Vue d’ensemble des supporters CLAIRE
Le Réseau de recherche CLAIRE se compose de 445 groupes et instituts
avec plus de 25 000 employés dans 37 pays.
4290 supporters individuels ont signé la vision CLAIRE.
Principaux soutiens (signé le document original CLAIRE Vision)
Supporteurs supplémentaires (tous les supporters qui ont signé après les premiers supporters clés)
Supporters de l’industrie (supporters avec une expérience dans l’industrie)
Supporters experts (supporters ayant un doctorat ou une expérience supérieure dans l’industrie en IA, ou plus)
Au 20/01/2025 les supporters individuels de CLAIRE incluent:
- 2396 Experts en IA (expertise de niveau doctorat en IA ou équivalent) (voir la liste ici)
- 1202 supporters du secteur (voir la liste ici)
- 114 boursiers de l’Association européenne pour l’intelligence artificielle (EurAI), la principale association européenne pour les chercheurs en IA
- 20 boursiers de l’Association pour l’avancement de l’intelligence artificielle (AAAI), la principale association internationale pour l’IA
- 9 présidents (anciens et actuels) de l’Association européenne pour l’intelligence artificielle (EurAI)
- 5 anciens présidents de l’IJCAI (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence)
- 22 boursiers de l’IEEE et de l’ACM
- 12 membres de diverses académies nationales des sciences (par exemple, Royal Society, Leopoldina et autres)
Impact de la publication:
- 22 des supporters ont un h-index supérieur à 60
- 59 des supporters ont un h-index supérieur à 50
- 125 des supporters ont un h-index supérieur à 40
- L’indice h moyen des principaux supporters est 42.16
Key supporters
Name | Title/position | Affiliation | Country | Academic/Industry/Other | Additional information |
Aamodt, Agnar | Professor | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | Academia | |
Adorni, Giovanni | Full Professor | University of Genoa | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Italian representative of IFIP Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (TC-12) |
Alferes, José | Professor | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Amgoud, Leila | Senior Researcher | CNRS | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
André, Elisabeth | Full Professor | Augsburg University | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Member Academia Europaea, CHI Academy, Leopoldina |
Angelov, Plamen | Professor | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | IEEE, IET and HEA Fellow, Vice President INNS |
Antoniou, Grigoris | Professor | University of Huddersfield | United Kingdom | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Baader, Franz | Full Professor | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Bäck, Thomas | Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Battiti, Roberto | Professor | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | IEEE Fellow |
Benferhat, Salem | Full Professor | CRIL-CNRS, Université Artois, Lens France | France | Academia | EURAI Fellow |
Benzmüller, Christoph | Professor | Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | Academia | |
Bessiere, Christian | Prof. Dr | University of Montpellier, CNRS | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Bibel, Wolfgang | Prof. Dr | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | EurAI and GI Fellow |
Bielza, Concha | Full Professor | Technical University of Madrid | Spain | Academia | |
Biere, Armin | Professor | Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Academia | |
Birattari, Mauro | Dr. | Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA AI Lab | Belgium | Academia | |
Bisazza, Arianna | Assistant Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Blanchette, Jasmin Christian | Assistant Professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | head of the ERC project Matryoshka |
Blockeel, Hendrik | Prof. Dr | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Botti, Vicent | Full professor | Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) | Spain | Academia | EurAI fellow |
Brazdil, Pavel | Professor | University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Brewka, Gerhard | Prof. Dr | Leipzig University | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Brox, Thomas | Full Professor | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Bundy, Alan | Professor | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | Eur AI Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, Royal Society Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow, Commander of the British Empire |
Burgard, Wolfram | Full Professor | University of Technology Nuremberg | Germany | Academia | Fellow AAAI, IEEE and EurAI, President IEEE-RAS Society, Member of Leopoldina and Academia Europaea, Member of the Heidelberger Academy of Sciences, ERC Advanced Grant, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize |
Burkhard, Hans-Dieter | Professor em. | Humboldt University Berlin | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Calvanese, Diego | Professor | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Carlucci Aiello, Luigia | Professor | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow, IJCAI past Trustee and President |
Castelfranchi, Cristiano | Full professor | ISTC-CNR & Univ Siena | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Chatila, Raja | Professor | Sorbonne Université | France | Academia | Fellow IEEE, Past President IEEE-RAS Society |
Cimatti, Alessandro | Director of Research | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | |
Coelho, Helder | Emeritus Professor | Lisbon University | Portugal | Academia | |
Cohn, Anthony G. | Prof. Dr | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | Academia | EurAI and Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow |
Daelemans, Walter | Professor | University of Antwerp | Belgium | Academia | EuRAI Fellow, ACL Fellow |
Dastani, Mehdi | Associate Professor | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
De Giacomo, Giuseppe | Professor | Univ. Roma « La Sapienza » | Italy | Academia | AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, EurAI Fellow |
De Raedt, Luc | Prof. Dr | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
de Rijke, Maarten | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Dengel, Andreas | Director and Sitehead, Professor | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | GI Member, Chair of FFPA |
Dignum, Frank | Dr. | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Dignum, Virginia | Dr. | Umeå University | Sweden | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Doherty, Patrick | Prof. Dr | Linköping University | Sweden | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Dorigo, Marco | Prof. Dr | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | Fellow AAAI, EurAI and IEEE; ERC Advanced Grant; |
Dubois, Didier | Research Director | CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Dzeroski, Saso | Prof. Dr | Member of Academia Europaea; Jozef Stefan Institute | Slovenia | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Director of the Intelligent Systems Lab, Dept. of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics |
Eiben, Gusz | Full professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Eiter, Thomas | Professor | Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) | Austria | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Member Academia Europea, kM Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Euzenat, Jérôme | Research Director | INRIA and Univ. Grenoble Alpes | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Faltings, Boi | Prof. Dr | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) | Switzerland | Academia | AAAI and EurAI Fellow |
Fargier, Hélène | Senior Researcher | IRIT-CNRS | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Farinas del Cerro, Luis | Research Director | CNRS, IRIT, Univ.Toulouse | France | Academia | EuRAI Fellow |
Felner, Ariel | Full Professor | Ben-Gurion University | Israel | Academia | EurAI Fellow, AAAI member |
Flener, Pierre | Professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Floridi, Luciano | Professor | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Frasconi, Paolo | Prof. Dr | University of Florence | Italy | Academia | |
Freksa, Christian | Professor | University of Bremen | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Freuder, Eugene | Prof. Dr | University College Cork | Ireland | Academia | Member of the Royal Irish Academy |
Friedrich, Gerhard | Professor | Universität Klagenfurt | Austria | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Dean |
Furbach, Ulrich | Prof. Dr | University of Koblenz | Germany | Academia | EurAI and GI Fellow |
Gambardella, Luca Maria | Professor | IDSIA, Dalle Molle AI Institute, USI & SUPSI | Switzerland | Academia | |
Geffner, Hector | Research professor | ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | AAAI an d EurAI Fellow |
Ghallab, Malik | Director of Research | LAAS-CNRS | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Giunchiglia, Fausto | Professor | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | EuRAI Fellow, was IJCAI president, was IJCAI Trustee |
Godo, Lluis | Research Professor | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Golumbic, Martin Charles | Prof. Dr | University of Haifa | Israel | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Gori, Marco | Professor | University of Siena | Italy | Academia | EurAI, IEEE, and IAPR fellow |
Gottlob, Georg | Prof. Dr | University of Oxford | Austria | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Granmo, Ole-Christoffer | Prof. Dr | University of Agder | Norway | Academia | Director, Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAIR) |
Guarino, Nicola | Research director | ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Guns, Tias | Professor | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Hao, Jin-Kao | Full professor | Université d’Angers | France | Academia | Senior Fellow ‘Institut Universitaire de France’ |
Harmelen, Frank van | Professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | EurAI Fellow, member of Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, member of Academia Europaea |
Haton, Jean-Paul | Emeritus Professor | Université de Lorraine in Nancy | France | Academia | EuRAI Fellow – IEEE Fellow – IAPR Fellow – Former President of AFIA, French Association of AI |
Heintz, Fredrik | Dr. | Linköping University | Sweden | Academia | |
Helmert, Malte | Prof. Dr | University of Basel | Switzerland | Academia | IJCAI Computers and Thought Award; ERC Starting Grant; ERC Consolidator Grant |
Herik, Jaap van den | Prof. Dr | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Herrera, Francisco | Prof. Dr | University of Granada | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Hertzberg, Joachim | Professor | University of Osnabrück and DFKI, Osnabrück | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Herzig, Andreas | Research Director | CNRS, IRIT, Univ. Toulouse | France | Academia | EuRAI Fellow |
Heskes, Tom | Professor | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Hoos, Holger H. | Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AAAI Fellow |
Horn, Werner | Associate professor | Medical University of Vienna | Austria | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Hutter, Frank | Prof. Dr | Freiburg University | Germany | Academia | |
Irgens, Morten | Dr. | Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | Vice-Rector |
Jaeger, Manfred | Dr. | Aalborg University | Denmark | Academia | |
Jennings, Nick | Prof. Dr | Imperial College | United Kingdom | Academia | CB, FREng, EurAI Fellow, Vice-Provost |
Jonker, Catholijn M. | Prof. Dr | Delft University of Technology and Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Jourdan, Laetitia | Professor | University of Lille | France | Academia | |
Kacprzyk, Janusz | Professor | Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | Academia | Fellow of EurAI, IEEE, IET, IFSA, SMIA, Member: Polish Academy of Sciences, Academia Europaea, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF), Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters |
Kaliszyk, Cezary | Dr. | University of Innsbruck | Austria | Academia | |
Kersting, Kristian | Professor | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Kertesz, Janos | Professor | Central European University | Hungary | Academia | |
Koubarakis, Manolis | Professor | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Kowalski, Robert | Professor Emeritus | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Academia | AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, EurAI Fellow |
Kragic, Danica | Professor | Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | Academia | IEEE Fellow |
Lagendijk, Inald | Distinguished Professor Computing-based Society | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Lakemeyer, Gerhard | Prof. Dr | Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Lang, Jérôme | Prof. Dr | Université Paris-Dauphine and CNRS | France | Academia | |
Lenzerini, Maurizio | Professor | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy | Academia | ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow, Member of the Academia Europaea |
Leone, Nicola | Professor | University of Calabria | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Lomuscio, Alessio | Professor, Director of Strategy and Planning | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Academia | FEurAI, RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies |
Lopez de Mantaras, Ramon | Research Professor | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Former IJCAI President and Trustee |
Lysne, Olav | Prof. Dr | Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering and University of Oslo | Norway | Academia | Director |
Marques-Silva, Joao | Prof. Dr | University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia | IEEE Fellow |
Marquis, Pierre | Professor | CRIL-CNRS, Université d’Artois | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow – Senior Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France |
Martelli, Alberto | Emeritus Professor | Università di Torino | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Matwin, Stan | Professor | Dalhousie University and Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | ECCAI Fellow, CAIAC Felow |
Mello, Paola | Professor | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | EurAI fellow |
Meseguer, Pedro | Scientific Researcher | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia | EurAI fellow |
Meyer, John-Jules | professor | Utrecht University / ATIA | Netherlands | EURAI Fellow |
Miettinen, Kaisa | Professor | University of Jyvaskyla | Finland | Academia | Immediate-Past-President of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Member of the Steering Group on Evolutionary Multicriteria Optimization, Director of the thematic research field at DEMO (Decision Analytics utilizing Causal Models and Multiobjective Optmization) at the Univ. of Jyvaskyla, Finland |
Milano, Michela | Prof. Dr | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Nardi, Daniele | Full professor | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Nebel, Bernhard | Full Professor | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | Fellow of AAAI and EurAI, Member of Leopoldina and Academia Europaea, Secretary/Treasurer of IJCAI |
Neumann, Bernd | Prof. Ph.D. | University of Hamburg | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow, AAAI member |
O’Sullivan, Barry | Prof. Dr | University College Cork | Ireland | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Insight Centre for Data Analytics |
Oliver, Nuria | Director of Research in Data Science & Chief Data Scientist | Company and NGO | Spain | Industry, Other | Expertise Statistical Machine Learning |
Pachet, François | Dr. | Spotify | France | Industry | EurAI Fellow, Spotify |
Passerini, Andrea | Associate professor | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | |
Pearce, David | Professor | Technical University of Madrid | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Pechoucek, Michal | Chair, Director | Czech Technical University, AI Center & Research Center for Informatics | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Pereira, Luis Moniz | Professor | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Plaza, Enric | Research Professor | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia | EurAIi Fellow |
Pontil, Massimiliano | Professor | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Univ College London | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Prade, Henri | Dir. Rech. | CNRS & Université of Toulouse | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan A. | Research Scientist | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Rosenschein, Jeffrey S. | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | Academia | ||
Rossi, Francesca | IBM and University of Padova | Italy | Academia | ||
Sabah, Gérard | Research Director | CNRS | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow, member of Academie des technologies |
Saffiotti, Alessandro | Full professor | University of Orebro | Sweden | Academia | EurAI fellow |
Schaub, Torsten | Professor | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | EurAI fellow |
Schiex, Thomas | Dr. | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique | France | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Schmidhuber, Jürgen | Chief Scientist & Co-Founder; Scientific Director, Professor of AI | NNAISENSE; Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, USI & SUPSI | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Schockaert, Steven | Professor | Cardiff University | United Kingdom | Academia | EurAI board member |
Schoenauer, Marc | Principal Senior Researcher | INRIA Saclay and LRI-Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay | France | Academia | |
Sebag, Michèle | Principal Senior Researcher | CNRS and LRI-Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay | France | Academia | |
Sebastiani, Roberto | Prof. Dr | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | Scientific Director |
Siekmann, Jörg | Senior Professor | University | Germany | Academia | Prof. Dr. (Ph. D.) grad. Ing. Jörg Siekmann |
Sierra, Carles | Research Professor | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Skowron, Andrzej | Professor | Systems Research Institute PAS, University of Warsaw | Poland | Academia | EurAI Fellow, IRSS Fellow |
Sloman, Aaron | Professor (Honorary, Retired) | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | Academia | Fellow of AAAI, EurAI, AISB |
Slowinski, Roman | Professor, Head of Laboratory | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | Roman Słowiński is a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. |
Slusallek, Philipp | Prof. Dr-Ing. | DFKI | Germany | Academia | Scientific Director at German Research Center for AI (DFKI), EG Fellow |
Spyropoulos, Constantine | Research Director | NCSR ‘Demokritos’ | Greece | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Staab, Steffen | Full Professor | Universität Koblenz-Landau and University of Southampton | Germany | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Chair of WSTNet – Web Science Trust Network of Research Labs |
Steels, Luc | Research professor | Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow, Founder VUB AI Lab, Founder Sony Computer Science Lab Paris |
Stock, Oliviero | senior fellow | FBK-irst | Italy | Academia | EurAI Fellow, AAAI fellow |
Stützle, Thomas | Prof. Dr | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | IEEE Fellow, Research Director, IRIDIA AI Lab |
Torra, Vicenç | Professor. | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | EurAI Fellow. IEEE Fellow. ISI elected member |
Torras, Carme | Prof. Dr | Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow, IEEE Fellow and ERC Advanced Grant grantee |
Torre, Leon van der | Prof. Dr | University of Luxemburg | Luxembourg | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Trautmann, Heike | Professor | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | Director of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), ACM member, Associate Editor of Evolutionary Computation Journal |
Traverso, Paolo | Director of Centre FBK ICT | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | |
Urban, Josef | Principal Researcher | Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics | Czech Republic | Academia | head of the ERC project AI4REASON |
van den Bosch, Antal | Professor | Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences, Meertens Institute | Netherlands | Academia | EurAI Fellow, member of the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences |
Vanschoren, Joaquin | Dr. | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Verdejo, M. Felisa | Professor | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) | Spain | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Verheij, Bart | Associate professor | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | Head of department Artificial Intelligence at University of Groningen, president International Association for AI & Law |
Vlahavas, Ioannis | Professor | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Wahlster, Wolfgang | Director and CEO, Professor | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | EurAI, AAAI and GI Fellow |
Walsh, Toby | Prof. Dr | Technical University Berlin | Germany | Academia | AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow |
Widmer, Gerhard | Professor | Johannes Kepler University LInz | Austria | Academia | EurAI Fellow |
Woltran, Stefan | Full Professor | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | EURAI Fellow |
Wooldridge, Michael | Prof. Dr | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Academia | ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow, Head of Department of Computer Science |
Additional supporters
Name | Title/position | Affiliation | Country | Academic/Industry/Other | Additional information |
Verma, Prashant | Masters, Phd Integrated | Lead Data Scientist | Indian Institute of Technology, Patna and SABIC | India | Academia, Industry | |
Trigiante, Lisa | PhD student | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Italy | Academia | |
Acquaroni, Andrea | Italy | Industry | |||
CREMONINI, DANIELE | Aerospace | Industry | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Rangel, Paola | University | Mexico | |||
Changle, Dr Ravi | Director AI & Emerging Technologies | Compunnel Inc, New Jersey | India | Industry | AI expert: |
Dangulea, Claudiu | Junior Consultant | JKU Linz, Eviden Austria, FH Technikum Wien | Austria | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Oularabi, Abderrahman | PhD student | Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Al Hoceima | Morocco | Academia | |
Fariselli, Piero | Professor | University of torino | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Area of Interest: AI in Biomedicine and Computational Biology |
M D, Pravin | India | Other | |||
Begashaw, Getnet Bogale | PhD Candidate | Depratment of Statistics, Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Academia | |
Amini, Sasan | Postdoctoral researcher | Hasselt University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Moberg, John | AI & Smart production Coordinator | MITC / MDU | Sweden | Academia, Industry, Other | |
ROCHE, Jérôme | Belgium | Other | |||
attias, raphael | Ceo | Innotech , Paris Saclay, Finance Cluster | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Expertise in building AI factories in partnership with corporate , complex R&D projects at the EU level through consortia |
Di Gennaro, Marco | CTO | DT Services and Consulting | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Christoyannis, Sarah | Master student | Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) | Belgium | Academia, Other | |
Bonfa, Stefano | CeO | Oxford Sustainable Development Enterprise | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Krückel, Felix | Student | RWTH | Germany | Academia | |
Krutský, Martin | PhD Student | Intelligent Data Analysis Lab, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Mentzas, Gregoris | Professor | National Technical University of Athens, Greece | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: I am full Professor of Management Information Systems, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and founder and Director of the Information Management Unit (IMU) at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) (see My main research focus is on AI-enabled decision support: augmenting human intelligence with data-driven approaches and using AI to elevate human decision-making competence. My lab, the Information Management Unit (IMU) conducts research in machine learning and prescriptive data analytics; data and knowledge discovery, sharing and exchangel and personalization and recommender Systems. Recently we established a specialised group on e human-centered trustworthy AI: see My lab represents the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of NTUA in many organisations, among them the ADRA (AI, Data and Robotics Association), the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and especially the Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial and Machine Intelligence (team,, the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA), and Gaia-X. |
Demirović, Emir | Assistant Professor | TU Delft | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Qin, Chang | studente | Conservatory of Piacenza | Italy | Academia | |
Martinez Hellin, Agustin | Teacher / Director of Master in Science and Technology from Space | Universidad de Alcalá | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Co-director of Cathedra ENIA in Aerospace IA (IA3) co-sponsored by INDRA and Universidad de Alcalá |
Doncenco, Dorin | France | Academia | |||
Beckmann, Arnold | co-lead of the Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI | Swansea University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Arnold Beckmann FLSW received his PhD and « Habilitation » in Mathematics from University of Münster in Germany. He was a recipient of Leopoldina and Marie-Curie academic fellowships, conducting research at University of Oxford, University of California in San Diego, and Vienna University of Technology. He is Professor of Computer Science at Swansea University, had been Head of Department from 2014-2021, and is now co-leading Swansea University’s Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI of >160 academics from 16 departments, as well as co-leading the Grenoble-Swansea Centre for AI. Arnold’s research interests are in fundamentals of Computer Science, based on Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, as well as transferring his expertise to applications. He is editor of Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. Arnold’s research has been funded from various sources (EPSRC, the Royal Society, German DFG, Austrian FWF, EU Marie-Curie). He is coI on the EPSRC funded SUSTAIN Manufacturing Hub, co-leading its UK Digital Steel Innovation Hub work packages on applying hybrid AI methods to steel manufacturing supply chains. |
Röhrbein, Florian | Professor | TU Chemnitz | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Braet, Olivier | Connectivity & AI Valorisation Manager | imec-IDLab at University of Antwerp | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Bridge between our research and industry |
Allbert, Rumi | AI Engineer | Stealth | United States | Academia, Industry | |
MARTINEZ, IRVING | Business Professor and AI Sustainability Entrepreneurial Researcher | UNIVERSIDAD FRANZ TAMAYO UNIFRANZ | Bolivia | Academia | |
Taiwo, Ayomikun | Nil | Nil | Nigeria | Other | |
Haman, Michael | Assistant Professor | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Mouzaoui, Matthieu | PhD Student | Inria Rennes | France | Academia | |
García Guirao, Daniel | Project Coordinator | IDENER R&D | Spain | Industry |
AI expert: I am a Senior Artificial Intelligence Researcher with an MSc in Aeronautical Engineering, currently working as Project Coordinator of Horizon Europe projects at IDENER. I lead the Artificial Intelligence team in preparing HEU proposals and developing innovative AI-based solutions within the company across different projects. In this role, I function as an MLOps engineer, leveraging skills in data science, and data engineering. |
Ali, Sarwan | Ph.D. stident | Georgia State University | United States | Academia | |
Flores, Pablo | PhD Researcher | University of Helsinki | Finland | Academia | |
Massé Palomo, Santiago | Senior Researcher | Idener Research and Development A.I.E. | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Leyva Guerrero, Carlos | Division Manager | Idener Research and Development A.I.E. | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Mr. Carlos Leyva Guerrero (male), MSc in Telecommunications Eng. in 2011 at the Initially specialised in software and hardware development (with a focus on embedded devices), I joined IDENER in 2010. Since then, my field of research has widened including Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence, CyberSecurity, Mathematical Modelling and Optimisation among many others. In 2016, I took the position of Team Leader, managing the IT and Industry 4.0 team in the company. In 2023, due to the continuous growth of the company, I took the role of Division Manager of the Energy & Industry 5.0 branch of the company. In the last 10 years, I have also carried out different activities in the company, from SW developer, Devops Engineer and Mentor and Manager, among others. I have been quite active in securing funds through research funds (FP7, H2020, HEU) and executing the funded projects, both as Project Coordinator and Project Manager. I have participated in over 40 proposals in the last years and coordinated the preparation of more than 10 as main writer, with several successes among them. Nowadays, I also act as a Tutor for specialised groups in the company securing funding in different fields such as Industry 5.0, Smart Grids, Materials Engineering, Cyber-Security, Smart Buildings or Artificial Intelligence. |
Boldt, Julian | Germany | Other | |||
Al Shereida, Prof.Salam | Senior Research Scientist & CEO | University of Alberta , NYU – USA | Canada | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Hi there, I would like to get more information about your latest scientific activities and we hope to have the opportunity to communicate with you in the future through our research groups in the field of innovation and leadership in various leadership researches. All the best. Prof. Dr. Salam Al shereida |
Missikoff, Michele | Senior Research Associate | Italian National Research Council – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Working for decades on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning area, with a focus on enterprise application. Founder and director of the Laboratory for Enterprise Knowledge and Systems. Long experience in European projects. Almost 200 scientific and technical publications. |
Saenz, Laritza | United States | Other | |||
Novitzky, Peter | Associate Professor/Ethics of Emergent Technologies | Avans University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: – Associate professor — Ethics of emerging technologies, Avans University of Applied Science, Netherlands (2023-) Dr Peter Novitzky specializes in the ethical challenges of emerging technologies, AI, safety and security. Peter’s appointment follows research and teaching roles working mainly on multiple European projects (FP7, NWO, H2020, EPSRC) as well as a position at the National University of Singapore. Peter successfully completed his PhD in applied philosophy at Dublin City University (Ireland), where he specialized in the ethics of artificial intelligence for vulnerable populations. His long-term research interests focus on the intersection of bioethics, AI ethics, research integrity, and most recently, responsibility in research and innovation. Peter is a magna cum laude graduate of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics obtained from the consortium of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Netherlands) and Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). He also studied and performed research at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) and Charles University in Prague (Czechia). He continues to engage in research with collaborators in Canada, UK, and the Netherlands. |
Koska, Christopher | Senior Researcher | Center for Responsible AI Technologies (CReAITec), Munich School of Philosophy | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Work and Research Focus: AI, Data an Algorithm Ethics, Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) |
Schifferle, Tobias M. | Lecturer / Researcher | Zurich University of Teacher Education | Switzerland | Academia | |
Chetani, Trisha | Student | International University of applied Science | Germany | Academia | |
Nicolai, Madalina | Law Graduate | University of Cambridge | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Tucek, Tom | PhD Student, University Assistant | University of Klagenfurt | Austria | Academia | |
Saltas, Ippocratis | Senior researcher | Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Aguglia, Davide | Italy | Academia | |||
Shamshad, Fahad | Doctoral Student | Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence | United Arab Emirates | Academia |
AI expert: AI Safety, Multimodal AI, Generative AI |
Mann, Julia | Managing Director | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
V. Francis, Dr. John | CEO | | United Arab Emirates | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Am a – |
Bashir, Hina | Communication and Social Media Manager | CLAIRE | Netherlands | Industry | |
AI expert: Irving Martinez holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Management, and masters degrees in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Finance. He has over 25 years of academic experience teaching courses like Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Entrepreneurship, AI, and Organizational Behavior at multiple universities in Bolivia. His expertise spans Marketing, Innovation, AI, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability. He has published articles on topics like AI integration in education, value-based marketing, and entrepreneurial education. Martinez has received recognitions like National Academic Article awards, Good Academic Practices awards, and performance recognitions for his teaching. He serves as a mentor for early-stage entrepreneurs globally and has judged AI, cybersecurity, and advertising competitions. His current interests include AI sustainability, reforesting marketing, and integrating AI in virtual classrooms. |
Hammoudeh, Ahmad | Artificial Intelligence researcher | Maia Artificial Intelligence Lab | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Dzamesi, Michael Selasi | PhD Student & Research Engineer | University of Mons & Euro-Multitel S.A | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Germeau, Nicodème | Communication Officer | TRusted AI Labs | Belgium | Industry | |
Caracas, Razvan | Senior Researcher | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université Paris Cité | France | Academia |
AI expert: Dear CLAIRE organizers, |
Seiler, Moritz Vinzent | PostDoc | Machine Learning and Optimisation, Paderborn University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
BEAREE, Richard | Full Prof. in Automatic and robotics | Arts et Metiers Sciences and technologies | France | Academia |
AI expert: – Head of the LISPEN laboratory (multi sites laboratory), which investigate: a) Control, planning and autonomy in industrial Robotics, b) Human-robot interaction and c) decision support for industrial management. |
LE BOULCH, Patrick | French Guiana | Other | |||
Vagos, Márcia | Data scientist | Semcon Norge AS | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Huber, Lukas | Student | University of Zurich | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Kostadinov, Georgi | Imagga Technologies | Bulgaria | Industry | ||
Krastev, Nikola | Imagga Technologies | Bulgaria | Industry | ||
Nota, Christian | Private | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
JONGEN, THIBAULD | CEO / Director | Sabca Group & Generative Robotics | Belgium | Industry | |
Long, Jeff | United States | Academia | |||
Dierkes, Stefan | Die Projektmacher | Germany | Other | ||
Mármol, Jesús A. | Consultor-Investigador | Consultoría Roboética | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dr. en Filosofía por Cambridge International University. Experto en Roboética. Autor de diversos libros sobre Roboética/IA. |
Maftei, Mihai | Researcher (DFKI Ethics Board) | DFKI | Romania | Academia | |
Swami, Sharad | MD Anderson and Founder | Prime Choice Health Care | United States | Industry | |
Gaubienė, Neringa | Dr. | Vilnius University Faculty of Law | Lithuania | Academia | AI expert: |
Amidi, Argyro | Legal Counsel | Fourdotinfinity | Greece | ||
Martín-Peña, Rosae | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: In a few months, I will defend my doctoral thesis on responsible decision-making in a human-IA interaction. I have been a researcher at the DFKI Berlin since November 2023. In the KI-Kompas Inklusiv project, I oversee data protection and data ethics. My interest in CLAIRE is to be part of the CLAIRE SIG ETHICS. |
hanna, joyce | Journalist | UL | Lebanon | Academia | |
Kossovsky, Etienne | Self | Philosopher | Switzerland | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Mansouri, Jafar | Iran | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | ||
Knaving, Kristina | Senior researcher | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | Sweden | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: My AI research builds on my earlier research and work in decision support, digital ethics, information ecosystems, and human-computer interaction. I have worked with companies on AI and written reports on AI in regard to these fields since 2019. |
Mantello, Peter | Professor | Ritsumeikan University | Japan | Academia |
AI expert: HELLO |
Sharma, Curtis | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Hamelberg, Kedma | PhD Candidate AI for Responsible Marketing | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Suter, Max | Consultant | aucoma ag | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Shamah, Jon | Director | Global Trust Foundation | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Personal: BSc Aeronautics and Astronautics. Advisor and Consultant to both EU and non-EU government agencies on digital transformation . |
Pedro, Celia | industrial Manager | worker | Portugal | Industry | |
Keeler, Joseph | – Your Free Leads | Joseph Keeler | Tuvalu | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Tan, Mingyi | postgraduate student | university of edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Quinten, Niels | Founder | Best Goed – AI Design Studio | Belgium | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: As an AI design studio, we help you make the right choices from the start when developing AI systems by connecting with your target audience. We’re not talking about the visual side of things, nor the technical, but about making something that your audience can connect with in their personal lives. Think of it this way: You might have the fanciest, most technically advanced AI, but if people can’t or won’t use it, what’s the point? Our speciality lies in bespoke and international human-centered research services for AI development. |
Duwe, Henning | PhD Student | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Dettmer, Justin | PhD Student | Chair for Artificial Intelligence Methodology at RWTH Aachen | Germany | Academia | |
Azarmanesh, Ilghar | University of Stavanger | Norway | Academia | ||
Cooper, Lisa | Our Entire Google Maps Database | | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Zoccatelli, Andrea | Data Scientist | GroupM | Italy | Industry | |
AI expert: Chemical Engineer (2000) and holds a MSc in Project Management (2008) by University of Oviedo. |
Hedman, Leif Rune | Professor emeritus; Affiliated at Clintec, KI | Umeå University, Karolinska institute | Sweden | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Special interest in medical human factors, human-computer-interaction and medical simulation |
Coffey, Claire | PhD Candidate | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Lovric, Jadranka | EDIH Senior project manager | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing | Croatia | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Nieto, Sara | Software Technical Lead | RHEA Systems | Spain | Industry | |
Goumenidis, Panagiotis | PhD student / Researcher | Democritus University of Thrace, EMEF Lab (Emerging Methodologies in Economics and Finance) | Greece | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Dominguez Del Angel, Victoria | Scientific Project Manager | Inria | France | Academia | |
Jurewicz, Mateusz | Completed PhD, Senior ML Engineer | IT University of Copenhagen, Tjek A/S | Denmark | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I hold a PhD in Deep Learning and work as a Senior ML Engineer. I have been concerned with AI Safety for over a decade now and would like to support the idea of a CERN for AI via ClaireAI. |
Blaneck, Patrick Gustav | Master’s Student and Research Assistant | Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Academia | |
Kumar, Mrinal | Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal | India | Academia | ||
Efthymiou, Dr Iris-Panagiota | Lecturer | University pf Greenwich | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I serve on the boards of and am associated with several organisations involved in deciphering the activities of humanity. I am a Behavioural Health Economist, Author, Speaker, Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, London, CEO of Noimosini, Chief Editor of the Journal of Politics and Ethics in New Technologies and AI and Researcher of LabHEM-University of Piraeus. I am a mentor with a multifaceted background and compassion I have earned my reputation as a visionary. With publications spanning a wide range of topics (AI, parenting, the environment, Artificial Intelligence, healthcare, and everything in between), I firmly believe in the power of combining different disciplines to arrive at a more well-rounded conclusion perspective. This reflects my firm belief in the power of combining different disciplines to arrive at a more balanced and nuanced view of the topic concerned. Iris has spent the last few years researching and writing about the issues that she believes we will face in the fast-changing world of the future. I was a college director and have established my own consultancy in Public Affairs. My work has involved collaborations with politicians, diplomats, entrepreneurs, academics, and journalists, including speaking engagements at the UN Headquarters in Geneva. Previously she served as a Global Public Health Lecturer at the University of East London, she has an impressive publication record, including over 15 books, 50 articles, and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals. I am also a member of BIC, of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) UK, APPG Artificial Intelligence, APPG Digital Finance, The INNOVATORS BOARD, Member of the Association for Computing Machinery and ACM Committee on Women, Member of AI for Good, Member of the Board CCB (Creative Commerce Board) of Guildhouse School, London (Boarding School). I am an active Board member of HAPSc, the Board of Academics, the President of the Interdisciplinary Committee of HAPSc, and a member of the Board of Womanitee. She is also a Scientific Associate of the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) of the University of Piraeus. I studied Economics at the University of Athens and earned a Master’s in Health Economics and Management, and PhD, in Behavioural Economics, at the University of Piraeus, Together with the continual updating necessary for my business career, I have continued to maintain and widen my knowledge base by undertaking numerous external studies at various institutions including The Karolinska Institute, Harvardx, and MITx. My breadth of knowledge and research-based approach give me the ability to analyse some of the major issues facing humanity in a fast-changing world. I believe in equal opportunities, uniqueness, and the normality of imperfection! Recognition of my contributions includes the Exceptional Women of Excellence/Exceptional Leaders of Excellence award at the Annual Women Economic Forum in March 2020. |
