world.”

So i thought, lets connect because alone we are faster and together we go further for the commons

Tamarit, Salvador IT Researcher (PhD) PFS Group Spain Academia, Industry

Researcher with an academic background (PhD) and business experience in various topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, data science, microservices, automated data normalisation, debugging, testing, concurrency, compilers, and automatic program/data transformation.

Dubois, Eric Department Director – IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST Luxembourg Academia, Industry
Kadijk, Dirk entrepeneur | Data Scientist DGK IMPAKT Consulting Netherlands Industry

Prinses Mariannelaan 122

ahmed, moataz Scientist Irish Centre fo High-End Computing Ireland Academia, Industry

I had my PhD from the university of Nottingham, specialized in satellite image super resolution using deep learning and the effects of data augmentation. Worked for more than 10 years at several companies with open-source geospatial technologies. Contributes to few OS geospatial tools/applications

Silva, Nelson Research in Knowledge Visualization and Strategic Intelligence Know-center Austria Academia, Industry, Other
Bühler, Katja Area Manager, Group Leader VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH Austria Academia, Industry
Leijnen, Stefan Professor Utrecht University of Applied Sciences Netherlands Academia, Industry, Other
van Wijk, Ruben Analytics Translator Gimix Netherlands Industry
Röhrbein, Florian AI Strategist Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG Germany Academia, Industry
Metzelaar, Willem-Frederik business developer EIT Digital Netherlands Industry

1. Secure international customers
2. Raise Series A-B funding
3. Join the leading European innovation ecosystem
3. Scale up internationally

Fonteijn, Jos Consultant Company Belgium Academia, Industry, Other
Merkus, Paul Partnership manager University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Barbaresco, Frederic Smart sensors segment leader THALES France Industry
Pedro, Mónica Project Manager ML Analytics Portugal Industry
Rotondi, Domenico Italy Industry
Gómez Fernández, David R&D Engineer Company Spain Academia, Industry
Liske, Richard Student FernUniversität in Hagen Germany Academia, Industry
Iglesias, Carlos A. Associate Professor Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain Academia, Industry

PhD from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Expertise in multiagent systems, natural language processing, sentiment and emotion analysis, and linked data technologies.

Heckel, Till Director Strategy and Concept TERRITORY Content to Results GmbH Germany Industry, Other
Riemer-Sørensen, Signe Researcher SINTEF Digital Norway Academia, Industry, Other
Ravegnani, Stefano Project Manager Cerence Inc Italy Industry

Bachelor’s in management engineering, After 9 years in information technology project management field, in September 2019 I joined a company that works in AI and speech recognition field with the role of project manager

Veganzones, Miguel Angel AI Director Sherpa AI Spain Academia, Industry

Miguel Angel Veganzones received the Ms.C. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Artificial intelligence from the Basque Country University (EHU/UPV), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, in 2008 and 2012, respectively.

In October 2012, he joined the Images-Signal Department, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France, as a Postdoctoral Researcher. His research interests include the analysis of hyperspectral images by means of multiway analysis, computational intelligence, and statistical techniques.

In June 2016, he joined NEM Solutions as Data Analysis Manager and since May 2018 he works as Artificial Intelligence Director in

Dr. Veganzones is member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the CNRS GDR 720 ISIS (Information, Signal, Image et ViSion) and the CNRS GDR 3708 MADICS (Masses de Données, Informations et Connaissances en Sciences).

He is a regular Reviewer of international peer-reviewed scientific journals and has participated as a Program Committee Member and as a Scientific Referee in several international conferences.

Google Scholar

Hallsjo, Sven-Patrik Machine learning lead Linköping University and AFRY AB Sweden Academia, Industry
Toor, Harpal Singh Head Innovative Technologies Tech Mahindra GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

I am a Thinker, Creative and Maker, with the focus for a higher level of security in fields like
· The industrial Growth-driven mindset overtaking the sustainable ecosystem.
· Technology-driven mindset taking over the human values-driven system. In my opinion this will soon see a shift back to Ethics, values and humanity needs [already visible in some areas]

Lopes, Nuno Leading researcher DTx: Digital Transformation CoLAB Portugal Academia, Industry, Other

DTx: Digital Transformation CoLAB. DTx is a non-profit private association, that carries out its activity doing applied research in different areas associated with digital transformation

EL OUAZZANY ECHCHAHEDY, Imane Morocco Academia, Industry, Other
Geus, Marnix MD Netherlands Industry
Parker, Steven Program Manager ME confernces United Kingdom Industry

Please consider this message as important and require your acknowledgment.
We would like to invite you to join a group of members from your organization to our convention i.e. “8th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks” which is going to be held in Dubai, UAE during the month of June 18-19, 2020.
For further details kindly check with the given link:
With regards,
Steven Parker
Program Manager | Neural Networks 2020
Tel: +12013805561

zhang, hua director Huawei China Industry
Krtil, Alois CEO AI Research Organization Germany Academia, Industry

Member of HITeC e.V., Executive Director of IKS Hamburg / Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Interested in becoming a Member of Claire AI with our Research Organization ARIC e.V.

Bellotto, Nicola Associate Professor University of Padua United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Blagoev, Lyubo CEO USW Ltd Bulgaria Industry

NLP, RPA, Smart home private cloud

Nieuwenhuis, Kees Research Program director Thales Nederland B.V. Netherlands Academia, Industry

PhD in Physics

Albrecht-W., Dr. Klein CEO awkgroup Germany Academia, Industry
Secchi, Antonio Data Scientist University Italy Academia, Industry
van Ette, Frans Program Director AI TNO Netherlands Academia, Industry
Oribe, Jon Ander Software developer Eurohelp Spain Industry
Pilastri, Andre Senior Machine Learning CCG – Centro de Computação Gráfica Portugal Academia, Industry

Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurém, edf. 14

Bifulco, Ida Research Fellow University of Naples Federico II Italy Academia, Industry, Other
Conway, Steve Senior advisor, HPC market trends Hyperion Research Ltd. United States Industry
Tod, Georges Dr. Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium Academia, Industry
Hakanen, Jussi Senior researcher/PhD University of Jyvaskyla Finland Academia, Industry

Multiple criteria decision making, multiobjective optimization, surrogate-assisted optimization, explainable AI, visual analytics

Thelisson, Eva CEO AI Transparency Institute Switzerland Academia, Industry, Other
Arbai, Fayçal AI Engineer Belgium Industry
Lazzaroli, Valeria Chief Risk Officer ARISK srl Spin off Politecnico di Torino Italy Industry, Other
Tarantino, Luciano Chief Executive Officer ARISK Srl Spin Off Universitario Politecnico di Torino Italy Industry, Other
Lonardoni, Fabio Innovation Business Manager Modis Italy Industry

Via Medeghino 12 – Milan

Belo, David Researcher Libphys – Faculty of Sciences and Technology – Nova University of Lisbon Portugal Academia, Industry

I am a developer Deep Learning algorithms capable of delivering useful information from biosignals, namely Electrocardiograms and Electromyograms, imposing innovate solutions for processing and decision of large amounts of data.

I also was a NASA FDL researcher specialist during the summer of 2019 and will work as a mentor durring 2020.

Gaudenzi, Massimiliano Product Manager Smartpeg Srl Italy Industry
Sanfilippo, Andrea Tech Planning and Cooperation Huawei Technologies Germany Industry

Technology Planning and Cooperation Manager. Head of DACH coopeartion.
Responsible for the DACH research agenda and academic relations in the DACH region.

yi, jason Germany Industry
Dykast-Wildhaber, Hannah Lea Creative Strategist & Consultant CLAIRE CH Switzerland Academia, Industry
López Lobo, Jesús Senior researcher Tecnalia Research and Innovation Spain Academia, Industry

Dr. Jesús López is currently based in Bilbao (Spain) working at TECNALIA as Data Scientist and Researcher in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

He attended the University of Deusto and the National Distance Education University (UNED), receiving his BSc+MSc in Computer Science and his MSc in Advanced Artificial Intelligence respectively. In 2018 he obtained his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV).

His research topics are real-time data mining (stream learning), concept drift, incremental learning, adaptive and evolving systems, anomaly detection, spiking neural networks, and cellular automata for data mining. Some of them as part of real applications in Robotics (planning), Energy, Telecommunications, Transportation Systems, IoT, Industry 4.0, and Smart Water. Also interesed in multi-purpose AI, hoping that AI community builds JARVIS while avoiding Skynet.

Occasionally, he writes data science stories for reputed blogs such as or Not forgetting the leisure side, he also loves to go outdoors to surf all over the globe.

Armoni, Marco Indipendent Researcher Studio Armoni & Associati and CINEAS Italy Academia, Industry, Other

I Study and research in I.A. models for biology and health, to reach improvement in data analysis and disease prediction. In the last time I’ve also explored industrial segment with adopting same approach used to analyze health disease.

Hudah, Fayaz Board Member, Managing Director University of Moratuwa, Shared Knowledge Solutions Ltd Sri Lanka Industry

Fayaz Hudah

Former Programme Head of The Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka with nearly 20 years’ experience technology industry. He is the Founder of ‘spiralation’, the 1st Technology Accelerator in Sri Lanka. Co-author of the National ICT Capacity Strategy (NICS) which later became government policy for IT & KPO development in Sri Lanka. Drafted bilateral trade in IT/ITES services under CEPA with India and Pakistan. Creator and facilitator of The Technology Entrepreneurship course for Open University Of Sri Lanka. Judge of Kotiyak Vatina Adahasak the 1st startup reality TV show in Sri Lanka. Moderator, panelist 2016 & judge of the slingshot challenge 2017 at DisruptAsia 1st startup Conference & Expo. Juror 2013-14, congress judge 2015-16 and moderator 2017 of eSwabhimani National Best Quality Content Awards in Sri Lanka. Judge 2014-15 and keynote speaker 2013 at MIT GSL. Curator of Computer Society Of Sri Lanka CIO Forum. Moderator of the National Broadband Forum 2017 & 2018. Founder and Investor of a number of technology startups related to transportation, tourism, health, analytics, retail, etc. A connector and mentor to startups and a consultant to government, INGO and private sector organizations in technology transformation, productization, innovation, go-to-market and operational strategy.