Gerosa, Matteo | Head of Project Management | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Zhukov, Nikolai | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Patrikakis, Charalampos | Professor, Director of Computer Networks & Services Research Laboratory | Computer Networks & Services Research Laboratory, University of West Attica | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: Charalampos Z. Patrikakis is a Professor at the University of West Attica (UniWA) on the Design and Implementation of Interconnected Electronic Systems and Services, with emphasis on data collection and processing. He is the Director of Computer Network Services Research laboraTory, Director of the Information Transmission-Processing and Networks Division of the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of UniWA, a founding member of THINGENIOUS, a spinoff company of UniWA and the Director of the MSc Program “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning”. He has served as advisor to the Deputy Minister of Development in Greece, responsible for issues related to research during 2006-2007. He is currently Editor of IEEE IT Professional Magazine, Computer Society representative at the Steering committee of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, a Senior Member of IEEE, an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor, Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, IEEE Computer society Distinguished Visitor and counselor of IEEE Student Branch of UniWA. |
Voudouris, Nikolaos | Phd Student, Researcher | University of West Attica | Greece | Academia | |
Bruno, Alessandro | Tenure Track Assistant Professor | IULM University – Department of Business, Law, Economics, Consumer Behaviour ‘Carlo A. Ricciardi’ | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I am the Principal Investigator for an NGI-Search-funded project, HeReFaNMi (Health-Related Fake News Mitigation). Recipient of two Best Paper Awards at International Workshops associated with ICIAP (International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing) and AIxIA (Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence). Editorial Member of several International Journals: International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, International Journal of Digital Media Broadcasting, Societal Impacts. Guest Editor of Special Issues in the Journal of Imaging, Applied Sciences, Sensors, Multimedia Tools and Applications. |
Tödtli, Beat | Dozent/Forscher | OST- Ostschweizer Fachhochschule | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lerga, Jonatan | Vice-Dean | University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering | Croatia | Academia | AI expert: |
Deschamps, Jean-Marc | Professeur | Cégep du Vieux Montréal | Canada | Academia | |
Ciancio, Claire | CEO | Greenroads | Malta | Industry |
AI expert: I am an entrepreneur fascinated by nature and how everything works and believe we can build a better future together with fresh air, less pollution and traffic. My mission is to work on solutions using road data and citizen engagement to improve outside spaces, commutes and quality of life. AI tech is an important partner for what we do. |
Zeqo, Kleitia | Master Student in AI / Principal Consultant | Polytechnic University of Madrid / Technopolis Group | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Voglitsis, Dionisis | Technical Project Manager | DigiAgriFood hub | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Susto, Gian Antonio | Associate Professor | University of Padova | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Mena, Francisco | PhD Researcher | University of Kaiserslautern-Landau | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Metelli, Alberto Maria | Assistant Professor | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Agarwal, Rohit | PhD | UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso | Norway | Academia | |
vos, Freddy | Netherlands | Academia, Industry, Other | |||
Laura, Laura | Posiciona | Posiciona | Albania | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Anker, Andy Sode | Postdoc | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Fioravanti, Simone | PhD Student | Gran Sasso Science Institute | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Mavrina, Lina | Bielefeld University | Germany | Academia | ||
Marchena, Marlene | Belgium | ||||
Leijnen, Stefan | Program Lead Europe | AiNed | Netherlands | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Lemaire, Valentin | R&D Engineer / Researcher | Euranova | Belgium | Industry | |
Velthoven, Ida | Student | VUB | Norway | Academia | |
Louvois, Virginie | Belgium | Academia | |||
Moghadas, Seyed Mohamad | Phd student | VUB | Belgium | Academia | |
Luters-Thümmel M.E.L.S., Dace L. | Attorney-at-law, owner | Law firm Luters-Thümmel | Germany | Other | |
Meier, Jonas | Germany | Academia | AI expert: | ||
Goltz, Lisa-Marie | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | Germany | Academia | ||
Sánchez González, Fernando Andrés | Legal representative | Dr. Fernando Andrés Sánchez González | Austria | Academia, Other |
AI expert: The Wellbeing Driven Economy proposes a new economic system (paradigm), based on technology, aiming to provide for: the human wellbeing, and the environmental wellbeing. It is based, initially, on an interdisciplinary mix encompassing: Life sciences, AI, and Economics. |
Knox, Sean | Research Associate in Health Data Science | University of Huddersfield | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Dierkes, Julian | MSc | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Dominguez-Catena, Iris | PhD Student | Universidad Pública de Navarra | Spain | Academia | |
sahu, sushanta kumar | Assistant Professor | Odisha University of Technology and Research | India | Academia | |
Proietti, Lorenzo | PhD Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Papadopoulos, Dimitrios | Research associate (M.Sc.) | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | |
Reali Costa, Luiz Alexandre | Manager | | Brazil | Other |
AI expert: Working in an ai observatory and phd student in ML |
Thoma, Steffen | Department Manager & Senior Researcher | FZI Research Center for Information Technology | Germany | Academia | |
Sánchez Roncero, Alejandro | Master student | University of Groningen | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Okresa Duric, Bogdan | Senior Teaching Assistant | University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics | Croatia | Academia |
AI expert: Bogdan Okreša Đurić is a postdoctoral researcher and senior teaching assistant at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, a member of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, and the assistant to the ECTS Coordinator, who participates in, or participated in, teaching the following courses in Croatian or English: Data Structures, Databases 1, Knowledge Management, Declarative Programming, Database Theory, Multiagent Systems, Computer Games Development, and Computer Game Development Platforms. His scientific interests can be found in multiagent systems, artificial intelligence, computer games, gamification, and semantic modelling. Since the beginning of his Master studies, he was active in international activities and promoting international relations: he was an Erasmus student at Karl-Franzens University of Graz (AT), Erasmus intern at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana (SI), Erasmus+ intern at Elettra Sincrotrone in Trieste (IT), spent some time on research stay at Universitat Politècnica de València in Valencia (ES), and participated in an ITEC course at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing in Noida (IN). These are the experiences he cherishes, and is willing to further develop. Scientific work in national and international context he considers important, interesting and beneficial, as well as social inclusion and responsibility, along with knowledge transfer and learning. ORCID: |
Karna, Ashutosh | AI Strategy and Innovations Manager | HP Inc. | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kang, Lei | PostDoc | Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Gehlhaar, Moritz | M.Sc. Student | Maastricht University | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Paolo, Giuseppe | Senior Research Scientist | Huawei Technologies France | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I have a PhD in machine learning at Sorbonne University where I have worked on the topic of Sparse rewards through Quality Diversity algorithms. |
Zanaty, Karim | Software developer and team lead | Company | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Carmel, Kimwanga | Student | Saint Augustine University of Kinshasa | Congo | Academia | |
Martens, David | Professor | University of Antwerp | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: – Active in responsible AI and Explainable AI |
ABDI, Nidam | Consultant/Formateur/Editorial Director | Territorial Challenges | France | Other | |
Prats-Boluda, Gema | Researcher & tenured professor | Centro de investigación e innovación en bioingeniería | Spain | Academia | |
Carlson, Rick | Rick Carlson | zsd | United States | Other | |
Klar, Markus | PhD Student | University of Bayreuth | Germany | Academia | |
Brandizzi, Nicolo’ | PhD | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Sousa, Jose | Research Team Leader | Sano-Centre for Computational Personalised Medicine | Poland | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
OIKONOMOU, CHRISTOS | Greece | Other | |||
Diou, Christos | Assistant Professor | Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
HASSAN, AHMED | Ph.D Researcher | Warsaw University of Technology | Poland | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: I am a seasoned PhD researcher with extensive experience in project management and a specialization in the applications of AI in UAVs. I am deeply passionate about exploring the ethical dimensions of AI, particularly in relation to UAV technology. |
Germeau, Nicodème | Communication Officer | TRAIL (Trusted AI Labs) | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Altwies, Francois | Founder | Neurofeedback Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Industry | |
Abdallah, Majd | Data Scientist/PostDoc | Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I earned a PhD in Neuorscience from the University of Bordeaux, France in 2020. I have been fascinated by the human brain and intelligence since the beginning of my scientific training. However, in recent years I have become even more fascinated by our ability to make computers learn human-like reasoning and problem-solving abilities to solve many of our daily life problems, even out-performing us on many tasks. That is why I pursued postdoc and industry positions at the interface of natural and artificial intelligence for the past few years. Now, I work as a data scientist at the Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center mainly focused on the European EOSC4Cancer project. I am bringing my passion and expertise in AI, machine learning and data analytics to the mission of fighting cancer at the grand European (and global) stage. My ultimate goal is be become part of the European AI community, and bring the power of AI to healthcare and biomedicine…eventually preserving human lives and societies. |
Begum, Shahina | Professor | Malardalen University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Avramov, Mihail | assist. prof. | Sofia University « St. Kliment Ohridski » | Bulgaria | Academia |
AI expert: I am chief assistant professor at Sofia University. My activities there are in the department of Physical Chemistry but my research interests are mainly oriented to intelligent measurement equipment for Industrial and Laboratory purposes. |
Letteri, Ivan | Research Fellow | University of L’Aquila | Italy | Academia | |
Harrison, Emma | Overcoming SEO Roadblocks: How Keysearch Can Boost Your Online Visibility | KeySearch | Serbia and Montenegro | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Gyrard, Amelie | Research and Innovation Consultant | Trialog | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expertise |
Doncenco, Dorin | Student | Paris-Saclay University | France | Academia | |
Likas, Aristidis | Professor | I.P.AN. research group, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Ioannina | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
DUPARC, CAROLINE | France | Other | |||
Algaba, Andres | Postdoctoral Researcher | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Postdoctoral Researcher in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Guest Professor at VUB, Academic AI Expert at VAIA. |
Kavicky, Radovan | President | GapData Institute | Slovakia | Industry |
AI expert: Member of Slovak Economic Association (SEA, Member @ EEA/European Economic Association & IEA/International Economic Association), IEEE Computer Society (Member, #IEEE, #IEEECS), Slovak Research Center for Artificial Intelligence/Slovak.AI (#SlovakAI), European AI Alliance (European Commission/Futurium), Trustworthy AI – Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning (TAILOR network), UDSC (United Data Science Communities)/X-Europe Webinars Series & The Python Software Foundation (PSF). |
Cramer, Emma | RWTH Aachen university | Germany | Academia | ||
Sinha, Nilotpal | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: | |
KOUFERIDJI, Ramanou | Président Directeur Général | Imanle Africa Télévision | Benin | Other | |
Hilal, Thawab | Jordan | ||||
Murano, Aniello | Professor in Computer Science | University of Naples Federico II | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I am a Professor in Computer Science at the University of Naples Federico II, since 2010. My research activities are grounded in the Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods areas, leading fundamental research in formal methods for the strategic reasoning of reactive and multi-agent systems. One of my main contributions in this area is Strategy Logic, a powerful formalism to reasoning about concurrent multi-agent systems, as well as algorithms and tools to specify, verify and synthesize agents’ strategies. |
Nichele, Stefano | Full Professor | Østfold University College, Halden, Norway | Norway | Academia |
AI expert: Kindly provide information for Green Membership for my institution/research group. |
Groenli, Tor-Morten | Dean/professor | Kristiania University College, School of Economics, Innovation and Technology | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
YAYAN, UGUR | Assistant Professor Dr. | Eskisehir Osmangazi University | Turkey | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: After graduation as electrical & electronics engineer (EEE) in 2009, he received his Master’s degree in EEE from Eskisehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) in 2012. He received his Ph. D. in Control and Command program in EEE from ESOGU in 2018. After his Ph. D. he started to work on in H2020-ECSEL2019-RIA VALU3S project as project manager. In 2021, he started working in the department of software engineering ESOGU as Assistant Professor. He is also vice-director of IFARLAB-DIH and director of ESOGU Software Reliability Laboratory (ESOGU – SRLAB). He finished 3 ROSin Focused Technical Cascade Funding Projects. |
grant, david | Australia | Industry | |||
Moniz, Antonio | Professor | NOVA University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Sociologist, Director of the Observatory of Technology Assessment (OAT), member of the Topics Group « Ethical, Legal and Socio-Economic Issues » from the European euRobotics platform. Was invited scientist at Brown University (US), Franhofer ISI, KIT (Germany), McMaster University (Canada) and University of Lorraine (France). |
Vladymyrov, Mykhailo | Research assistent | Theodor Kocher Institute, University of Bern | Switzerland | Academia | |
Gkikas, Dimitris | Lecturer | Athens University of Business and Economics, Greece | Greece | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Adjunct Lecturer @ Athens University of Economics & Business. School of Economic Sciences, Department of International & European Economic Studies Areas of interest: |
Osmani, Aomar | Senior lecturer | Université Sorbonne paris nord | France | Academia | |
Roditis, Panagiotis | Arificial Intelligence & Embedded Software Engineer | OHB Hellas | Greece | Industry | |
jha, mayank shekhar | Associate Professor | University of Lorraine | France | Academia |
AI expert: I am currently an Associate Professor (Maitre de conférences) at the Engineering School Polytech Nancy, |
Bingol, Damla | R&D Specialist | DHL Supply Chain- R&D and Innovation Lab | Turkey | ||
Ziesche, Nicole | Head of CISPA Innovation Campus | CISPA Helmholtz-Center for Information Security | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Raif, Pawel | Consultant | Qserve | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
BAYSAL, Engin | Ardahan University | Turkey | Academia | ||
Maimour, Moufida | CRAN, CNRS, Lorraine University | France | Academia | ||
BOMBARDIER, Vincent | Professor / Dr | University of Lorraine | France | Academia |
AI expert: Research area: Image Processing, Machine learning, Pattern recognition, Knowledge Modeling |
THOMAS, Philippe | associate professor | Université de Lorraine | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Lezoche, Mario | Associated professor | Université de Lorraine, CRAN, CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: |
VanStuyvesant, Kurtis | CEO | The Van & Stuyvesant Companies | United States | Academia, Industry | |
La Fors, Karolina | Researcher | DesignLab University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Generation AI Fellow at the World Economic Forum |
García Pavioni, Alihuén | PhD student | University of Girona | Spain | Academia | |
Machado, Ricardo | Full Professor | Universidade do Minho | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: |
Stampe, Lucas | PhD student | Department of Information Systems, University of Münster, Germany | Germany | Academia | |
Mäder, Patrick | Professor in data-intensive systems, chair of the dAI.SY research group | Technische Universität Ilmenau | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Munteanu, Adrian | Professor | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Nagoor, Shahad | Ireland | ||||
van Zeebroeck, Nicolas | Professor | Université libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Alawwad, Hessa | Lecturer | Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University | Saudi Arabia | Academia | AI expert: |
Njema, Ramsey | Part-time Demonstrator | University of Malawi | Malawi | Academia | |
Abdelazeem Adam, Ahmed | Biomedical Engineer & Data Scientist | ACM | Egypt | Industry | |
LEWKOWICZ, Gregory | Professor – Director of the Smart Law Hub | Université libre de Bruxelles – Centre Perelman | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Gungor, Mustafa Ozgur | Researcher | Puhu Research and Consultancy Ltd. | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Hildebrandt, Mireille | Professor of Law, both in Law Faculty (VUB) and Science Faculty (Radboud) | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Radboud University, the Netherlands | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: – PI of the ERC ADG COHUBICOL: ‘Counting as a human being in the era of computational law’ |
Cotorruelo, Andres | Senior researcher | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Fernández Martínez, Andrea | AI researcher | AIMEN Technology Centre | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: With a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering (UVIC-UCC) and a Master’s Degree in Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (URV), I have worked for +3 years in R&D EU projects as an AI researcher and, more recently, technical project manager of AI EU projects. I have work in different AI research areas, including circular economy and industry 4.0. |
Thakur, Manali | M.Sc. student | OVGU, Magdeburg | Germany | Academia | |
MÖRCH, Carl | Université Libre de Bruxelles, FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: | |
Luley, Paul | Research Assistant | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | |
Haastert, Simon | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | ||
Mohan, Srivatsan | student | Uinversity of dundee | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Servan, Annette | Senior Advisor | The University of Bergen | Norway | Academia | |
Liga, Davide | Postdoctoral researcher | University of Luxembourg | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ntoutsi, Eirini | Full professor | Bundeswehr University Munich | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: I am a computer scientist working on AI/ML tackling real world challenges and responsible aspects. In particular, my work currently focuses on adaptive learning, fairness-aware learning and explainable AI and on generative AI. |
C, Jason | Canada | Academia | |||
Amza, Madalina | Student | University of Warwick | United Kingdom | ||
Kurpicz-Briki, Mascha | Professor for Data Engineering / Deputy Lead Applied Machine Intelligence | School of Engineering and Computer Science, Bern University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Pierro, Alessandro | Research Assistant | Oslo Metropolitan University | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Chebbi, Abir | Student | University | Switzerland | Academia | |
Eicke, Ann-Katrin | PhD Student | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | |
Nguyen, Sydney | Master Student | ZHAW CAI | Switzerland | Academia | |
Ghosh, Adhiraj | MSc Student | University of Tubingen | Germany | Academia | |
Urdiales, Cristina | Full professor | Universidad de Málaga | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: I work mostly in assistive robots with people under rehabilitation. I’ve got a PhD on autonomous robots and a second one on AI. Among other awards, I won the Best European dissertation on AI (ECCAI) and the Best spanish dissertation on Assistive Technologies (COIT/AEIT). |
Gibert, Karina | Full professor and head director | Intelligent data science and artificial intwlligence reseach center at UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA (IDEAI-UPC) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Benenson, Rodrigo | Senior Research Scientist | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Schipper, CEO, David | Advent Digital | Turkey | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
Alvarez-Napagao, Sergio | Senior Researcher | High-Performance Artificial Intelligence group (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of interest/expertise: |
daukantas, jurgutis | Technologist of Education/Online Instructional Technologist | Lithuanian Computer Society/Harvard University | United States | Academia | |
van Dijk, Richard | Postdoc research software engineer | LIACS, Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Neumaier, Sebastian | Researcher | St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
MEZE SIMO, Franck Donal | Doctorant | Université de Yaoundé 1 | Cameroon | Academia | |
Buschmeier, Hendrik | Research Group Leader/Juniorprofessor | Bielefeld University | Germany | Academia, Other |
AI expert: I am an assistant professor (German ‘Juniorprofessor’) of Digital Linguistics at Bielefeld University. In my research I focus on interactive computational models of spoken dialogue and multimodal interaction between humans and humans and machines. I am interested in both theoretical (taking a cognitive science perspective on linguistics interaction) as well as applied aspects of my fields (creating and deploying conversational agents). My work on ‘communicative listener feedback in human–agent interaction’ received the ‘AAMAS 2018 Best Socially Interactive Agents Track Paper‘ of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Sayoud, Halim | Professor | USTHB University | Algeria | Academia | AI expert: |
Garcia, Dibet | Project Manager | Centro de Computação Gráfica | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |
Pilastri, André | Seniort Machine Learning | CCG – Centro de Computação Gráfica | Portugal | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: With over 5 years of experience developing research projects in Data Science and Computer Vision, my career goal is to master best practices, trends, and new technologies, bringing creative ideas to life. This background offers an enormous versatility, showed by an easy adaptation to any innovation project in the Industry 4.0. My main activities include: supervise the Machine Learning team, develop and implement Machine Learning and Decision Support Systems, Data Analysis, write funding proposals for R&D projects with major national companies and research-focused ones. |
Theyskens, Paul | Netwerk Solutions | Belgium | Academia, Industry | ||
Dallemagne, Philippe | IoT & Vision coordination | CSEM | Switzerland | Other | AI expert: |
Moonga, Julie | Student | King’s College London/ University College London | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Dundovic, Davor | Doctoral Research Fellow | University of Oslo | Norway | Academia | |
Barbouch, Mohamed | MSc. Computer Science / Owner | Leiden University / ConDiver | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Garzon Ramos, David | PhD student | Universite libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Vermaut, Andy | President | World Council for Public Diplomacy and Community Dialogue | Belgium | Other | |
Fernández Domingos, Elias | Postdoctoral Researcher | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the ULB in Belgium under a FNRS postdoctoral grant. In my research am investigate collective decision making in social dilemmas that are related to key global problems such as climate change, sustainability, fairness, etc. I combine Evolutionary Game Theory, Behavioral Econmics and Machine Learning to collect data and model how humans behave when facing such high risk problems, and look into how socio-technical systems may steer our decisions, and possible improve our social coordination. Previously I did my PhD under an FWO SB grant in the Artificial Inteligence Laboratory (VUB, Belgium). |
Albert, Pierre | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: | ||
Mangold, Stefan | President | Lovefield Wireless GmbH | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Weber, Felix | Cognitive Scientist & Lead Developer | Universität Osnabrück | Germany | Academia | |
Wang, Xiulin | Dalian University of Technology | China | Academia | AI expert: | |
Arce Carnero, Daniel | University of León | Spain | Academia | ||
Serradilla, Oscar | Researcher and Lecturer | Mondragon Unibertsitatea | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Meehan, Daragh | Ireland | ||||
Groth, Paul | Professor of Data Science | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Sandin, Fredrik | Professor in Machine Learning | Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Wijayatunga, Priyantha | Associate professor | Umea University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: Probability and statistics |
Khan, Muhammad Kamran | PhD Doctoral Student | DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy | Italy | Academia | |
Carta, Sara | PhD candidate | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland | Other | |
Danassis, Panayiotis | PostDoc | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
van de Weijer, Joost | Senior Scientist | Computer Vision Center Barcelona | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: I am leading the Learning and Machine Perception group at the computer vision center at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. I have a h-index of 60 and over 15.000 citations. My research areas include incremental learning, lifelong learning, domain adaptation, transfer learning, active learning, computer vision. |
Perelli, Giuseppe | Assistant Professor | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I am Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Sapienza University of Rome. My research interests regard many aspects of formal methods for Artificial Intelligence. In particular, I work on verification and synthesis problems for multi-agent systems, knowledge representation, strategic reasoning, logic, games, and automata theory. |
Amaya, Diego | PhD student | Université de Lorraine | France | Academia | |
Zhu, Shufang | Postdoctoral Researcher | Sapienza University of Rome | China | Academia |
AI expert: I am a Research Associate at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale. Sapienza University of Rome, working with Prof. Giuseppe De Giacomo on his Advanced ERC project WhiteMech. I received my Ph.D. degree in 2020, at East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China, under the supervision of Prof. Geguang Pu. During my Ph.D., I got the scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) and studied as a visiting Ph.D. student (August 2016 to Feb 2018) at Rice University, under the supervision of Prof. Moshe Y. Vardi. My main interests are in automated reasoning and formal verification. |
garcia, david | PhD candidate | University of Salamanca | Spain | Academia | |
Fuentes, Arturo | University | Spain | Academia, Industry | ||
Kokinova, Ina | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Bulgaria | Academia | ||
Hammond, Lewis | PhD Candidate | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Schneidermann, Nina | PHD Candidate | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia | |
Ramírez, José Manuel | PhD student | Universidade de Vigo | Spain | Industry | |
Aghaei Pour, Pouya | Doctoral researcher | University of Jyvaskyla | Finland | Academia | |
Gaudilliere, Vincent | Associate Researcher | University of Luxembourg | France | Academia | AI expert: |
CHENYUE, ZHOU | Spain | Academia | |||
Cortal, Gustave | Master intern and soon PhD candidate | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay | France | Academia, Industry | |
Rodriguez Muñoz, Teresa | PhD student | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | |
Colonna, Edoardo | Student and Junior Researcher | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy | Academia | |
Ollerenshaw, Anna | PhD Student | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Pais, Vasile | Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence ”Mihai Drăgănescu”, Romanian Academy | Romania | Academia | AI expert: | |
Pickard, Thomas | PhD Candidate | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | |
Revenko, Artem | Director Research | Semantic Web Company | Austria | Industry | AI expert: |
Papini, Matteo | Postdoctoral researcher | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Rotondi, Dennis | Sapienza, university of Rome | Italy | Academia | ||
Demirel, Berkay | Predoctoral Researcher | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Frattolillo, Francesco | PhD student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Khotyachuk, Roman | PhD student | NORCE, University of Bergen | Norway | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Smaldone, Michele | Student | USI | Switzerland | Other | |
Goossens, Jurgen | Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law – Project leader of CHAIN | Tilburg University | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: BIO Before, he was Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Ghent University. Goossens holds an LL.M. degree from Yale Law School. His research agenda focuses on constitutional resilience in our hyper-complex and hyper-connected society. He primarily researches the ability of constitutional values, principles, and procedures to cope with the challenges, transformations and threats that come with the increased use of algorithms in administrative decision-making processes and digital network governance. Goossens also regularly embarks on legal educational innovation endeavors . EXPERTISE Currently, he focuses on the ability of constitutional values, principles, and procedures to cope with the challenges, transformations and threats that come with the increased use of algorithms in administrative decision-making processes and digital network governance. Goossens pays particular attention to the relation between citizens and public bodies. |
Abouelrous, Abdo | MSc. | Technical University Eindhoven | Egypt | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ogier, Arnaud | Head of Data/Image Mining | Ksilink | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Okutan, Muharrem | Student Applied artificial intelligence | IUBH | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Miguel, Ataliba | Sim&Solv | Angola | Academia, Industry | ||
Berthet, Quentin | Scientific collaborator | HEPIA / CoRES | Switzerland | Academia | |
Lindenmann, Sara | Student | ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Academia | |
Gluck, Florent | Associate Professor | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Al Machot, Fadi | Associate Professor | Norwegian University of Life Sciences NMBU | Norway | Academia | |
Hakim, Insannul | Undergraduate | Diponegoro University | Indonesia | Academia | |
gateau, julien | Adjoint Scientifique | HEPIA | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Yip, Tuck Wai | Student | Universiti Malaysia Perlis | Malaysia | Academia | |
Mutilica, Valentin | Student | Aurel Vlaicu University | Romania | Academia | |
Eunike, Rehmia | Student | SGU | Indonesia | Academia, Other | |
Ulrich, Sandra | PhD Student | ZHAW and UZH | Switzerland | Academia | |
Pohl, Janina | PhD Student | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | |
son, edi | Singapore | Industry | AI expert: | ||
Ali, Emran | Student | Deakin University | Australia | Academia, Industry | |
Carraretto, Gabriel Henrique | MSc Student | Università della Svizzera Italiana | Italy | Academia | |
Setia Mulya, Yudha | programmer | self employee | Indonesia | Other | |
Artusa, Alessandro Nima’ | Student | Università della Svizzera italiana | Italy | ||
Sardo, Alberto | Student | Università della Svizzera Italiana | Italy | Academia | |
Wen, Zhizi | Student | USI | Switzerland | Academia | |
Castro, Jose | Student | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Stoupis, Alexios-Philippos | Student | Universita della Svizzera Italiana | Switzerland | Other | |
Loika, Arseni | Student | Universita della Svizzera Italiana | Switzerland | Academia | |
Doshi, Rahil Miten | Student | USI Lugano | Germany | Academia | |
Pierrès, Oriane | Research Assistant | Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | Switzerland | Academia | |
Dhungaan, Gaurab | Student | University Svizzera della Itialiana | Nepal | Academia | |
Nguyen, Anh | PhD candidate | University of Geneva | France | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Morales Mariciano, Jeferson | Student | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland | Academia | |
Zang, Qianbo | Master Student | Università della Svizzera italiana | China | Academia | |
Boyé, Mona | Business development | Association Ksilink | France | Academia, Industry | |
Tanasic, Radenko | University of Lugano | Switzerland | Academia | ||
Garro Elizondo, Erick | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland | Academia | ||
Jami, Naga Venkata Sai Jitin | Student | Università della Svizzera italiana | Germany | ||
Galimberti, Tristano | MSc AI | Università della svizzera italiana | Switzerland | Academia | |
Sedra, Youssef | Student | Universitâ della Svizzera Italiana | Switzerland | Academia | |
Le, Thuong | Student | Università della Svizzera Italiana | Switzerland | Academia | |
Felici, Rocco | Student | USI university | Italy | Industry | |
Han, Jun | Switzerland | ||||
Stucki, Samuel | Student | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | |
Soares, Carlos | Associate Professor | U. Porto | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: AI research (with focus on machine learning and, more specifically, in metalearning) since 1994, as part of the ML group in Porto. |
Pandey, Jatin | Undergraduate | Delhi Technological University | India | Academia | |
Chavez Garcia, Omar | Researcher | University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland | Switzerland | Academia | |
Maccarini, Marco | MSc. AI | Supsi | Switzerland | Academia | |
du Toit, Wadda | Idun Technologies | Switzerland | Industry | ||
Ulzega, Simone | Senior research scientist | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Smailov, Nikita | Student | ZHAW | Switzerland | ||
Stalder, Samuel | Student | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | |
Rai, Akhilesh | Data Scientist | Eli Lilly | India | Industry | |
Abraham Premkumar, GEORGE | CEO | IT Eye Business Solutions | India | Industry |
AI expert: Innovative, Entrepreneurial and Strategy-driven Management Professional and Digital Transformation Evangelist with 18 years of experience. Get thrills in leading large complex global projects to get awarded for my invention of petrol drones. |
Fathi, Kiavash | Research assistant | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | |
Arghir, Catalin | Electrical Engineer | Beyond Gravity | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Cipollone, Roberto | Ph.D. student | Sapienza Università di Roma | Italy | Academia | |
Sinha, Nilotpal | PhD Student | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | India | Academia |
AI expert: Research Interests: |
Toplic, Leila | Head of Emerging Technologies | NetHope | Switzerland | Other | |
Zhelyazkov, Zhivko | attorny | bar of Varna | Bulgaria | Other | |
Rimal, Bhaskar | Assistant Professor | Dakota State University | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Hilton, Adrian | Director, Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI | University of Surrey | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: SURREY INSTITUTE FOR PEOPLE-CENTRED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Putting people at the heart of AI Our pan-university institute brings together Surrey’s core AI-related expertise in vision, speech and signal processing, computer science, and mathematics, with its domain expertise across engineering and physical sciences, human and animal health, law and regulation, business, finance and the social sciences. |
Oberkofler, Tobias | Master student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Robillard, Sinan | AI Consultant | MindFire | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Antony, Jibinraj | DFKI | Germany | Academia | ||
Damjanovic-Behrendt, Violeta | CEO & CTO | GreenTwin GmbH | Austria | Other | AI expert: |
Chabrzyk, Dobieslaw | Owner, head of product | MASTA | Poland | Industry | |
Ntoutsi, Eirini | Professor | Freie Universität Berlin, Dept of Computer Science | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: I am a Professor of AI working also on responsible AI aspects (Fairness, XAI). |
rodriguez, jeremias | software engineer | iRobot LTD | Argentina | Academia, Industry | |
Gerrits, Nele | Researcher | VITO, unit Health | Belgium | Academia | |
Upadhyay, Astha | Master’s Student | Digital Communication leadership (DClead) | India | ||
Fehlner, Andreas | Software Developer AI / Self-employed for machine learning research software | TRUMPF Laser GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: * Industrial Senior Software Developer AI for MLOps and Edge AI with focus on computer vision (especially semantic segmentation) |
CISSOKO, Bouba | CEO and Head of Innovation Services | OPERANKA ASSOCIATES | France | Industry, Other |
AI expert: I fully support Claire network and the philosophy behind it. It is key for Europe to nurture such a community and help it leading to innovative and world-scale companies. As an executive working on Ai projects and an actor of technology financing, I will be honored to help some ideas from Claire network and seed them for the creation of some European startups implementing Human-centric Ai products or any other Ai products that augment human intelligence instead of replacing it. |
Jeyaraju, Dr Jayaprakash | Professor | Dr MGR educational and Research Institute | India | Academia | |
Surner, Martin | PhD candidate | Hochschule Landshut | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Dockhorn, Alexander | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: |
djaffal, souhaila | PhD Student | Larbi Tebessi University – Tebessa | Algeria | Academia | |
Scotti, Fabio | Full Professor | Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE senior member |
Bellodi, Elena | Associate Professor | University of Ferrara, Dept. of Engineering | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Gové, Jean | PhD Student | University of St Andrews | Malta | Academia | |
Coscia, Pasquale | Assistant Professor | University of Milan | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Carli, Francesco | PhD | Scuola Normale Superiore | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I’am currently a PhD student at Scuola Normale Superiore and my work will be focused on developing AI tools to tackle problems in biology and bioinformatics and computational chemistry. I’m enthusiast about the idea of applying what I learned so far about Deep Learning, Graph Neural Networks and social systems to a new set of problems. I hope this experience will produce new insights and methodologies able to foster scientific research and, possibly, impact therapy and diagnosis of cancer. Chiefly, I look forward to deepen my knowledge in topics such as pharmacogenomics, drug discovery and protein design. |
Purucker, Lennart | PhD student | University of Siegen | Germany | Academia | |
Pavlic, Marina | R&D Product Manager | Transmitters and Communications Ltd. | Croatia | Industry | |
Genovese, Angelo | Assistant Professor | Università degli Studi di Milano | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Angelo Genovese was born in Benevento, Italy, on February 19th, 1985. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science in 2007, 2010, and 2014 respectively, from Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. From 2014 to 2019 he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and since 2015 he is a member of the Industrial, Environmental, and Biometric Informatics Laboratory (IEBIL) at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. He was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Toronto, ON, Canada from June 2017 to August 2017 and from December 2019 to March 2020. Since 2019 he is Assistant Professor at Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, Department of Computer Science. His research interests include signal and image processing, pattern recognition, three-dimensional reconstruction, artificial intelligence technologies, design methodologies, and algorithms for self-adapting systems, applied to industrial and environmental monitoring systems and biometric recognition. In the biometrics field, his focuses are on highly usable touch-based and touchless recognition based on palmprint and fingerprint, as well as recognition based on soft biometric traits. He is an Associate Editor of the Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (AIHC) and Elsevier Array. He was a Member of the Editorial Committee for the Elsevier Book Trends in Deep Learning Methodologies. He has served as Program Chair/Co-Chair for the IEEE Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA) (2020, 2019, 2018) and the IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS) (2018, 2017). He is a Member of the IEEE, the IEEE Biometrics Council, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Task Force on Deep Learning, and the GRIN (Gruppo di Informatica). He is the Chair of the IEEE Italy Section Systems Council Chapter and the Co-Chair of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Technical Commitee TC-22 – Intelligent Measurement Systems. |
Konrad, Anna | PhD Candidate | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | |
ALI, Mohammed | PhD student | Rovira i Virgili universidad | Spain | Academia, Other | |
Irwin, Christopher | Master Student | University of Piemonte Orientale | Italy | Academia | |
Bossek, Jakob | Dr. | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Romero Moreno, Guillermo | Postdoctoral Research Associate | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Sackenreuther, Bettina | Content / Media Manager and Science Writer | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | |
Richter, Frank | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | ||
Rahimi-Iman, Arash | Group Leader | I. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | Germany | Academia | |
Rossi, Dario | Director, DataCom Lab, Paris Research Center. Chief Expert Network AI | Huawei | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dario Rossi is Director of Huawei AI4NET Lab and Director of the DataCom Department at the Paris Research Center, France. Before joining Huawei in 2018, he held Full Professor positions at Telecom Paris and Ecole Polytechnique and was holder of Cisco’s Chair NewNet@Paris. He has coauthored 20+ patents and 200+ papers in leading conferences and journals, that received 9 best paper awards, a Google Faculty Research Award (2015) and an IRTF Applied Network Research Prize (2016). He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Senior Member of ACM. |
Weiß, Dimitri | PhD student | Bielefeld University | Germany | Academia | |
González Corbelle, Javier | PhD Student | University of Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | |
Flammini, Francesco | Professor | Mälardalen University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Navarro, Enrique | Spain | Industry | |||
Carneiro, João | PhD | ISEP/GECAD | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Verhagen, Ruben | PhD | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Livanos, Giorgos | Researcher/PhD Student | Technical University of Crete | Greece | Academia | |
Volarić Horvat, Leonard | Promovendus | TU Delft | Croatia | Academia | |
Correia, Filipa | Postdoctoral Researcher | University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Filipa Correia received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2021. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at LARSYS and INESC-ID. Her multidisciplinary research tackles the intersection of robotics, computer science and social psychology (i.e., human-robot interaction), and it is particularly focused on group dynamics between humans and robots in collaborative scenarios. In the past, she was a teaching assistant in the courses of Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agents Systems, Society and Computing, and Social Robots & Human-Robot Interaction. She had also been part of two EU Projects, EMOTE and iv4XR. Filipa has scientific contributions as book chapters, journal papers and top-tier conference papers (e.g., RSS, AAMAS, IROS, HRI, ASSETS), and she also did community service as a reviewer and a Program Chair of the HRI Pioneers Workshop. Her work has been widely acknowledged by the scientific community especially within the topics of human-robot group interactions and human-robot teamwork. Two examples of such recognition are her current citation stats and h-index, 324 and 11 respectively, and her attendance at an invitation-only Dagstuhl Seminar (19411). |
Gatt, Gege | CEO | EBO | Malta | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dr. Gege Gatt is the CEO of London-based company EBO.AI, an Artificial Intelligence enterprise which enables the automation and personalisation of engagement. He is a digital entrepreneur and IT-Law specialist. He serves as the Vice President of the Malta IT law Association and a specialist examiner at the University of Malta. He’s a Board Member of Humanity 2.0 developed by the Holy See in Rome and a consortium of thought-leaders to identify impediments to human flourishing and then work cross-sector to remove them. |
Šír, Gustav | Researcher (postdoc) | Czech Technical University | Czech Republic | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: AI expertise in combining logic-based methods with deep learning. |
Panek, Vojtech | PhD student | CIIRC, CTU in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Sajno, Elena | Phd student | Università di Pisa – Italy | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Jäger, Markus | Center Communications Manager, Senior Researcher, Assistance Scientific Director | Pro2Future GmbH | Austria | Academia | |
Foks, Gerson | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Mohan, Aditya | Ph.D. Candidate | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Germany | Academia | |
von Rohr, Alexander | PhD Student | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Ruppert, Carlotta | Master Student | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Barale, Claire | PhD Student | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Alves, Patrícia | PhD. candidate | GECAD, ISEP-IPP | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |
Traoré, René | Data Scientist & Doctoral candidate | German Aerospace Center (DLR) & Technische Universität München (TUM) | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Abreu, Miguel | PhD Candidate | University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | |
Cascalho, Jose | Assistant Professor | University of the Azores | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Solares-Rojas, Alejandro | PhD candidate | University of Milan | Mexico | Academia | |
Tan, Chester | PhD Student | | Germany | Academia | |
Liu, Daxin | PhD candidate | RWTH Aachen University | China | Academia |
AI expert: KR2021 best student paper award |
Falomir Llansola, Zoe | Ramon y Cajal Professor/Researcher | University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: In 2011 I got my PhD with honors at UJI and my Dr.-Ing. title at Universität Bremen (UBremen), Germany (double Dr. degree). At the last stage of my PhD (2010-2011) I carried out industry technology transfer: I was a research engineer at the enterprise Cognitive Robots SL where I applied some results of my PhD thesis to the automation of scrubber machines and automatic mosaic assembling. In 2012, as a postdoc, I got a position in open competition funded by the Excellent Initiative at the University of Bremen. In 2013, I was awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development based on scientific CV and research proposal which I conducted at Bremen Spatial Cognition Center (BSCC). In 2015, I got a 4-year Independent Post-Doc position funded by the Excellent Initiative at University of Bremen. At University of Bremen, 80% of my time was dedicated to research and 20% to teaching seminars about „Qualitative Descriptors and Computational Applications (QDCA)” and “Ethics for social robotics“. I developed teaching materials, gave lectures, supervised practical courses and evaluated exams. At BSCC I started and directed the Spatial Reasoning Games research team. I was also Junior Fellow at Hansewissenschaftkolleg of Advanced Studies at Delmenhorst, Germany (2015-2017). In 2020, I was awarded a tenure-track Ramon-y-Cajal professorship by the Spanish Ministry of Science, and currently I am carrying out research and teaching courses at University Jaume I (UJI), Castellón, Spain. My research expertise lies in Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Reasoning (QSTR) applied to robotics and to ambient intelligent systems. Recently I lead a new research line on defining qualitative models for solving spatial reasoning challenges to help people to improve their spatial cognition skills. Through all my research experience, I developed a multidisciplinary background which, apart from Qualitative Reasoning, Knowledge Representation techniques and Human-Machine Interaction, also includes Machine Learning, Colour Cognition, Bioinformatics, Geographic Information Systems and Creative and Spatial Problem Solving. I am a member of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EURAI) and secretary at the main board of Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA). |
Kraft, Angelie | PhD student | University of Hamburg | Germany | Academia | |
Eimer, Theresa | Doctoral Researcher | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Germany | Academia | |
Niar, Smail | professor | INSA Hauts-de-France | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Torge, Sunna | Senior Researcher | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Gonzalez Machorro, Monica | Student | Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia | Germany | Academia | |
JUNGERS, Marc | Senior Researcher | CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Moustakas, Konstantinos | Head of VVR Group/ Professor | Visualization & Virtual Reality Group, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Poggioni, Valentina | researcher | University of Perugia | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Milani, Alfredo | Associate Professor | University of Perugia | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Director of KIT-Lab (Knowledge and Information Technology Laboratory, founded in 2004 Former Executive Committee Member of European Network of Excellence in AI Planning Areas of interest: |
Papaemmanouil, Antonios | Head of Institute of Electrical Engineering | Hochschule Luzern | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: I’m leading the institute of Electrical engineering, that is active in applied research related to digital sustainable energy systems, edge AI, active assisted living, AI for vision systems and robotics. My personal research area is in the digitalization of power systems. |
Overkleeft, Rick | CEO | 4MedBox Europe | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
DAHI, Zakaria Abdelmoiz | Researcher | University of Malaga | Spain | Academia | |
Minelli, Giovanni | Student | Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Lombardo, Gianfranco | Postdoctoral researcher | University of Parma | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I am Postdoctoral Researcher in the Social web, intelligent and distributed systems engineering (SoWIDE) Group at the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) of the University of Parma. Since September 2021 I serve as an adjunct professor at the Department of Engineering and Architecture teaching Big Data and Business Intelligence/ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. I received the Ph.D in Information Technologies (2021) and the Master Degree in Computer Engineering (2017) both at the University of Parma. In 2019 I have been Visiting Researcher at the Center for Applied Optimization (CAO) at the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering of the University of Florida (United States) My research activity is focused on: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Natural Language Processing Network Science and Graph Data Mining Fintech technologies Social Networks Predictive Maintenance |
Ahmed, Shaimaa | Researcher/Graduate student/Teaching assistant/Engineer (GIS, remote sensing and environmental engineering) | American University in Egypt | Egypt | Academia | |
Doležalová, Eva | CIIRC CTU | Czech Republic | Academia | ||
Schumacher, Kinga | Senior Researcher | German Research Center of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Cognitive Assistants Research Group | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Lipps, Christoph | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | ||
Soemers, Dennis | PhD Student | Maastricht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kermanos, Marinos | MSc Program in information Systems | Hellenic Open University | Cyprus | Academia | |
Hansen, Birte | Innovation and Industry coordinator | Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Sobrino García, Victor Manuel | AI PhD Researcher | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Portaz, Miguel | Digital Transformation and International Business Development | MBA and PhD researcher in Advanced AI | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: I’m an enthusiast technologist with nearly 20 years of sales and business development experience. At the beginning of my career I began working as computer engineer for several multinationals and organisations, such Telefonica or the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Warsaw. During the last 15 years I’ve been developing management functions at Indra, both nationwide and internationally. Academically I’ve been focused on combining technical and executive training, having a Master in International Business Management (MBA) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, leadership courses from IESE Business School and recently a MSc in Research in Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI). I’m interested in the contribution that technologies such AI, Big Data or IoT cause in the digital transformation in many different and diverse areas, including Transport, Defence or Logistics among others. I’m motivated to assume professional challenges, contributing with my experience in the achievement of business objectives, especially in the technological field. |
Baumann, Joachim | PhD Student | University of Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | |
Khalifa, Ahmed | Lecturer | University of Malta | Egypt | Academia | AI expert: |
Cukic Radenkovic, Milena | Founder and CEO | 3EGA B.V. | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Engineer of bimedical electronics, specialised in fractal and nonlinear analysis of electrophysiological data, turned PhD Neuroscientist, focused on data-driven computational psychiatry, mailnu depression early detection and prediction, CVD risks detection and remote monitoring of outpatients. I strongly advocate for early detection, prevention and personalized approach, together with Bayesian approach, and active inference applications. |
Lopez, Victoria | Director of High Polytechnic School | CUNEF Universidad | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Victoria López is Associate Professor at Cunef University in Madrid, Spain. She has received her PhD in Computational Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence from Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has also received her bachelor degree in Mathematics from Complutense University of Madrid. |
Giannakopoulos, Theodoros | Multimodal Machine Learning Researcher | National Center for Scientific Research « Demokritos » | Greece | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Zouros, Michael | MSc AI Student | NCSR « Demokritos » / University of Piraeus | Greece | Academia | |
Vande Kerckhove, Corentin | Assistant Professor | Université catholique de Louvain | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Soccol, Marco | Università di Trieste | Italy | Academia | ||
Wehner, Christoph | Research Associate | University Bamberg | Germany | Academia | |
Calisti, Monique | CEO | Martel Innovate | Switzerland | Other |
AI expert: Dr Monique Calisti, CEO of Martel Innovate, is a passionate entrepreneur and ICT expert featuring a digital soul and consolidated hands-on experience in research and innovation funding, strategic consulting, training, communication, social media marketing, as well as business development of sustainable and innovative software solutions across several industry segments. Specialized in European Commission funding, with extensive domain knowledge in Artificial Intelligence and Next Generation Internet technologies (IoT, 5G, Cloud/Edge, etc.), Monique helps our customers and partners in developing effective and agile innovation strategies and plans. She has been recently appointed as member of the Board of Directors of ADRA – the AI, Data and Robotics European Partnership. Monique has recently founded the non-profit association Digital for Planet – D4P that works to support the design, development and adoption of innovative and sustainable digital technologies, systems and solutions empowering people, communities and both public and private organisations to address the major social, economic and environmental challenges humanity must face. Dr Calisti has been serving the European Commission as expert evaluator and reviewer for many years, and is currently the Director of the EU Next Generation Internet Outreach Office and Coordinator of the European Next Generation Internet of Things project. In the last 20 years, Monique has been speaker and moderator at several major scientific, technology and policy events, she authored and edited many professional publications and many R&D project proposals and served as Program Committee member of several international conferences. Monique holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland, and a Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. |
Bayer, Judit | associate professor | University of Economy, Budapest | Hungary | Academia | |
Riva, Giuseppe | Full Professor of Psychology | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Koefer, Franziska | PhD candidate | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | |
Guérin, Roman | Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Amirian, Mohammadreza | Research Assistant | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Panichella, Sebastiano | Computer Science Researcher | Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW) | Switzerland | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Sebastiano Panichella is a passionate Computer Science Researcher at the Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW). He received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Sannio (Department of Engineering) in 2014 defending the thesis entitled »Supporting Newcomers in Open Source Software Development Projects » (PDF). For more information have a look on his short CV or long CV. His main research goal is to conduct industrial research, involving both industrial and academic collaborations, to sustain the Internet of Things (IoT) vision, where future « smart cities » will be characterized by millions of smart systems (e.g., cyber-physical systems such as drones, and other autonomous vehicles) connected over the internet, composed by AI-components, and/or controlled by complex embedded software implemented for the cloud. His research interests are in the domain of Software Engineering (SE), cloud computing (CC), and Data Science (DS): DevOps (e.g., Continuous Delivery, Continuous integration), Machine learning applied to SE, Software maintenance and evolution (with particular focus on Cloud, mobile, AI-based, and Cyber-physical applications), Mobile Computing. Moreover, he is promoting DS research on « Summarization Techniques for Code, Changes, and Testing ». He authored or co-authored more than seventy papers appeared in International Conferences and Journals. These research works involved studies with industrial and open projects and received best paper awards or best paper nominations . He supervised (or co-supervised) 11 undergrad students, 12 MSc students and currently/recently 9 PhD students (6 of them during the postdoctoral experience at the University of Zurich), and 5 research assistants. He serves and has served as a program committee member of various international conference (e.g., ICSE, ASE, FSE, ICSME, etc.). Dr. Panichella was selected in 2019 as one of the top-20 (second in Switzerland) Most Active Early Stage Researchers Worldwide (results reported by the JSS journal) in SE. |
von Schenk, Alicia | Postdoctoral Researcher | Max Planck Institute for Human Development & Goethe University Frankfurt | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Economics of AI, Ethics and Governance of AI |
Panetto, Hervé | Professor | University of Lorraine | France | Academia |
AI expert: Dr. Hervé PANETTO is a Professor of Enterprise Information Systems at the University of Lorraine, TELECOM Nancy. He is member of the Academy of Europe (Academia Euroaea) and Fellow of the AAIA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association). He conducts research at the Research Centre for Automatic Control (CRAN), Joint Research Unit with CNRS, where he is managing a project on the use of ontology and other AI-based techniques for formalising models related to the interoperability of cyber-physical production systems. He has been involved in European projects including IMS FP5-IST Smart-fm project (awarded by IMS) and the FP6 INTEROP NoE. He is author or co-author of more than 150 papers in the field of Automation Engineering, Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise systems integration and interoperability. He is Vice-Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee 9.3 on Control for Smart Cities. He received the IFAC France Award in 2013, the INCOSE 2015 Outstanding Service Award and the IFAC 2017 Outstanding Service Award. He is General Co-chair of the OTM Federated conferences. He is member of the Editorial Board or Associate Editor of various journals of the domain. He is the Chairman of the IFAC French National Member Organization (NMO). |
Sánchez Hidalgo, ADOLFO | Profesor Contratado Doctor | Universidad de Córdoba | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Philosophy of Law |
Backfried, Gerhard | Chief Scientific Officer CSO | HENSOLDT Analytics | Austria | Industry |
AI expert: ASR, NLP, multilingual, multiplatform, multimodal information retrieval, disaster communication, security/defense-related aspects of AI |
van Hessen, Arjan | researcher, dr. | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
BODAPATI, SIVAREDDY | Master’s Student | Leibniz university Hannover | Germany | Academia | |
Ladeira, Ana | European Space Agency | Portugal | Academia, Industry | ||
Bajic, Elin | Switzerland | Academia, Other | |||
Müller, Jenny | Frau | Switzerland | Academia, Other | ||
Röhl, Tobias | Professor | Zurich University of Teacher Education | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Member of the Commission Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data in Education and Training |
Rachetta, Andrea | Student | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Suutala, Jaakko | Assistant Professor | University of Oulu | Finland | Academia | AI expert: |
Sip, Jaroslav | Research Developer | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia, Other | |
Braun, Tanya | Assistant Professor | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | |
Sheikhlar, Arash | PhD student | Reykjavik University | Iceland | Academia | |
Çiftçioğlu, Pelinsu | Bc. Computer Science and Engineering | Sabancı University | Turkey | Academia | |
Mey, Oliver | Research Associate | Fraunhofer IIS/EAS, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems, Dresden, Germany | Germany | Academia | |
Ostermann, Jörn | Professor | Institut for Information Processing, Leibniz University Hannover | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Interests in machine learning for image, video, genome and speech analysis |
Joan Riera, Francesc | Machine Learning Engineer | The LEGO Group | Denmark | Industry | |
vigneron, vincent | professor | université Paris-Saclay | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Paulauskaite-Taraseviciene, Agne | Head of Artificial Intelligence center, Associated Professor at faculty of Informatics | Kaunas University of Technology, Articifial Intelligence centre | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: Image recognition techniques, deep learning architectures, expert systems, AI for sustainability, AI ethics |
Zwyssig, Patrick | CEO | iValue Ltd liab. Co | Switzerland | Industry | |
Weber, Michael | CEO | | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Chetty, Johnson | Board Member | CynSar Foundation | India | Industry | AI expert: |
Taetz, Bertram | Group Leader / Senior Researcher | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Koren, Gerbrand | Assistant Professor | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Deverlopment, Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Aldemir, Hatice | CI Expert-Personalised/Digital Health | ULB | Belgium | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Hassan, Ahmed | Senior Data and Machine Learning Engineer | Maastricht University, | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gerard, Stephan | France | Industry | |||
Plasencia, Yenisel | Postdoctoral researcher | Maastricht University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I am a researcher in data science and artificial intelligence. My interests encompass data representations for artificial intelligence and responsible data science, including aspects such as responsible data management, transparency and explainability, with a human-centred focus. |
Sonntag, Michael | Ambassador | MINT Zukunft schaffen (German Initiative) | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Chikobava, Margarita | WiMi/Software Engineer | Free University Berlin/DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Müller-Holtz, Martin | Senior Developer, AI Specialist, Tech. Lead | Opitz Consulting | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Scholtes, Ingo | Prof. Dr. | Chair of Machine Learning for Complex Networks, University of Würzburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: machine learning in graphs, founding co-chair of computational social science working group of German Informatics Society (GI e.V.) |
Markgraf, Hannah | Coordinator RWTH AI Center | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Färber, Michael | Deputy full professor | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Louis, Pierre-Yves | Univ. Professor | AgroSup Dijon, University Bourgogne Franche Comté | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Züger, Theresa | Lead of AI and Society Lab | Alexander von Humboldt Institut for Internet and Society | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: I lead a research group on the topic of public interest AI. We investigate the this topic as a political concept but also produce several AI prototype to proof our concept and reiterate in the process. |
Flak, Leif Skiftenes | Professor, Director of CeDiT – Centre for Digital Transformation | University of Agder | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Duan, Gang | Lanzhou Jiaotong University | China | Academia |
AI expert: I major in optimization in the field of engineering, such as transportation, and vessel routing problem for marine debris collection. |
Kalidindi, Shanmugha Sri Siva Teja | Researcher | University Jean Monnet | France | Academia, Industry | |
Chen, Thomas | Student researcher | Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering | United States | Academia | |
Filip, Sorana Oana | Student | University of Sheffield | Romania | Academia | |
Renda, Andrea | Senior Research Fellow | Centre for European Policy Stu | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Andrea Renda is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the CEPS Unit on Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation and the Digital Economy (GRID). He is Part-Time Professor of Digital Policy at the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute, in Florence (Italy), where he teaches a course on AI Policy. He is a non-resident Senior Fellow at Duke University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics and was Adjunct Professor of Law and Economics at Duke Law School (United States) for Academic Year 2016/2017. He is also Visiting Professor of Competition Policy and the Digital Economy at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). He is a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Science, a CITI Fellow at Columbia University’s Centre for Tele-Information and a member of the European Parliament’s STOA International Advisory Board. His current research interests include regulation and policy evaluation, regulatory governance, innovation and competition policies, sustainable development, innovation policy, and the ethical and policy challenges of emerging digital technologies, in particular Artificial Intelligence. A very prolific author and keynote speaker, Andrea provides regular advice to several institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the OECD, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and many more. He was the main author of key studies on better regulation for the European Commission, the OECD, the ILO and the World Bank. He sits in the Board of the journals Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier), and European Journal of Risk Regulation (Cambridge). He was a member of the EU High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence; member of the advisory group on Economic and Societal Impacts of Research (ESIR), for the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation; and member of the Expert Group on “Smart Specialisation Strategies for Sustainability” (S4) at the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre. He is the Co-director of the Brookings/CEPS Forum for Global Cooperation on AI. Andrea is a member of the STOA International Advisory Board, supporting the new Centre4AI at the European Parliament. He is also a member of the OECD Network of Experts on AI; and a former member of the Task Force on AI of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. |
Di Noia, Tommaso | Professor | Politecnico di Bari | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: My research activity focuses mainly on the themes of Artificial Intelligence and Data Management about techniques and applications of machine learning and recommender systems. Recently, my attention has shifted to exploiting the information encoded within Big Data datasets, such as those available thanks to the Linking Open Data initiative, to create content-based recommendation engines (content-based) or hybrid ones. On personalized information access and the modeling of user preferences, I have recently proposed innovative solutions that combine and integrate different aspects, solutions, and techniques from Artificial Intelligence. I am an auditor for national and international research projects related to my research topics, for high-level international journals and conferences in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Semantic Web, and Recommender Systems. Awards Invited reports |
Hafner, Verena | Professor | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Hansen, Jan | CEO | TheInsightX | Norway | Industry | |
Kvist, Christine | Public Sector Lead | 2021.AI | Denmark | Other |
AI expert: As an Enterprise AI company, we close the gap between AI ambitions and real value from AI. Serving the growing need for applied AI across the globe, our data science expertise coupled with the Grace AI Platform offers a true AI differentiator for clients around the world. We support and lead you all the way on your AI journey. From initial AI opportunity mapping to development and implementation of models, offering you full lifecycle support in our AI platform Grace. We help you regardless of your organization’s AI maturity level and ambitions. Real business value is achieved only once an organization has its models in production, delivering insights and predictions to all corners of the organization. |
Jaworek-Korjakowska, Joanna | Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Automatic Control and Robotics | AGH Univeristy of Sciene and Technology, Cracow, Poland | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lavrov, Yury | Senior Stress Engineer | Strata Manufacturing, United Arab Emirates | Austria | Industry | |
Beckand Verwee, Maurice | co founder | Curiosity Capital BV | Netherlands | Other | |
Rust, Ida Helena | PhDphil candidate / Consultant human – system adaptation | University of Twente / Self-employed | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Finck, Steffen | Senior Researcher | FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
zeegers, zelda | Data Scientist | Witteveen+Bos | Netherlands | Academia | |
Gruyaert, Stefaan | Vaia (Flemish AI Academy) | Belgium | Academia | ||
Spaanjaars, Aldo | Netherlands | Industry, Other | |||
Kossida, Sofia | Professor | University of Montpellier, CNRS, Institute of Human Genetics | France | Academia |
AI expert: immunogenetics / immunoinformatics |
Lukács, András | assistant professor, senior research fellow | Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Mathematics, AI Research Group | Hungary | Academia |
AI expert: Head of AI Research Group |
MIHAYLOVA, LYUDMILA | University Of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: |
TIT, Karim | PhD student | Inria | France | Academia, Industry | |
Girka, Fabien | PhD student | Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes, 91190, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. | France | Academia | |
FABACHER, Thibaut | France | ||||
Bensalah, Asma | Phd student | Computer Vision Center, UAB | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Pitti, Alexandre | Dr, Associate Professor | CY Cergy-Paris University | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Cuvelier, Thibaut | PhD student | CentraleSupélec (université Paris-Saclay) | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Tröscher, Wolfgang | Trainer IT / Machine Learning | Siemens AG | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Freuler, Ursula | Program Manager in Education | Switzerland | Academia, Other | ||
Fernandez Rojo, Eduardo | Faculty | Northeastern University (USA) | Spain | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Faculty, AI and Machine Learning, Northeastern University – Silicon Valley campus USA |
Sarris, Nikos | Senior Researcher | CERTH/ITI | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Gavigan, Shaun | EU Grants Manager | University College Cork | Ireland | Academia | |
Hollink, Laura | Research group leader | Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Klievink, Bram | Full Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Professor of Public Administration and Digitalisation |
Van Delm, Wouter | Consultant | Hoplitai BV | Belgium | Industry | AI expert: |
Neumann, Aneta | researcher | The University of Adelaide | Australia | Academia | |
Berre, Arne | Chief Scientist and Innovation Director | SINTEF and NorwAI | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Lázaro Gaspar, Javier | Digital Hub director | Ferrovial | Spain | Industry | AI expert: |
Valentini, Franco | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: We develop electronics smart device with embedded Deep Learning Algorithms |
Kerschke, Pascal | Professor | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Ringienė, Laura | IT administrator | VU, DMSTI | Lithuania | Academia, Other | |
Reksoprodjo, Meilina | MSc student | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
HERLIN, Isabelle | France | Academia | AI expert: | ||
Merget, Iris | Team Member auf German Claire Office, Ethics Group at DFKI, PR&Communications Manager ASR, VISION | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) | Germany | Academia, Other | |
herudek, benedikt | practitioner | student | Netherlands | Industry | |
Hashmi, Mustafa | Lecturer (equ. Assistant Professor | Federation University Australia | Australia | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Sotirov, Sotir | Professor | Assen Zlatarov University | Bulgaria | Academia | AI expert: |
Tran-Thanh, Long | Associate Professor | University of Warwick | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: I am a researcher in the field of AI, mostly working on the theory side of multi-agent learning and its applications to AI for Social Good. I am also a dedicated educator whose goal is to bring AI to a wider audience, with a focus on its topics related to safety, ethics, fairness, and human-agent collaboration. Some of my awards and recognitions: Research: Teaching: |
Lupo, Guy | Researcher | Swinburne University | Australia | Industry | |
Dessain, Jean | Professor | IESEG, School of Management | Belgium | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: – Professor of Finance and machine learning at IESEG |
Uysal, Merih Seran | Group Leader (Dr.) | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Dunphy, Brendan | Founder & Principal | Duinphy Associates | France | Industry |
AI expert: AI in healthcare |
Boehncke, Gerrit | Strategic Planner / PhD Student | Territory / Alpen-Adria Universität | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Beelen, Axel | Manager | Axel Beelen | Belgium | Industry |
AI expert: Hi, |
Dillen, Arnau | PhD Student | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | |
van der Aalst, Wil | professor | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Wil van der Aalst is a full professor at RWTH Aachen University leading the Process and Data Science (PADS) group. He is also part-time affiliated with the Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik (FIT) where he leads FIT’s Process Mining group. His research interests include process mining, Petri nets, business process management, workflow management, process modeling, and process analysis. Wil van der Aalst has published over 800 articles and books and is typically considered to be in the top-15 of most cited computer scientists with an H-index of over 155 and more than 110.000 citations. Next to serving on the editorial boards of over ten scientific journals, he is also playing an advisory role for several companies, including Celonis, Fluxicon, and UiPath. Van der Aalst is an IFIP Fellow, IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, and received honorary degrees from the Moscow Higher School of Economics (Prof. h.c.), Tsinghua University, and Hasselt University (Dr. h.c.). He is also an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, the Academy of Europe, and the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. In 2018, he was awarded an Alexander-von-Humboldt Professorship. |
Cheng, Chih-Hong | Technical Manager | DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Viehmann, Tarik | RWTH Aachen | Germany | Academia | ||
Baumann, Dominik | Postdoctoral Researcher | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Solowjow, Friedrich | PhD Student | RWTH Aachen University and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems | Germany | Academia | |
Trimpe, Sebastian | Professor | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Sebastian Trimpe is a Full Professor at RWTH Aachen University, where he heads the newly founded Institute for Data Science in Mechanical Engineering (DSME) since May 2020. Research at DSME focuses on fundamental questions at the intersection of control, machine learning, networks, and robotics. Before moving to RWTH, Sebastian was a Max Planck and Cyber Valley Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen/Stuttgart, where he keeps a side appointment at present. Sebastian obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2013 from ETH Zurich with Raffaello D’Andrea at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control. Before, he received a B.Sc. degree in General Engineering Science in 2005, a M.Sc. degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering in 2007, and an MBA degree in Technology Management in 2007, all from Hamburg University of Technology. In 2007, he was a research scholar at the University of California at Berkeley. Sebastian is recipient of the triennial IFAC World Congress Interactive Paper Prize (2011), the Klaus Tschira Award for achievements in public understanding of science (2014), the Best Paper Award of the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (2019), and the Future Prize by the Ewald Marquardt Stiftung for innovations in control engineering (2020). |
Amilitou, Eleftheria | IT Manager | European Central Bank | Germany | Industry | |
Doerr, Carola | CNRS and Sorbonne University, Paris | France | Academia | AI expert: | |
Kraus, Sarit | Professor | Bar-Ilan University | Israel | Academia |
AI expert: Short Bio: Sarit Kraus (Ph.D. Computer Science, Hebrew University, 1989) is a Professor of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University. Her research is focused on intelligent agents and multi-agent systems (including people and robots) integrating machine-learning techniques with optimization and game theory methods. In particular, she studies the development of intelligent agents that can interact proficiently with people and with robots. She has also contributed to the research on machine learning, agent optimization, homeland security, autonomous vehicles, adversarial patrolling, social networks and nonmonotonic reasoning. |
Franke, Jörn | Principal IT Expert Cloud/AI | European Central Bank | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Karssen, Zeger | Director / prof | World Brain – Brussel Free University | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I am an Open Access publisher with special interest in AI and based in Paris. I just sold my company Atlantis Press to Springer and looking for new opportunities via Claire. Would love to meet people in your team and discuss how we can define some common interests. |
Thönnissen, Marlies | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
Rossi, Roberto | Italy | Industry | |||
Koch, Cosmin | R&D Head of Digital Innovation | Acciona | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: An enthusiastic PhD Control System engineer with both academic and industrial experience in the field of Renewable Energy Integration, Smart Cities and Water Treatment. |
Sanz, Arantxa | Head of Strategy | Centre de Recerca Matemàtica | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
MAS, Fernando | Chief Technical Officer – CTO | M&M Group | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kvalvik, Petter | Researcher/Business Developer | Institute for Energy Technology | Norway | Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Bertrand, Frederic | Full professor | Troyes technology unversity | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Zutter, Larissa | Research Assistant | Center for AI and Digital Policy | Switzerland | Academia, Other | |
Mateo Jiménez, Fernando | Assistant Professor | University of Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Chazal, Frederic | Research Director & Scientific Head | Inria & DATAIA Institute at Université Paris Saclay | France | Academia | AI expert: |
almatrooshi, maryam | United Arab Emirates | Academia | |||