Hürlimann, Manuela Research Associate ZHAW InIT Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnologie Switzerland Academia, Industry
Hermsen, Anna Senior Business Developer/EU manager TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Netherlands Academia, Industry, Other
Kampmann, Michaela Sweden Academia, Industry, Other

Hochwertige Waren vom Produzent. Fabrikverkauf. Versand am gleichen Tag. Bis 95 % günstiger als auf dem Markt.

Müllsäcke Alle, Sandsäcke, Raschelsäcke, Spänesäcke,

Kartonage, Luftpolstertaschen, Maxibrief,

Abdeckplane, Abdeckfolie, Baufolie,

Alufolie – Frischhaltefolie, Alu Klebeband – Aluband,

Abklebeband, Malerkrepp, Klebeband mit Folie, Malerkrepp mit Folie,

Antirutsch Streifen, Klebebänder Alle, Gewebeband, Papierklebeband,

Ddoppelseitiges Klebeband, Schaumklebeband, Reflektorband, Absperrband,

Kantenschutz, Kantenschutzprofil, Abdeckhaube, Palettenhaube,

Reifentüten, Umzugsdecken, Möbeldecken,

Alles für Umreifung, Umreifungsband, Haspelspanner, Klemmen,

Stretchfolie, Handstretchfolie, Maschinenstretchfolie

Unkrautvlies, Malervlies, Renoviervlies,

Luftpolsterfolie, Alu Luftpolsterfolie, Schaumfolie, Alu Schaumfolie,

Sichtschutz, Sonnenschutz, Windschutz,

Glasschutzfolie, Fensterschutzfolie,

Katzenstreu alle Sorten, Arbeitshandschuhe und Vieles mehr


Velis, Tara University Netherlands Academia, Industry
Busenhart, Mark Business Analyst Roche Diagnostics International Ltd. Switzerland Industry

Forrenstrasse 2

Kalve, Halvor CEO Grants4sme Norway Industry
Karamat, Muhammad Zeeshan CTO DeutschData Karamat und Ziesche GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Anand, Durgesh business analyst delhi university India Academia, Industry

2997 a sant nagar rani bagh

Stockinger, Kurt Professor ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland Academia, Industry
Garbe, Christoph CEO HD Vision Systems GmbH Germany Industry

At HD Vision Systems we develop light field based multi-camera systems for quality inspection, robotics and automation. Our AI-based algorithms provide our partners with superior results in an easy-to-use manner.

Rodrigues, Nelson Auxiliar Researcher DTx – Digital Transformation Colab Portugal Academia, Industry

I have a PhD in Computer Engineering by Universidade do Porto Faculty of Engineering with the topic „Agent-based Service Reconfiguration for Dynamic and Evolvable Systems“. I was able to successfully validate this innovative approach in flexible manufacturing system located in University of Valenciennes and at real industrial scenario at Whirlpool Factory – Naples, which allowed me to cover an interesting technological readiness from TRL-3 to TRL-7.

I’ve expertise on Industry 4.0; Cyber-Physical Systems; Intelligent Manufacturing; Machine Learning; Self-organization;
I’m an Invited Assistant Professor at Instituto Universitário da Maia and Auxiliar Researcher in the Digital Transformation Colab (DTx).

I’ve receive a Awards: Innovation Awards Technology Industry 4.0 (4k€)

Ambrona, Ricardo CEO Entrepeneur Spain Industry

Marketing & Sales professional, graduated in Electronics and Automation Engineering, with more than 19 years of international experience in global digital business growth management.
Strategic and open-minded thinking.

Send me an email for any questions, Ricardo

Holter, Trym Director Norwegian Open AI Lab, NTNU Norway Academia, Industry
Senjic, Pascal Germany Academia, Industry
Hadjar, Hamid Robotics Developer Herr Germany Academia, Industry, Other
Fassold, Hannes senior researcher JOANNEUM RESEARCH – DIGITAL Austria Academia, Industry

Publication list can be found at

gadelrab, fatma phd Helwan university Egypt Academia, Industry
Peters, Paul Fluxology Netherlands Industry
Rubesa-Zrim, Jelena Lead Researcher Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH Austria Academia, Industry
Gheibi, Amir Doctor of control systems Tabriz university Iran Academia, Industry
Owen, Sebastian CEO Netherlands Industry

Dear Sir/Madam,

At HIPSTO we are building the world’s premier open AI information discovery platform where we are pushing the current boundaries of AI/DS/ML/DL. Recent breakthroughs are extending Google BERT in field of related content detection (science paper available) and tests that show our AI „blind vision“ technology is vastly superior to „computer vision“ in the area of web data feature extraction & labeling. ……..and much more :-). We are here to help!

Martinelli, Silvia Assegnista di Ricerca University of Milan (Statale) Italy Academia, Industry

Silvia Martinelli is a lawyer of the Milan Bar Association, Researcher (“Assegnista”) at the University of Milan and PhD Candidate at the University of Turin.

Graduated in Law at the University of Milan, specialized in “Legal Informatic”, she is also Fellow of the Information Society Law Center (ISLC) of the University of Milan and Teaching Assistant (“Cultore della materia”) in both Private Law (University of Turin) and Legal Informatics (University of Milan).

She is also Member of the Editorial Committee of the Law Reviews “Ciberspazio e Diritto”, “Diritto, Mercato e Tecnologia” and “Diritto di Internet”, Fellow of the European Law Institute and of the Italian Academy of Internet Code, Member of the European Law & Tech Network.

She published a book about the right to be forgotten: “Diritto all’oblio e motori di ricerca. Memoria e privacy nell’era digitale“, Giuffrè, 2017 (“Right to be forgotten and search engines. Memory and privacy in the digital age”).

She wrote scientific articles about e-commerce, freedom of expression online, control of the worker through new technologies, domain names, data protection, right to be forgotten, data portability, provider’s liability and platform economy.

The PhD Research Project concerns platform economy and the liability of the intermediary platform. It focuses on Uber, Airbnb, Amazon and Ebay.

Bryant, Michael E. Chairman & CEO Quant Prophets Austria Industry

– Through Quant Prophets I am heavily involved in applications of AI in quantitative finance;
– Through my role as Chairman of Healthcare Data Technology I was actively involved in the application of AI in the healthcare industry;
– At the Data Science Foundation (https://DataScience.Foundation), I serve as a Member of the Judging Panels for the Annual 1) AI Startup of the Year Award, AI Innovation of the Year Award, and 3) Data Science & AI in Healthcare Award.

Hortalá, Enrique Freelance Spain Academia, Industry
Redondo, Luis Head of Innovation MTP (LE Company) Spain Industry
Ünal, Perin R&D Director TEKNOPAR Turkey Industry
Kuonen, Diego CEO & Professor of Data Science Statoo Consulting & Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), University of Geneva Switzerland Academia, Industry
Parrini, Omar Data Scientist Porini srl Italy Industry, Other
Martinez Cuesta, Sergio Senior investigator University of Cambridge and AstraZeneca United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Provazník, Ivo Head of Department Brno University of Technology Czech Republic Academia, Industry
Rahmani Qeranqayeh, Ali Master of Science in Computer Science-Artificial Intelligence The University of Science and Research Branch, Tehran Iran Academia, Industry

I have experience in working with variety of machine learning algorithms for modeling, classification and clustering problems. I am also familiar with Machine vision and data visualization. Being an expert in Python, Tableau, MATLAB, Java and C++ programming are some of my technical skills as well as troubleshooting and problem-solving due to more than three years of experience as a software engineer. Developing insurance core system for the largest Iranian insurance company in collaboration with a German company and gain skills in software development and Scrum methodology. Viewed as a self-driven, diligent, innovative and team worker. Suitable performance for perfect presentation and education skills. Achieve the first grade of Text & Web Mining, Evolutionary Computing and Neural Network in master’s degree. Teacher assistance of C++ programming, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and image processing. Interested in learning, research studies, and also follow subjects with enthusiasm and endeavor. Currently, work on insurance fraud detection and participation in the technological challenge of “Intelligent data mining in the power of cognitive science”. At last, eager to join a Research team in my area of interest.

Rowat, Colin Senior Lecturer; and European Relationships and External Research Manager University of Birmingham; and G-Research United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Borghi, Giuseppe Head of Φ-lab ESA Italy Academia, Industry
MEDJATI, Walid Yassine Data Science, AI/ML Engineer Airbus Operations GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Pellegrini, Paolo Director of Data & AI Jakala Italy Academia, Industry, Other

– „Cloud & AI Reseacher“ @ School of Management of Politecnico Milano
– „Data-Driven Strategy Practice Manager“ @Reply
– „Director of Data & AI“ @Jakala

Yi, Young CEO NN South Korea Industry
Gundersen, Odd Erik Chief AI Officer/Associate Professor TrønderEnergi and Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Academia, Industry
Ruiloba, Rosa Business developer AGENIUM Space France Academia, Industry

Expertise in image processing, EO and experience in AI, Deep Learning methods and simplification strategies for on-board processing.

Daur, Anshu Student Otto-Von-Guericke Univeristy Germany Academia, Industry
Dourgnon, Anne research Engineer EDF R&D France Industry
Bernou, Mathieu CTO OHB Hellas Greece Industry
Stix, Susanne Strategy Intelligence Germany Industry
Wolf, Gerhard AI Senior Solution Architect NetApp Germany GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

Member of the board of examiners for information technology – Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe

Kruk, Sandor Research Fellow European Space Agency Netherlands Academia, Industry
Maher, Michael Director Reasoning Research Institute Australia Academia, Industry
Pichler, Andreas CTO PROFACTOR GmbH Austria Academia, Industry
Sager, Pascal Research Assistant Zurich University of Applied Science Switzerland Academia, Industry
Klotz, Jesse Student XU University Potsdam Germany Academia, Industry


actually im a student in coding and software engineering, focusing on artificial intelligence electives with some early scientific experiences about AI.

I want to be a member of CLAIRE, as I would like to dive more into this world.

Cociancig, Christina Researcher Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Germany Academia, Industry

AI ethicist, NLP enthusiast

Gomaa, Amr Doctoral Researcher Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) Germany Academia, Industry

I hold a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Saarland University, Germany. I hold a B.Sc. degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Ain Shams University, Egypt.
I currently work as a researcher in applied machine learning at DFKI and I previously worked as a research assistant for 1.5 years at HCI group, Saarland University. I also worked for two years as a senior optimization Engineer at Vodafone Egypt.
My research and work interest is HCI (Human Computer Interaction), Multimodal Interaction, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Embedded systems and Security, Electronics and Telecommunication.