Diaconu, Mara | R&D & Innovation in Health Technologies | Senior EU Advisor | Norway Health Tech | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Marcinkevičius, Virginijus | Senior resercher, Head of the Intelligent Technologies Research Group and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | Vilnius University Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: Main research domain Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Natural Language processing. |
Dyoub, Abeer | PostDoc | University of L’Aquila | Italy | Academia | |
Rottembourg, Benoit | Regalia Lead | INRIA | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Zendman, Tim | Innovation Lead | MN | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Huber, Patrick | Dr. | Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Switzerland | Academia | |
Lohmann, Wolfgang | Business Analyst | AUSY Technologies Germany AG | Germany | Industry | |
Molteni, Ugo | Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL | Switzerland | |||
Moretti, Giorgio | Switzerland | Industry | |||
Wasson, Barbara | Proessor & Director | University of Bergen | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Beyersdorff, Bjorn | Germany | Academia, Industry | |||
willems, hilde | Belgium | Academia | |||
Kolkert, Willem | Dentist | Kolkert Dental | Netherlands | Academia | |
Martin, Andreas | Lecturer and Senior Researcher in Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence | FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
unamuno, gorka | researcher | research center | Spain | Industry | AI expert: |
Pirani, Massimiliano | Assistant Professor | Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy. | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Schlaich, Jean-Marin | Student | College of Europe | France | Academia | |
Sznitman, Raphael | University of Bern | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: | |
Leyton-Brown, Kevin | Distinguished University Scholar; Canada CIFAR AI Chair | University of British Columbia | Canada | Academia |
AI expert: ACM Fellow |
Marco, Cristina | Language Engineer | Amazon Alexa | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Hoeren, Thomas | university professor | Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law (University of Münster) | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: To whom it may concern, For almost 25 years, I have been a professor of IT law with a special focus on the legal issues of blockchain, algorithms and AI. Thus, I have already supervised several interdisciplinary projects in this area (e.g. « GOAL-Governance of and by Algorithms », « Blockchain and Law », and « Assessing Big Data -ABIDA » . In addition, I am an adjunct professor at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT). In the past, I also served as an international visiting scholar at the University of Amsterdam (Institute for Information Law), Kyushu University (Fukuoka/Japan), Harvard Law School (Boston), Stanford University, and Oxford Internet Institute/Balliol College, among others. These programs have allowed me to focus on international contexts and differences when considering IT law and the legal assessment of artificial intelligence. I am co-editor of several renowned journals in the field of IT law, such as « Multimedia und Recht » (C.H.Beck), « International Journal of Law and Information Technology » (Oxford University Press) and the « Zeitschrift für Datenschutz » (C.H.Beck). All of these journals focus on the interaction of technological progress and the shaping of law. The discussion of artificial intelligence is also comprehensively addressed here. In addition, my research team and I are regularly publish on IT legal topics in renown law journals. So far, this commitment has been honored, among other things, with the award « for German-Dutch scientific cooperation » (2018), the award of the « Daidalos-Silbermünze der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes » (2018) and honor with the ALCATEL-SEL Research Award „Technische Kommunikation“ (2005). I would like to contribute my professional expertise to your research network and at the same time participate in the innovative ideas of the numerous members. In addition, I would like to join the research network with the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law in order to be able to contribute our competences even more comprehensively and profitably to the research network. Best regards, |
Vella, Filippo | Researcher | National Research Council of Italy | Italy | Other | |
Zavrel, Jakub | Zeta Alpha | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Founder and CEO of Textkernel, Zeta Alpha. |
Kozubek, Michal | Professor, Head of Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis | Masaryk University | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: AI in biomedical image analysis |
Mayer, Heinz | Director DIGITAL | JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH | Austria | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dr Heinz Mayer, Director of JOANNEUM RESEARCH DIGITAL since 2013, graduated from the Graz University of Technology with a master degree in Telematics and a doctoral degree respectively. After several years at Magna Steyr, he is ramping up the research unit Machine Vision Applications since 2007 at JOANNEUM RESEARCH. Heinz Mayer is member of the professional organizations IEEE and ACM and member of the Austrian strategic community. He is start-up founder and holds several patents. |
Blankendaal, Romy | Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Rintanen, Jussi | Professor | Aalto University, Department of Computer Science | Finland | Academia | AI expert: |
COTE, Myriam | Senior AI Strategist | Consultant | Canada | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Ph.D. in AI from Telecom Paris, ENST |
Piuri, Vincenzo | Professor | University of Milan | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: complete CV is available at |
ADJA, Dr. Eric | Président | Agence francophone de l’intelligence artificielle (AFRIA) | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Santos, Manuel | Associate Professor with Habilitation | University of Minho, Portugal | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence/analytics, Intelligent Decision Support Systems applied to Healthcare/Medicine |
SILVA, LUIS MIGUEL | Project Manager | Cluster TICE.PT | Portugal | Industry | |
Sponticcia, Nicolas | University of Exeter | United Kingdom | Academia | ||
Papanikolaou, Eleni | HR MANAGER | | Cyprus | Other | |
voorneveld, maarten | Researcher | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Chies, Felipe Augusto | Head of Product | Bitfury AI | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: I lead product development for Bitfury AI. At Bitfury AI, we are developing disruptive hardware technology to accelerate efficient machine learning in the edge. I am interested in machine learning and contributing back to the community. |
Jastroch, Norbert | Director | MET Communications | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Kelly, Jessie | Global Talent Officer | Australian Government | Australia | Industry, Other | |
Erick, Franciskus Xaverius | Germany | Academia | |||
Steegmans, Jasper | Univeristeit Hasselt | Belgium | Academia | ||
Stirbat, Teodora | Trainee | European Parliament | Belgium | Academia | |
Mills, Paul | Director of Sales, EMEA | CloudFactory | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Molina-Solana, Miguel | Senior Research Fellow | University of Granada | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Figueira, Alvaro | assistant professor | University of Porto | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: |
Ouni, Slim | Associate Professor | LORIA | France | Academia |
AI expert: Researcher in Spoken communication and AI. Participating in EU project AI4EU and HumaneAI-Net. |
SCREMIN, Lionel | Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX | France | Industry | AI expert: | |
Aerts, Jan | Professor | Hasselt University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Lukaart, Martijn | Founder & CEO | Odd.Bot Robotics for a sustainable future | Netherlands | Industry, Other | |
Bouzembrak, Yamine | Scientist in AI in food safety | Wagenigen food safety research, Wageningen University and Research | Netherlands | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Applying AI in food safety to keep and make food safe |
Donati, Franco | PhD Candidate | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mohaine-Palfi, Sarolta | Industrial Research Partnerships Manager – ICT, AI | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Sarolta is boosting cutting-edge research collaborations across the ICT and Creative Industries sectors. Her focus is on university-industry partnerships with technology providers to harness Oxford research strengths in AI/machine learning and immersive technologies. |
Primus, Odessa | Executive Director | Global Arena Research Institute | Czech Republic | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Markovic, Djordje | PhD | University | Serbia and Montenegro | Academia | AI expert: |
Wallner, Johannes P. | University assistant | Graz University of Technology | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Bello, Arianne | | Paraguay | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
Karanasiou, Argyro | Director of LETS Lab (Law, Emerging Tech & Science) | University of Greenwich | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Dr Argyro Karanasiou is the Director of LETS Lab at the School of Law & Criminology and a leading expert in Information Technology Law. Her work has been at the forefront of nurturing ‘law and emerging technologies’ as a sub-field of legal and interdisciplinary scholarship and has earned her visiting research affiliations with Yale Law School (ISP Alumna), NYU Law (ILI Alumna 2016), Harvard Law (affiliate Faculty staff 2014), Complutense Madrid (ITC). She is actively involved in several technology policy and related initiatives in the UK and worldwide, including those concerned with the governance of AI, one of her key research interests. In particular, she has contributed invited expert insights on a number of occasions, most notably for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (AI in recruitment – 2020), the Chatham House (Internet Governance – 2018), the US Air Force (AI & Augmented Cognition – 2018), the Royal Society (Machine Learning – 2016), and the Electronic Frontiers Foundation (Free Trade Agreements and Human Rights – 2016). Furthermore, she has served as a contracted consultant for the Council of Europe (regional South Eastern Europe expert in Media), and as an OSCE expert for Online Media. In recognition of her work, Dr Karanasiou has been appointed a Privacy-by-Design Ambassadorship by the Information Commissioner in Ontario, Canada, and has been awarded twice the Internet Society IGF Ambassadorship, in 2013 (Indonesia) and in 2015 (Brazil). She has also as an served expert evaluator for the Swiss National Foundation and for the Newbreed doctoral programme in Sweden and as an expert reviewer for the Oxford University Press Information Technology & Communications Law series. |
Govindraj, Krishnan | PhD researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Martinetz, Simone | wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin | Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO | Germany | Academia | |
Martinero, Gabriele | data scientist | Ducom instruments | Italy | Academia | |
SEising, Rudolf | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Deutsches Museum | Germany | Academia | |
Skopyk, Khrystyna | Ms student | Ukrainian Catholic University | Ukraine | Academia, Industry | |
Van Hoecke, Sofie | professor | Ghent University – imec | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Hybrid AI for predictive maintenance, smart buildings and personalized healthcare |
Godinez, June | | Somalia | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
beuse, ansgar | UKE Ophthalmology | Germany | Academia | ||
Papadopoulos, Nikolaos | Student | AUTH GR | Greece | Academia | |
Beetz, Michael | Full Professor | Institute for Artificial Intelligence, University Bremen | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Hendrickx, Kilian | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Zanotti, Simone | Sales & Marketing Director | E4 Computer Engineering Spa | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: IT pro by mistake, innovator by passion. In 2013 he discovers and falls in love with the open source world and at the same time expands his skills towards presale, service management, business organization and strategy. Today, as Digital Transformation Officer and Sales&Marketing Director, he leads the path of E4 Computer Engineering by combining the company’s renowned and historical background in the HPC market with the potential of OpenStack cloud and Kubernetes containers technologies. |
Carr, Seymour | | Fiji | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
Stein, Armin | Managing Director | University of Münster – ERCIS | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Yurtman, Aras | postdoctoral researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Kyrkou, Christos | Senior Research Associate | KIOS CoE, University of Cyprus | Cyprus | Academia |
AI expert: Christos Kyrkou is a Senior Research Associate at the KIOS Research & Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus. Dr. Kyrkou received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Cyprus in 2014. He is an author/co-author of more than 45 scientific publications in international peer reviewed conferences and journals. He has experience in several National and European funded research and innovation projects. His research interests lie in the areas of Computer Vision and Deep Learning with emphasis on real-time performance. In particular embedded deep vision (efficient convolutional network architectures and techniques), visual object recognition and detection, vision applications, vision for robotics and autonomous vehicles. |
Riche, Jacques | Researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Aerts, Kris | hoogleraar | KU Leuven campus Diepenbeek | Belgium | Academia | |
Venturato, Gabriele | PhD Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Van Haaren, Jan | Chief Analytics Officer; Research Fellow | SciSports; KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
GRAULS, KAREN | Finances | KULeuven | Belgium | Other | |
Bellet, Aurélien | Researcher | INRIA | France | Academia | AI expert: |
van der Hallen, Matthias | PostDoc | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Rens, Gavin | Postdoc | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: I am interested in knowledge representation and reasoning related to actions, observations and uncertainty. |
Vuegen, Lode | Post doc | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Totis, Pietro | PhD student | KU Leuven | Italy | Academia | |
Kimmig, Angelika | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: | |
De Tré, Guy | Full professor | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Our research group is specialized in computational intelligence, with focus on applications in data(base) management. |
Sansone, Emanuele | PostDoc | KU Leuven | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Callewaert, Benjamin | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Kikaj, Adem | Researcher | KU Leuven – Computer Science, DTAI | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Kumar, Nitesh | Ph.D. Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Celestijnenlaan 200a – box 2402 |
Marynissen, Simon | PhD Researcher | KU Leuven andVrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | |
Karsmakers, Peter | assistant professor | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: • Applications of machine (deep) learning |
Sijbers, Jan | Full professor | University of Antwerp | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
M, J | DTAI | Belgium | AI expert: | ||
Van Baelen, Quinten | PhD Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Carbonnelle, Pierre | PhD Researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Wong, Wai | PhD Researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Ongenae, Femke | 10% Assistant Professor – 100% Senior Researcher | Ghent University – imec | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: I am a part-time assistant professor at the IDLab research group of Ghent University (since October 2019) and a full-time research manager and senior scientist at the imec research hub for nanotechnologies and digital technologies. I received my PhD in Computer Science in August 2013 pertaining to knowledge discovery and management for eHealth applications by using ontologies and semantic reasoning. During this time, I worked on several eCare projects to improve the continuous care of patients in institutionalized care settings. As a professor at Ghent University, I lead the Knowledge Management team. This team performs research into a) expressive semantic stream and distributed reasoning, b) the incorporation of expert knowledge in data analytics algorithms, c) hybrid AI, fusing semantic models and machine learning, and d) explainable AI by leveraging Knowledge Graphs. I am also particularly interested in methodologies for capturing domain knowledge from experts & using this knowledge to optimize intelligent agents and the way we interact with them. This research is mainly applied to the domains of predictive healthcare and industry 4.0 in order to realize context-aware and personalized decision support systems. One of my passions is fostering collaboration with societal and industrial partners in interdisciplinary projects to valorize our research toward truly impactful applications. This is realized through a number of (government sponsored) projects, for which I set up and lead the trajectory from proposal, into project management and valorization and dissemination afterwards. |
Gillblad, Daniel | co-Director | AI Sweden | Sweden | Academia, Industry | |
Starynkevitch, Basile | research-engineer | CEA LIST (France) | France |
AI expert: With others, I am informally developing the the RefPerSys symbolic artificial intelligence free software system (with a few people from India). It is for Linux, GPLv3+ licensed. You could be interested by the works of the late Jacques Pitrat (1934 – oct. 2019) who was the director of my PhD jury, defended in 1990 in Paris. I strongly recommend reading Pitrat’s blog on and his last book I am currently working on cybersecurity at CEA LIST in France on the Bismon static source code analyzer (funded by CHARIOT & DECODER European projects). However, these fundings will soon stop, and I have to find another funding. Hence I am seeking some applications and some funding for this RefPerSys AI software, and trying to get be funded (perhaps thru some HorizonEurope project proposal) to be able to work more on RefPerSys. If you are an academic or industrial interested in RefPerSys, please contact me by email The RefPerSys website is an amateur website, see For those speaking French, see also the talks on |
Jakubowski, Maxime | PhD Candidate | Hasselt University | Belgium | Academia | |
Toschi, Nicola | Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School | University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: B.Sc. Physics (Imperial College, London), M.Sc. Applied Mathematics (ST. Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK), MSc. Physics (University of Rome Tor Vergata), PhD Natural Sciences (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, max Planck Institute of Psychiatry), Specialization School in Medical Physics (University of Rome Tor Vergata). Nicola Toschi is an Associate Professor in Medical Physics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and Research Staff and Faculty at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging (Harvard Medical School). He has previously worked as a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company, as a facilitator for the United Nations convention on Climate Change, with the Italian National Television (RAI) and as a project coordinator with AMREF. His research is interdisciplinary, with a focus on scientific and technological solutions for the deployment of advanced physical and mathematical techniques in order to extract quantitative information of investigative, diagnostic and prognostic value in a clinical context. He is a senior member of the IEEE society, an active member of ISMRM and OHBM, a founding member of the Alzheimer’s Precision Medicine Initiative (AMPI) a member of the Technical Committee on Cardiopulmonary Systems. |
Goemaere, Jens | phd | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Lijffijt, Jefrey | Professor | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Ajeganov, Boris | Senior Consulting | FTI Consulting EU | Belgium | Industry, Other |
AI expert: Lead, AI Global Taskforce, FTI Consulting |
Schreuder, Arthur | Chairman | Coöperatie 4LifeSupport Europe ua | Netherlands | Other |
AI expert: Sense (Societal impact of gENetic SciencE) is the Dutch consortium of bringing genetic science to citizens. The consortium consists of partners in Dutch Academic Hospitals, Primary Care specialists, Patient organisations, other NGO’s, Education (academic and applied science) and Industry. The consortium strengthens the momentum created by European initiatives like the 1-million genome initiative to bring genetic information and science to the public. SENSE addresses the strong societal, clinical and individual demand for a personalized, preventive and autonomous healthcare system in which the individual has control. Personal Genetic Locker, 4WeCooperate, 4MedBox, Bio-Informatics |
Li, Min | Associate Professor | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Already heavily involved in both academic and industrial AI projects |
Kunstelj, Mateja | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |||
Carvalho, Jorge | Professor | ISCTE | Portugal | Academia, Other | |
ferreira, joao | Professor | Inov Inesc Inovação and ISCTE | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Rua Alves Redol nº9 piso 7 |
López-Ibáñez, Manuel | Senior Distinguished Researcher | University of Málaga | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Spaans, Ron | Student & consultant | Netherlands | Industry | ||
Gyulai, Tamás | Service Development Engineer for Smart Cities | Regional Innovation Agency of South Great Plain | Hungary | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I am currently working on my PhD at the Doctoral School of Regional- and Business Administration Sciences of Széchenyi István University of Győr in Hungary. My research work is supported by Cooperative Doctoral Programme of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary. |
Bellamy, Steve | Director | Perdiem Limited | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Hussain, Waqar | Research Fellow | Monash University | Australia | Academia | |
Salamanis, Athanasios | Research Scientist – Senior Lead Software Engineer | Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Müller, Martin | Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator | Switzerland | |||
Ioannidis, Sotiris | Director, Microprocessor and Hardware Laboratory | Technical University of Crete | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: In the last 13 years: |
DEPREZ, Jean-Christophe | Director of Research and Innovation | CETIC | Belgium | Other |
AI expert: My position in CETIC requires designing and defining the Research and Innovation Strategies for the whole organisation, driving its implementation and validating its applicability and usefulness for Industry. (CETIC is a Belgian RTO specialised in Digital Technologies responsible for digital transformation of companies in several sectors, notably, Smart Industry, Transport and Mobility, Health, Logistics, and Energy. CETIC assists companies with deveopping safe and secure autonomous complex systems relying on artificial intelligence thanks to its expertise in a wide range of areas: data engineering, data analysis, combinatorial algorithms and optimisation, model based engineering for CPS, for distributed Cloud systems and for the programmability of heterogeneous hardware and IoT in Edge networks.) Directly related to AI research, we actively work on constraint based local search, federated machine learning, transformation of AI models for embedding on heterogenous hardware, and certifiability of AI-based systems. I lead CETIC’s participation as core partner of TRAIL (Trusted AI Labs), an initiative supported by the Walloon Region through the ARIAC project involving 5 universites and 4 RTOS started in Jan21. In general, my position enables me acting as a middleman for synthesising Industry needs in AI for developing amitious collaborative research and innovation projects with industrials partners (Large and SME) centered on real-world problems and datasets. |
Tamburrano, Luca | Talend | Italy | Academia, Industry | ||
Wenzel, Susanne | Scientific Coordinator | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1) | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: I am coordinating FZJ’s Helmholtz AI Local Unit at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1) and Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC) and its interaction and cooperation with the Helmholtz wide AI platform. –> |
Gavetti, Ilaria | Undergraduate student | Tilburg University | Italy | Academia | |
Ahuactzin Larios, Juan Manuel | Research Director | Promagnus S.A. de C.V. & Universidad de las Américas Puebla | Mexico | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Juan Manuel Ahuactzin is the Research & Development Director at Promagnus Company. He has over 20 years’ experience driving top scientific and technological research projects and over 10 years’ experience in systems analysis, design, and industry development. He has a solid background as a teacher and mentor in higher education. He has acquired experience in Bayesian technology, data mining, machine learning, optimization techniques, and geometric reasoning along in his career. J.M. Ahuactzin has extensive and applicable knowledge in diagnosis and prediction under uncertainty, decision and risk analysis, smart cities, the internet of things, robotics, and health informatics. Besides, he is interested in the techniques of creativity, innovation, and Design Thinking. He is the author and co-author of several journal articles and book chapters, mainly in robotics and applied Bayesian reasoning. Along with his colleagues at INRIA, he is co-author of the book « Bayesian Programming » published by CRC Press. He received his Bachelor’s degree in computer systems engineering from Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) Mexico in 1989. He obtained the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, in 1991 and 1994. During 1994-95, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the robotics group at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada. He continued to be an associate researcher at SFU during the summers from 1996 to 1999. From 1995 to 1999, J.M. Ahuactzin had a permanent Computer Systems Engineering Department position at UDLAP. From January 2000 to 2005, he was a researcher at INRIA Rône-Alpes, France, where he participated in several European research projects. J.M. Ahuactzin is cofounder of Probayes (spin-offs of INRIA) in France and Probayes Americas in Mexico (now Promagnus). At the first company, he was the Research Director from 2005 to February 2011; at Probayes Americas, he was CEO from 2010 to May 2015. Probayes was acquired by La Poste (France) in 2016. From May 2015 to June 2020, he was the innovation program manager at T-Systems Mexico. Dr. Ahuactzin is passionate about academia; he is a part-time course lecturer at Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Juan Manuel Ahuactzin is a founding member of the Mexican Academy for Computing. |
Gil, Natalie | CTO | Auna, Auna Ideas | Peru | Industry |
AI expert: |
Mos, Britt | Marketing Coordinator | IOS Press | Netherlands | Other | |
Mkrtchyan, Vage | junior engineer | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Herrmann, Erik | Researcher | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Habrard, Amaury | Professor | University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne, Laboratoire Hubert Curien | France | Academia | AI expert: |
López, Beatriz | Professor | University of Girona | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Cazenave, Régis | CEO | ReliaSol | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Passionate about people and technology, I am the CEO of a successful scale up company headquartered in The Netherlands. We developed a Digital Platform for Predictive Maintenance based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) that helps our customers to optimise their industrial processes, increase their production uptime and decrease their maintenance costs. Customers like Bühler, Opel, Volkswagen, EDF, Howden, GE Power among others have already trusted in our expertise and experience. |
Juarez, Jose M. | Associate Professor | University of Murcia | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Interest on AI and Machine Learning and their applications in Healthcare. |
Rudi, Andreas | Germany | Academia | |||
Grewe, Benjamin | ETH Zurich and University of Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: | |
Kempe, André | Ceo | ProMetronics UG | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: european ai framework for cross correlation of scientific data – made for H2020 projects and interdisciplinary science. Financed by the euroean community. it infrastructure for multi user cloud storage and analysis |
Dickscheid, Timo | Research group leader | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Ghosh, Sucheta | Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Snoep, Yael | Student | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Leenknegt, Arno | Belgium | Industry | |||
Mentens, Nele | Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Majchrowska, Agata | Researcher | Assistant Professor | advocate | CODR.PL Research Lab | WWSIS | ORA Wroclaw | Poland | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: ICT Lawyer | EU Observatory Expert | Member of the European AI Alliance | Chair of the Online Arbitration Court CODR.PL | Juris Doctor | IT Project Manager | Assistant Professor |
Heinze, Detlef | SW-Architect | self employed | Germany | Academia | |
Favorito, Marco | PhD Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Schindler, Alexander | Scientist | Austrian Institute of Technology | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Member of the Competence Unit Data Science & Artificial Intelligence at AIT; responsible for applied artificial intelligence; member of the Austrian Standardization Committee for Artificial Intelligence; co-organizer of the very successful Vienna Deep Learning Meetup; |
Cortes, Ulises | Professor | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Ulises Cortés is a Full-Professor and Researcher of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) since 1982 (tenured since 1988 and habilitated as Full-Professor since 2006) working on several areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Software Department including knowledge acquisition for and concept formation in knowledge-based systems, as well as on machine learning and in autonomous intelligent agents. In collaboration with the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau from 1999 until 2007, Ulises was working in the development and deployment of CARREL: An Agent-Mediated Institution for the Exchange of Human Tissues among Hospitals for Transplantation ». And in collaboration with Hospital Santa Lucia (Rome) and the University of Málaga since 2001, he is working in the development and deployment of e-Tools: Assistive technologies for the disabled and the new generation of senior citizens. Fellow of the Mexican Asociation for Artificial Intelligence (2018). Since 2012 Ulises is a member of the Mexican « Sistema Nacional de Investigadores » with a Nivel III. He was awarded with the Advanced Research Accreditation by Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya in 2004 as well as appointed to the CLUSTER chair at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) for the academic course1998-1999. Professor Cortés advised 24 PhD. Thesis, two of them have been awarded the ECCAI AI Dissertation Award, and more than 20 Master Thesis in the field of Artificial Intelligence and has more than 50 papers in international journals and more than 150 papers in Conferences and Workshops in the same period. Several of his former PhD students are now internationally known AI scientists. |
Hartung, Frank | Professor | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Crespo, Fernando | Universidad Mayor | Chile | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I’m Mathematical and Industrial Engineer. Doctor in Science. Member of IEEE, ACM, INFORMS and European Society of Operational Research. I have interest in Machine Learning, Operational Research, Artificial Inteligent, Analytics, Data Science, Data Mining and Simulation. |
Ruiz, Marcela | Senior Lecturer and Researcher | Zürich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
perko, Igor | Associate professor | University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business | Slovenia | Academia | AI expert: |
Leroux, Philip | Innovation Officer AI | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
De Canck, Hans | Manager AI Experience Centre / AI for the Common Good | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Angiolini, Lorenzo | Assistant Professor | Oslo Metropolitan University | Italy | Academia | |
Nogueira, Tiago | CTO | VisionSpace Technologies GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Bare, Kyra | student | DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
Makris, Stavros | University of aegean | Greece | Academia | ||
Varošanec, Ida | PhD Researcher | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mocko, Martin | Research assistant | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia | |
Čegiň, Ján | Research Assistant | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia, Industry | |
Kuriakose, Bineeth | PhD Fellow | Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Noor, Muhammad Yasir | Software Engineer | DFKI | Germany | Industry | |
Abolpour Mofrad, Samaneh | Ph.D candidate | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences | Norway | Academia | |
Mello, Gustavo Borges Moreno | Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | AI expert: | |
Fischer, Kirsten | Germany | ||||
Pecher, Branislav | Junior Researcher | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia, Industry | |
Eberhardt, Boris | PhD student | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Pistek, Peter | researcher | research institute | Slovakia | Academia | |
Steinkamp, Simon | Germany | Academia | |||
Lóderer, Marek | research assistant | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia | |
Memon, Mohammad Shahbaz | Researcher | Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH | Germany | Academia, Other | |
Vrablecová, Petra | Junior researcher | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia |
AI expert: areas of interest: time series analysis, prediction, data mining, machine learning |
Vozniak, Igor | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Ohuru, Robert | ICT Developer | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | |
Bartos, Levente | BsC student | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | Academia | |
Mariotti, Giacomo | Tech for Good Lead | Nesta Italia | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: I am technologist with experience in managing AI products and projects, gained through quantitative and managerial roles in top tier consulting and industry leading corporates, and by being the founder and CEO of a venture-backed Machine Learning startup. My areas of expertise are Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, leading cross-functional teams of data scientists, data engineers, developers and designers to build software solutions that unlock real business and social value. |
Hientz, Paul | Associate Artificial Intelligence Technology Transfer | CERN Knowledge Transfer | Switzerland | Industry | |
Cerna, David | Scientist / Dr. | Czech Academy of Science Institute for Computer Science | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Burda, Kamil | Assistant Researcher | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia | |
Tamajka, Martin | Research assistant | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia, Industry | |
Štefancová, Elena | Research assistant | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) | Slovakia | Academia | |
Kinger, Krishna | Student | TU Kaiserslautern | Germany | Academia | |
Eßer, Julian | M.Sc. | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
Mittal, Asmita | Technical University of Kaiserslautern | India | Academia | ||
Gomaa, Amr | Doctoral Researcher | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I hold a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Saarland University, Germany. I hold a B.Sc. degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Ain Shams University, Egypt. |
Dominguez, Raul | Researcher | Robotics Innovation Center – DFKI | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Beudt, Susan | Researcher + Project Manager | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH | Germany | Academia | |
Cociancig, Christina | Researcher | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Couceiro, Miguel | Full Professor | University of Lorraine, CNRS, Inria NGE, LORIA | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Klotz, Jesse | Student | XU University Potsdam | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Wright, Paul | Postdoc (Physics) | Stanford University | United States | Academia | |
Sager, Pascal | Research Assistant | Zurich University of Applied Science | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Simko, Marian | Associate Professor | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) | Slovakia | Academia | |
Michno, Aneta | student | Bedfordshire University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Guzman, Adrian | Satellite Constellation Manager | Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM) | Mexico | Other |
AI expert: Insurgentes Sur 1685 |
Simko, Jakub | Expert researcher | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia |
AI expert: I’m mostly interested in user modelling, behavior analysis and crowdsourcing. |
Kompan, Michal | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies | Slovakia | Academia | AI expert: | |
Truzzi, Claudio | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | |||
Pizurica, Aleksandra | Professor | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Leading the research Group Artificial Intelligence and Sparse Modelling (GAIM) at the Department Telecommunications and Information Processing at Ghent University. Teaching ‘Artificial Intelligence’ , ‘Computer Graphics’ and ‘Probabilistic Graphical Models’ courses at at the Faculty of Engineering at Ghent University. |
Craven, Matthew | Dr | University of Plymouth | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Walker, David | Lecturer in Computer Science | University of Plymouth | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Room A322 |
Ranis, Malte | Student | FH Kiel | Germany | Academia | |
POISEAU, ERIC | Research Engineer | INRIA | France | Academia | |
Pichler, Andreas | CTO | PROFACTOR GmbH | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Steen, Alexander | Research Associate | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Maher, Michael | Director | Reasoning Research Institute | Australia | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Augusto, Juan Carlos | Professor of Computer Science | Middlesex University London | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Krupka, Daniel | Managing Director | German Informatics Society | Germany | Other | |
Soda, Paolo | Associate professor | Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Prof. Paolo Soda graduated with honours in Biomedical Engineering at Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM), Rome, in 2004 and received a Ph.D Biomedical Engineering (Computer Science area) in 2008 from the same University. Currently he is Associate Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering at UCBM, and he is co-responsible of the Collaborative Laboratory of Precision Medicine & BioData Analytics between UCBM and Centro Diagnostico Italiano, Milan. |
Truong, Tuyen | Associate Professor | University of Oslo/Mathematics department | Norway | Academia |
AI expert: I work in both pure and applied mathematics. In applied mathematics, I work in Optimisation and applications to Deep Learning. One of my recent publications advances Backtracking Gradient Descent method and allows its implementation in Deep Neural Networks: In some of my preprints on arXiv, I designed a new modification of Newton’s method which is both fast and can avoid saddle points. You can check my website for more information. |
Lorenzen, Anton | Germany | Academia | |||
Hoz de Vila, Milton | Research Technology Officer | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Zarges, Christine | Lecturer | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Guessoum, Zahia | Dr. | University of Reims | France | Academia |
AI expert: Zahia Guessoum is « Maître de Conférences » (Associate Professor). She received her doctorship/PhD (1996) and then her « habilitation à diriger des recherches » (2003), both in computer science and from University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris 6), France. She is member of the Multi-Agent System (MAS) Team of « Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 » (LIP6). Her general research interests are about adaptive agents and multi-agent systems, fault-tolerant MAS, multi-agent oriented software engineering, coordination mechanisms, multi-agent simulation and complex systems. |
Machado, José | Director | ALGORITMI, Universidade do Minho | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: I am Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Department of Informatics, University of Minho. I am the Director of ALGORITMI Research Centre, the research centre of the University of Minho dedicated to Computer Science, with 102 phD full members, 230 phD associated members and more than 110 phD students. ALGORITMI has 4 laboratories working in related fields of Artificial Intelligence (Robotics, Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Data Science). I am the leader of the knowledge Engineering Lab. |
Kruk, Sandor | Research Fellow | European Space Agency | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Cano, José | Assistant Professor | University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Arp, Laurens | MSc student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Chiarandini, Marco | Associate Professor | University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Wolf, Gerhard | AI Senior Solution Architect | NetApp Germany GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Stix, Susanne | Strategy Intelligence | Germany | Industry | ||
Zanella, Laura | PhD student | LORIA (Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria) | France | Academia | |
Willaert, Marianne | European Project Manager | INRIA | France | Other | |
Bernou, Mathieu | CTO | OHB Hellas | Greece | Industry | |
Dourgnon, Anne | research Engineer | EDF R&D | France | Industry | AI expert: |
Daur, Anshu | Student | Otto-Von-Guericke Univeristy | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Ruiloba, Rosa | Business developer | AGENIUM Space | France | Academia, Industry | |
Gundersen, Odd Erik | Chief AI Officer/Associate Professor | TrønderEnergi and Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Leibe, Bastian | Professor | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Professor for Computer Vision at RWTH Aachen University |
Yi, Young | CEO | NN | South Korea | Industry | AI expert: |
Karpas, Erez | Assistant Professor | Technion | Israel | Academia | AI expert: |
Zurutuza, Urko | Professor | Mondragon University | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Luaces, Iñaki | CiTIUS – Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies | Spain | Academia | AI expert: | |
Pellegrini, Paolo | Director of Data & AI | Jakala | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: – « Cloud & AI Reseacher » @ School of Management of Politecnico Milano |
MEDJATI, Walid Yassine | Data Science, AI/ML Engineer | Airbus Operations GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Zanela, Andrea | Senior technologist | ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development | Italy | Academia, Other | |
Diesmann, Markus | Director | Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6), Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Institute for Advanced Simulations (IAS-6) & JARA Brain Institut (INM-10), Research Centre Jülich | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Markus Diesmann is one of the two original authors of NEST, the most widely used code for large-scale neuronal network simulations and the central simulation tool for this purpose in the HBP. He is interested in simulation technology and supercomputing and works on the neuroscientific foundations for neuromorphic computing. |
Borghi, Giuseppe | Head of Φ-lab | ESA | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Yazdanpanah, Vahid | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University of Southampton | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: My focus is on intelligent agent technologies, decision support concepts, and formal methods for multiagent systems. In particular, modeling the behavior of multiagent systems and logical frameworks to represent and reason about decision processes in multiagent settings. |
Heremans, Stien | KU Leuven (Leuven University) | Belgium | Academia | ||
Coia, Luisa | Marketing coordinator | United Kingdom | |||
Scherer, Andrew | G-Research | United Kingdom | AI expert: | ||
Hupkes, Dieuwke | Postdoc & scientific manager of ELLIS Amsterdam | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
mohammed, safiia | student | Africans Institute of mathematicals sciences | Ghana | Academia | |
Goglia, Diletta | MSc student | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Marín-Colomé, Miquel | BSc Data Science student (3rd year) | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
Keinert, Joachim | Gead of group | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Rowat, Colin | Senior Lecturer; and European Relationships and External Research Manager | University of Birmingham; and G-Research | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | |
Rahmani Qeranqayeh, Ali | Master of Science in Computer Science-Artificial Intelligence | The University of Science and Research Branch, Tehran | Iran | Academia, Industry | |
Provazník, Ivo | Head of Department | Brno University of Technology | Czech Republic | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Martinez Cuesta, Sergio | Senior investigator | University of Cambridge and AstraZeneca | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Psomopoulos, Fotis | Assistant Research Professor | Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: My Lab is focused on AI applications in Bioinformatics (in particular Machine Learning and Data Mining algorithms). I’m also co-leading the ELIXIR Machine Learning Focus Group, and would be keen to be part of the CLAIRE network, both for exchange of ideas and best practices, as well as potential future collaborations (funded or otherwise). |
Parrini, Omar | Data Scientist | Porini srl | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Florea, Adina Magda | Professor, Vice Rector | University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest | Romania | Academia |
AI expert: President of the Romanian Association for Artificial Intelligence (ARIA) |
Brensing, Karsten | PhD | Self employed consultant and author | Germany | Academia | |
Buelens, Bart | Senior Data Scientist | VITO | Belgium | Other | AI expert: |
Kuonen, Diego | CEO & Professor of Data Science | Statoo Consulting & Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM), University of Geneva | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Anzaldi, Gabriel | Scientific and Technological Development Director | Eurecat | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Large experience in management of Artificial Intelligence and Data teams working on systemic approaches applied to industrial value chains. Mainly focused in technology transfer activities with more than 20 years across multiple roles, design engineer; researcher; technical director; R&D director; and CTO. Extensive collaboration with SMEs and large companies, highlighting a smart factories deployment. Currently, leads Eurecat’s technology convergence vision and singular projects, including augmented intelligence solutions across multiple domains. He also collaborates with the EC in the development of digital strategies and collaborates in multiple organizations (BDVA, AIOTI, EFFRA, W3C, ETSI, OGC) . |
Hervé, Laurence | France | ||||
Ünal, Perin | R&D Director | TEKNOPAR | Turkey | Industry | AI expert: |
Javanmardi, Shima | PhD candidate, Researcher, Teaching Assistance | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Redondo, Luis | Head of Innovation | MTP (LE Company) | Spain | Industry | |
Hu, Xiangyu | Adjunct Teaching Professor | Technical University of Munich | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Area of interest: AI application in fluid simulation and pattern recognition. |
Balog, Krisztian | Professor | University of Stavanger | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Hortalá, Enrique | Freelance | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Bryant, Michael E. | Chairman & CEO | Quant Prophets | Austria | Industry | |
janse, arthur | Saxion univ of applied science | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Fuchs, Klaus | Associate Director | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Maratea, Marco | Associate Professor | University of Genova, Italy | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: – Main research interest: knoweldge representation and reasoning; automated planning and scheduling; application in Health |
Martinelli, Silvia | Assegnista di Ricerca | University of Milan (Statale) | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Silvia Martinelli is a lawyer of the Milan Bar Association, Researcher (“Assegnista”) at the University of Milan and PhD Candidate at the University of Turin. Graduated in Law at the University of Milan, specialized in “Legal Informatic”, she is also Fellow of the Information Society Law Center (ISLC) of the University of Milan and Teaching Assistant (“Cultore della materia”) in both Private Law (University of Turin) and Legal Informatics (University of Milan). She is also Member of the Editorial Committee of the Law Reviews “Ciberspazio e Diritto”, “Diritto, Mercato e Tecnologia” and “Diritto di Internet”, Fellow of the European Law Institute and of the Italian Academy of Internet Code, Member of the European Law & Tech Network. She published a book about the right to be forgotten: “Diritto all’oblio e motori di ricerca. Memoria e privacy nell’era digitale“, Giuffrè, 2017 (“Right to be forgotten and search engines. Memory and privacy in the digital age”). She wrote scientific articles about e-commerce, freedom of expression online, control of the worker through new technologies, domain names, data protection, right to be forgotten, data portability, provider’s liability and platform economy. The PhD Research Project concerns platform economy and the liability of the intermediary platform. It focuses on Uber, Airbnb, Amazon and Ebay. |
Wang, Shihan | Assistant Professor | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Amaya, Jorge | Research Expert | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Aerospace scientist and engineer. Researcher in space plasma physics. Expert in HPC, advanced programming and machine learning. |
Shrestha, Raju | Associate Professor | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | |
Owen, Sebastian | CEO | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Dear Sir/Madam, At HIPSTO we are building the world’s premier open AI information discovery platform where we are pushing the current boundaries of AI/DS/ML/DL. Recent breakthroughs are extending Google BERT in field of related content detection (science paper available) and tests that show our AI « blind vision » technology is vastly superior to « computer vision » in the area of web data feature extraction & labeling. ……..and much more :-). We are here to help! |
Lindstaedt, Stefanie | Director of Institute of Interactive Systems & Data Science | Graz University of Technology | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Inffeldgasse 13, 6th floor |
Mølder, Anna Leida | Innovation Lead AI | NTNU | Norway | Other | AI expert: |
Ferragina, Paolo | Professor | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I’m writing you because I’d like that my Acube lab is listed among the ones supporting Claire ntw. In fact I’m already part of the unit associated to the Department of Computer Science in Pisa. Hence I specified the website of the lab. |
Chung, Neo Christopher | Assistant Professor | University of Warsaw | Poland | Academia |
AI expert: Statistical and machine learning, genomics, medicine, bioinformatics |
Gatica-Perez, Daniel | Head of Social Computing Group | Idiap Research Institute | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
gadelrab, fatma | phd | Helwan university | Egypt | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Atkinson, Paul | communication trainer | freelance | Germany | Other | |
Ruminski, Jacek | Professor, Head of Biomedical Engineering Department | Gdańsk University of Technology | Poland | Academia |
AI expert: Head of AI Bay – regional AI club integrating representatives of academia, industry, public administration and all people interested in AI. Research and Education Director of DIH4.AI – Head of Biomedical Engineering Department and Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland (,,11727-1) Currently involved in 6 projects: My research topics are focused on machine learning, computer vision and pattern recognition methods applied for healthcare and well-being. I am especially interested in smart methods of information extraction from image sequences and from still images. Examples include: reliable extraction of pulse rate and pulse waveform from visible light, face video, reliable extraction of respiratory rate and respiration waveforms from thermal, face video, emotion recognition based on analysis of facial (visible/infrared) image sequences. Many special research problems and questions are related to these examples. For instance: How to improve the resolution and quality of thermal images (e.g., development of super-resolution models and algorithms)? How to accurately detect facial regions like a nose, mouth in thermal images? And many others. The machine learning algorithms and models are especially useful for these purposes. From the practical point of view, I am interested how such methods could be efficiently implemented in smart glasses, smartphones, or using interactive web applications (e.g., using WebRTC) in different devices. The potential applications include remote medical diagnostics, self-diagnostics, support for tele-rehabilitation, etc. |
Gheibi, Amir | Doctor of control systems | Tabriz university | Iran | Academia, Industry | |
Peters, Paul | Fluxology | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: | |
Hallinan, Dara | Senior Researcher | FIZ Karlsruhe | Germany | Academia | |
Rubesa-Zrim, Jelena | Lead Researcher | Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Senjic, Pascal | Germany | Academia, Industry | |||
De Weerdt, Jochen | Associate professor | KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Research Centre on Information Systems Engineering (LIRIS) | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: I obtained my PhD at the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven. My research interests are in applied machine learning and data analytics in business areas such as business process management (process mining), marketing (churn prediction), banking and finance (fraud analytics), and education (learning analytics). My most recent research lines focus on representation learning in social networks, predictive process monitoring, trace clustering, and sequential pattern mining. I am main supervisor of 6 PhD researchers all doing research in applied machine learning in line with the topics listed above. |
Serina, Ivan | Prof. | University of Brescia | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Azeglio, Simone | Master Student | University of Turin | Italy | Academia | |
Holter, Trym | Director | Norwegian Open AI Lab, NTNU | Norway | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Witteman, Gwen | Student | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | ||
Rizzoli, Andrea Emilio | Director | IDSIA USI SUPSI | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale) is a non-profit oriented research institute for artificial intelligence, affiliated with both the Faculty of Informatics of the Università della Svizzera Italiana and the Department of Innovative Technologies of SUPSI, the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland. We focus on machine learning (deep neural networks, reinforcement learning), operations research, data mining, and robotics. |
Damm, Werner | Director | Research Center on Human Cyber Physical Systems, Universität Oldenburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Das Forschungszentrum „Human-Cyber-Physical Systems: Safety, Acceptance, Social and Unter dem Leitbild, technologische Innovationen nicht nur zu erforschen und zu erschaffen, sondern diese systematisch interdisziplinär zu reflektieren und verantwortlich zu gestalten, verfolgt das FZ HCPS die folgenden Ziele: Die synergetische, interdisziplinäre Vernetzung zur Etablierung international sichtbarer Spitzenforschung im Profil des FZ HCPS |
Read, James | Student | University of Exeter | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Ambrona, Ricardo | CEO | Entrepeneur | Spain | Industry | |
García, Ana-Cruz | Programme Director CPI2020 | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | |
Keller, Andreas | Head of Chair for Clinical Bioinformatics | Saarland University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Rodrigues, Nelson | Auxiliar Researcher | DTx – Digital Transformation Colab | Portugal | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I have a PhD in Computer Engineering by Universidade do Porto Faculty of Engineering with the topic « Agent-based Service Reconfiguration for Dynamic and Evolvable Systems ». I was able to successfully validate this innovative approach in flexible manufacturing system located in University of Valenciennes and at real industrial scenario at Whirlpool Factory – Naples, which allowed me to cover an interesting technological readiness from TRL-3 to TRL-7. I’ve expertise on Industry 4.0; Cyber-Physical Systems; Intelligent Manufacturing; Machine Learning; Self-organization; I’ve receive a Awards: Innovation Awards Technology Industry 4.0 (4k€) |
Haider Bangash, Ali | Student | Shifa College of Medicine, STMU | Pakistan | Academia | |
Fassold, Hannes | senior researcher | JOANNEUM RESEARCH – DIGITAL | Austria | Academia, Industry | |
Garbe, Christoph | CEO | HD Vision Systems GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: At HD Vision Systems we develop light field based multi-camera systems for quality inspection, robotics and automation. Our AI-based algorithms provide our partners with superior results in an easy-to-use manner. |
Ben Taieb, Souhaib | Associate Professor in Machine Learning | University of Mons | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Santos, Cristiana | postdoc | INRIA | Netherlands | Academia | |
Poelmans, Ward | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | ||
Hadjar, Hamid | Robotics Developer | Herr | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Anand, Durgesh | business analyst | delhi university | India | Academia, Industry | |
Lew, Michael | Principal & Founder | L.E.V. studio sàrl | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: M.Sc. in electrical engineering (EPFL 2000) |
Karamat, Muhammad Zeeshan | CTO | DeutschData Karamat und Ziesche GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kalve, Halvor | CEO | Grants4sme | Norway | Industry | |
Martins, Bruno | Assistant Professor | University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Bruno Martins is an assistant professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of IST and a researcher at the Information and Decision Support Systems Lab of INESC-ID, where he works on problems related to the general areas of information retrieval, text mining, and the geographical information sciences. He has been involved in several research projects related to geospatial aspects in information access and retrieval, and he has accumulated a significant expertise in addressing challenges at the intersection of information retrieval, artificial intelligence, and the geographical information sciences. |
d’Andrea, Valeria | Post doc | fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | |
Stockinger, Kurt | Professor | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Dey, Subhrakanti | Professor | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: My research background and interests involves stochastic optimization and control, distributed optimization over networks, reinforcement learning, privacy and security in machine learning, statistical machine learning, signal processing. I have held Professor positions in Australia, Sweden and Ireland and am on editorial boards of multiple IEEE Transactions. Have published 100 journal and over 120 conference papers in high impact journals and conferences, and obtained many nationally competitive grants in Australia and Sweden. |
Busenhart, Mark | Business Analyst | Roche Diagnostics International Ltd. | Switzerland | Industry | |
Casacuberta, Francisco | Full Professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of interest/expertise: Machine Translation, Machine Learning, Image Description, Computer-assisted Translation. |
Wiechert, Wolfgan | Director | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-1 | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Velis, Tara | University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | ||
Serpa, Antonio | unemployed | unemployed | Portugal | Other | |
Kampmann, Michaela | Sweden | Academia, Industry, Other | |||
Hermsen, Anna | Senior Business Developer/EU manager | TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research | Netherlands | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Hürlimann, Manuela | Research Associate | ZHAW InIT Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnologie | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
De Pauw, Kevin | Prof | VUB | Belgium | Academia | |
Steinkogler, Valerie | Student | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Austria | Academia | |
Vorburger, Robert | Lecturer / Head of research group | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | |
Hudah, Fayaz | Board Member, Managing Director | University of Moratuwa, Shared Knowledge Solutions Ltd | Sri Lanka | Industry | |
Scherl, Florian | Htl Dornbirn | Austria | Other | ||
Armoni, Marco | Indipendent Researcher | Studio Armoni & Associati and CINEAS | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: I Study and research in I.A. models for biology and health, to reach improvement in data analysis and disease prediction. In the last time I’ve also explored industrial segment with adopting same approach used to analyze health disease. |
Vanderborght, Bram | professor, coordinator Brubotics | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: BruBotics is the Brussels Human Robotics Research Center of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, combining 8 research groups striving to improve the quality of life and working conditions of people through Human Robotics. BruBotics uniquely combines expertise on robotics, AI, rehabilitation sciences, movement sciences, social sciences, marketing, ageing and eHealth and is as such one of the only truly interdisciplinary robotics research centers in Europe. Together with industrial and societal partners we strive to take the next step in Human Robotics by breaking boundaries. Brubotics is member of VUB AI Experience Center |
VEDEL, Renaud | Coordinator of the French National Strategy for AI | Government (Civil Service) | France | Other | |
D’Adderio, Luciana | Chancellor’s Fellow in Data Driven Innovation | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Touleimat, Nizar | EU projects manager | CEA | France | Academia |
AI expert: European projects manager in datascience & AI for Security & Defence |
López Lobo, Jesús | Senior researcher | Tecnalia Research and Innovation | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dr. Jesús López is currently based in Bilbao (Spain) working at TECNALIA as Data Scientist and Researcher in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He attended the University of Deusto and the National Distance Education University (UNED), receiving his BSc+MSc in Computer Science and his MSc in Advanced Artificial Intelligence respectively. In 2018 he obtained his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV). His research topics are real-time data mining (stream learning), concept drift, incremental learning, adaptive and evolving systems, anomaly detection, spiking neural networks, and cellular automata for data mining. Some of them as part of real applications in Robotics (planning), Energy, Telecommunications, Transportation Systems, IoT, Industry 4.0, and Smart Water. Also interesed in multi-purpose AI, hoping that AI community builds JARVIS while avoiding Skynet. Occasionally, he writes data science stories for reputed blogs such as or Not forgetting the leisure side, he also loves to go outdoors to surf all over the globe. |
Van den Bussche, Jan | professor | Universiteit Hasselt | Belgium | Academia | |
Reger, Giles | Lecturer | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
van Nood, Ryan | PhD Candidate, Philosophy; Research Assistant for the NSF Project: Fairness in AI | Purdue University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Busilas, Andrius | Student | Cyprus University of Technology | Lithuania | Academia | |
crippa, luca | Chief Data Officer | Boggi Milano | Italy | ||
Dykast-Wildhaber, Hannah Lea | Creative Strategist & Consultant | CLAIRE CH | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Montiel, Zully | Student | Mirai Innovation Research Institute and National Autonomous University of Mexico | Mexico | Academia | |
de Campos, Cassio | Associate Professor – Head of Uncertainty in AI | TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Gil Perez, Aida | Project Manager | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
yi, jason | Germany | Industry | |||
Sanfilippo, Andrea | Tech Planning and Cooperation | Huawei Technologies | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Technology Planning and Cooperation Manager. Head of DACH coopeartion. |
Carrió-Pastor, María Luisa | Professor, head of Department | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
Toni, Francesca | Professor | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: EurAI Fellow EurAI Fellow |
Yang, Guang | Senior Research Fellow | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Cuvelier, Etienne | ICHEC, Laboratoire Quaresmi | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: | |
Jones Mourao, Filipe | Master Student | Universidade Catolica Portuguesa | Portugal | Academia, Other | |
Diddens, Diddo | Scientific Project Leader, Dr. | Helmholtz Institute Münster (IEK-12), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany | Academia | |
Gaudenzi, Massimiliano | Product Manager | Smartpeg Srl | Italy | Industry | |
D’Amato, Maurizio | PM | Gov | Italy | Other | |
Van Lancker, Michiel | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | ||
Dutoit, Thierry | Full Professor | UMONS | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: I lead an AI/HCI lab with 20 people nworking on AI tools for sound, image, video, gesture, text processing. |
Belo, David | Researcher | Libphys – Faculty of Sciences and Technology – Nova University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |
Morán, Angel | Administrador de Sistemas | Lucentia Lab sl | Spain | ||
Cooiman, Jochem | Innovation Officer | City of Rotterdam | Netherlands | Other | |
Lonardoni, Fabio | Innovation Business Manager | Modis | Italy | Industry | |
Tarantino, Luciano | Chief Executive Officer | ARISK Srl Spin Off Universitario Politecnico di Torino | Italy | Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Lazzaroli, Valeria | Chief Risk Officer | ARISK srl Spin off Politecnico di Torino | Italy | Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Cavique, Luis | Professor | Univ. Aberta | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: He is a tenured Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Section (SIFT) in the Department of Sciences and Technology (DCeT) at Universidade Aberta. He worked in the Polytechnic Education System from 1991 to 2008, namely as Adjunct Professor in the Setubal and in the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute. He received the degree in Computer Science Engineering from the New University of Lisbon (FCT-UNL) in 1988, the MSc degree in Operational Research and Systems Engineering from the Technical Lisbon University (IST-UTL) in 1994 and the PhD degree in Systems Engineering from the Technical Lisbon University (IST-UTL) in 2002. His research areas are in the intersection of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, namely the Heuristic Optimization and the Data Mining. |
Arbai, Fayçal | AI Engineer | Belgium | Industry | ||
Eickhoff, Simon | Full Professor and Institute Director | INM-7 at Forschungszentrum Jülich & Systems Neuroscience at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Editor in Chief « Human Brain Mapping » |
Tocmacov Venchiarutti, Laura | Managing Director | impactia | Switzerland | AI expert: | |
Rank, Sven | Executive Assistant in Administration | Research Center | Germany | Academia | |
Thelisson, Eva | CEO | AI Transparency Institute | Switzerland | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
El mamoun, Nabil | Phd student | Faculty of sciences Fez | Morocco | Academia | |
Pereira, Javier | Associate Professor | CITIC. TALIONIS Research Group. Universidade da Coruña | Spain | Academia | |
Elen, Bart | Researcher | VITO | Belgium | Other |
AI expert: Principal data scientist of the MONA research team, applying deep learning for retinal image analysis |
Hakanen, Jussi | Senior researcher/PhD | University of Jyvaskyla | Finland | Academia, Industry | |
Tod, Georges | Dr. | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Conway, Steve | Senior advisor, HPC market trends | Hyperion Research Ltd. | United States | Industry | AI expert: |
de Sá, Alex | Postdoctoral Fellow | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | Brazil | Academia | |
Pavone, Mario F. | Associate Professor | University of Catania | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Mavroudis, Vasilios | University College London | United Kingdom | Academia | ||
Bifulco, Ida | Research Fellow | University of Naples Federico II | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
cilia, nicole dalia | Post doc researcher | University | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Ciaramella, Angelo | Associate Professor/Dr. | Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of specialization Current positions Scientific Societies Memberships Scientific Activities Short Resume |
Trotta, Angelo | Postdoc Researcher | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Soboczenski, Frank | Computer Scientist, PhD | King’s College London | United Kingdom | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Computer Scientist at King’s College; former associate lecturer at the University of York; former student researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI); STEM scientist for NASA & NOAA GLOBE, NASA FDL Core mentor for Astronaut health (Generative Models); Lunar Resource Mapping (Gaussian processes, Autoencoders); NVIDIA GPU Grant recipient, NASA FDL Data Samaritan Award, NASA Space Apps Lead; Previous research in: Human-Computer Interaction (reducing numerical errors in medical devices); Real-Time Systems (Worst Case Execution Time analysis with Airbus, INRIA and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Cyber-Security (Machine-Learning with the GCHQ); current research on Machine learning in space science and Natural Language Processing in the medical domain (Transformer research & Explainable Machine Learning) |
Pilastri, Andre | Senior Machine Learning | CCG – Centro de Computação Gráfica | Portugal | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurém, edf. 14 |
Oribe, Jon Ander | Software developer | Eurohelp | Spain | Industry | |
Jean-Luc, Camilleri | Former school director | France | Academia | ||
van der Meyden, Frank | advisor | ministerie | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mladenic, Dunja | Prof. Dr., Head of AI Lab | Jozef Stefan Institute | Slovenia | Academia |
AI expert: Leading Atrificial Intelligence Laboratory at Jozef Stefan Institute, serving on the Institute’s Scientific Council (2013-2017) as a vice president (2015-2017) and working on a number of research projects mainly related to Machine Learning, Data and Text Mining, Big Data Analytic, Semantic Technologies and their application on real-world problems. Professor at Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate school, and University of Primorska, teaching classes related to Data Analytics. Visiting researcher with Tom Mitchell at School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (1996-1997) and (2000-2001). General chair of ECML PKDD-2009, program co-chair of ECML PKDD-2007, tutorial chair of ECML PKDD-2005, awards chair of ECML PKDD-2003, poster chair of KDD-2009, Workshop and Tutorial chair for ICML-2003, Workshop chair for ICML-1999. President of Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society SLAIS (2010-2014), Advisory board member of ACM Slovenija. Slovenian representative in EC Enwise STRATA ETAN Expert Group Promoting women scientists from the Central and Eastern European countries and the Baltic States to produce gender equality in science in the wider Europe. |
Sirmacek, Beril | Assistant professor | Jonkoping University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
van Ette, Frans | Program Director AI | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Secchi, Antonio | Data Scientist | University | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Lavesson, Niklas | Professor of Computer Science | Jönköping University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: Manager of Jönköping Artificial Intelligence Laboratory |
Di Pardo Léon-Henri, Dana | Associate Professor | University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté | France | Academia |
AI expert: Research Project AIVT (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Trainer) |
Stilo, Giovanni | Assistant Professor | University of L’Aquila | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Albrecht-W., Dr. Klein | CEO | awkgroup | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Nieuwenhuis, Kees | Research Program director | Thales Nederland B.V. | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Blagoev, Lyubo | CEO | USW Ltd | Bulgaria | Industry |
AI expert: NLP, RPA, Smart home private cloud |
Bellotto, Nicola | Associate Professor | University of Padua | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Krtil, Alois | CEO | AI Research Organization | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Member of HITeC e.V., Executive Director of IKS Hamburg / Knowledge and Technology Transfer Interested in becoming a Member of Claire AI with our Research Organization ARIC e.V. |
burdet, etienne | Professor | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
König, Matthias | PhD candidate | LIACS | Netherlands | Academia | |
BENER, Ezgi | H2020 ICT NCP, ECSEL PAB Member | TUBITAK | Turkey | Other | |
zhang, hua | director | Huawei | China | Industry | |
Parker, Steven | Program Manager | ME confernces | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Demey, Sabine | Director Flanders AI Research Program | imec | Belgium | Other | |
Geus, Marnix | MD | | Netherlands | Industry | |
Aritzi, Anastasia | Germany | ||||
Chutet, Valentin | Etudiant | France | Other | ||
Calinon, Sylvain | Senior Researcher | Idiap Research Institute | Switzerland | Academia | |
EL OUAZZANY ECHCHAHEDY, Imane | Morocco | Academia, Industry, Other | |||
Ferraioli, Diodato | Assistant Professor | University of Salerno | Italy | Academia | |
TAKENAKA, SHIN | doctor | National cancer center east of Japan | Japan | Academia | |
Lopes, Nuno | Leading researcher | DTx: Digital Transformation CoLAB | Portugal | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: DTx: Digital Transformation CoLAB. DTx is a non-profit private association, that carries out its activity doing applied research in different areas associated with digital transformation |
Toor, Harpal Singh | Head Innovative Technologies | Tech Mahindra GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Hallsjo, Sven-Patrik | Machine learning lead | Linköping University and AFRY AB | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Veganzones, Miguel Angel | AI Director | Sherpa AI | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Miguel Angel Veganzones received the Ms.C. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Artificial intelligence from the Basque Country University (EHU/UPV), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, in 2008 and 2012, respectively. In October 2012, he joined the Images-Signal Department, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France, as a Postdoctoral Researcher. His research interests include the analysis of hyperspectral images by means of multiway analysis, computational intelligence, and statistical techniques. In June 2016, he joined NEM Solutions as Data Analysis Manager and since May 2018 he works as Artificial Intelligence Director in Dr. Veganzones is member of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the CNRS GDR 720 ISIS (Information, Signal, Image et ViSion) and the CNRS GDR 3708 MADICS (Masses de Données, Informations et Connaissances en Sciences). He is a regular Reviewer of international peer-reviewed scientific journals and has participated as a Program Committee Member and as a Scientific Referee in several international conferences. Google Scholar |
Ravegnani, Stefano | Project Manager | Cerence Inc | Italy | Industry | |
pavagada shekhar, Suhas | Data Scientist | Oakland University | United States | Academia | |
Dégallier Rochat, Sarah | Professor | Haute Ecole Spécialisée Bernoise (BFH) | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Avrithis, Yannis | Research scientist | Inria | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Riemer-Sørensen, Signe | Researcher | SINTEF Digital | Norway | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Stabij, Erik | Owner | StarBrain Media | Netherlands | Academia | |
Steimle, Jürgen | Full professor | Saarland University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: ERC Starting Grant « InteractiveSkin »; Research interests: user interface optimization; personalized user interfaces; wearable sensors; embedded sensors |
van Dooren, Suzanne | Directeur | HumanFits | Netherlands | Other | |
Heckel, Till | Director Strategy and Concept | TERRITORY Content to Results GmbH | Germany | Industry, Other | |
Mehta, Yash | Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit | United Kingdom | Academia | ||
Geurts, Joost | European Affairs Officer | Inria | France | Academia |
AI expert: Domaine de Voluceau – Rocquencourt |
Ozdemir, Sebnem | İstinye | Turkey | |||
Iglesias, Carlos A. | Associate Professor | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: PhD from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Expertise in multiagent systems, natural language processing, sentiment and emotion analysis, and linked data technologies. |
Remondino, Fabio | head 3D Optical Metrology | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Liske, Richard | Student | FernUniversität in Hagen | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Ossowski, Sascha | Full Professor | University Rey Juan Carlos, CETINIA | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Gómez Fernández, David | R&D Engineer | Company | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Cassens, Jörg | Researcher | University of Hildesheim | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Lecturer & Researcher; University of Hildesheim; Media Informatics; Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction |
Rotondi, Domenico | Italy | Industry | |||
Pedro, Mónica | Project Manager | ML Analytics | Portugal | Industry | AI expert: |
Barbaresco, Frederic | Smart sensors segment leader | THALES | France | Industry | AI expert: |
Merkus, Paul | Partnership manager | University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Fonteijn, Jos | Consultant | Company | Belgium | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Metzelaar, Willem-Frederik | business developer | EIT Digital | Netherlands | Industry | |
Paulus, Erick | PhD Candidate | Leiden University | Indonesia | Academia | |
Ospina-Forero, Luis | Presidential Academic Fellow in Data Science | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Valeriani, Davide | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Harvard Medical School | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Del Jesus, María José | Professor | University of Jaén | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: AI Expert |
Marinoni, Andrea | Associate professor | UiT the Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Academia |
AI expert: Andrea Marinoni is an associate professor with the Earth Observation group, Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations (CIRFA), Dept. of Physics and Technology, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway. |
van Gemert, Stan | Owner | S10 Group | Netherlands | Other | |
Röhrbein, Florian | AI Strategist | Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Goffi, Emmanuel | Directeur | ILERI – Institut Libre d’Étude des Relations Internationales | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
van Wijk, Ruben | Analytics Translator | Gimix | Netherlands | Industry | |
Schilling, Frank-Peter | Senior Researcher | Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Huang, Ziqiang | Senior scientific associate (Image Analyst) | Cambridge University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Zicari, Roberto V. | Goethe Univewrsir | Germany | |||
Leijnen, Stefan | Professor | Utrecht University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Bühler, Katja | Area Manager, Group Leader | VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Silva, Nelson | Research in Knowledge Visualization and Strategic Intelligence | Know-center | Austria | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
ahmed, moataz | Scientist | Irish Centre fo High-End Computing | Ireland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I had my PhD from the university of Nottingham, specialized in satellite image super resolution using deep learning and the effects of data augmentation. Worked for more than 10 years at several companies with open-source geospatial technologies. Contributes to few OS geospatial tools/applications |
mcewan, sandra | Information manager | VNOG | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kadijk, Dirk | entrepeneur | Data Scientist | DGK IMPAKT Consulting | Netherlands | Industry | |
Irudayaraj, Gerald Christopher Raj | Professor | PSNA College of Engineering and Technology | India | Academia | AI expert: |
Nogales, Alberto | Postdoctoral Main Researcher | Universidad Francisco de Vitoria | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Lavitt, Falko | Netherlands | ||||
Handl, Julia | Senior Lecturer | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Alan Turing Fellow |
hanesse, jean-louis | Professeur Agrégé de Sciences Industrielles | Lycee Charles Jully | France | Academia | |
Anastasiou, Dimitra | Research & Technology Associate | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg | Academia |
AI expert: Marie Curie Idividual Fellowship Grant: |
Theodorou, Andreas | Postdoctal Student | Umeå University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Dubois, Eric | Department Director – IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST | Luxembourg | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Tamarit, Salvador | IT Researcher (PhD) | PFS Group | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Researcher with an academic background (PhD) and business experience in various topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, data science, microservices, automated data normalisation, debugging, testing, concurrency, compilers, and automatic program/data transformation. |
Anastasiou, Athanasios | Senior Researcher | University | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
VARSHNEY, AYUSH KUMAR | Student (M. Sc.) | South Asian University | India | Academia | |
Ozdemir, Mahir | Fellow | Weconomics | Netherlands | Industry, Other | |
BHATTACHARYA, PRASENJEET | Global Lead of Strategic R&D | Organization | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Hi, CLAIRE is also a great step towards contributing and reaching towards our SDG goals 2030. Looking forward to hear from you. Best |
Alexopoulos, Kosmas | Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) | Greece | Academia | AI expert: | |
Leitner, Stephan | Head of Unit Data Management and Analytics | RISC Software GmbH | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Montero de Quadras, Miquel | CTO & Founder | Atomian | Spain | Industry | AI expert: |
Abadia, Jair | Docente | EMAVI | Colombia | Academia | |
Chan, Felicia | PhD candidate | Taiwan | Academia | ||
Jha, Devanshu | MVJ College of Engineering | India | Academia | ||
Prima, Ryan | Master Student | Leiden University | Indonesia | Academia, Industry | |
Samaras, Nikolaos | Professor | University of Macedonia | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: Professor Nikolaos Samaras received his Diploma and Ph.D. in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in 1996 and 2001. His research work has resulted in: (a) the development of a new algorithmic family for solving linear and network optimization problems (b) the efficient implementation of the revised simplex algorithm using GPU (c) novel algorithms and software for operations research and (d) the use of machine learning techniques in real world applications. |