Tamajka, Martin Research assistant Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies Slovakia Academia, Industry

Recently, I became a research assistant at Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT). Here, I’m a part of NLP research group.

Besides KInIT, I’m a PhD at Slovak university of technology in Bratislava, field applied informatics. My research is focused on applications of artificial intelligence and computer vision in medical image analysis with emphasis on segmentation (mainly MRI), early diagnostics and explainability of decisions of neural networks..

At the university, I worked as a teaching assistant in subjects Computer vision, Digital signal processing and Development of web applications in cloud environment. As a product owner and teacher I lead 3 teams of students developing complex software using Scrum methodology (subject Team project, 2 semesters).

Since 2016, I work as a software developer at Siemens Healthineers Slovakia. My work consists mostly of developing machine learning and deep learning based prototypes and applications. I also lectured series of deep learning courses for different teams. As far as cloud is concerned, my active working experience also includes MS Azure and Azure DevOps (delpoyment, training models in cloud, containers, …, basic experience with Azure ML).

During my bachelor’s and master’s studies, I’ve achieved multiple awards.
* Magna Cum Laude for excellent results in undergraduate and graduate studies.
* Dean’s award for excellent final thesis in undergraduate and graduate studies.
* 3rd place in IT.SPY 2016, international IT Master’s thesis competition held in Prague, Czech Republic. Formerly known as ACM.SPY.

Hientz, Paul Associate Artificial Intelligence Technology Transfer CERN Knowledge Transfer Switzerland Industry

– 3 years of experience advising established multinational companies on formulation of AI strategy at Accenture Technology Strategy
– currently working at CERN Knowledge Transfer on formulating a technology transfer value proposition for AI
– interested in learning about roles and ways of engaging with CLAIRE

Mariotti, Giacomo Tech for Good Lead Nesta Italia Italy Industry

I am technologist with experience in managing AI products and projects, gained through quantitative and managerial roles in top tier consulting and industry leading corporates, and by being the founder and CEO of a venture-backed Machine Learning startup. My areas of expertise are Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, leading cross-functional teams of data scientists, data engineers, developers and designers to build software solutions that unlock real business and social value.

Vozniak, Igor Researcher DFKI Germany Academia, Industry

1. Obtained B.Sc. of Informatics 2008
2. Obtained M.Sc. of Informatics 2010
3. Obtained B.Sc. of Informatics 2015
4. 2nd place Valeo Innovation Challange 2015
5. Software Campus participant

Pecher, Branislav Junior Researcher Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies Slovakia Academia, Industry

I am currently a junior researcher at Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT), where I am part of Information Processing research group that deals mainly with the problem of false information on the Web and all of its related fields (interpretability, ethics of AI etc).

Besides KInIT, I am a PhD student at Slovek University of Technology in Bratislava in a field of intelligent information systems and AI. In my research at the university, I focus on the application of AI in the domain of misinformation detection (mainly in medical domain), with the focus being on detection with only small number of labelled samples (with the use of meta-learning). In addition, I want to address the problem of explaining decision (which was my main point of focus in the masters degree) in domain of misinformation with the use of small amount of data. I have already submitted multiple papers on international conferences. At the university, I participated in 2 research projects (on misinformation detection), one of which was in cooperation with Bar-Ilan University in Israel and dealt with medical misinformation.

I also worked as a teaching assistant at the University. I lead a team of students, as a product owner, developing complex software with the help of Scrum methodology.

During the bachelor and masters study, I participated in the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition with an application for automatic extraction of information from receipts, which then evolved into a startup (which ended after few years as our team fell apart, as each of us wanted to focus on different things). During the last year of my masters study, just before starting my PhD, I participated in the research projects, developing a platform for collecting various mis/informative articles and claims from the Web and their classification. I have active experience with development of web application, the use of Docker and other devops.

During my bachelors and masters degree, I have achieved various awards:
– I finished Magna Cum Laude for excellent results in both the bachelors and masters studies
– Chancellors award for excellent results 3 years in the row (last year of bachelor studies and 2 years of master study)

Noor, Muhammad Yasir Software Engineer DFKI Germany Industry
Kuriakose, Bineeth PhD Fellow Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) Norway Academia, Industry
Čegiň, Ján Research Assistant Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies Slovakia Academia, Industry
Nogueira, Tiago CTO VisionSpace Technologies GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
De Canck, Hans Manager AI Experience Centre / AI for the Common Good Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium Academia, Industry
Ruiz, Marcela Senior Lecturer and Researcher Zürich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW Switzerland Academia, Industry

I am a very enthusiastic and strongly motivated researcher in software engineering. My main focus is on software traceability for developing high quality software products.

Since I found combining different study fields and the involvement of industrial partners leads to improved research, I strive for establishing persistent and fruitful collaborations with research groups and companies around the world. As a lecturer, I like to be creative by introducing trendy and catching material to my courses while promoting the research career of future scientists.

I hold a PhD in Computer Science by the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV, 2016), Spain. I got a bachelor degree in 2009 by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín. Later on in 2011, I got a MSc in Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems by the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain.

Some of my research interests are: information systems evolution, requirements engineering, conceptual model evolution, model-driven development, conceptual model traceability, business process modelling, goal modelling, organisational reengineering, and delta analysis for software evolution. More information:

Crespo, Fernando Universidad Mayor Chile Academia, Industry

I’m Mathematical and Industrial Engineer. Doctor in Science. Member of IEEE, ACM, INFORMS and European Society of Operational Research. I have interest in Machine Learning, Operational Research, Artificial Inteligent, Analytics, Data Science, Data Mining and Simulation.

Hartung, Frank Professor FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences Germany Academia, Industry
Favorito, Marco PhD Student Sapienza University of Rome Italy Academia, Industry
Majchrowska, Agata Researcher | Assistant Professor | advocate CODR.PL Research Lab | WWSIS | ORA Wroclaw Poland Academia, Industry, Other

ICT Lawyer | EU Observatory Expert | Member of the European AI Alliance | Chair of the Online Arbitration Court CODR.PL | Juris Doctor | IT Project Manager | Assistant Professor

Leenknegt, Arno Belgium Industry
Ghosh, Sucheta Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Germany Academia, Industry
Kempe, André Ceo ProMetronics UG Germany Industry

european ai framework for cross correlation of scientific data – made for H2020 projects and interdisciplinary science. Financed by the euroean community.

it infrastructure for multi user cloud storage and analysis

Cazenave, Régis CEO ReliaSol Netherlands Industry

Passionate about people and technology, I am the CEO of a successful scale up company headquartered in The Netherlands.

We developed a Digital Platform for Predictive Maintenance based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) that helps our customers to optimise their industrial processes, increase their production uptime and decrease their maintenance costs.

Customers like Bühler, Opel, Volkswagen, EDF, Howden, GE Power among others have already trusted in our expertise and experience.

López, Beatriz Professor University of Girona Spain Academia, Industry
Herrmann, Erik Researcher DFKI GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Mkrtchyan, Vage junior engineer DFKI GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Gil, Natalie CTO Auna, Auna Ideas Peru Industry

Ahuactzin Larios, Juan Manuel Research Director Promagnus S.A. de C.V. & Universidad de las Américas Puebla Mexico Academia, Industry

Juan Manuel Ahuactzin is the Research & Development Director at Promagnus Company. He has over 20 years‘ experience driving top scientific and technological research projects and over 10 years‘ experience in systems analysis, design, and industry development. He has a solid background as a teacher and mentor in higher education. He has acquired experience in Bayesian technology, data mining, machine learning, optimization techniques, and geometric reasoning along in his career. J.M. Ahuactzin has extensive and applicable knowledge in diagnosis and prediction under uncertainty, decision and risk analysis, smart cities, the internet of things, robotics, and health informatics. Besides, he is interested in the techniques of creativity, innovation, and Design Thinking. He is the author and co-author of several journal articles and book chapters, mainly in robotics and applied Bayesian reasoning. Along with his colleagues at INRIA, he is co-author of the book „Bayesian Programming“ published by CRC Press.

He received his Bachelor’s degree in computer systems engineering from Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) Mexico in 1989. He obtained the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, in 1991 and 1994. During 1994-95, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the robotics group at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada. He continued to be an associate researcher at SFU during the summers from 1996 to 1999. From 1995 to 1999, J.M. Ahuactzin had a permanent Computer Systems Engineering Department position at UDLAP. From January 2000 to 2005, he was a researcher at INRIA Rône-Alpes, France, where he participated in several European research projects. J.M. Ahuactzin is cofounder of Probayes (spin-offs of INRIA) in France and Probayes Americas in Mexico (now Promagnus). At the first company, he was the Research Director from 2005 to February 2011; at Probayes Americas, he was CEO from 2010 to May 2015. Probayes was acquired by La Poste (France) in 2016. From May 2015 to June 2020, he was the innovation program manager at T-Systems Mexico. Dr. Ahuactzin is passionate about academia; he is a part-time course lecturer at Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Juan Manuel Ahuactzin is a founding member of the Mexican Academy for Computing.

Tamburrano, Luca Talend Italy Academia, Industry
Bellamy, Steve Director Perdiem Limited United Kingdom Industry

Worked on several Big Data and analytics projects, mainly in finance applications recently.
Interested and supportive of initiatives fostering ethical use of these technologies.

Gyulai, Tamás Service Development Engineer for Smart Cities Regional Innovation Agency of South Great Plain Hungary Academia, Industry

I am currently working on my PhD at the Doctoral School of Regional- and Business Administration Sciences of Széchenyi István University of Győr in Hungary. My research work is supported by Cooperative Doctoral Programme of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary.

Spaans, Ron Student & consultant Netherlands Industry
Li, Min Associate Professor Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Netherlands Academia, Industry

Already heavily involved in both academic and industrial AI projects

Ajeganov, Boris Senior Consulting FTI Consulting EU Belgium Industry, Other

Lead, AI Global Taskforce, FTI Consulting

Gillblad, Daniel co-Director AI Sweden Sweden Academia, Industry
Carbonnelle, Pierre PhD Researcher KU Leuven Belgium Academia, Industry

Legal AI

Kikaj, Adem Researcher KU Leuven – Computer Science, DTAI Belgium Academia, Industry

My research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, Decision Analysis, Programming Languages and Software Engineering. Strong research background with a Master of Science – M.Sc. focused on Knowledge Technologies from Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. Currently, working on SYNTH ( project as a member of Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence group at KU Leuven.