Castro, SONIA YAMILETH | ASESOR DEL DESPACHO EN TEMAS T.I. | Gobernación del valle del cauca colombia | Colombia | Other | |
Garcia Vazquez, Juan Pablo | Research Professor | Universidad Autónoma de Baja California | Mexico | Academia |
AI expert: My areas of interes are artificial intelligence, ubiquitous computing, human interaction computing, data science, data mining |
Bunz, Mercedes | Senior Lecturer | King’s College London | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Co-founder of the Creative AI Lab, Serpentine Galleries, London |
Rook, Jeroen | PhD candidate | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | |
Schreurs, Paul | Advisor | VLAIO | Belgium | Other | |
Perez-Uribe, Andres | Professor | HEIG-VD / HES-SO | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Full professor at HEIG-VD |
Camacho, David | Prof. Dr. | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Senior Member |
Cuzzolin, Fabio | Director of the Visual Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | Oxford Brookes University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics |
Geerdink, Bas | AI Pragmatist | Aizonic | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Buarque de Lima Neto, Fernando | Senior Associate Professor | University of Pernambuco | Brazil | Academia |
AI expert: Meta/hyper Heuristics, Intelligent Decision Support, Computational Semiotics, Explainable AI (XAI), Fair AI (FAI) |
Dragicevic, Ivan | Research coordinator | NORA – The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium | Norway | Academia | |
Zhang, Winnie | Netherlands | ||||
Riccardi, Annalisa | Lecturer | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Karabanov, Denis | IPSoft | Netherlands | Industry | ||
Kirn, Stefan | professor | University Hohenheim | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: PhD thesis: Federated XPS Habilitation: Multi Agent Organizational Theory |
Di Bruno, Francesco | Graduate | University | Italy | Academia | |
Kany Garcia, Mouctar | Athlone Institute of Technology | Ireland | Other | ||
Schmitz, Claudia | owner | Cenandu Learning Agency | Germany | Other | |
Breevoort, Leen | Chairman | Company | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Please contact us if you would like to know more. |
van den Boom, F | PhD on Algorithms,Data and AI | Bournemouth University | United Kingdom | Academia, Other | |
Daniels, Sebastien | Head Data Privacy Benelux | Novartis | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Stoutjesdijk, Kimberly | Radboud University | Netherlands | |||
Gassama, Oumar H. | Product Manager | Talkwalker Sarl. | Hungary | Industry |
AI expert: I am an IT professional holding Information Technology (BSc) and Engineering Teacher (BSc) degrees at the Budapest Tech (now Óbuda University). Having 15+ years of project management experience in the private sector IT industry, with 5+ years of product management and business analysis experience in IT software development field. |
van Zandwijk, Mike | Fellow | Winvision | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Puyenbroek, Mischa | Security architect | IT consulting | Netherlands | Academia, Industry, Other | |
trapman, m j | initiator | Kunstvallei | Netherlands | Other | |
Tohidi, Ali | Head of the board & Managing Director | CEMTCO(caspian electromechanic technologists) | Iran | Industry | |
Visser, Rene | Lecturer | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
de Groot, Harry | Business Analyst | NIDV | Netherlands | Academia | |
Berns, Michael | Director of AI & FinTech | PwC | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Roehrig, Sofie | Freelance Internat. Development Researcher & Automation Application Developer | Freelance & Accenture NL | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Valada, Abhinav | Prof. Dr | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Schreiber, Fabian | Data Scientist | Firma | Austria |
AI expert: Bioinformatics |
Weeds, Julie | Lecturer | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Hupaylo, Deva | Director | Merrill | United States | Industry | AI expert: |
Crosby, Andrew | Fellow | Think Tank | Switzerland | Other | |
Camilleri, Jean-Luc | Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Technologiques Universitaires en Robotique Productique | Université de Toulon et du Var | France | Industry | |
van Wijk, Robert Jan | Senior manager D&E | ASML | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Huber, Florian | research engineer | Netherlands eScience Center | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Bahov, Bobby | CEO & Co-founder | AI Lab One | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Hahn, Thomas | Chief Expert Software | Siemens AG | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: President Big Data Value Assoc. |
de Kleijn, Maria | SVP Analytical Services | Elsevier | Netherlands | Industry | |
Gavagnin, Elena | Senior Project Leader Data Science | Institute of Business Information Technology (IWI), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Zurich | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Muiños Landin, Santiago | Artificial Intelligence Researcher | Robotics & Control Department AIMEN Technology Center | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Galinski, Radek | Director Technologie & Innovation | TERRITORY | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Frandsen, Erik Hvass | Denmark | ||||
Sheedy, Caroline | Lecturer | DKIT | Ireland | Academia | |
SUZEN, Hasan | CEO | University of Antwerp and Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Roessler, Gerrit | Program Director | Technical University Berlin | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
TANTAR, Alexandru-Adrian | Business Analytics Group Coordinator, PhD | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: |
Strickland, Carla | I am the new guy | Austria | |||
Hoyer, Nina | Dr. | DFKI GmbH, University of Bremen | Germany | Academia | |
Grioni, Andrea | Ph.D. Candidate | Masaryk University | Czech Republic | Academia, Other | |
Pettersen, Klas | CEO of NORA | NORA/University of Oslo | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Bresolin, Davide | Associate Professor | University of Padova | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: My research interests are in the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, hybrid automata, finite automata, temporal representation and reasoning, spatial and temporal logics. |
Huvila, Isto | Professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Loh, Carmen | Marketing Communications Manager | IOS Press | Netherlands | Industry | |
Schweizer, Damian Keith | Pharma Research and Early Development, Laboratory Informatics Expert | F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Lopez Portillo Alcocer, Rodrigo | Masters Student | Potsdam University | Germany | Academia | |
Coma-Puig, Bernat | PhD Student / Researcher | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Anil, Basak | Business development | Grus BV | Netherlands | Industry | |
Zurita-Milla, Raul | Adj. Professor | University of Twente, Faculty ITC | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Use of data mining and machine learning with spatio-temporal data. Focus on geospatial problems in the broad domains of agriculture, climate change, and health — interest in sustainability and the development of the Global South. |
Antoniotti, Marco | Associate Professor | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Academia | |
PIATON, Gotelenne | R&D PROGRAMME MANAGER | EBOS TECHNOLOGIES LTD | Cyprus | Industry | AI expert: |
Vicente-Palacios, Victor | Clinical Data Scientist | Philips Healthcare Spain | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Sebastiani, Fabrizio | Director of Research | ISTI-CNR | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Zielinski, Oliver | Prof. Dr. | DFKI | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Marine Perception Research Group @DFKI |
Scheid, Martin | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Fernandez, Ed | Board Director | BigML Inc | United States | Industry | AI expert: |
Scholtes, Jan | Full Professor Text Mining & Chief Strategy Officer | Maastricht University & ZyLAB | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Expertise in: information retrieval, text-mining & text-analytics, computation linguistic and machine learning, in particular for the fields of e-discovery, corporate & information governance, and other legaltech applicationa. Since 2008, Scholtes holds the extra-ordinary Chair in Text Mining from the Department of Knowledge Engineering at the University of Maastricht and he is a senior research fellow of the Dutch School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS). (SIKS) is a Dutch Research School established in 1996 and accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences ( From 1987 to 2009 Scholtes acted as President / CEO of ZyLAB. Scholtes has been involved in deploying in-house e-discovery software with organization such as the UN War Crimes Tribunals, the FBI-ENRON investigations, the EOP (White House), and thousands of other users worldwide. |
Vega D’Aurelio, Davide | Lecturer | Uppsala University | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Hammer, Barbara | Full Professor | Univerisity of Bielefeld | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: My google scholar profile is here |
Baum, Kevin | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Dozent | Saarland University | Germany | Academia, Other | |
Petsinis, George | Lead Data Scientist | Intrasoft | Greece | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Background in Data Science and Remote Sensing with many years of engagement in AI/ML projects through both academia and industry |
Aits, Sonja | Associate Senior Lecturer/Research Group Leader | Lund University | Sweden | Academia | |
Åström, Kalle | Professor | Lund University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: Kalle Åström is a professor at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Lund University. His research spans from basic research in computer vision and machine learning to dissemination in industry and society as a whole. Prizes include first prize in Innovation Cup, 1991, Best Nordic dissertation in machine learning and image analysis, EU’s « IST grand prize » in 2005 (with spin-off company Decuma). Coordinator of AI Lund – |
Abbate, Nicola | Ceo & Founder Abba Solutions | Societa | Italy | Other | |
Simon, Vilmos | Head of MEDIANETS Lab, Associate Professor | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | Academia |
AI expert: Research area: Machine learning and data analytics for intelligent and automated cities, focusing on intelligent transportation systems. |
Munoz-Organero, Mario | Professor on machine learning for wearable sensors | University Carlos III de Madrid | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: I lead a research group on applied machine learning with particular interest on wearable sensor data time series in fields such as personal health, recommender systems, optimal driving, and smart cities. |
Šarf, Pika | Junior Research Fellow | Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana | Slovenia | Academia | |
Ozkirimli, Elif | Visiting Scientist | University of Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Koene, Ansgar | Global AI Ethics and Policy Leader | EY | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dr. Ansgar Koene is AI Regulatory Advisor at EY Global where he supports the AI Lab’s Policy activities on Trusted AI. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the RCUK funded Horizon Digital Economy Research institute (University of Nottingham) where he contributes to the policy impact activities of the institute and leads the policy related stakeholder engagement activities of the ReEnTrust project. As part of this work Ansgar has provided evidence to twelve UK parliamentary inquiries, co-authored a report on Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making for the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, and was lead author of a Science Technology Options Assessment report on a Governance Framework for Algorithmic Accountability and Transparency for the European Parliament. Ansgar chairs the IEEE P7003 Standard for Algorithmic Bias Considerations working group, is the Bias Focus Group leader for the IEEE Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS), and a trustee for the 5Rgiths foundation for the Rights of Young People Online. Ansgar has a multi-disciplinary research background, having worked and published on topics ranging from Policy and Governance of Algorithmic Systems (AI), data-privacy, AI Ethics, AI Standards, bio-inspired Robotics, AI and Computational Neuroscience to experimental Human Behaviour/Perception studies. He holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Computational Neuroscience. |
Henckel, Paul | Test Engineer | Denmark | Industry | ||
Braunschweig, Bertrand | Coordinator, national research programme on AI | Inria | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Hurtado, Juan Andrés | Director | Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Design | Spain | Industry |
AI expert: |
Bernardini, Ángela | AI work package leader | Naitec | Spain | Industry | AI expert: |
Fröhlich, Holger | Professor; Head of Data Science & AI | University of Bonn, Fraunhofer SCAI | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Mac Williams, Carmen | Director | Grassroots Arts and Research | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Pulina, Luca | Associate Professor | University of Sassari | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Blanke, Tobias | Professor | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: I only recently moved to Amsterdam. I was beforehand at Kings College London. |
Fudickar, Sebastian | CvO University Oldenburg | Germany | |||
Turan, Cigdem | PostDoc | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: PhD on computer vision with the applications to facial expression recognition. PostDoc at Aritificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab, Affective computing with interdisciplinary studies (cognitive science). |
Modgil, Sanjay | Reader in AI | King’s College London | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Petkevicius, Linas | researcher | Vilnius University | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: AI researcher. Lecturer in Vilnius University, teaching Deep learning course. Researcher with interests of application in medicine and robotics. |
Lipic, Tomislav | Research Associate | Rudjer Boskovic Institute | Croatia | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Schumacher, Jasmin | Studentin | Medizinische Hochschule Hannover | Germany | Academia | |
Mihai, Rodica | Senior researcher | NORCE Energy | Norway | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Peña-Reyes, Carlos | Professor | University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland at Yverdon (HEIG-VD) | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Belbachir, Ahmed Nabil | Research Director / PhD | Smart Instrumentation and Industrial Testing @Norce Technology, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AN | Norway | Academia, Other |
AI expert: More than 20 years research and high-ranked contributions in the field of computer vision, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. I published the single-source reference “Smart Cameras” as editor (2009) covering large research spectrum from disparate scientific, technological and application fields. A Chinese translation of this English book appeared in 2014. Finally, I have leadership experience from Austria and Norway of a team of scientists and engineers for a sustainable development of innovative smart systems for industrial and societal deployment, mainly dealing with automation services. |
Gerlick, Joshua | Doctoral Student | Case Western Reserve University | United States | Academia, Industry | |
Sonnenfeld, Kristina | Rheo | Germany | Industry | ||
Affenzeller, Michael | Prof. for Heuristic Optimization and Machine Learning / Prof. Dr. | Upper AUstria University of Applied Science, Campus Hagenberg | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Gevaert, Caroline | Assistant Professor | University of Twente – Faculty ITC | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Expert in the use of machine learning for the analysis of drone/UAV and satellite imagery, specifically for sustainable development applications in the Global South. |
Fiorentini, Vincenzo | Professor (associate) | University of Cagliari | Italy | ||
de Kruijff, Gepco | CEO | Deltas Planet Earth | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Earth Observation (EO), Complex Systems, Blockchain, |
Richter, Kai-Florian | Associate Professor | Umeå University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Bakir, Vian | Professor in Journalism & Political Communication | Bangor University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: AI, disinformation, |
Ure, Nazim Kemal | Assistant Professor | Istanbul Technical University | Turkey | Academia |
AI expert: I am an assistant professor at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and the vice directory of ITU Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Research Center. I obtained my PhD degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015. My thesis focused on applying reinforcement learning to large scale multi agent systems. I am also a Marie Curie fellow, as a part of my reintegration project I developed novel graph based deep reinforcement learning algorithms for multi agent problems, with applications to drone firefighting. Currently I manage a research group that focuses on industrial collaborations spanning a wide array of topics, ranging from autonomous systems to operations research. |
Sundbø, Ingrid | Assistant Professor | University of South-Eastern Norway | Norway | Academia | |
Jones, Stephen | FSE Fellow (Postdoc) | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Jorge, Alípio | Prof. Assoc. | INESC TEC / University of Porto | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Head of LIAAD, the AI lab of INESC TEC. Head of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Porto. Coordinator of the Portuguese AI Strategy. Vice-president of APPIA, the Portuguese Ai Society, from 2000 to 2005. Areas of work: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Recommender Systems, Information Extraction. |
Sandamirskaya, Yulia | Group Leader | Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH/ETH Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Woodruff, Henry | Deputy head | Maastricht University – The D-Lab | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Dimitrakakis, Christos | Professor | University of Oslo | Norway | ||
César de Sá, Nuno | PhD student | CML – Leiden University | Portugal | Academia | |
ouardini, anas | étudiant | Morocco | Academia | ||
De Togni, Stefano | Founder | Etica | Italy | Industry | |
Wang, Mingshu | Assistant Professor | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Branco, António | Associate Professor | University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: – AI Expert |
Denoeux, Thierry | Professor | Université de technologie de Compiègne | France | Academia | |
Avila-García, Orlando | Senior Research Engineer | Atos | Spain | Industry |
AI expert: Ph. D. in Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent Autonomous Robots and Systems research line head, Manufacturing and Retail sector, Atos Research & Innovation. |
Chavarriaga, Ricardo | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: | ||
Milanova, Mariofanna | Professor | UALR | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Ozols, Kaspars | Deputy director of development | Elektronikas un datorzinatnu instituts (EDI) | Latvia | Academia | AI expert: |
Steinbrener, Jan | Sr. Postdoctoral Research Associate (tenure track) | Universität Klagenfurt, Control of Networked Systems Group | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ionescu, Bogdan | General manager | CAMPUS Center for Advanced Research on New Materials, Products and Innovative Processes, University Politehnica of Bucharest | Romania | Academia |
AI expert: He coordinates the Research Center CAMPUS and the Multimedia Lab. He holds a double PhD in image/video processing from UPB and University of Savoie, France. He has authored over 170 scientific publications (e.g., with Springer UMUAI IF 3.4, ACM CSUR IF 6.1, Elsevier CVIU IF 2.6, Elsevier IMAVIS IF 2.7, IEEE TCSVT IF 4). He serves/served as: reviewer for several journals (e.g., IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TIP, IEEE TM, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE SPL, IEEE TAC); lead editor for a Springer ACVPR book; lead guest editor for special issues with Springer IJCV (IF 6), Elsevier IMAVIS (IF 2.7), Springer MTAP (IF 2.1); technical programme committee (e.g., EUSIPCO, ACM MM, ACM ICMR, ACM MMSys, IEEE ICME); conference committee chair (e.g., area chair ACM Multimedia, general chair IEEE/ACM CBMI 2016, ACM ICMR 2017, CLEF 2021); organizer of workshops: « Information Fusion in Computer Vision for Concept Recognition » at ECCV 2012, « Event-based Media Integration and Processing » at ACM MM 2013, « Human-Centered Event Understanding from Multimedia » at ACM MM 2014 & 2015; lead organizer/co-organizer for several benchmarking campaigns (e.g., MediaEval Retrieving Diverse Social Images, Violent Scenes Detection, Predicting Media Interestingness/Memorability, ImageCLEF 2017-2020). He contributed to over 23 Romanian/EU funded research and strategic programmes (e.g., principal investigator for UEFISCDI SPIA-VA SOL 2.2M Eur, UEFISCDI SPOTTER PED 140k Eur, Erasmus+ UMETECH 900k Eur, ESF CAMPUS POS-CCE 14M Eur) and industry projects (e.g., beneficiaries Hana Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea, NXP Semiconductors Romania). He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of SPIE, ACM, EURASIP and technical program expert for the Horizon 2020 Programme. |
Aarts, Emile | Prof.dr. | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Caglieris, Marco | CEO | Koyre | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Casas, Pedro | Research Scientist | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | Austria | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I am an expert and lead researcher in AI4NETS at the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. AIT is Austria’s largest Research and Technology Organization, and an international key player in many of the research areas it covers. AI4NETS – AI for Networks, is my attempt to drastically improve the functioning and operation of the Internet and the services relying on it through the systematic and successful application of AI/ML concepts. For the last 15 years, I have been tackling the core challenges hindering the acceptability and adoption of AI/ML in networking applications such as security, performance, anomaly detection and troubleshooting, and Quality of Experience. I work as principal investigator, project manager, technical work leader and researcher in multiple international projects in AI4NETS, I have published more than 150 papers around AI4NETS topics, receiving 13 best paper, best demo, and best student work awards. I periodically organize different international scientific events such as summits, workshops, and groups of interest around AI4NETS topics, having organized 17 of these events in the last five years, 11 of them initiated individually by myself. My main research interests include artificial intelligence, machine-learning, and data mining based approaches for Networking, big data analytics and platforms, Internet network measurements, network security and anomaly detection, as well as QoE modeling, assessment and monitoring. |
Pflugfelder, Roman | Scientist | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology / TU Vienna | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Roman Pflugfelder is Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and lecturer at TU Wien. He received in 2002 a MSc degree in Informatics at TU Wien and in 2008 a PhD in Telematics at the TU Graz, Austria. In 2001, he was academic visitor at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. His research focuses on visual motion analysis, tracking, recognition, and visual learning applied to automated video surveillance. He aims to combine sciences and theories in novel ways to gain theoretical insights into learning and inference in complex dynamical systems and to develop practical algorithms and computing systems. Roman contributed with 60+ papers and patents to research fields such as camera calibration, object detection, object tracking, event recognition where he received awareness of media as well as several awards and grants for his scientific achievements. Roman is also senior project manager at AIT where he has led cooperations among universities, companies and governmental institutions. Roman co-organised the Visual Object Tracking Challenges VOT’13-14 and VOT’16-19 and was program chair of AVSS’15. Currently he is steering committee member of AVSS. He is regular reviewer for major computer vision conferences and journals. |
Gehring, Naima | Master of Education | Universität Trier | Germany | Academia | |
Rantonen, Mika | Senior Lecturer | JAMK University of Applied Sciences | Finland | Academia | |
Zaborowski, Piotr | HoCapabilities | Eversis | Poland | Industry | |
Hotho, Andreas | Prof. Dr. | Data Science Chair, Institute of Computer Science, University of Würzburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
De Nobili, Cristiano | Senior Deep Learning Scientist | Harman Samsung | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: After a degree in Theoretical Particle Physics and a Ph.D. in Statistical Physics (SISSA, Trieste) on Entanglement Entropy, I’m currently into AI. In particular, I’m working out deep learning solutions applied to language. In addition, I am a machine learning instructor and an active speaker for meetups and events. Really interested in AI application for improving nature and human conditions. |
Herfet, Thorsten | Universitätsprofessor | Saarland Informatics Campus | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: AI in Telecommunications (5G/6G) and Computer Vision (Light Field Analysis) |
Goebel, Randy | Professor | University of Alberta | Canada | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Körber, Jennifer | Business Development Manager | Clifford Chance | Germany | Other | |
Sambucci, Luca | Owner | L2.AI | Italy | Other | |
Bailly, Gérard | DR CNRS | GIPSA-Lab, Univ. Grenoble-Alps & CNRS | France | Academia |
AI expert: Expert in AI for HRI |
ABREU, Salvador | Professor | University of Evora / NOVA-LINCS | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Artikis, Alexander | Research Associate | NCSR Demokritos | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Primiero, Giuseppe | Associate Professor of Logic | Università degli studi di Milano | Italy | Academia | |
Ventura, Rodrigo | Assistant Professor | Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Rodrigo Ventura is a (tenured) Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Electrical and Computer Engineering department, and member of Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisboa). He received the Licenciatura (1996), M.Sc. (2000), and PhD degree (2008), in Electrical and Computer Engineering from IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal. He has several publications in international journals and conferences, on various topics intersecting Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He is founding member of the Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architecture society. He participated in several international and national research projects. In particular, he was Principal Investigator of the national project AuReRo (Human-robot interaction with field robots using augmented reality and interactive mapping, 2011-2014), and coordinator of the the IST participation in the EU LdV project USORA (Unified Solution of Remote Access in Practical Vocational Engineering Education, 2013-2015). He is currently Principal Investigator of the national project HARODE (Human-aware service robots for domestic environments). His current research interests include human-robot interaction, human-aware navigation, decision-making under uncertainty, and cognitive robotics, targeting field, service, and space robots. He is the co-author of two national patents on innovative solutions for robotic systems. |
Diaz Rodriguez, Natalia | Prof | ENSTA | France | Academia |
AI expert: 27c Bd Jourdan |
Jannin, Pierre | Inserm research director | INSERM | France | Academia |
AI expert: LTSI, Inserm UMR 1099 – Université de Rennes 1 |
Marra, Giuseppe | PhD Student | University of Florence, SAILAB – Siena | Italy | Academia | |
Magnani, Matteo | Associate professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: Data science, Computational social science |
Spjuth, Ola | Associate Professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: The focus of my research is to develop new AI and machine learning methodologies, implement them in an automated, robotized laboratory, and apply the integrated system to problems in drug discovery. |
Cavallo, Filippo | Head assistive robotics lab | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I am head and scientific responsible of the Assistive Robotics Lab of the BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. I am currently leading a group of 17 people, among which 3 PhD Students, 6 Post Doctorate and 8 assistant researchers. The objectives of this lab are to promote and evaluate novel service robotics for active and healthy ageing, to identify and validate disruptive healthcare paradigms for neurodegenerative and chronic diseases, focusing on prevention and support for physical and cognitive declines, to optimize the management of working life for improving efficiency, security and QoL of workers in industrial settings. The main technological challenges concern social robotics, human robot interaction, wearable sensors, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence for robot companion and healthcare applications. Additionally I am dealing with service robotics for Industry 4.0 applications. |
Marquering, Henk | Associate Professor | Amsterdam UMC | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Focus on AI for medical computer vision |
Osório Costa, António M. | Professor Economics | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Expert in Digital Economy and the Society of the Future |
Doncieux, Stephane | Professor | Sorbonne Université – CNRS, ISIR | France | Academia |
AI expert: Learning in robotics |
Telcs, András | head of department | academic research institute | Hungary | Academia | |
Härdle, Wolfgang Karl | Professor | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
KIng, Ross | Professor | Alan Turing Institute | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Gianfreda, Cosimo Damiano | CTO | E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A. | Italy | Industry | |
Turina, Danilo | Technical lead | Trian s.r.l. | Italy | Industry | |
Tang, Qiang | Senior Research Scientists | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Jan, Sana Ullah | Graduate Research Associate | University of Ulsan | South Korea | Academia | |
Tenorio, Maria | Knowledge management and transfer | CiTIUS, Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | |
Kavicky, Radovan | Principal Data Scientist & President | GapData Institute | Slovakia | Industry, Other |
AI expert: Member: Slovak.AI & European AI Alliance |
Schmitt, Alexander | Sales Director Asia | EP Ehrler Prüftechnik Engineering GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Helaakoski, Heli | Senior Principal Scientist | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland | Finland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lopes, Manuel | Researcher | Instituto Superior Tecnico | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: IST Taguspark – núcleo 2 |
Castellano, Ginevra | Associate Professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2017- Present: Associate Professor in Intelligent Interactive Systems, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University Since 2014: Director, Uppsala Social Robotics Lab 2016: 2014-2017: 2011-2014: 2008-2011: 2008: PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, University of Genova, Italy RESEARCH INTERESTS/EXPERTISE Social robotics, human-robot interaction, robot learning, robot ethics, trustworthy robots, affective computing, multimodal interaction PUBLICATIONS: See full list at: Google H-INDEX: 24 FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS, MERITS 2014: Selected ‘Strategic recruitment’, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden 2018-2021: H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN project ANIMATAS (3.9 mEUR): PI 2016-2021: SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research) project COIN (~3.3mEUR), PI for Uppsala University 2016-2020: Swedish Research Council (VR) Starting grant (~350K EUR): PI (acceptance rate: 11%) 2012-2016: EU FP7 project EMOTE: (2.9 mEUR): Project Coordinator; PI 2012-2013: EU FP7 project ILearnRW (1.8 mEUR): co-PI EDITORIAL BOARDS 2019-now: Board of Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions in Affective Computing 2018-now: Board of Associate Editors of Frontiers in Robotics AI, Human-Robot Interaction section 2017-now: Board of Distinguished Reviewers of ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 2018: Guest Editor, Frontiers, special topic Affective and Social Signals for HRI 2018: Guest Editor, International Journal of Social Robotics 2012: Guest Editor, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 2010: Guest Editor, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES 2007-now: Member of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC) 2011-2016: Elected Member of the Management Board of AAAC PRIZES AND AWARDS 2018: Frontiers Spotlight Award finalist, with the special topic Affective and Social Signals for HRI 2016: ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf. on Human-Robot Interaction 2016 – Best paper award 2016: EMOTE project named “one of five exemplary EU projects”, final project review 2012: International Conference on Social Robotics 2012 – Best Student Paper Award SELECTED PUBLICATIONS [1] Alves Oliveira, P., Sequeira, P., Melo, F., Castellano, G., Paiva, A. (2019). Empathic Robot for [2] Obaid, M., Aylett, R., Barendregt, W., Basedow, C., Corrigan, L., Hall, L., Jones, A., Kappas, A., Küster, D., Paiva, A., Papadopoulos, F., Serholt, S.,Castellano, G. (2018). [3] Jones, A., Castellano, G. (2018). Adaptive Robotic Tutors that Support Self-Regulated Learning: A Longer-Term Investigation with Primary School Children. International Journal of Social Robotics, 10(3). [4] Jones, A., Bull, S., Castellano, G. (2018). I Know That Now, I’m Going to Learn This Next” Promoting Self-regulated Learning with a Robotic Tutor. International Journal of Social Robotics, 10(4). [5] Castellano, G., Leite, I., Paiva, A. (2017). Detecting perceived quality of interaction with a robot using contextual features. Autonomous Robots. [6] Papadopoulos, F. Küster, D. Corrigan, L. J., Kappas, A., Castellano, G. (2016). Do relative positions and proxemics affect the engagement in a human-robot collaborative scenario? Interaction Studies, 17 (3). [7] Castellano, G., Leite, I., Pereira, A., Martinho, C., Paiva, A., McOwan, P.W. (2014). Context-Sensitive Affect Recognition for a Robotic Game Companion. ACM Transact. on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 4(2). [8] Leite, I., Castellano, G., Pereira, A., Martinho, C., and Paiva, A. (2014). Empathic Robots for Long-term Interaction: Evaluating Social Presence, Engagement and Perceived Support in Children. Intl. Journal of Social Robotics, 6(3). [9] Castellano, G., Leite, I., Pereira, A., Martinho, C., Paiva, A, and McOwan, P. (2013). Multimodal Affect Modelling and Recognition for Empathic Robot Companions. Intl. Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10(1). [10] Castellano, G., Mancini, M., Peters, C., & McOwan, P.W. (2012). Expressive Copying Behavior for Social Agents: A Perceptual Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 42(3). |
Quinn, Julia | Program Coordinator | Gavin Conferences | United States | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Mauro, Jacopo | Associate Professor | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Nunes, Nuno | Researcher and University Professor | ISCTE-IUL | Portugal | Academia | |
Michael, Loizos | Associate Professor at OUC & Research Pillar Leader of Artificial Intelligence and Communications at RISE | Open University of Cyprus (OUC) & Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart Systems, and Emerging Technologies (RISE) | Cyprus | Academia |
AI expert: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Computational Learning Theory |
Tani, Satyanarayana | Graz University of Technology | Austria | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
Raftopoulos, Marigo | Principal Consultant | Strategic Innovation Lab | Australia | Industry |
AI expert: I have a PhD in digital media/game technology and work in the field of innovation. I am currently working on an EU H2020 MSCA-IF research proposal with the University of Tampere (Finland) to conduct research into the augmentation of human and artificial intelligence. The research proposal looks to investigate the human factors aspects of AI, which will include the use of participatory design practices, gamification and game-based activities as mediators of engaging interactions and problem solving between human and machine that generate data, develop insights, facilitate business problem solving and aid both human and machine learning. |
Binda, Giovanni | Data Science Influencer|Passionate HPC Engineer|Research Associate | Versatile Technologies Gmbh | Switzerland | Academia | |
Coppens, Youri | PhD Candidate | Artificial Intelligence Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | |
Steinbauer, Gerald | Associate Professor | Graz University of Technology | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Lutz, Carsten | Professor | University of Bremen | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Toussaint, Marc | Professor | University of Stuttgart, MPI | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Robotics |
Valcik, Jakub | Research Specialist | Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe | Czech Republic | Industry | AI expert: |
Žirgutis, Vytautas | Associate proffessor | University | Lithuania | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Terbuc, Martin | Assistant Professor | College of Ptuj | Slovenia | Academia | |
Fokkinga, Daniël | Graduate student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Trautwein, Frank | Managing Director | Raylytic GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Interested in medical AI applications, collaborations and interoperability. |
Dragoni, Mauro | Research Scientist | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Casaleiro, Inês | Master Student | ISCTE-IUL | Portugal | Academia | |
Dietze, Stefan | Full Professor and Scientific Director | Heinrich-Heine-University (Düsseldorf) & GESIS (Cologne) | Germany | Academia | |
Goodman, David | Senior Consultant | Trust in Digital Life | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Co-author of ‘The Rise of Machine Learning in the Enterprise’ |
Van Leekwijck, Werner | Senior Researcher | Universiteit Antwerpen | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Eggensperger, Katharina | Promotionsstudentin | Universität Freiburg | Germany | Academia | |
Koprinkova-Hristova, Petia | Assoc. Prof. | IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria | Academia |
AI expert: I am current member of the ENNS Executive Committee (2017-2019). My current area of research is focused on reservoir computing approaches (Echo state networks) as well as SNN models of visual perception and decision making. I am leader of the project « Modelling Of Voluntary Saccadic Eye Movements During Decision Making » funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund ( |
Aslam, Imran | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | ||
regan, gilbert | Post doctoral researcher | DKIT and Lero | Ireland | Academia, Industry | |
Hautala, Johanna | Academy Research Fellow | University of Turku | Finland | Academia | |
Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas | Professor. Managing Director | IDE+A – Institute for Data Science, Engineering, and Analytics. TH Köln | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: AI expert: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithms, Sequential Parameter Optimization |
Nagy, András | Data Science Engineer | Hungary | Industry | ||
Popovics, Laszlo | Head of Research and Development | organization | Hungary | Industry |
AI expert: Now I have a role to establish AI competence center within R&D organizational unit. My current focus on AI avatars, NLP, NLG. Researching the organizational aspects, how we can align organizational culture with the use of AI, and how we can enhance our performance with the skills of using AI on a daily level. |
Vassiliades, Vassilis | Team Leader | Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies – RISE Ltd | Cyprus | Industry | AI expert: |
Bogner, Konrad | Scientist | WSL – ETH | Switzerland | Academia | |
S Pillai, Anitha | Professor | University | India | Academia |
AI expert: Ph.D in Natural Language Processing |
Deifallah, Dina | Data Scientist | HeyJobs | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Danoy, Gregoire | Research Scientist | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso | Director Institute | TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Groene loper 19 |
Shaker, Ammar | Research Scientist/Dr. | NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Berg, Jarle | CIO | Lawfirm Schjodt | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Sánchez-Holgado, Patricia | Researcher | Universidad de Salamanca | Spain | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Graf, Dr. Winfried H. | Managing Partner | Berlin Digital Group (BDG Innovation+Transformation GmbH & Co. KG) | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ackermann, Marcel | Machine Learning Scientist | Freelancer | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Buining, Fred | Founder | HIRO-MicroDataCenters | Netherlands | Industry | |
Golub, Andrey | co-Founder & CEO | ELSE Corp | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: Co-founder, CEO and CTO of ELSE Corp, a Virtual Retail and 3D Commerce company. I am a Business Transformation and Technology Innovation professional, in the past a R&D manager, contract professor, and a strategy consultant, specialized in the development and launch of innovative DeepTech products and services, mainly Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Since 2014 I am the co-founder and CEO of ELSE Corp, a startup that is developing a « Real-Time Fashion » approach called « Virtual Couture Fashion », which is a new business model and a set of technologies, including those for AI-Assisted Design and AI Driven Customer Experience, for an end-to-end Digital Transformation of the supply chains in the fashion sector. ELSE’s mission is to enable MASS CUSTOMIZED design and retailing for fashion brands, process which then leads to the HYBRID (ON DEMAND) manufacturing model, at the end driving the industry towards a true SUSTAINABLE fashion model, which is REAL-TIME and DIGITAL. – Member of the European AI Alliance @ European Commission |