Sansone, Emanuele PostDoc KU Leuven Italy Academia, Industry
Van Haaren, Jan Chief Analytics Officer; Research Fellow SciSports; KU Leuven Belgium Academia, Industry
Carr, Seymour Fiji Academia, Industry, Other

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Zanotti, Simone Sales & Marketing Director E4 Computer Engineering Spa Italy Industry

IT pro by mistake, innovator by passion.
Simone began his professional career 15 years ago providing assistance and support to SMB companies and then continuing as a technical specialist on Microsoft and VMware technologies for enterprise companies.

In 2013 he discovers and falls in love with the open source world and at the same time expands his skills towards presale, service management, business organization and strategy.

Today, as Digital Transformation Officer and Sales&Marketing Director, he leads the path of E4 Computer Engineering by combining the company’s renowned and historical background in the HPC market with the potential of OpenStack cloud and Kubernetes containers technologies.

Hendrickx, Kilian PhD student KU Leuven Belgium Academia, Industry
Godinez, June Somalia Academia, Industry, Other

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Skopyk, Khrystyna Ms student Ukrainian Catholic University Ukraine Academia, Industry
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Lukaart, Martijn Founder & CEO Odd.Bot Robotics for a sustainable future Netherlands Industry, Other

With the ‚Weed Whacker‘-robot Odd.Bot has successfully developed a mechanical in-row weeding robot to initially support organic farmers with their hand-weeding tasks. Eventually the company is aiming to help all farmers in their transition to sustainable agriculture, replacing the need to use any potentially harmful chemicals.

The system consists of a detection unit with a high precision camera that utilizes A.I. machine learning tech to distinguish weeds from crops and determine the most effective removal action. A patent-pending mechanical 3-in-1 gripper is used to mechanically remove the weeds.

The system is live for usage in (organic) carrots and tested now for usage in onions, chicory fields and other high value high density crops

SCREMIN, Lionel Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX France Industry
Mills, Paul Director of Sales, EMEA CloudFactory United Kingdom Industry
Kelly, Jessie Global Talent Officer Australian Government Australia Industry, Other

Interested in the governance of AI, 10 years experience in consensus building between government, industry, research and the community on national level initiatives/ themes, interested to further engage with CLAIRE and based out of the Australian Embassy Berlin.

Jastroch, Norbert Director MET Communications Germany Industry
Chies, Felipe Augusto Head of Product Bitfury AI Netherlands Industry

I lead product development for Bitfury AI. At Bitfury AI, we are developing disruptive hardware technology to accelerate efficient machine learning in the edge. I am interested in machine learning and contributing back to the community.

voorneveld, maarten Researcher Leiden University Netherlands Academia, Industry
SILVA, LUIS MIGUEL Project Manager Cluster TICE.PT Portugal Industry
COTE, Myriam Senior AI Strategist Consultant Canada Academia, Industry

Ph.D. in AI from Telecom Paris, ENST
10 years co-developping Mila as Director AI for Humanity, Executive Director and Director of Technology Transfer under the supervision of Prof. Yoshua Bengio, Turing Award Laureate 2018.
Interests: contribute to build a better world with a responsible and sustainable use of AI.

Mayer, Heinz Director DIGITAL JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Austria Academia, Industry

Dr Heinz Mayer, Director of JOANNEUM RESEARCH DIGITAL since 2013, graduated from the Graz University of Technology with a master degree in Telematics and a doctoral degree respectively. After several years at Magna Steyr, he is ramping up the research unit Machine Vision Applications since 2007 at JOANNEUM RESEARCH. Heinz Mayer is member of the professional organizations IEEE and ACM and member of the Austrian strategic community. He is start-up founder and holds several patents.

Zavrel, Jakub Zeta Alpha Netherlands Industry

Founder and CEO of Textkernel, Zeta Alpha.

Marco, Cristina Language Engineer Amazon Alexa Italy Industry
Pirani, Massimiliano Assistant Professor Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy. Italy Academia, Industry
unamuno, gorka researcher research center Spain Industry
Beyersdorff, Bjorn Germany Academia, Industry
Moretti, Giorgio Switzerland Industry
Lohmann, Wolfgang Business Analyst AUSY Technologies Germany AG Germany Industry

I have been working in Informatics and Sustainability Research with Prof. Hilty in St.Gallen/Zurich (CH) and my interests are:
a) how to prevent Artificial Super Intelligence
b) SingularityNET
c) Sustainability

Zendman, Tim Innovation Lead MN Netherlands Industry
Rottembourg, Benoit Regalia Lead INRIA France Academia, Industry
Diaconu, Mara R&D & Innovation in Health Technologies | Senior EU Advisor Norway Health Tech Norway Academia, Industry

I am passionate about innovation, digital health technologies, AI tools, welfare solutions and creation of a sustainable society equal for all citizens. I find energy in engaging with innovators, entrepreneurs, citizens, and I have a special interest in user-centred inclusive design, digital technologies and AI solutions.

Kvalvik, Petter Researcher/Business Developer Institute for Energy Technology Norway Industry, Other
MAS, Fernando Chief Technical Officer – CTO M&M Group Spain Academia, Industry
Sanz, Arantxa Head of Strategy Centre de Recerca Matemàtica Spain Academia, Industry
Koch, Cosmin R&D Head of Digital Innovation Acciona Spain Academia, Industry

An enthusiastic PhD Control System engineer with both academic and industrial experience in the field of Renewable Energy Integration, Smart Cities and Water Treatment.
My research activities focused on:
– integration of renewable energy sources,
– applications for battery energy storage systems (BESS),
– hierarchical power plant control,
– Smart City grid operation optimization (Model Predictive Control),
– Big Data, Machine Learning & Industry 4.0

Rossi, Roberto Italy Industry
Karssen, Zeger Director / prof World Brain – Brussel Free University France Academia, Industry

I am an Open Access publisher with special interest in AI and based in Paris. I just sold my company Atlantis Press to Springer and looking for new opportunities via Claire. Would love to meet people in your team and discuss how we can define some common interests.

Franke, Jörn Principal IT Expert Cloud/AI European Central Bank Germany Industry
Amilitou, Eleftheria IT Manager European Central Bank Germany Industry

Member of group designing the AI Strategy from an IT perspective.
With a Computer Science background I have a genuine interest in algorithms and technology enablers. I attended a basic training on AI (Coursera) and a Leadership course on AI Business Strategy shaping.
I am a data and AI enthusiast and supporter

Cheng, Chih-Hong Technical Manager DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH Germany Academia, Industry
Beelen, Axel Manager Axel Beelen Belgium Industry

I am a legal consultant specialised in data (copyright, blockchain and data protection) with a strong interest on AI. I hope i can help CLAIRE.
Axel Beelen

Boehncke, Gerrit Strategic Planner / PhD Student Territory / Alpen-Adria Universität Germany Academia, Industry
Dunphy, Brendan Founder & Principal Duinphy Associates France Industry

AI in healthcare

Uysal, Merih Seran Group Leader (Dr.) RWTH Aachen University Germany Academia, Industry

Dear experts of CLAIRE,
My areas of interest lie in process mining comprising process discovery, conformance checking, predictive monitoring of business processes, comparative process mining, process mining on uncertain event data, and process mining applied to operational processes in the context of internet of production.
Best regards,

Dessain, Jean Professor IESEG, School of Management Belgium Academia, Industry

– Professor of Finance and machine learning at IESEG
– Expertise in neural networks (time series analysis) with CNN, LSTM, ResNet…

Lupo, Guy Researcher Swinburne University Australia Industry
Hashmi, Mustafa Lecturer (equ. Assistant Professor Federation University Australia Australia Academia, Industry
herudek, benedikt practitioner student Netherlands Industry
Valentini, Franco Italy Industry

We develop electronics smart device with embedded Deep Learning Algorithms

Lázaro Gaspar, Javier Digital Hub director Ferrovial Spain Industry
Van Delm, Wouter Consultant Hoplitai BV Belgium Industry
Fernandez Rojo, Eduardo Faculty Northeastern University (USA) Spain Academia, Industry, Other

Faculty, AI and Machine Learning, Northeastern University – Silicon Valley campus USA
Board Director – BigML Inc (Machine Learning Platform technology company)
Board Director – Arowana International ASX:AWN

Tröscher, Wolfgang Trainer IT / Machine Learning Siemens AG Germany Academia, Industry

Trainer for AI / ML

Bensalah, Asma Phd student Computer Vision Center, UAB Spain Academia, Industry
TIT, Karim PhD student Inria France Academia, Industry
Spaanjaars, Aldo Netherlands Industry, Other
Rust, Ida Helena PhDphil candidate / Consultant human – system adaptation University of Twente / Self-employed Netherlands Academia, Industry

Experienced international innovation advisor and strategic business developer for public, private and academic institutions, specialized in human proactive adaptation to change as the result of intelligent automation

External PhD Philosophy candidate for the University of Twente (The Netherlands), researching human critical thinking and creativity in the era of Artificial Super Intelligence

Lavrov, Yury Senior Stress Engineer Strata Manufacturing, United Arab Emirates Austria Industry

As of now, I have not got any practical experience in AI in my workplace, but I am interested in the subject and planning my professional transition in the AI field as a self-taught expert.

Hansen, Jan CEO TheInsightX Norway Industry
Di Noia, Tommaso Professor Politecnico di Bari Italy Academia, Industry

My research activity focuses mainly on the themes of Artificial Intelligence and Data Management about techniques and applications of machine learning and recommender systems. Recently, my attention has shifted to exploiting the information encoded within Big Data datasets, such as those available thanks to the Linking Open Data initiative, to create content-based recommendation engines (content-based) or hybrid ones. On personalized information access and the modeling of user preferences, I have recently proposed innovative solutions that combine and integrate different aspects, solutions, and techniques from Artificial Intelligence.
Of great interest to my research is the security of Artificial Intelligence systems with particular reference to Adversarial Machine Learning.
Initially, my research was dedicated to solving theoretical and practical problems in distributed scenarios of resource retrieval and automatic reasoning. In order to verify the validity of the obtained results, these have consistently been implemented and tested in different application domains such as e-commerce, business process management, Web Service discovery, and decision support systems for skills management in recruitment agencies. Subsequently, guided by the results achieved in electronic commerce, my attention shifted to studying new ways to combine knowledge representation techniques and automatic reasoning, both to automatic negotiation between rational agents with preferences and to ubiquitous scenarios and protocols.

I am an auditor for national and international research projects related to my research topics, for high-level international journals and conferences in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Semantic Web, and Recommender Systems.

– Recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 3rd Workshop on Adversarial Learning Methods for Machine Learning and Data Mining @ KDD 2021 with the paper „Understanding the Effects of Adversarial Personalized Ranking Optimization Method on Recommendation Quality“
– Recipient of the Best Research Student Paper Award at the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019) with the paper „How to make latent factors interpretable by feeding Factorization machines with knowledge graphs“
– Reference tutor for the international IBM Ph.D. Fellowship award for the year 2015.
– Winner of the HP Labs Innovation Research Program 2011 Award with the „Semantic Expert Finding for Service Portfolio Creation“ project. The project also obtained funding for the year 2012.
– Recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics 2012) with the paper „Linked Open Data to support Content-based Recommender Systems“
– Recipient of the Best Workshop Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2010) with the paper „Semantic wonder cloud: exploratory search in DBpedia“
– The paper „A unified framework for non-standard reasoning services in description logics“ was selected in a shortlist of seven articles for the Best Paper Award (607 submissions – acceptance percentage: 22%) at the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence – ECAI 2010
– Second place in the Business Idea Contest co-located with the 2nd Annual European Semantic Technology Conference (ESTC 2008)
– Recipient of the Best Theme Paper Award at the 9th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2007) with the paper „RFID meets Bluetooth in a semantic-based u-commerce environment“
– Recipient of the Best Paper Award at the Joint 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC ’06) and 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE‘ 06) with the paper „Concept covering for automated building blocks selection based on business processes semantics „
– Recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2004) with the paper „Concept Abduction and Contraction for Semantic-based Discovery of Matches and Negotiation Spaces in an E-Marketplace“

Invited reports
– Tutorial at the 13th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining with the talk „Adversarial Machine Learning in Recommender Systems“.
– Tutorial at the 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference with the talk „Linked Open Data for Semantics-Aware Recommender Systems“.
– Keynote Speaker at the 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in the Web with the talk „Recommender Systems: Models, Challenges, Solution“.
– Keynote Speaker at the 1st International Workshop on Keyword-based Access and Ranking at Scale with the talk „From Text to Knowledge Graphs to Recommender Systems“.
– Tutorial at the 16th International Conference on Web Engineering with the talk „Recommender Systems meet Linked Open Data“.
– Tutorial at the 10th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web with the talk „Feeding Recommender Systems with Linked Open Data“.
– Keynote Speaker at the 6th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2012) with the speech „Semantic Matchmaking and Ranking: Beyond Deduction in Retrieval Scenarios“.
-Invited seminar at HP Labs in Palo Alto with the talk „Handling preferences in the Semantic Web“.
-Keynote Speaker at the 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2010) with the talk „Electronic Markets, a look behind the curtains: how can semantic matchmaking and negotiation boost e-commerce?“

Kalidindi, Shanmugha Sri Siva Teja Researcher University Jean Monnet France Academia, Industry
Müller-Holtz, Martin Senior Developer, AI Specialist, Tech. Lead Opitz Consulting Germany Academia, Industry
Chikobava, Margarita WiMi/Software Engineer Free University Berlin/DFKI Germany Academia, Industry
Sonntag, Michael Ambassador MINT Zukunft schaffen (German Initiative) Germany Academia, Industry, Other
Plasencia, Yenisel Postdoctoral researcher Maastricht University Netherlands Academia, Industry

I am a researcher in data science and artificial intelligence. My interests encompass data representations for artificial intelligence and responsible data science, including aspects such as responsible data management, transparency and explainability, with a human-centred focus.

Gerard, Stephan France Industry
Hassan, Ahmed Senior Data and Machine Learning Engineer Maastricht University, Netherlands Academia, Industry
Aldemir, Hatice CI Expert-Personalised/Digital Health ULB Belgium Academia, Industry, Other
Chetty, Johnson Board Member CynSar Foundation India Industry
Weber, Michael CEO Germany Academia, Industry

Artificial intelligence and computer science
Google Developer, W3C, GitHub

Zwyssig, Patrick CEO iValue Ltd liab. Co Switzerland Industry

Further education with regard to AI at IMD, Lausanne

Joan Riera, Francesc Machine Learning Engineer The LEGO Group Denmark Industry
Rachetta, Andrea Student RWTH Aachen University Germany Academia, Industry

Deep interest in the field of Data Science

Ladeira, Ana European Space Agency Portugal Academia, Industry
van Hessen, Arjan researcher, dr. University of Twente Netherlands Academia, Industry
Backfried, Gerhard Chief Scientific Officer CSO HENSOLDT Analytics Austria Industry

ASR, NLP, multilingual, multiplatform, multimodal information retrieval, disaster communication, security/defense-related aspects of AI

Sánchez Hidalgo, ADOLFO Profesor Contratado Doctor Universidad de Córdoba Spain Academia, Industry

Philosophy of Law

Vande Kerckhove, Corentin Assistant Professor Université catholique de Louvain Belgium Academia, Industry
Giannakopoulos, Theodoros Multimodal Machine Learning Researcher National Center for Scientific Research „Demokritos“ Greece Academia, Industry
Cukic Radenkovic, Milena Founder and CEO 3EGA B.V. Netherlands Academia, Industry

Engineer of bimedical electronics, specialised in fractal and nonlinear analysis of electrophysiological data, turned PhD Neuroscientist, focused on data-driven computational psychiatry, mailnu depression early detection and prediction, CVD risks detection and remote monitoring of outpatients. I strongly advocate for early detection, prevention and personalized approach, together with Bayesian approach, and active inference applications.

Portaz, Miguel Digital Transformation and International Business Development | MBA and PhD researcher in Advanced AI UNED Spain Academia, Industry, Other

I’m an enthusiast technologist with nearly 20 years of sales and business development experience. At the beginning of my career I began working as computer engineer for several multinationals and organisations, such Telefonica or the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Warsaw. During the last 15 years I’ve been developing management functions at Indra, both nationwide and internationally.

Academically I’ve been focused on combining technical and executive training, having a Master in International Business Management (MBA) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, leadership courses from IESE Business School and recently a MSc in Research in Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI).

I’m interested in the contribution that technologies such AI, Big Data or IoT cause in the digital transformation in many different and diverse areas, including Transport, Defence or Logistics among others.

I’m motivated to assume professional challenges, contributing with my experience in the achievement of business objectives, especially in the technological field.

Sobrino García, Victor Manuel AI PhD Researcher UNED Spain Academia, Industry
Hansen, Birte Innovation and Industry coordinator Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium Norway Academia, Industry
Overkleeft, Rick CEO 4MedBox Europe Netherlands Industry
Milani, Alfredo Associate Professor University of Perugia Italy Academia, Industry

Director of KIT-Lab (Knowledge and Information Technology Laboratory, founded in 2004
Recipient of Informatics Europe Prize Best Practices in Education Award 2019
Senior IEEE Member

Former Executive Committee Member of European Network of Excellence in AI Planning
Former Executive Committee Member of AI*IA, the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AIxIA

Areas of interest:
Machine Learning & Deep Learning
Evolutionary Computation & Optimization
Affective Computing
Complex Network Analysis
AI Planning
Education and AI

Torge, Sunna Senior Researcher TU Dresden Germany Academia, Industry
Traoré, René Data Scientist & Doctoral candidate German Aerospace Center (DLR) & Technische Universität München (TUM) Germany Academia, Industry
Alves, Patrícia PhD. candidate GECAD, ISEP-IPP Portugal Academia, Industry
Ruppert, Carlotta Master Student Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland Academia, Industry

– Master Student with focus on AI applied to medical images
– Working at the Start-up b-rayZ on automatic breast lesion detection in Breast US

Sajno, Elena Phd student Università di Pisa – Italy Italy Academia, Industry
Šír, Gustav Researcher (postdoc) Czech Technical University Czech Republic Academia, Industry

AI expertise in combining logic-based methods with deep learning.
Faculty advisor for an honor society of excellent CS/AI students (

Gatt, Gege CEO EBO Malta Academia, Industry

Dr. Gege Gatt is the CEO of London-based company EBO.AI, an Artificial Intelligence enterprise which enables the automation and personalisation of engagement. He is a digital entrepreneur and IT-Law specialist. He serves as the Vice President of the Malta IT law Association and a specialist examiner at the University of Malta. He’s a Board Member of Humanity 2.0 developed by the Holy See in Rome and a consortium of thought-leaders to identify impediments to human flourishing and then work cross-sector to remove them.

Navarro, Enrique Spain Industry
Rossi, Dario Director, DataCom Lab, Paris Research Center. Chief Expert Network AI Huawei France Academia, Industry

Dario Rossi is Director of Huawei AI4NET Lab and Director of the DataCom Department at the Paris Research Center, France. Before joining Huawei in 2018, he held Full Professor positions at Telecom Paris and Ecole Polytechnique and was holder of Cisco’s Chair NewNet@Paris. He has coauthored 20+ patents and 200+ papers in leading conferences and journals, that received 9 best paper awards, a Google Faculty Research Award (2015) and an IRTF Applied Network Research Prize (2016). He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Senior Member of ACM.

Pavlic, Marina R&D Product Manager Transmitters and Communications Ltd. Croatia Industry

Winner of the CEE Siemens Award 2019.; R&D telecommunications expert, PM for Edge Computing and AI based services and Intelligent transport Systems based on AI

Surner, Martin PhD candidate Hochschule Landshut Germany Academia, Industry
CISSOKO, Bouba CEO and Head of Innovation Services OPERANKA ASSOCIATES France Industry, Other

I fully support Claire network and the philosophy behind it. It is key for Europe to nurture such a community and help it leading to innovative and world-scale companies. As an executive working on Ai projects and an actor of technology financing, I will be honored to help some ideas from Claire network and seed them for the creation of some European startups implementing Human-centric Ai products or any other Ai products that augment human intelligence instead of replacing it.