Xhaferri, Zamira | Maastricht University | Netherlands | Academia, Other | AI expert: | |
Ismaili, Besim | CTO | ELA AS | Norway | Industry | AI expert: |
Tangaro, Sabina | Research | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: EDUCATION: PhD in Physics at University of Bari (Italy), 2005 Post-graduate School in Medical Physics at University of Pisa (Italy), 2001 Master in “Advanced Information and Comunication Technologies » at International Institute for Advaced Scientific Studies “Eduardo R. Caianiello”, Vietri sul Mare (SA, Italy) . Degree in Physics, at the University of Pisa (Italy), 1999. |
Calvo, Daniel | Artificial Intelligence Coordinator | Atos Research and Innovation | Spain | Industry | |
Darwade, Abhijit | Lead Data Scientist | TCS | India | Industry | |
Di Martino, Beniamino | University Professor | Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Bucci, Marco | AI and Data Expert | IBM | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Rott, wolfgang | Germany | Industry | |||
Sandhåland, Per Ove | Norway | Industry | |||
Schwartz Juste, Guillermo | CTO | Clear Image AI | Luxembourg | Industry | AI expert: |
RAIMBAULT, Philippe | Président | Université Fédérale de Toulouse | France | Academia |
AI expert: L’Université Fédérale de Toulouse est l’établissement porteur de l’Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Intelligence Artificielle (3IA) ANITI |
Koch, Milan | PhD Student | BMW Group | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Dvorak, Pavel | Research specialist | Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe | Czech Republic | Industry | AI expert: |
Aknin, Patrice | Directeur Scientifique | IRT SystemX | France | Academia | AI expert: |
van der Wijst, Jos | IP lawyer / partner | | Netherlands | Industry | |
Oanta, William Richard | CEO | Laif Computation S.R.L. | Romania | Industry |
AI expert: I have founded an R&D AI Startup (LAIF – in Romania in 2018, working on Brain-Machine Interfaces, and collaborating with the Oxford Computational Neuroscience Laboratory. LAIF is a spin-off from the Oxford Computational Neuroscience Lab, to leverage AI in deep technologies. Established 4 specialised units (AI, SW, HW, Domain Experts), 3 business verticals (Services, Products, Research), interviewed over 60 people and hired 30, fostered partnerships with top academic institutions (RO, UK, FR and US), attained strategic partnerships with top industry players in the US. Achieved +$1 million revenue for our first year, led grant applications for a total of $4 million, and partnered for grant applications valued at over +$20 million. Strategy formulation and execution, Business Verticals Leadership, P&L Budgeting, Business Development, Clients Acquisition, Operations Management. Our product and research areas include Brain-Machine Interface, ML for Stroke Detection, Spiking Neural Networks, Dangerous Situation Awareness, Drag&Drop AI Environment, Medical Image Analysis – Radiology, Smart Wearable for Biometrics Monitoring. Besides this, I am pursuing my Master in Artificial Intelligence at the Georgia Institute of Technology. |
Such, Ondrej | assistant professor | University of Zilina | Slovakia | Academia | AI expert: |
Kovács, Attila | assistant professor | Semmelweis University | Hungary | Academia | |
Vegas Olmos, Juan Jose | Principal Engineer | Mellanox Technologies | Denmark | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I have a dual position Aalborg University Center for Communication, Media and IT as Adjunct Professor, and Principal Engineer at Mellanox Technologies in the Software Architecture team, working on future technologies for network and AI acceleration. |
Kelley, Jake | Research Assistant | UNICRI Centre for AI & Robotics | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Steinicke, Frank | Professur | Universität Hamburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
AI expert: BCAM is a world-class research center in Applied Mathematics created in September 2008 by the Basque Government through Ikerbasque (Basque Foundation for Science). The University of the Basque Country and Innobasque (Basque Innovation Agency) joined BCAM as founding members, and the Biscay Regional Government joined later as an institutional member. In 2017 the first industrial partner, Petronor Innovacion, joined the BCAM Association. This is a major achievement since Petronor (owned by Repsol) is the biggest company in Biscay and a market leader in the oil sector at the Spanish and international level) and has chosen BCAM as a key partner in its innovation process. BCAM is part of the ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics) network. Located in the Basque Country (SPAIN), it benefits from a long industrial tradition, and is linked with the French Atlantic corridor, a region of excellence and tradition in Applied Mathematics. BCAM is focused on interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of mathematics, attraction and training of talented scientists, development of new numerical and simulation methods, interaction with industry, health and social institutions, and promotion of scientific and technological advances worldwide. BCAM aims to generate synergies among different stakeholders working on mathematical research so as to become the point of reference at a national and international level in Applied Mathematics. The scientific program is structured in five research areas covering various fields of Applied Mathematics: Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling with Multidisciplinary Applications, Mathematical Physics, Analysis of Partial Differential Equations and Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. |
Jelasity, Mark | professor | University of Szeged | Hungary | Academia | AI expert: |
Cherlet, Michael | Scientific Project Manager | European Commission | Belgium | Other | |
La Poutre, Han | Management Team member | CWI | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Keuper, Janis | Professor | Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Ramesh, Visvanathan | Professor | Goethe University | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Researcher focusing on systems science and engineering for Intelligence. Best paper award in CVPR 2000, Longuet-Higgins Award for lasting contributions to Computer Vision 2010. Siemens Inventor of the Year for contributions in Real-time Vision and Modeling 2008, Current focus is on transdisciplinary research in integrated Human-AI systems. |
Müller, Katharina | Master Studies in Health Communication; specific interest: AI & Health | University | Switzerland | Academia | |
Maqueda, Oscar | COO / R&D | Prívate company | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
De Deken, Olivier | CTO | Company | Belgium | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: As the CTO of a company focussing on additive manufacturing and AI, my expertise lies in the hybrid between these 2 technologies. This being AI for 3D objects and 3D manipulation / designing. In my professional experience I’ve noticed the need for an International AI innovation network, so I want to put my efforts into this to make it happen. Therefor I strongly believe in CLAIRE! |
Rieck, Konrad | Full Professor | Technische Universität Braunschweig | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise in security and resilience of AI |
Cadavid Gómez, Juan José | CEA LIST | CEA LIST | France | Other | |
Stamenov, Maxim | Professor | Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria | Academia | |
Robin, Jacques | Research Engineer | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Schneider, Moritz | Research Scientist / Innovation Manager | SCHOTT AG | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Herrmann, Christoph | Professor | Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Promotion bei Wolfgang Bibel 1996 |
Mietus, Mark | Director Operations Data Science Center Einehoven | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
De Boom, Cedric | Postdoctoral Researcher | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Prieto, Javier | Distinguished Researcher | University of Salamanca | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Javier Prieto earned the PhD in Information and Communication Technologies and the Extraordinary Performance Award for Doctorate Studies from the University of Valladolid in 2012. At this University, he also received the Telecommunication Engineer degree (2008) and the Marketing Research and Techniques degree (2010). Since 2007, he has worked in different public and private research centers, such as the University of Valladolid (Spain) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Currently, he is a member and an assistant lecturer of the University of Salamanca. He has published more than 50 papers in international journals, books and conferences, participated in more than 35 research projects, and been author of 2 Spanish patents. Moreover, he serves as an associate editor for the IEEE Communications Letters and for the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journal, as a guest editor for the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks and as a reviewer for numerous international journals. He is member of the scientific committee of the Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, member of the technical program committee of prestigious international conferences (such as IEEE GLOBECOM or IEEE ICC), and reviewer in a large number of them. In 2013, he received the award “Young entrepreneurs of Castilla y León” from the Youth Institute of Castilla y León (Spain). His research interests include social computing and artificial intelligence, for developing smarter and safer cities, localization and navigation technologies, for indoor and outdoor environments, and Bayesian inference techniques, for improving social welfare and environmental sustainability. |
Corchado, Juan Manuel | President | AIR Institute | Spain | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Juan Manuel Corchado (born May 15, 1971, Salamanca, Spain). He is Full Professor with Chair at the University of Salamanca. He was Vice President for Research from December 2013 to December 2017 and the Director of the Science Park of the University of Salamanca. Chosen twice as the Dean of the Faculty of Science, he holds a PhD in Computer Sciences from the University of Salamanca and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of the West of Scotland. He is the Director of BISITE (Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology), which was created in the year 2000 and also the director of the IOT Digital Innovation Hub and a Member of the AIR Institute. J.M. Corchado is a Visiting Professor at the Osaka Institute of Technology since January 2015, Visiting Professor at the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan and a Member of the Advisory group on Online Terrorist Propaganda of the European Counter Terrorism Centre (EUROPOL). He has also been President of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Spanish Chapter and the academic coordinator of the Institute of Digital Art and Animation of the University of Salamanca. Juan M. Corchado has also been a researcher at the Universities of Paisley (UK), Vigo (Spain) and at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK). He also oversees Master´s Degrees in: Security, Digital Animation, Mobile Telephony, Information Systems Management, Internet of Things, Social Media, 3D Design and Printing, Blockchain, Z Systems, Industry 4.0, Agile Project Management and Smart Cities & Intelligent Buildings, at the University of Salamanca. J.M Corchado is Editor-in-Chief of Specialized Journals like ADCAIJ (Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal) and OJCST (Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology). J. M. Corchado works on projects in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, IoT, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Sentiment Analysis, etc. |
Kollia, Ilianna | Researcher/Data Scientist | IBM, National Technical University of Athens | Greece | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Currently I perform my research in the areas of machine learning, in particular, deep learning, and knowledge representation and reasoning, while working at the Big Data and Business Analytics Center of Competence of IBM in Greece. I possess a Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI), in the area of query answering over ontologies, from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, 2014. I have obtained an M.Sc degree in AI from the University of Oxford, UK, 2010, an M.Sc degree in Techno-Economic Systems from NTUA, 2016, and a Bachelor degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NTUA, 2009. |
Ensslin, Torsten | PD Dr. | MPI für Astrophysik | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Information field theory: knowledge driven machine learning |
Abdessalem, Talel | Professor | Télécom Paris | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Asher, Nicholas | director of research | CNRS | France | Academia |
AI expert: ERC Advanced Researcher laureate |
Tomlein, Matúš | Data Scientist | Pygmalios | Slovakia | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Researcher and data scientist working mainly in the domain of retail analytics using data from IoT sensors installed in physical retail stores. |
Tzovaras, Dimitrios | Director | Information Technologies Institute (ITI) | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Hafermalz, Ella | Assistant Professor | VU Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Nasyrov, Dmytro | Founder & CTO | Ukraine | Other | AI expert: | |
van Oosterzee, Anna | Co-founder | Ethical Intelligence Associates, Limited | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Simperl, Elena | Professor of computer science | University of Southampton | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Elena Simperl is professor of computer science at the University of Southampton and director of the Southampton Data Science Academy. She is also one of the Directors of the Web Science Institute and a Turing Fellow. Before joining Southampton in 2012, she was assistant professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany (2010-12) and vice-director of the Semantic Technologies Institute (STI) Innsbruck, Austria (2007-10). She has contributed to more than 20 research projects, often as principal investigator or project lead. Currently she is the PI of four grants: the EU-funded Data Pitch, which supports SMEs to innovate with data, the EU-funded QROWD, which uses crowd and artificial intelligence to improve smart transportation systems, the EPSRC-funded Data Stories, which works on methods and tools to make data more engaging, and the EU funded ACTION, which develops social computing methods for citizen science. She authored more than 100 papers in semantic technologies, linked data, social computing and crowdsourcing and was programme/general chair of the European and International Semantic Web Conference and of the European Data Forum. |
Pistore, Marco | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | |||
ciaravella, gaetano | Mechartonics & IoT Manager | bonfiglioli riduttori | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Jonsson, Anders | Associate Professor | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Celino, Irene | Research Manager, Head of Knowledge Technologies group | Cefriel – Politecnico di Milano | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Computer Scientist with a passion for Research and Development. Expert in Web technologies with specialization in Semantic Web, Semantic Interoperability, Human Computation, Citizen Science, Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and Data Analytics. |
Conti, Marco | Research director | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Leroux, Christophe | Manager European Affairs in Robotics | CEA | France | Other |
AI expert: Robotics, planning, reasonnig, computer vision, situation awareness |
Chivot, Eline | Senior Policy Analyst | Center for Data Innovation | Belgium | Other | |
Jang, Chul | PhD Candidate | Cass Business School | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Da Silveira, Marcos | Researcher | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg | Academia |
AI expert: 5, avenue des Haut Fourneaux |
Oliveira, Rafael | Director of Product | ODSC | United States | Industry |
AI expert: I’m part of the team that organizes the Open Data Science Conference and the Accelerate AI Summit. We also host meetup communities around the world with monthly free events to provide content and share expertise in AI and Data Science |
BURTSEV, MIKHAIL | Head of the Neural Nets and Deep Learning lab | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | Russia | Academia |
AI expert: Mikhail Burtsev is a head of Neural Networks and Deep Learning Laboratory at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In 2005, he received the Ph.D. degree from Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences. He is one of the organizers of NeurIPS Conversational Intelligence Challenges (ConvAI 1&2) in 2017 and 2018, as well as a series of workshops on Search-oriented Conversational AI. At the moment he leads the development of open-source conversational AI framework DeepPavlov. |
Plant, Claudia | Full Professor, leader of research group Data Mining | University of Vienna | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Research interests: knowledge discovery in databases, data mining, scalable data mining algorithms for parallel hardware. Over 20 publications at ACM SIGKDD and IEEE ICDM. 3 Best Paper Awards. Looking for participation in EU and other projects. |
Wermter, Stefan | Professor in Knowledge Technology | University of Hamburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Director of Knowledge Technology Lab Research topics: |
Schreijer, Hayo | Product manager | Company | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Herrero, Carlos | Associate Professor for Technical Studies | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Hernández Fish, Pablo | Data Scientist | Tadorea | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Mugnier, Marie-Laure | Professor (professeur des universités) | Université de Montpellier | France | Academia | AI expert: |
De Ketelaere, Mieke | Program Director Artificial Intelligence | IMEC | Belgium | AI expert: | |
von Stryk, Oskar | Professor | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Van Baelen, Stefan | Funded Project Manager | IMEC | Belgium | Other | |
Christensen, Anders Lyhne | Professor | Embodied Systems for Robotics and Learning, University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Bastidas García, Oscar | Chief Scientific Officer | Binartis Genomics SRL, Universidad de Valencia | Spain | Industry |
AI expert: -Founder of BINARTIS GENOMICS, devoted to apply AI & deep learning to genetic diagnosis for clinical applications. (currently at start-up phase) – PERSONAL AWARDS. GRANTS RECEIVED AS PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR NEOTEC Research Grant : 550.000 €. (Project : MICROCOUNTER. Artificial Intelligence applied to automatic microscope image analysis and experiment automation) CDTI R&D Grant : 320.000 € (Project ONCOMARKER. Automatic system based on microarrays & AI to diagnose colorectal cancer) NEOTEC Research Grant : 300.000 € IMPIVA Research Grant : 250.000 € Valencian Instituto of Finance, R&D Grant : 150.000 € Areas of interest & expertise : Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Genetics, Clinical Diagnosis. International Patent : Particle counting system adaptable to an optical instrument PCT/EP2013/057164 |
C. Madeira, Sara | Associate Professor | Faculdade de Ciências, University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Schlüter, Ralf | Priv.-Doz. Dr. | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Albertazzi, Magnolia | Italy | Industry | |||
Trujillo, Juan Carlos | Catedrático de Universidad | Universidad | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Es socio fundador y Director de la empresa Lucentia LAB, S.L. (Empresa de Base Tecnológica de la UA), empresa cuyas principales líneas de negocio son la Inteligencia de Negocio, Ingeniería del Software, e-Learning y Big Data. Catedrático de Universidad en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante (UA), donde dirige el Grupo Lucentia. Ha estado trabajando en las áreas de Business Intelligence (BI), Software Engineering, Databases y Conceptual Modeling durante más de 20 años. Ha participado y ha sido Investigador Principal en numerosos proyectos de Investigación de convocatorias competitivas Regionales, Nacionales y Europeos (del Programa H2020); además de liderar proyectos Tecnológicos y de Asesoramiento con Empresas. Entre los 14 « Top Scholar in the field of Conceptual Modeling » (Fuente Google Scholar). En el pasado, en la fuente de Microsoft Academic Search ocupó el 8 Top Scholar de Conceptual Modeling, el 2 Top Scholar de Data Warehouse and Knowledge Discovery (DAWAK) y el 4 Top Scholar de Data Warehouses and OLAP (DOLAP). |
Cominetti, Paolo | Product Research Center | Bonfiglioli Riduttori | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Lippold, Ralf | Community Member | i4j | Germany | Industry, Other | |
González Díaz, Iván | PhD | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Witting, Casper | Developer | Netherlands | Industry | ||
van Engers, Tom | Professor | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: I’m President of Jurix |
Rodrigues Leal, Marcos | Regional Marketing Officer | Abbott Laboratories | Germany | Industry | |
Shi, Tianjin | Zhejiang University | China | Academia, Industry | ||
Derikyants, Leonid | CEO | Mind Simulation | Russia | Industry | AI expert: |
Mazin, Vasily | Chief Research Officer | Mind Simulation | Russia | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. For 15 years taught at the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. As a teacher, and then as an assistant professor, lectured and conducted practices in the following disciplines: “Discrete Mathematics”, “Intelligent Information Systems”, “Programming”, “Databases”. Supervised theses in the following areas: pattern recognition, fuzzy logic algorithms, knowledge base. In addition to teaching and research, participated in the development of applied and scientific programs in the fields of economics, construction, sales, modeling of physical processes in solids and calculating fire safety risks in the positions of programmer, lead programmer and project manager. In recent years, the main activity is the design and creation of Universal Artificial Intelligence. |
Krilavicius, Tomas | Chief scientist | Baltic institute of advanced technology | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: Applications of AI in language technologies, finances, industry, defence |
Martinez-Gil, Francisco | Professor Assistant | Universitat de Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Raddaoui, Badran | Associate Professor | Institut Polytechnique de Paris | France | Academia | |
Jannach, Dietmar | Professor | University of Klagenfurt | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Google Scholar: |
Frattini, Giovanni | Technical Manager | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica | Italy | Industry | |
Csapó, Tamás Gábor | research fellow | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | Academia |
AI expert: Tamás Gábor Csapó obtained his MSc in computer science from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary in 2008. Between 2008-2014, he was a doctoral student at the Speech Technology and Intelligent Interactions Laboratory of BME, where he obtained his PhD degree. In 2007, he was awarded with 1st prize of the National Conference of Scientific Student’s Associations, Hungary. He received a CIRE student grant of the Acoustical Society of America in 2010 and was a Fulbright scholar at Indiana University, USA in 2014, where he started to deal with ultrasound tongue imaging. In 2016, he joined the MTA-ELTE Lingual Articulation Research Group, focusing on investigating the Hungarian articulation during speech production. Since 2017, he has two national research projects about ultrasound-based silent speech interfaces. His research interests include speech synthesis, speech analysis, vocoding and ultrasound-based tongue movement analysis. |
Kozhevnikov, Sergei | Junior Research Scientist | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Jha, Siddhartha | AI Program Manager | Fondation Botnar | India | Industry | |
Cimiano, Philipp | Professor | Universität Bielefeld | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Alami, Rachid | Senior Scientist | LAAS-CNRS (Laboratoire d’analyse et d’architecture des systèmes) | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Siebers, Michael | Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Cognitive Systems | Germany | Academia | ||
Alonso, Daniel | Project Manager | ITI | Spain | Other |
AI expert: Valencia |
Sáez-Domingo, Daniel | Technology Transfer Director | ITI – Instituto Tecnologico de Informatica | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Costa-Soria, Cristobal | Director of the R&D projects promotion area | ITI – Instituto Tecnologico de Informatica | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Perez-Cortes, Juan-Carlos | Director of the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lab. | ITI | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Google Scholar h-index: 19 ( |
Novak, Zoltan | Section Leader | Hungarian National Association of Machinery and Power Engineering Industries | Hungary | Industry | |
Cossy-Gantner, Aline | Chief Learning Officer | Fondation Botnar | Switzerland | ||
Diez, Carlos | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | ||
López Mir, Fernando | R&D Manager | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
Manco, Giuseppe | Senior researcher | ICAR-CNR | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Kamiński, Bogumił | Associate Professor | SGH Warsaw School of Economics | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Erdem, Esra | Professor | Sabanci University | Turkey | Academia | AI expert: |
Habib, Laurence | Head of Department | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Bevan, Adrian | Deputy Director of the Institute of Applied Data Science | University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: MPhys PG Cert PhD FHEA FInstP |
Berte, Jonathan | CEO | Robovision bvba | Belgium | Industry |
AI expert: We are a turnkey AI solution provider, with a scalable killer platform. We want to make AI available to all, breaking any hardware or knowledge barriers. |
González Penedo, Manuel Francisco | Director of the ICT Research Centre CITIC and Associate Professor of UDC | University of A Coruña (UDC) | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: – Director fo the Centre for Information and Communications Technology Research. |
Kinnunen, Matti | Dr. | Unviersity of Oulu | Finland | Academia | |
Lenartova, Zdenka | executive director | slovak.AI – Slovak Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Slovakia | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Freitas, Alberto | University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: | |
Németh, Géza | Associate Professor with habilitation, Head of Laboratory | University | Hungary | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: International Relations Workgoup Leader of the Hungarian AI Coalition |
Hassas, Salima | Professor | LIRIS-CNRS University of Lyon | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Romero, Laia | Director | Lobelia by isardSAT | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Marie Curie 8 |
John, Julia | Master’s Student Future Studies | Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | Other | |
Hurtado Oliver, Lluís F. | Associate Professor | UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Hermanns, Holger | Full Professor | Saarland University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Member of Academia Europaea |
Schwendner, Peter | Professor, Head of Center for Asset Management | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: We are running projects to apply AI methods in the financial Industry together with asset managers, banks and European public institutions. |
Piater, Justus | Professor | Universität Innsbruck | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Trampert, Patrick | DFKI | Germany | Academia | ||
Kompatsiaris, Ioannis | Research Director | CERTH-ITI, Information Technologies Institute | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Ajro, Naim | Software engineer | Macedonia | Industry | ||
Ureña-López, Alfonso | Full Professor of Computer Science Department (University of Jaén) | Universidad de Jaén | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Head of research group Intelligent Systems for Information Access (SINAI). |
Kalafati, Rafaela | Maths | University of Crete | Greece | ||
Correia, João | CISUC, University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: | |
Sies, Tilmann | Intrapreneur | sepago GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Gaussier, Eric | Prof./Director of LIG, Director of MIAI, Interdisciplinary Institute in AI | France | Academia | AI expert: | |
Giannone, Cristina | Research Engineer | Almawave | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Rehm, Georg | Principal Researcher | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Pla, Ferran | Associate Professor | Universitat Politecnica Valencia | Spain | Academia | |
Bizarro, Pedro | Chief Science Officer | Feedzai | Portugal | Industry | AI expert: |
Aparício, Sara | Earth Observation Data Scientist | European Space Agency | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |
Grassler, Marjorie | Spain | Academia | |||
tarallo, pasquale | indipendent thinker | private | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Tuncel, Mustafa Anil | Software Engineer | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Mutavdzic, Ratko | Cloud Services Director | Microsoft Corporation | Croatia | Industry | |
Villa, Alessandro | Full Professor and Research Director | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Full Professor at the University of Lausanne; Past President of the European Neural Network Society (ENNS) ; Full Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW |
Cattuto, Ciro | Scientific Director | ISI Foundation | Italy | Academia | |
Sapiña, Julia | VRAIN (Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence), Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | ||
Shiriaev, Fedor | Software Engineer | Careem GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Mataityte, Kristina | Lithuania | ||||
Borasso, Massimiliano | R&D Manager | Meccanotecnica Umbra SpA | Italy | Industry | |
Švarc, Petr | Enterprise Architect and Solution Architect for AI domain | Škoda Auto a.s. | Czech Republic | Industry, Other | |
Dubanska, Barbora | Head of Legal | Novartis | Czech Republic | Industry | |
Hitrova, Christina | Digital Ethics Research Assistant | The Alan Turing Institute | United Kingdom | Academia, Other | |
Mochaourab, Rami | Researcher | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Gatti de Bayser, Maira | Research Staff Member | IBM Research | Brazil | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Guerster, Markus | PhD student | MIT | Germany | Academia | |
Felsberg, Michael | Professor | Linköping University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Wiesmüller, Sabine | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Projektleitung | Zeppelin Universität, Leadership Excellence Institute LEIZ, AI Ethics | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Borrajo, Daniel | University Professor | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: More than 200 research papers published. |
Silva, Josep | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Miles, Simon | Reader in Computer Science | King’s College London | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise in multi-agent systems, agent-based modelling, normative systems, data provenance. Currently, Director of the Centre for Urban Science and Progress London (CUSP London), applying AI techniques to help improve city living. |
Wit, Vincent | student | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Cooper, Martin | professor | IRIT, University of Toulouse | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Mc Auley, Steven | AI Strategy Lead | TinyBox | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: – Veranstalter von KI Meetups in Hannover & München |
Delpiano, Giorgio | General Manager Strategy & Portfolio | Shell | United Kingdom | Industry, Other | |
Castro, Jose | CEO | Eurohelp | Spain | Other | AI expert: |
Tan, Mehmet | Assistant Professor | TOBB University of Economics and Technology | Turkey | Academia | AI expert: |
Palomares Chust, Alberto | Professor | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Villanueva, Alicia | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
Taverner, Joaquin | PhD Student | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
Konstantinidis, Nikos | co-Director of UCL Centre for Doctoral Training In Data Intensive Science | UCL | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: UCL was selected, after a highly competitive process, to host STFC’s first Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in data intensive science (DIS). DIS encompasses a wide range of areas in the field of ‘big-data’ including the collection, storage and analysis of large datasets, as well as the use of complex models, algorithms and machine learning techniques to interpret the data. The Centre will primarily carry out research in STFC’s flagship Data Intensive Science projects, in High Energy Physics and Astronomy, which have been at the forefront of DIS research for several decades and provide the ideal training ground for DIS. |
Socuvka, Ondrej | Policy Manager | Slovakia | Industry | ||
Hill, Richard | Professor | University of Huddersfield | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Calandrini, Roberto | Head of Data Science & Architecture | SNAM S.p.A. | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: Data Science, industrial application of AI deep generative models, AI and cybersecurity, AI applied to multi-sensor remote sensing systems for continuous surveillance, Trustworthy AI for decision support in mission-critical systems, AI application to Industry 4.0 and IIoT, AI-Enhanced Communities, Neuromorphic processing systems, Interaction of AI and chaos theory with application to statistical simulation of complex physical processes, HPC for industry applications |
MISSINHOUN, Jean | CEO | VairLab | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Jiang, Richard | Associate Professor | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Dr. Richard Jiang is currently a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the School of Computing & Communications at Lancaster University, UK. Previously, he was a senior lecturer (2013-2019) in the Department of Computer Science and Digital Technologies at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. He is a Fellow of HEA, an Associate Member of EPSRC College, and a recognized EPSRC RISE Connector. Dr Jiang’s research interest mainly resides in the fields of Biometrics, Privacy & Security, Intelligent Systems, and Biomedical Image Analysis. His recent research has been supported by grants from Qatar National Research Fund (NPRP No.8–140-2–065), EPSRC (EP/P009727/1), Leverhulme Trust (RF-2019-492) and other industry/international funders. He has supervised and co-supervised over 10 PhD students.He authored over 60 publications and is the lead editor of three Springer books. He served as TPC member and the reviewer for various conferences and journals. |
Valero, Soledad | Assistant Professor | VRAIN, Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Universitat Politècnica València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Vivancos, Emilio | Associate Professor | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) – Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Carrascosa, Carlos | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Vázquez de Parga, Manuel | Associated Professor | VRAIN Instituto Valenciano de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial. Universidad Politécnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Kohler, Raphael | Vice Chairman | German-Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
García, Inmaculada | Associate professor | VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | |
Linnyk, PD Dr. Olena | Artificial Intelligence Specialist | FIAS | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Hernández López, Luis | Associate Professor | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) – Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Heras, Stella | Research fellow | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) – Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: PhD Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) |
Fuentes López, Jose Manuel | Técnico medio | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | |
Segarra Soriano, Encarna | Full professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Garcia, Emilia | Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: | |
Sempere, Jose M. | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonçal | Predoctoral researcher | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
López, Damián | Assistant Professor | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. University Politécnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Garrido, Antonio | Associate professor | VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Runge, Tom | Project Manager | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Cardoso, Jorge | Chief Architect and Professor | Huawei Munich Research Center | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Oliver, Javier | Associate Professor | Universitat Politecnica de Vaencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Sanchis, Emilio | Full Professor | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Terrasa, Andrés | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Ruiz Dolz, Ramon | Researcher | Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia | |
Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose | Full professor | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Palanca, Javier | Researcher | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Vidal, German | Prof. | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: | |
Juan, Alfons | Full Professor | VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Alfons Juan is Full Professor of Computer Science at the Universitat Politècnica de València, where he received his PhD in 2000, and leads the Machine Learning and Language Processing (MLLP) research group since 2014. He has participated in more than 30 research projects and has published more than 150 articles in international journals and conferences. He has also been an advisor for 12 PhD theses on different MLLP topics. Alfons’ research work has focused on machine learning and human language technology, with a wide range of applications. In recent years, he has participated in several European research initiatives, namely, the PASCAL2 network of excellence, the transLectures project as coordinator, the EMMA project, and the on-going X5gon project. Most of the work carried out in these research initiatives has been focused on the development and application of advanced speech recognition and machine translation technologies to real life tasks and, especially, to human language in higher education. |
Giménez Pastor, Adrià | Dr | Institut Valencià d’Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial (VRAIN), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Silvestre-Cerdà, Joan Albert | PhD Researcher | VRAIN – Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Rincon Arango, Jaime Andres | Research | Polytechnic University of Valencia | Spain | Academia | |
Monserrat, Carlos | Full Professor/PhD on Computer Science | Valencia Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN), Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Lucas, Salvador | Full Professor | Universitat Politecnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: My research interests include: |
Rebollo, Miguel | Assistant Professor | VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Ferri Ramírez, Cesar | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica València | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Phd In AI. Expertise in ML |
Jordán, Jaume | PostDoc Researcher | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
JIMENEZ CELORRIO, SERGIO | Postdoc | VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Since 2017 Sergio Jiménez Celorrio is a Ramón y Cajal fellow at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Previously, Sergio was a post-doc at the University of Melbourne and a Juan de la Cierva fellow at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. From 2004 to 2013 Sergio was assistant lecturer at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid where he obtained the Distinguished Thesis Award 2011. Sergio is the recipient of the IJCAI 2016 distinguished paper award, co-organizer of the 7th International Planning Competition and program committee at several international conferences on Artificial Intelligence. His main research interests are program synthesis and the exploration of the synergies between automated planning and machine learning. |
GARCIA-GRANADA, FERNANDO | Assistant Professor and Researcher | VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Veerapen, Nadarajen | Associate Professor | University of Lille | France | Academia | |
Demidova, Elena | Research Group Leader | L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Elena’s main research interests are in data analytics, mobility, multilingual data, Open Data, the Web and Semantic Web. |
Bard, Imre | PhD Candidate | London School of Economics | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Ruffolo, Massimo | Researcher | ICAR-CNR | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Massimo Ruffolo has 20+ years of experience as: |
Zuidema, Willem | Associate Professor | Institute for Logic, Language & Computation; University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Associate professor in computational linguistics and cognitive science. Research fellow Language in Interaction. Deep Learning for NLP, Interpretability, Neural basis of language. |
Roli, Fabio | Professor | University of Cagliari Italy | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow |
Krause, Peter | Head of R&D | divis intelligent solutions GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Google H-Index: 8 |
IZA, MAURICIO | Professor Psychhology | University of Málaga | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Cognitive Science |
Rodríguez, Natalia | CEO and founder | Saturno Labs | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Buschbacher, Florian | Partner AI | EY GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Deep practical insights of AI. Bitkom executiv for Big Data and AI. |
Autexier, Serge | Senior Researcher | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Research Fellow |