Fehlner, Andreas Software Developer AI / Self-employed for machine learning research software TRUMPF Laser GmbH Germany Academia, Industry

* Industrial Senior Software Developer AI for MLOps and Edge AI with focus on computer vision (especially semantic segmentation)
* Self-Employed machine learning researcher in the field of biomedical image data

rodriguez, jeremias software engineer iRobot LTD Argentina Academia, Industry

I am a computer science student currently about to finish a Master’s degree at Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. During my early years education I acquired a solid background on mathematics and computer science foundations (algebra, calculus, probability and statistics, logic, algorithms, data strucutures, computer architecture, operating systems), obtaining my bachellor’s degree with a grade average of 9.52/10.

I continued my education at Universidad Nacional de Rosario, taking introductory courses on artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining and robotics. I was immediately fascinated by the way machine learning combined so many areas of interests for me; and simply the concept of algorithms learning was masmerizing for me.

My master’s thesis follows up on two of my professor’s work, applying machine learning and data mining techniques to identify variable stars of type RR-Lyrae on a huge astronomical dataset produced by a telescope in Chile.

During my last 4 years of education, and seeking economical independence, I’ve been working as a software engineer for an American robotics company, iRobot. I lived in Los Angeles for a year doing an internship, then I worked part time remotely as a contractor, and finally I was hired as an employee in the London office.

My tasks at iRobot are mainly centered in robotics (Mostly SLAM), although I have worked in projects that used machine learning (mainly Gaussian Processes). Even though I like robotics, I am well aware that my passion is machine learning, and I want to dedicate my life to either do research or work on the field. I am on the verge of finishin my master, and trying to find out my next steps in my career.

Chabrzyk, Dobieslaw Owner, head of product MASTA Poland Industry

Product development – manufacturing operations management systems with AI support

Robillard, Sinan AI Consultant MindFire Switzerland Academia, Industry

I am an AI Consultant / Data Scientist with an academic background in Cognitive Sciences and Artificial Intelligence from Utrecht University.

I am interested in AI applications with a positive impact. One of such application is to predict Earthquakes based on Wild Stork behavior.
This project recently received an award at the AWS Disaster Response Hackathon.

I also have hands-on experience with state-of-the-art NLP models such as GPT-3 and some experience in animation, photorealistic 3D environments design and photogrammetry.

My interest in Ethics & Sustainability lead me to a consultant position at MindFire, a company based in Davos, Switzerland, which aims at bringing breaking-ground AI research into the Metaverse.

Arghir, Catalin Electrical Engineer Beyond Gravity Switzerland Academia, Industry
Abraham Premkumar, GEORGE CEO IT Eye Business Solutions India Industry

Innovative, Entrepreneurial and Strategy-driven Management Professional and Digital Transformation Evangelist with 18 years of experience. Get thrills in leading large complex global projects to get awarded for my invention of petrol drones.

Rai, Akhilesh Data Scientist Eli Lilly India Industry
Ulzega, Simone Senior research scientist ZHAW Switzerland Academia, Industry
du Toit, Wadda Idun Technologies Switzerland Industry
Felici, Rocco Student USI university Italy Industry
Boyé, Mona Business development Association Ksilink France Academia, Industry

I have accumulated more than 15 years of experience in technology transfer and the establishment of public private partnerships in the field of biotechnology. Since 2016 I am in charge of Business development and partnerships at Ksilink, a French German translational center, situated in Strasbourg, France. Ksilink is establishing patient-based cellular disease models and renders them applicable for drug discovery by leaning on the power of AI.

Nguyen, Anh PhD candidate University of Geneva France Academia, Industry, Other

I recently defended my thesis with a focus on clinical data. With a hybrid background in physiotherapy and computer science, I would like to deepen my knowledge in data analyses to bring my unique profile even higher and answer the next data challenges the need the understanding of data and the people behind.

Castro, Jose Student Università della Svizzera italiana Switzerland Academia, Industry
Ali, Emran Student Deakin University Australia Academia, Industry
son, edi Singapore Industry
Gluck, Florent Associate Professor University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Switzerland Academia, Industry
Miguel, Ataliba Sim&Solv Angola Academia, Industry
Okutan, Muharrem Student Applied artificial intelligence IUBH Switzerland Academia, Industry
Abouelrous, Abdo MSc. Technical University Eindhoven Egypt Academia, Industry
Khotyachuk, Roman PhD student NORCE, University of Bergen Norway Academia, Industry
Revenko, Artem Director Research Semantic Web Company Austria Industry
Pickard, Thomas PhD Candidate University of Sheffield United Kingdom Academia, Industry

PhD candidate in speech and language technologies, working on language modelling and processing of idiomatic multi-word expressions.
Also interested in conversational agents, social media, emojis, cryptic crosswords and wordplay.

Ollerenshaw, Anna PhD Student University of Sheffield United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Rodriguez Muñoz, Teresa PhD student University of Sheffield United Kingdom Academia, Industry
Cortal, Gustave Master intern and soon PhD candidate Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay France Academia, Industry

I’m a Master Student at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay) and I will pursue a PhD on emotion analysis in narrative texts.

Ramírez, José Manuel PhD student Universidade de Vigo Spain Industry

I’m an engineer in Telecommunications and Electronics, graduated in 2018
from Technological University of Habana José Antonio Echeverría. I’ve developed my professional career as a researcher in the area of Speech
Technologies, specifically, developing robust methods for Automatic Speech
Recognition and Spoken Term Detection.

Fuentes, Arturo University Spain Academia, Industry
Mangold, Stefan President Lovefield Wireless GmbH Switzerland Academia, Industry

I am moving into projects related to applied AI for control systems, telecommunications, and analog computing.

Barbouch, Mohamed MSc. Computer Science / Owner Leiden University / ConDiver Netherlands Academia, Industry
Moonga, Julie Student King’s College London/ University College London United Kingdom Academia, Industry, Other
Theyskens, Paul Netwerk Solutions Belgium Academia, Industry
Pilastri, André Seniort Machine Learning CCG – Centro de Computação Gráfica Portugal Academia, Industry

With over 5 years of experience developing research projects in Data Science and Computer Vision, my career goal is to master best practices, trends, and new technologies, bringing creative ideas to life. This background offers an enormous versatility, showed by an easy adaptation to any innovation project in the Industry 4.0. My main activities include: supervise the Machine Learning team, develop and implement Machine Learning and Decision Support Systems, Data Analysis, write funding proposals for R&D projects with major national companies and research-focused ones.

Garcia, Dibet Project Manager Centro de Computação Gráfica Portugal Academia, Industry
Schipper, CEO, David Advent Digital Turkey Academia, Industry, Other

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Benenson, Rodrigo Senior Research Scientist Google Switzerland Academia, Industry
Pierro, Alessandro Research Assistant Oslo Metropolitan University Italy Academia, Industry
Liga, Davide Postdoctoral researcher University of Luxembourg Italy Academia, Industry
Fernández Martínez, Andrea AI researcher AIMEN Technology Centre Spain Academia, Industry

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering (UVIC-UCC) and a Master’s Degree in Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (URV), I have worked for +3 years in R&D EU projects as an AI researcher and, more recently, technical project manager of AI EU projects. I have work in different AI research areas, including circular economy and industry 4.0.

Gungor, Mustafa Ozgur Researcher Puhu Research and Consultancy Ltd. Turkey Academia, Industry

Dr. Mustafa Özgür Güngör graduated from Bogazici University, receiving BSc. Degree in Management Information Systems. Following this line of studies, he achieved a Doctorate degree in Business Administration. He lectured courses in various universities, published papers and books about innovation, technology, and management. Along with academia, he worked in ICT and consultancy business for more than 29 years. Dr. Güngör has expertise in Research and Development, Business Analysis, Mobile Payment, Core Banking, Business Support Systems, NGOSS and Convergence in his career with Cardtek Turkey and USA, Ericsson Turkey, Finansbank, Logo Business Solutions and several startups. After serving for different industries as a strategic advisor for years, today, Dr. Güngör is providing consultancy services to local and global organizations, leading and advising to businesses and structuring sustainable R&D and innovation with revenue streams.

Abdelazeem Adam, Ahmed Biomedical Engineer & Data Scientist ACM Egypt Industry
Mäder, Patrick Professor in data-intensive systems, chair of the dAI.SY research group Technische Universität Ilmenau Germany Academia, Industry
VanStuyvesant, Kurtis CEO The Van & Stuyvesant Companies United States Academia, Industry

Regarding technology entrepreneurship, innovation, artificial intelligence, and corporate transformation, Kurt Van Stuyvesant is a well-known thought leader on a global scale. He is now ranked number ten in the world by Thinker360 in the categories of entrepreneurship, startups (number 27), and business strategy in 2022. (30)

Raif, Pawel Consultant Qserve Netherlands Academia, Industry
Roditis, Panagiotis Arificial Intelligence & Embedded Software Engineer OHB Hellas Greece Industry

Areas of interest:
AI in orbit/space, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision

Gkikas, Dimitris Lecturer Athens University of Business and Economics, Greece Greece Academia, Industry

Adjunct Lecturer @ Athens University of Economics & Business. School of Economic Sciences, Department of International & European Economic Studies
I am currently working as:
Postdoctoral Researcher in AI & Bioinformatics @ Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture, School of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Patras
Digital Marketing Director @ OWEB Digital Experience

Areas of interest:
Machine Learning
Data Mining
Digital Strategy
E-Business Development
Internet of Behaviors (IoB)
User Behavior

grant, david Australia Industry
YAYAN, UGUR Assistant Professor Dr. Eskisehir Osmangazi University Turkey Academia, Industry

After graduation as electrical & electronics engineer (EEE) in 2009, he received his Master’s degree in EEE from Eskisehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) in 2012. He received his Ph. D. in Control and Command program in EEE from ESOGU in 2018. After his Ph. D. he started to work on in H2020-ECSEL2019-RIA VALU3S project as project manager. In 2021, he started working in the department of software engineering ESOGU as Assistant Professor. He is also vice-director of IFARLAB-DIH and director of ESOGU Software Reliability Laboratory (ESOGU – SRLAB). He finished 3 ROSin Focused Technical Cascade Funding Projects.
He has many experiences as evaluator on Industrial and Academic Open Calls for Turkish Funding Agencies like TUBITAK and KOSGEB. Furthermore, he works several EU Funding project as independent evaluator.
Areas of interest; remaining useful life estimation, manufacturing, robotics, route planning, digital twins, artificial intelligence, software testing, simulation-based testing etc.

Kavicky, Radovan President GapData Institute Slovakia Industry

Member of Slovak Economic Association (SEA, Member @ EEA/European Economic Association & IEA/International Economic Association), IEEE Computer Society (Member, #IEEE, #IEEECS), Slovak Research Center for Artificial Intelligence/Slovak.AI (#SlovakAI), European AI Alliance (European Commission/Futurium), Trustworthy AI – Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning (TAILOR network), UDSC (United Data Science Communities)/X-Europe Webinars Series & The Python Software Foundation (PSF).

Gyrard, Amelie Research and Innovation Consultant Trialog France Academia, Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expertise
AI Expertise: Standards
ISO SC42 Artificial Intelligence: KERA, OKER, etc.
IEEE Std 1872.2-2021 Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology
AI Expertise: Projects
ACCRA project (robotics for Ageing). Knowledge Engineering Framework for IoT Robotics Applied to Smart Healthcare and Emotional Well-Being. Amelie Gyrard, Kasia Tabeau, Laura Fiorini, Antonio Kung, Eloise Senges, Marleen De Mul, Francesco Giuliani, Delphine Lefebvre, Hiroshi Hoshino, Isabelle Fabbricotti, Daniele Sancarlo, Grazia D’Onofrio, Filippo Cavallo, Denis Guiot, Estibaliz Arzoz-Fernandez, Yasuo Okabe, Masahiko Tsukamoto. International Journal of Social Robotics 2021. Springer Nature. Special Issue „Behavioral Model for Robot based on brain-inspired AI Cognitive Architecture“. Impact factor: 5.126 in 2020
AI4EU project (via open call). Knowledge Extraction for the Web of Things (KE4WoT) Challenge Owner and ontology catalog for IoT
Designer of the Linked Open Reasoning:
AI Expertise: Ontology-based Reasoning, Semantic Reasoning, etc.
Book Chapter: Reasoning Over Personalized Healthcare Knowledge Graph: A Case Study of Patients with Allergies and Symptoms. Amelie Gyrard, Utkarshani Jaimini, Manas Gaur, Saeedeh Shekarpour, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, and Amit Sheth. Elsevier Book: Semantic Models in IoT and e-Health Applications 2022.
SAREF-Compliant Knowledge Discovery for Semantic Energy and Grid Interoperability. Amelie Gyrard, Antonio Kung, Olivier Genest, Alain Moreau. IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2021).
Book Chapter: A Review of Tools for IoT Semantics and Data Streaming Analytics. Martin Serrano and Amelie Gyrard. Book: The Building Blocks of IoT Analytics – Internet-of-Things Analytics. 2016
Sensor-based Linked Open Rules (S-LOR): An Automated Rule Discovery Approach for IoT Applications and its use in Smart Cities. Amelie Gyrard, Martin Serrano, Soumya Kanti Datta, Joao Bosco Jares, Muhammad Intizar Ali. International ACM Smart City Workshop (AW4city) in conjunction with International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2017).
Multi-Layer Cross Domain Reasoning over Distributed Autonomous IoT Applications Muhammad Intizar Ali, Pankesh Patel, Soumya Kanti Datta, Amelie Gyrard. International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2017) in conjunction with 43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2017), August 28 – September 1 2017, Munich, Germany. Published within the Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT). Research Online Publisher (RonPub). VLDB is ranked as A* conference according to Core conference Portal
Demo paper: Helping IoT application developers with Sensor-based Linked Open Rules. Amelie Gyrard, Christian Bonnet and Karima Boudaoud. International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014).
AI Expertise: Scientific event coordination/organizer
Scientific event coordination/organizer: Web Intelligence 2019 Demo Track, Applications of Knowledge Representation and Semantic Technologies in Robotics (AnSWeR19) workshop co-located with IROS 2019 (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) (A Conference), SmartIoT Workshop at Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2018, Knowledge Extraction for Web of Things (KE4WoT) Challenge at WWW 2018.

Harrison, Emma Overcoming SEO Roadblocks: How Keysearch Can Boost Your Online Visibility KeySearch Serbia and Montenegro Academia, Industry, Other


Are you struggling to find relevant, low competition keywords for your website, blog or business? Do you feel like you’re constantly battling competitors outranking you in search engine results pages? Are you struggling to generate quality content that ranks well in search engines?

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Abdallah, Majd Data Scientist/PostDoc Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center France Academia, Industry

I earned a PhD in Neuorscience from the University of Bordeaux, France in 2020. I have been fascinated by the human brain and intelligence since the beginning of my scientific training. However, in recent years I have become even more fascinated by our ability to make computers learn human-like reasoning and problem-solving abilities to solve many of our daily life problems, even out-performing us on many tasks. That is why I pursued postdoc and industry positions at the interface of natural and artificial intelligence for the past few years. Now, I work as a data scientist at the Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center mainly focused on the European EOSC4Cancer project. I am bringing my passion and expertise in AI, machine learning and data analytics to the mission of fighting cancer at the grand European (and global) stage.

My ultimate goal is be become part of the European AI community, and bring the power of AI to healthcare and biomedicine…eventually preserving human lives and societies.

Altwies, Francois Founder Neurofeedback Luxembourg Luxembourg Industry

Interested in AI applications in Mental Health

Germeau, Nicodème Communication Officer TRAIL (Trusted AI Labs) Belgium Academia, Industry
HASSAN, AHMED Ph.D Researcher Warsaw University of Technology Poland Academia, Industry, Other

I am a seasoned PhD researcher with extensive experience in project management and a specialization in the applications of AI in UAVs. I am deeply passionate about exploring the ethical dimensions of AI, particularly in relation to UAV technology.

Zanaty, Karim Software developer and team lead Company Germany Academia, Industry
Paolo, Giuseppe Senior Research Scientist Huawei Technologies France Italy Academia, Industry

I have a PhD in machine learning at Sorbonne University where I have worked on the topic of Sparse rewards through Quality Diversity algorithms.
Currently I am a Senior Research Scientist at Huawei Technologies France where I work on research on Model-Based Reinforcement Learning.
My research interests lie in the field of RL, evolution algorithms and AI-driven control.

Gehlhaar, Moritz M.Sc. Student Maastricht University Germany Academia, Industry
Karna, Ashutosh AI Strategy and Innovations Manager HP Inc. Spain Academia, Industry
Sánchez Roncero, Alejandro Master student University of Groningen Spain Academia, Industry

Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning

Lemaire, Valentin R&D Engineer / Researcher Euranova Belgium Industry
Fioravanti, Simone PhD Student Gran Sasso Science Institute Italy Academia, Industry

Last year PhD student with a focus on multi-agent learning

Laura, Laura Posiciona Posiciona Albania Academia, Industry, Other

¡Hola! He querido escribirte porque veo una excelente oportunidad para que tu empresa sea el foco de una *entrevista* que tengo en mente que podríamos realizar.
Esta entrevista no sólo sería una conversación enriquecedora, sino que además, *se publicaría en decenas de medios* y periódicos de gran reputación. Como beneficio adicional, enlazaremos tu sitio web en la entrevista, lo cual ayudará a mejorar su posicionamiento. El hecho de que aparezcas en una entrevista en medios confiables contribuirá a generar más confianza en tu negocio.

¿Sería posible que me dieras un *número de teléfono* para discutir los detalles? Gracias.

vos, Freddy Netherlands Academia, Industry, Other

30+ years of IT experience in every part so from coding , systemsmanagement, consultancy, security, firewalling UTM, quantum-computing (TUDelft)

Mena, Francisco PhD Researcher University of Kaiserslautern-Landau Germany Academia, Industry
Susto, Gian Antonio Associate Professor University of Padova Italy Academia, Industry
Voglitsis, Dionisis Technical Project Manager DigiAgriFood hub Greece Academia, Industry

The #DigiAgriFood hub aims to support the digital and green transformation of Greece’s agri-food sector. It is directed toward the primary sector, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), clusters, other innovative collaborations, as well as interested public entities. For this purpose, the hub aims to provide integrated digitization service packages tailored to the end-users‘ requirements. Pre-investment testing, new skills and training, networking, consulting to find investment solutions and financial tools, knowledge transfer, and technology will be part of the service packages, focusing on smart regional areas of specialization. With the presence of technology, education, and research provider partners in the collaboration, the #DigiAgriFood hub aspires to become a regional, national, and international reference point for high-quality services to the agri-food sector.

The hub specializes in i) Artificial Intelligence Technologies, ii) Advanced Digital Skills, and iii) Digital Transformation and Interoperability.

Ciancio, Claire CEO Greenroads Malta Industry

I am an entrepreneur fascinated by nature and how everything works and believe we can build a better future together with fresh air, less pollution and traffic. My mission is to work on solutions using road data and citizen engagement to improve outside spaces, commutes and quality of life. AI tech is an important partner for what we do.

Zhukov, Nikolai Researcher DFKI Germany Academia, Industry
Efthymiou, Dr Iris-Panagiota Lecturer University pf Greenwich United Kingdom Academia, Industry

I serve on the boards of and am associated with several organisations involved in deciphering the activities of humanity. I am a Behavioural Health Economist, Author, Speaker, Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, London, CEO of Noimosini, Chief Editor of the Journal of Politics and Ethics in New Technologies and AI and Researcher of LabHEM-University of Piraeus.

I am a mentor with a multifaceted background and compassion I have earned my reputation as a visionary. With publications spanning a wide range of topics (AI, parenting, the environment, Artificial Intelligence, healthcare, and everything in between), I firmly believe in the power of combining different disciplines to arrive at a more well-rounded conclusion perspective. This reflects my firm belief in the power of combining different disciplines to arrive at a more balanced and nuanced view of the topic concerned. Iris has spent the last few years researching and writing about the issues that she believes we will face in the fast-changing world of the future.

I was a college director and have established my own consultancy in Public Affairs. My work has involved collaborations with politicians, diplomats, entrepreneurs, academics, and journalists, including speaking engagements at the UN Headquarters in Geneva. Previously she served as a Global Public Health Lecturer at the University of East London, she has an impressive publication record, including over 15 books, 50 articles, and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals. I am also a member of BIC, of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) UK, APPG Artificial Intelligence, APPG Digital Finance, The INNOVATORS BOARD, Member of the Association for Computing Machinery and ACM Committee on Women, Member of AI for Good, Member of the Board CCB (Creative Commerce Board) of Guildhouse School, London (Boarding School). I am an active Board member of HAPSc, the Board of Academics, the President of the Interdisciplinary Committee of HAPSc, and a member of the Board of Womanitee. She is also a Scientific Associate of the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) of the University of Piraeus.

I studied Economics at the University of Athens and earned a Master’s in Health Economics and Management, and PhD, in Behavioural Economics, at the University of Piraeus, Together with the continual updating necessary for my business career, I have continued to maintain and widen my knowledge base by undertaking numerous external studies at various institutions including The Karolinska Institute, Harvardx, and MITx.

My breadth of knowledge and research-based approach give me the ability to analyse some of the major issues facing humanity in a fast-changing world.

I believe in equal opportunities, uniqueness, and the normality of imperfection!

Recognition of my contributions includes the Exceptional Women of Excellence/Exceptional Leaders of Excellence award at the Annual Women Economic Forum in March 2020.

Jurewicz, Mateusz Completed PhD, Senior ML Engineer IT University of Copenhagen, Tjek A/S Denmark Academia, Industry

I hold a PhD in Deep Learning and work as a Senior ML Engineer. I have been concerned with AI Safety for over a decade now and would like to support the idea of a CERN for AI via ClaireAI.

Goumenidis, Panagiotis PhD student / Researcher Democritus University of Thrace, EMEF Lab (Emerging Methodologies in Economics and Finance) Greece Academia, Industry, Other
Nieto, Sara Software Technical Lead RHEA Systems Spain Industry

Software Engineer working for the European Space Agency for the Euclid, Gaia and Planck missions.

Lovric, Jadranka EDIH Senior project manager University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Croatia Academia, Industry, Other
Hedman, Leif Rune Professor emeritus; Affiliated at Clintec, KI Umeå University, Karolinska institute Sweden Academia, Industry

Special interest in medical human factors, human-computer-interaction and medical simulation

Zoccatelli, Andrea Data Scientist GroupM Italy Industry

Machine and Deep Learning techniques for the advertising industry (deep clustering, churn prediction, recommendation systems)

Cooper, Lisa Our Entire Google Maps Database Saint Kitts and Nevis Academia, Industry, Other

Hello, has made available our Google Maps Database for everyone.

I am shutting down the company to spend more time with my family.

I wish you a prosperous new year!

Lisa Cooper

Quinten, Niels Founder Best Goed – AI Design Studio Belgium Academia, Industry

As an AI design studio, we help you make the right choices from the start when developing AI systems by connecting with your target audience. We’re not talking about the visual side of things, nor the technical, but about making something that your audience can connect with in their personal lives. Think of it this way: You might have the fanciest, most technically advanced AI, but if people can’t or won’t use it, what’s the point? Our speciality lies in bespoke and international human-centered research services for AI development.

Keeler, Joseph – Your Free Leads Joseph Keeler Tuvalu Academia, Industry, Other


Come test out our beta project and come get your free business leads.


Pedro, Celia industrial Manager worker Portugal Industry
Shamah, Jon Director Global Trust Foundation United Kingdom Academia, Industry

Personal: BSc Aeronautics and Astronautics. Advisor and Consultant to both EU and non-EU government agencies on digital transformation .

Suter, Max Consultant aucoma ag Switzerland Academia, Industry

Master in Bioinformatics & Computational Science (University of Bern & University of Fribourg)
Infomation- and Cybersecurity professional

Knaving, Kristina Senior researcher RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Sweden Academia, Industry

My AI research builds on my earlier research and work in decision support, digital ethics, information ecosystems, and human-computer interaction. I have worked with companies on AI and written reports on AI in regard to these fields since 2019.

Mansouri, Jafar Iran Academia, Industry
Kossovsky, Etienne Self Philosopher Switzerland Academia, Industry, Other

A simple user playing with computer since the legendary Commodore 64 …

Martín-Peña, Rosae Researcher German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Germany Academia, Industry, Other

In a few months, I will defend my doctoral thesis on responsible decision-making in a human-IA interaction. I have been a researcher at the DFKI Berlin since November 2023. In the KI-Kompas Inklusiv project, I oversee data protection and data ethics. My interest in CLAIRE is to be part of the CLAIRE SIG ETHICS.

Swami, Sharad MD Anderson and Founder Prime Choice Health Care United States Industry

I’m considering conducting retinal imaging on patients and would like to discuss potential collaboration for AI interpretation.

Mármol, Jesús A. Consultor-Investigador Consultoría Roboética Spain Academia, Industry

Dr. en Filosofía por Cambridge International University. Experto en Roboética. Autor de diversos libros sobre Roboética/IA.

JONGEN, THIBAULD CEO / Director Sabca Group & Generative Robotics Belgium Industry
Nota, Christian Private Italy Academia, Industry, Other

I am 27 years old guy, with several experience as an Economist and Policy Analyst for International Institutions, mainly the European Commission, but also the World Bank and the Italian Government on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
I have also worked two years in the European Commission and now I would be interested in specializing in AI and AI policies.
Would it be possible to work for your network?

Krastev, Nikola Imagga Technologies Bulgaria Industry

Results-driven professional with over 20 years of experience in innovation, entrepreneurship and consulting in various business sectors.
Possesses excellent analytical, research and communication skills and the ability to blend in with diverse teams.
Always curious about the new, and passionate about disruptive innovation.

Kostadinov, Georgi Imagga Technologies Bulgaria Industry

More than 10 years of experience in research and development of various machine learning algorithms for image and video understanding and over 15 years of experience in developing, deploying and managing complex software architectures.

The key person responsible for the development of Imagga’s core AI technology, as well as fine-tuning its performance and specialization for a variety of practical use-cases.

Part of the founding team and CTO at Kelvin Health – the first Thermography AI solution for rapid & efficient diagnostics in every context, based on analysis of thermal images by a medically-verified artificial intelligence.

Back-to-back first prize winner in many competitions in Information Technologies and Software Development, as well as winner in various technical & business hackathons over the years.

Recognized by Forbes Bulgaria in 2020 as one of the 30 people under the age of 30 for achievements in the areas of computer science and innovation.

Huber, Lukas Student University of Zurich Switzerland Academia, Industry
Vagos, Márcia Data scientist Semcon Norge AS Norway Academia, Industry
Germeau, Nicodème Communication Officer TRusted AI Labs Belgium Industry
Dzamesi, Michael Selasi PhD Student & Research Engineer University of Mons & Euro-Multitel S.A Belgium Academia, Industry
Hammoudeh, Ahmad Artificial Intelligence researcher Maia Artificial Intelligence Lab Belgium Academia, Industry

Irving Martinez holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Management, and masters degrees in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Finance. He has over 25 years of academic experience teaching courses like Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Entrepreneurship, AI, and Organizational Behavior at multiple universities in Bolivia. His expertise spans Marketing, Innovation, AI, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability. He has published articles on topics like AI integration in education, value-based marketing, and entrepreneurial education. Martinez has received recognitions like National Academic Article awards, Good Academic Practices awards, and performance recognitions for his teaching. He serves as a mentor for early-stage entrepreneurs globally and has judged AI, cybersecurity, and advertising competitions. His current interests include AI sustainability, reforesting marketing, and integrating AI in virtual classrooms.

Bashir, Hina Communication and Social Media Manager CLAIRE Netherlands Industry
V. Francis, Dr. John CEO United Arab Emirates Academia, Industry, Other

Am a –
In the COUNCIL of:

Nicolai, Madalina Law Graduate University of Cambridge Belgium Academia, Industry

Master’s Dissertation topic: „Machines Learning to Govern: the use of ML in the public sector under the EU AI Act“ (Awarded a First Class mark, supervised by Prof. Simon Deakin, University of Cambridge)

Koska, Christopher Senior Researcher Center for Responsible AI Technologies (CReAITec), Munich School of Philosophy Germany Academia, Industry

Work and Research Focus: AI, Data an Algorithm Ethics, Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR)

Al Shereida, Prof.Salam Senior Research Scientist & CEO University of Alberta , NYU – USA Canada Academia, Industry

Hi there,

I would like to get more information about your latest scientific activities and we hope to have the opportunity to communicate with you in the future through our research groups in the field of innovation and leadership in various leadership researches.

All the best.

Prof. Dr. Salam Al shereida
Senior Research Scientist &CEO

Leyva Guerrero, Carlos Division Manager Idener Research and Development A.I.E. Spain Academia, Industry

Mr. Carlos Leyva Guerrero (male), MSc in Telecommunications Eng. in 2011 at the
University of Seville (Spain).

Initially specialised in software and hardware development (with a focus on embedded devices), I joined IDENER in 2010. Since then, my field of research has widened including Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence, CyberSecurity, Mathematical Modelling and Optimisation among many others.

In 2016, I took the position of Team Leader, managing the IT and Industry 4.0 team in the company. In 2023, due to the continuous growth of the company, I took the role of Division Manager of the Energy & Industry 5.0 branch of the company.

In the last 10 years, I have also carried out different activities in the company, from SW developer, Devops Engineer and Mentor and Manager, among others. I have been quite active in securing funds through research funds (FP7, H2020, HEU) and executing the funded projects, both as Project Coordinator and Project Manager. I have participated in over 40 proposals in the last years and coordinated the preparation of more than 10 as main writer, with several successes among them. Nowadays, I also act as a Tutor for specialised groups in the company securing funding in different fields such as Industry 5.0, Smart Grids, Materials Engineering, Cyber-Security, Smart Buildings or Artificial Intelligence.

Massé Palomo, Santiago Senior Researcher Idener Research and Development A.I.E. Spain Academia, Industry

I am a senior researcher at IDENER, where my work primarily focuses on language technologies. My work involves Natural Language Processing and LLMs, including their fine-tuning, RAG and Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning.

In January, I will assume the role of technical coordinator for HIVEMIND, a project aimed to enhance software engineering. HIVEMIND utilises a multi-agent framework based on open-source LLMs. Each LLM within the framework is specialised using different methodologies to excel in specific tasks, fostering collaboration and efficiency in software development.

García Guirao, Daniel Project Coordinator IDENER R&D Spain Industry

I am a Senior Artificial Intelligence Researcher with an MSc in Aeronautical Engineering, currently working as Project Coordinator of Horizon Europe projects at IDENER. I lead the Artificial Intelligence team in preparing HEU proposals and developing innovative AI-based solutions within the company across different projects. In this role, I function as an MLOps engineer, leveraging skills in data science, and data engineering.

Allbert, Rumi AI Engineer Stealth United States Academia, Industry
Röhrbein, Florian Professor TU Chemnitz Germany Academia, Industry