Garatzogianni, Alexandra | Senior Research, Innovation & Tech Transfer Project Manager | L3S Research Center and Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology (TIB) | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Naumann, Toni | Vertrieb und Finanzen | Conimon GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Guzzo, Andrea | Data Scientist | RETI | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
de Waal, Frans | Information Architect | local government Utrecht | Netherlands | Other | |
Sander, Slawomir | KUKA Deutschland GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Humm, Bernhard | Professor | Hochschule Darmstadt – University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: 10 years of industry experierence |
Seybold, Philipp | University of Southampton & Airbus | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Ott, Maximilian | Consultant for AI | IBM | Germany | Industry | |
Corcoran, Gerard | Innovation and Research Partnerships | Huawei | Ireland | Industry |
AI expert: Interested in Research and Innovation Partnerships and the Digital Singularity. |
Ernst, Meike | Digital Creative Director | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Boraso, Rodolfo | Consultant, student | Italy | Academia, Industry | ||
van der Meulen, Martijn | MD, software developer | Radboudumc | Netherlands | Academia | |
Pohl, Detlef | Siemens Mobility | Germany | Industry | AI expert: | |
Schreiber, Per | Germany | Academia | |||
Liu, Changliang | China | ||||
Parekh, Swapnil | Student | Student | India | Academia | |
De Dominicis, Gabriel | CEO | Forcive | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Cheema, Noshaba | Researcher, PhD Student | University of Saarland, DFKI Saarbrücken, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics | Germany | Academia | |
Möller, Ralf | Prof. Dr. | Universität zu Lübeck | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
costanzo, paolo | Founding Partner | Costanzo & Associati | Italy | Other | |
Brandherm, Boris | Senior Researcher, Dr. | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Mahr, Esther | Conversational Experience Designer; Communications Manager | IPsoft | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Costa, Ernesto | Full Professor | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Mangeruca, Leonardo | Italy | Industry | |||
Hornig, Benedikt | Student | DHBW Lörrach | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
CALASSO, FIORENZO | B2B International Sales | Dedalus S.P.A. | Italy | Industry | |
Gomes, Luisa | Data Scientist | Be Consulting | Italy | Industry | |
Lipnickas, Arunas | Assoc. prof. | Kaunas University of technology | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: Robotics, |
Deswal, Unmukt | Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
di stefano, barbara | head of big data and advanced analytics | organisation | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Sigloch, Dr Sebastian | Innovation / Business Development Manager | SWITCH | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
MONACI, GIACOMO | Digital Product Management | personal | Italy | Industry | |
Cardoso, Jaime | Associate Professor | INESC TEC and University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Mohamed, Ahmed | Student | Saarland University | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Kabelka, Wolfgang | Digital Advisory AI | BRZ GmbH | Austria | Other | |
Schwabe, Daniel | Full Professor | Department of Informatics, Catholic University Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) | Brazil | Academia | AI expert: |
Duch, Wlodzislaw | Prof. | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Poland | Academia |
AI expert: Fellow, International Neural Network Society, |
Hatzack, Wolfgang | CEO | Company | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Watkins, Chris | Professor of Machine Learning | Royal Holloway, University of Lonon | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Department of Computer Science, |
Roggen, Daniel | Director of the Sensor Technology Research Centre | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Edge AI, wearable computing, context-aware computing, robotics, AI, machine learning |
Stuebl, Gernot | Senior Scientist | Profactor GmbH | Austria | Academia | |
Calvo Ibañez, Albert | PhD Student | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia | |
Schäpermeier, Lennart | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | ||
Rummler, Teresa | University of Saarland | Germany | Academia | ||
Posada, Jorge | Associate Director | Vicomtech Foundation | Spain | Other |
AI expert: As Applied R&D Center, Vicomtech is very active in certain fields of AI with a clear focus on application domains: we lead or have key roles in EU-wide initiatives in Intelligent Transport Systems, Industry & Manfacturing, Medical Applications, Oil & Gas, etc. |
Chionidis, Konstantinos | Student for Masters degree in AI | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Industry | |
van Inge, Anthony | Lecturer / drs. ing. | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Afshari, Bahareh | Assistant Professor/dr | University of Amsterdam, ILLC | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mattauch, Walter | Senior Consultant | DLR Project Management Agency | Germany | Academia | |
Böhm, Konstantin | CEO | Ancud IT Beratung GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: also Vice Chairman of the Open Source Business Association e.V. the leading Open Source Organisation in Germany. We aim for open, sustainable, human centric Digitalization. |
Pugliese, Roberto | Deputy General Coordinator, Coordinator IT | Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste | Italy | Academia | |
Hotz, Lothar | CEO | University of Hamburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Knowledge-based Configuration |
Arrais, Joel | Assistant Professor | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, since 2012. My research interest are on developing algorithms to model biological problems. I’m particularly interested in using pattern recognition and machine learning methods. On the recent past I have been involved on several studies that focused on the analysis and knowledge extraction from gene-expression data. |
Jung, Leslie | Duale Wirtschaftsinformatikstudentin (Bachelor of Science) | Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim; Aareal Bank AG | Germany | Other | |
Veneri, Giacomo | AI Developer | bhge | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Hohmeyer, Frank | Chief Business Officer | ratiokontakt GmbH | Germany | Industry, Other |
AI expert: siehe meine Profile |
Bouvry, Pascal | Full Professor | UNIVERSITÉ DU LUXEMBOURG | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Sprenger, Janis | Promotionsstudent | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI); Universität des Saarlandes | Germany | Academia | |
Silva, Catarina | Researcher / Professor | CISUC-UC / IPLeiria | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Vice-chair IEEE Portugal |
Gruehser, Marcus | CEO | Common Sense Projects GmbH | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Rimbach, Tanja | Senior Business Consultant | Micro Focus | Germany | Industry | |
Arenz, Oleg | PhD student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Rumkorf, Lutz | head of unit 15414 | Ministry of Science Rhineland-Palatinate | Germany | Other | |
Ribeiro, Bernardete | Full Professor | CISUC, University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: – Director of Center of Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) |
Beaujon, Merle | Masters student | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Hartjes, Job | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Huomo, Tua | Executive Vice President | VTT Technical Reserach Centre of Finland | Finland | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Schoonderwoerd, Tjeerd | MSc. (PhD-position) | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Talon, Patrick | Image Data Scientist/AI | Deimos Space UK | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Erdem, Aykut | Associate Professor | Hacettepe University | Turkey | Academia | AI expert: |
Grabner, Helmut | Senior Lecturer | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Science | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Bettini, Alessandro | Innovation Leader | Company – Machinery Manufacturing | Italy | Industry | |
Ewerton, Marco | PhD student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Jäkel, Frank | Prof. | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Rothkopf, Constantin | Professor | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Watson, Joe | PhD Researcher | TU Darmstadt | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Urain De Jesus, Julen | Phd | IAS – TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Abdulsamad, Hany | PhD Student | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Rueckert, Elmar | Prof. Dr. | University of Luebeck, Institute for Robotics | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Belousov, Boris | Researcher and PhD Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Burke, Claire | Dublin City University | Ireland | Academia | ||
Blocher, Anselm | Senior Researcher | The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise in Industrie 4.0 and Multi-modal Interaction |
Walter, Philipp | CTO | INFOSERVE GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Grolleman, Chris | Adviseur | RVO | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Petrosino, Alfredo | Full Professor | CVPRLab, University of Naples Parthenope | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Alfredo Petrosino is full professor of computer science at the University of Naples Parthenope, where he heads the research laboratory CVPRLab at the University of Naples Parthenope ( He held positions at the University of Salerno, International Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS), National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM), and lastly as a researcher and a senior researcher at the National Research Council (CNR). He taught at the Universities of Salerno, Siena, Naples Federico II, and Naples Parthenope. He has co-edited six books and more than 100 research publications in the areas of computer vision, image, and video analysis, pattern recognition, neural networks, fuzzy and rough sets, data mining. Research activity Program Co-chair and Program committee member • Area Chair, 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Beijing, China, August 2018. Editorial boards |
Bonzi, Aldo | Arrow Electronics | Italy | Industry, Other | ||
Favalli, Andrea | Almawave | Italy | Industry | AI expert: | |
Saetti, Alessandro | Associate Professor | University of Brescia | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Weitschek, Emanuel | Scientific officer | Italian Competition Authority | Italy | Academia, Other |
AI expert: – PhD in Computer Science |
Fraaije, Hans | CEO / professor | Culgi BV and Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I am the founder of computational chemistry company Culgi and am interested in the application of AI to the chemical industry. |
Barrett, Gregg | Director | SignalRunner | South Africa | Industry |
AI expert: Qualifications: Expertise: |
Comella, Diego | Country Manager | Rs Components | Italy | Industry | |
Wald, Stephan | CTO | BASIS Europe Distribution GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Farinelli, Alessandro | Associate Professor | Computer Science Department, University of Verona | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Multi-Agent and Multi-Robot Systems |
Brust, Matthias | Research Associate | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Romagnoli, Raniero | CTO | Almawave | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Vento, Mario | Full Professor | University of Salerno, MIVIA Lab | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Mario Vento got the master degree cum lause in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 1989, both from the University of Napoli « Federico II ». In 2004 received the title of « fellow scientist » of the International Association Pattern Recognition (IAPR), for his outstanding contributions to Graph-based techniques in Pattern Recognition; this nomination is attributed to 0,25% of the members of the association. |
Molinara, Mario | University of Cassino and Southern Lazio | Italy | Academia | AI expert: | |
maraschini, alessandro | telespazio s.p.a. | Italy | Industry | ||
Bergamini, Claudio | CEO | Imola Informatica Spa | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: Via Selice 66/A |
BUSELLINI, maria gabriela | SECRETRAIA LETRADA | AI LAB, University of Buenos Aires | Argentina | Academia | |
corvalan, juan gustavo | Co-Director of the IA LAB | AI LAB, University of Buenos Aires | Argentina | Academia | |
Schuler, Manuela | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
Arora, Ashish | 3rd year Undergraduate Student | Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad | India | Academia | |
Clausen, Sünje | Germany | Academia | |||
Praça, Isabel | Prof | ISEP(IPP | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Yorke-Smith, Neil | Associate Professor | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Koole, Ger | professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Cary, Leandra | Military services Developing Arctic Vision Cellular phones | France | |||
Mephu Nguifo, Engelbert | Professor | Université Clermont Auvergne – LIMOS | France | Academia |
AI expert: Complexe scientifique des cezeaux |
Castor, Martin | Chief Scientist | GEISTT | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Winikoff, Michael | Professor | University of Otago | New Zealand | Academia |
AI expert: Former programme and general chair of international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) Former board member of IFAAMAS H index = 35 |
Foresti, Gian Luca | Head of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics | University of Udine | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Full Professor at the University of Udine – Italy IAPR Fellow |
Ludwig, Bernd | Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft / Professor | University of Regensburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Loutfi, Amy | Professor, Head of the Center of Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems | Örebro Universitet | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Tantar, Emilia | Luxembourg | Industry |
AI expert: Doctorat en Informatique, Intelligence Artificielle Best paper award |
De Falco, Ivanoe | Senior Researcher, Head of Computational Intelligence Lab at ICAR-CNR | ICAR-CNR (National Research Council of Italy) | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Ivanoe De Falco (Naples, Italy, March 2, 1961) received in 1987 his degrees (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II,” Naples, Italy. He is currently a Senior Researcher with the Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Naples, where he is the Responsible of the Computational Intelligence Laboratory, and serves in the Institute Management Board. His main research interests include computational intelligence and soft computing, with particular attention to evolutionary computation and neural networks, artificial intelligence, machine learning, parallel computing, and their application to real-world problems, especially in the medical domain. He is the author of more than 120 papers in international journals and in the proceedings of international conferences. His list of publications can be found at: Mr. De Falco is a Member of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society’s Technical Committee on Soft Computing, of the IEEE ComSoc Special Interest Research Group on Big Data for e-Health, of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Task Force on Evolutionary Computer Vision and Image Processing, and of the World Federation on Soft Computing (WFSC). He serves as an Associate Editor for the Applied Soft Computing Journal (Elsevier) (IF 2018: 3.907). Mr. De Falco is the organizer of many international conferences, workshops, and special tracks in his fields of interest, with specific reference to applications to e-health, medicine, biology, healthcare, and wellbeing. |
Prange, Alexander | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
JIA, Pengqun | editor | organization | China | Academia | |
Petropoulos, Christos | Netherlands | Industry | |||
Rincón, Mariano | Head of Department of AI | UNED | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of Expertise: |
Cernocky, Jan « Honza » | Head of Department, Manager of BUT Speech@FIT group | Brno University of Technology | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Konen, Wolfgang | Full Professor | TH Köln – Cologne University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: AI expert: machine learning, data mining, game learning, efficient optimization, surrogate modeling, computer vision, deep learning, online anomaly detection. Co-founder of Research Center Computational Intelligence plus (CI-plus) @ TH Köln ( and Research Center CIOP ( |
Schneeberger, Josef | Professor | Technische Hochschule Deggendorf | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Alpuente, María | Full Professor | Technical U. Valencia (UPV) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Rubichi, Sergio | CISM, CISA | ISACA | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Power, James | Lecturer | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | |
Piciarelli, Claudio | Associate Professor | University of Udine | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
La Pietra, Giancarlo | Founder | Italy | Industry | AI expert: | |
Vela, Camino R | Professor | University of Oviedo | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Lead researcher of iScOp (Intelligent Scheduling and Optimisation) Research Group at University of Oviedo |
Sowula, Tim | United Kingdom | Other | |||
Hernandez Gomez, Luis | Professor | Information Processing and Telecommunications Center (IPTC) | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, Cognitive Computing |
Ingrand, Felix | Research Scientist | LAAS-CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Lombardi, Flavio | Researcher | IAC CNR | Italy | Academia | |
Kisjes, Iris | Senior Manager External Partnerships | Elsevier | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Dear Sir / Madam, |
van Buchem, Mark | Professor and chairman, Department of Radiology | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Cammel, Simone | Clinical AI specialist | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Kannan, Venkatesh | Lead of Novel Technologies Activity | Irish Centre for High-End Computing | Ireland | Academia, Other |
AI expert: I lead the Novel Technologies Activity at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), and am responsible for developing and accomplishing ICHEC’s strategy for high-performance computing platforms and high-end computing technologies. He collaborates with existing and new research, industry and academic partners in the areas of high performance computing techniques including petascale/exascale computing, programming quantum platforms, machine vision, machine/deep learning and blockchain solutions, and their application to different domains including environmental sciences, healthcare, transport, financial analysis and natural language processing. My roles include coordinator and PI of the Irish Quantum Programming Initiative; PI of Quantum Natural Language Programming project with Intel on their Quantum Simulator; Co-PI in PRACE-6IP and PRACE-5IP; PI of Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC); PI in the H2020-FETHPC project READEX; coordinator of collaboration with University of Limerick for the National M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence; trainer/lecturer for ICHEC courses in HPC for academic and industry participants. |
Matt, Andreas | Director | IMAGINARY GGMBH | Germany | Academia, Other |
AI expert: I am mainly working in communicating AI (current research topics) to a general public, through exhibitions, museums, software, workshops, events, interventions, etc. (all open source). My research interest is Reinforcement Learning (the maths behind it). |
Huizing, Albert | Principal scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
Aretoulaki, Maria | Director / Senior Voice User Interface Designer | DialogCONNECTION Ltd | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
von Luck, Kai | Prof. Dr. | HAW Hamburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Kuthy, Antal | Ceo | Egroup ICT Software Co. | Hungary | Industry |
AI expert: Egroup is being member in both EIT Digital and EIT Health ( having over 25 years in advanced software tech (founder from early 90s in NLP) running several applied AI industry projects in Fintech, Healtcare (key project is health DataLake |
Saviane, Christian | CTO | Walkstone Srl | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Casagrande, T.E. | Italy | ||||
Markovich, Réka | research associate | University of Luxembourg, CSC | Luxembourg | Academia |
AI expert: AI&Law, computational legal theory, deontic logic, normative multi-agent systems |
Hoche, Michael | Expert for Computer Science and IPR | Airbus | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Mecacci, Giulio | Postdoctoral researcher / Lecturer | TU Delft / Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Smets, Sonja | Scientific Director/Prof. | University of Amsterdam, ILLC | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Märtens, Marcus | Internal Research Fellow | European Space Agency | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: HUMIES Gold award winner |
Fabiano, Gaetano | Big Data Software Developer | Engineering S.p.a. | Italy | Industry | |
Langenkamp, Wouter | Researcher | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Ramella, Giuliana | Researcher | National Research Council (CNR) | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Pedreschi, Dino | Full Professor | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Dino Pedreschi is a Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pisa. He’s one of the leaders of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Lab (KDD Lab), a joint research initiative by the University of Pisa and the ISTI institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He received a Google Research Award for his research on privacy-preserving data mining and is one of the experts nominated by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in a working group about the future of Artificial Intelligence. |
Silvetti, Massimo | Researcher | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise: |
Castiglione, Filippo | Researcher – Principal Investigator | National Research Council of Italy | Italy | Academia | |
Heck, Sven Oliver | Visionary, Consultant | | Germany | Industry | |
Angelini, Claudia | Researcher | Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo CNR | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Expert in |
Balsano, Clara | Full Professor | University of L’Aquila | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I’m the President of Francesco Balsano Foundation dedicated to develop projects on AI and Medicine |
Portinale, Luigi | Full Professor | University of Piemonte Orientale | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Martial-Braz, Nathalie | Professeur de droit privé | Université Paris Descartes, Faculté de droit, CEDAG | France | Academia |
AI expert: Nous organisons actuellement un séminaire de recherche sur la régulation de l’IA avec comme perspective la rédaction d’un livre blanc. |
Alexandersson, Jan | Research Fellow | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Plagianakos, Vassilis | Director | Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISLab), Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly, Greece | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Sojkowska, Anna | IOS Press | Netherlands | Industry | ||
Romano, Vittorio Enrico Carlo | Research Staff | ISTI CNR | Italy | Academia | |
Lazaro, JoseMaria | PROJECT MANAGER | TECNALIA | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
De Feis, Italia | Researcher | Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo « M. Picone » – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Italy | Academia | |
Radil, Tomáš | Head of Applied Research Dept. | CertiCon a.s. | Czech Republic | Academia, Industry | |
Falchi, Fabrizio | Researcher | ISTI-CNR | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Passarella, Andrea | Researcher, Head of Lab | IIT-CNR | Italy | Academia | |
Gómez-López, María Teresa | Associate Professor | Universidad de Sevilla | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: María Teresa Gómez is Lecturer at the University of Seville and the head of the IDEA Research Group. Her research areas include the use of AI to improve Business Processes and Data management, and the things that disturb his thoughts are how to improve the business process models including better decisions and enriching the model with Data Perspectives using Constraint Programming techniques. She has led several private and public research projects and has published several impact papers, among others in Information and Software Technology, Information Systems, Information & Software Technology, or Data & Knowledge Engineering. She was nominated as a member of Program Committees, such as IEEE CBI 19, DEC2H 19, ER 18, DeHMiMoP 18, BPM 2017, ISD 2017, ICIQ 2016, PHM 2016, IAwDQ 2013 or CLEIS 2012. She has been reviewing for international journals, such as International Journal of Data and Information Quality, Journal of Systems and Software, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine; Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal or Information Science. She has given keynotes or was invited speaker at the IV Workshop on Data & Artifact Centric BPM in Innsbruck, 5th International Workshop on Decision Mining & Modeling for Business Processes BPM in Barcelona, the X National Conference of BPM in Madrid, in the 28th IBIMA Conference, and in the biannual International Summer School on Fault Diagnosis of Complex Systems. |
Ramirez Acosta, Salvador | Ph. D. Candidate | IMPRS-UFAST | Germany | Academia | |
Giannotti, Fosca | Director of Research – Led of KDD Lab | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Fosca leads the Pisa KDD Lab – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory, a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and ISTI-CNR, founded in 1994 as one of the earliest research lab centered on data mining. Coordinator of , the European research infrastructure on Big Data Analytics and Social Mining, PI of AI4EU for CNR and HumanEAI, Member of the Management Board of Lab Articial intelligence and intelligent systems of CINI (Consorzio Inter-Universitario Nazionale di Informatica) (since 2018); _ • General Chair of DSAA 2017, Tokyo, |
Verhagen, Harko | Associate professor | Stockholm University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Stein, Jascha | CEO | | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: StartUp mit 2 ehemalig leitenden Entwicklern von Amazon Alexa. BMBF und Horizont2020 gefördert. Seal of excelence. Kunden und Partner wie Telekom und Volkswagen. Eigene Technologien in: |
Bieger, Jordi | Researcher | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Wachinger, Christian | Faculty | LMU Munich | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Downar, Mateusz | Advanced Analytics/Data Science Director | MediaCom | Poland | Industry | |
Caldarelli, Guido | Professor | IMT Alti Studi Lucca | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I am a Statistical Physicist Interested in Complex Networks |
Ajanovic, Zlatan | Senior researcher | Virtual Vehicle Research Cneter | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). I hold a Master of Electrical engineering from University of Sarajevo. I started a career in automotive in 2011, with specialized education in Prevent School of Automotive. Afterwards, I was working in a Prevent Group, B&H on a project of establishing a new production process and a research project utilizing computer vision in product quality management. During 2014 and 2015 I was working in AVL List, Austria on a research project in the field of control of hybrid electric vehicles. Currently, I am a Marie Curie Fellow within Virtual Vehicle, Austria. I am also pursuing my PhD degree at Technical University Graz, Austria through the ITEAM project. My current research interests include Robotics (Motion Planning), Artificial Intelligence (Planning and Learning) and Optimal control applied to Automated driving. |
Rakhshani, Amin | Senior Data Scientist | METIS Cybertechnology | Greece | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Lourenço, Nuno | Professor | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia | |
Valentin, Klaus | Expert Advisor | Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | Austria | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Machado, Penousal | Professor | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Gebhard, Patrick | Research Group Leader | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Stephansen, Annette F. | Research Director Digital Systems, NORCE Technology | NORCE Technology, Digital Systems | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Ullrich, Carsten | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | ||
Becker, Tilman | Senior Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Bertini, Flavio | Post-doc | University | Italy | Academia | |
Gianini, Gabriele | Assistant Professor | Universita degli Studi di Milano | Italy | Academia | |
Schmidt, Albrecht | Professor | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: * ERC consolidator grant AMPLIFY – Amplifying Human Perception with digital technologies |
Alonso-Mora, javier | Assistant Professor | TU Delft | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Gyimóthy, Tibor | head | MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence | Hungary | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Riaño, David | Associate Professor/PhD. | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Apfelbeck, Florian | Software Engineer | | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Caputo, Barbara | Full Professor &Senior Researcher | Politecnico di Torino &Italian Institute of Technology | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Barbara Caputo is Full Professor at the Politecnico of Torino and Principal Investigator at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). Her main research interests are in computer vision, robot vision and applied machine learning. Her research is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), the European Commission (EC), nVIDIA, ItalDesign, FCA and the European Research Council (ERC). In 2014, she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for the project ‘RoboExNovo’. |
Naumova, Valeriya | Head of Machine Intelligence Department | Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Pajdla, Tomas | Associate Professor | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, |
Barro, Senén | Professor | University of Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Former rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela (2002-2010) |
Einarsson, Hafsteinn | Data scientist | Íslandsbanki | Iceland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Luque, Maria | President | Nexus | Spain | Industry | |
Saint-Guillain, Michael | Phd student | UCLouvain | Belgium | Academia | |
Timm, Ingo J. | Chaired Professor | Trier University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Distributed Artificial Intelligence and (Agent-based) (Social) Simulation |
Roa, Maximo A. | Team Leader | DLR – German Aerospace Center | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Senior Robotics Expert, leading a group of researchers working on « Dexterous Manipulation and Planning ». Academic and industrial experience in different robotics areas (mechatronic development, planning and control) on multiple applications (industrial, service and humanoid robots). Experience in transferring knowledge and solving use cases in industrial companies. |
GRAND-PERRET, sylvie | Air Traffic Management Senior Expert | EUROCONTROL | Belgium | Industry, Other | |
Karpov, Dmitry | PostDoc | Paul Scherrer Institute | Switzerland | Academia | |
Kers, Jesper | dr. | Amsterdam University Medical Centers | Netherlands | Academia | |
Cole, Mark D. | Professor | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | |
Kjærgaard, Mikkel | Professor | University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | Academia |
AI expert: I am a Professor in Software Engineering at the Center for Energy Informatics at University of Southern Denmark. I conduct research within the area of ubiquitous computing with a specific focus on energy informatics, occupancy sensing and mobile sensing. I conduct my research with an experimental foundation at the intersection of ubiquitous computing, AI and system research with applications within energy informatics, Internet of things and smart buildings. I head and participate in a number of research projects with a high level of industrial involvement. |
KHADRAOUI, Djamel | Head of Research Unit | LIST: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Braarud Hanssen, Anders | R&D advisor | Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) | Norway | Academia | |
Leofante, Francesco | Ph.D. Student | University of Genoa | Italy | Academia | |
Ferreira, Luís | Professor | Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA) | Portugal | Industry | |
Kok, Fabian | Radboud University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Hook, Stefan | Portfoliomanager AI | Germany | Industry | AI expert: | |
Bruzzone, Lorenzo | Full Professor and Head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory | University of Trento | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Lorenzo Bruzzone received the Laurea (M.S.) degree in electronic engineering (summa cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1993 and 1998, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor of telecommunications at the University of Trento, Italy, where he teaches remote sensing, radar, and digital communications. Dr. Bruzzone is the founder and the director of the Remote Sensing Laboratory in the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento. His current research interests are in the areas of remote sensing, radar and SAR, signal processing, machine learning and pattern recognition. He promotes and supervises research on these topics within the frameworks of many national and international projects. He is the Principal Investigator of many research projects. Among the others, he is currently the Principal Investigator of the Radar for icy Moon exploration (RIME) instrument in the framework of the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Science Lead for the High Resolution Land Cover project in the framework of the Climate Change Initiative of ESA. He is the author (or coauthor) of 236 scientific publications in referred international journals (172 in IEEE journals), more than 310 papers in conference proceedings, and 21 book chapters. He is editor/co-editor of 18 books/conference proceedings and 1 scientific book. His papers are highly cited, as proven from the total number of citations (more than 26700) and the value of the h-index (74) (source: Google Scholar). He was invited as keynote speaker in more than 32 international conferences and workshops. Since 2009 he has been a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), where since 2019 he has been Vice-President for Professional Activities. Dr. Bruzzone ranked first place in the Student Prize Paper Competition of the 1998 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Seattle, July 1998).Since that he was recipient of many international and national honors and awards, including the recent IEEE GRSS 2015 Outstanding Service Award, the 2017 IEEE IGARSS Symposium Prize Paper Award and the 2018 IEEE IGARSS Symposium Prize Paper Award. In the past years joint papers presented by his students at international symposia and Master/PhD theses that he supervised have received awards. Dr. Bruzzone is the co-founder of the IEEE International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote-Sensing Images (MultiTemp) series and is currently a member of the Permanent Steering Committee of this series of workshops. Since 2003 he has been the Chair of the SPIE Conference on Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing. He was a Guest Co-Editor of many Special Issues of international journals. From 2010 to 2012 he was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING NEWSLETTER. He has been the founder of the IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE for which he has been the Editor-in-Chief between 2013 and 2017. From 2004 to 2006 he served as an Associated Editor of the IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. Currently he is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING. He has been Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society between 2012 and 2016. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and of the Italian Association for Remote Sensing (AIT). |
Bovolo, Francesca | Senior Researchre | Research Institute | Italy | Academia | |
Linnerz, Simone | Germany | Academia | |||
Heggernes, Pinar | Chair of the board of NORA | NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Matas, Jiri | Prof., Head of the Visual Recognition Group | Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Kestler, Hans | Director, Institute of Medical Systems Biology / Prof. Dr. | Ulm University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: AI in systems biology and medicine |
Bischof, Horst | Vice Rector Research/Prof. Computer Vision | TU Graz | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Sleeman, Derek | Emeritus Professor | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: – Fellow of European AI Societies [Eur AI Fellow] |
Rousset, Marie-Christine | Professor of Computer Science | LIG, Institut Universitaire de France, Univ. Grenoble Alpes | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Vanderdonckt, Jean | Full Professor | Université catholique de Louvain | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Using Machine Learning as a Support to Human-Computer Interface |
touati, mohamed | étudiant/ chercheur | ENIT | Tunisia | Academia, Industry | |
Billi, Enrico | Consultant | Billi Enrico Consulting | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Pfeffer, Bernhard | Head of Software Engineering | b-plus GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Papadopoulos, Symeon | Senior Researcher | Centre for Research and Technology Hellas | Greece | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Bifet, Albert | Professor | Télécom ParisTech | France | Academia |
AI expert: Head of Data, Intelligence and Graphs (DIG) at LTCI, TelecomParisTech. |
Popelínský, Luboš | Assoc. Prof. | FI MU Brno | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Horak, Ales | associate professor | Masaryk University | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Rudová, Hana | Associate professor | Masaryk University | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
De Pietro, Giuseppe | Director | ICAR CNR | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Head of Cognitive Computing Lab of ICAR CNR |
Nanni, Vincenzo | Senior Scientist | ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development | Italy | Other | |
Leogrande, Antonello | founder | AL&partners – Legal & Management | Italy | Other | |
Canosa, Iván | student | UDC | Spain | Academia | |
Distante, Cosimo | Researcher | CNR – Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Master in Computer Science at the University Bari, and PhD in Engineering at University of Salento (Italy). His main expertise are in the field of Artificial Intelligent, in particular Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Machine Learning and Robotics. Particular emphasis is devoted to the development of Deep Learning algorithms. He has been a visiting researcher at the Computer Science Department of the University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA) where has carried out research activities under robotics, artificial neural networks and vision. Dr. Distante joined the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts as a Teaching Assistant, for the « Artificial Intelligence » 683 class of the Master in Sciences 1998. He received the Ph.D. in Material Engineering from the University of Salento. Dr. Distante joined in 2001 the Italian National Research Council of Italy CNR, focusing his research activity in the context of robot learning, visual grasping and pattern recognition applied to array of chemical sensors. Dr. Distante has been awarded with several fellowships, among them the CNR-NATO in which he has collaborated with the University of Manchester (Prof. Krishna Persaud) for the study of pattern recognition techniques applied to the context of gas sensor arrays for parameter drift reduction. Since 2003 he is Contract Professor for the courses of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing in Computer Engineering at the University of the Salento IT. Since 2010 he started a technology transfer activity by establishing a startup spinoff company named Taggalo. |
Renò, Vito | Researcher | National Research Council of Italy – STIIMA | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Via Giovanni Amendola 122 D/O |
Maglietta, Rosalia (Lia) | Researcher | National Research Council | Italy | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Dr Lia Maglietta received a PhD in Physics with a dissertation on Artificial Intelligences (AI) – based analysis of the fundamental mechanisms that regulate the development of colon cancer in humans on a genetic level. Dr Maglietta is an expert in many applicative AI field, including particle physics, genomics, imaging diagnostics, and environmental monitoring. Dr Maglietta works as a researcher for the National Research Council, and her studies are currently focusing on the observation, monitoring, modeling and understanding of the marine and terrestrial environment through smart technologies and systems. Member of the scientific committee of the Jonian Dolphin Conservation, the main objective of the current project she is undertaking together with her team is the conservation and protection of marine mammals from the threat of an ever increasing anthropic pressure. Her deep knowledge in the world of AI is paramount to the achievement of such a crucial goal. Dr Maglietta and her team recently developed a new algorithm capable of individually recognizing a species of dolphin which currently ranks among some of the most endangered species on athe planet, the Risso’s dolphin. |
Stella, Ettore | Research Director | Italian National Research Council – STIIMA | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Team Leader in AI |
Grandison, Tyrone | VP, Data | ByteCubed | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Anfinsen, Stian Normann | Associate professor | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Piétron, Dominik | PhD-Student | HU Berlin | Germany | Academia | |
NIEVES CORDONES, DAVID | PhD Student | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | Academia | |
Müller-Klieser, Stefan | Software Engineer | PHYTEC | Germany | Industry | |
MESCHEDE, Matthias | Data Scientist | Tweag I/O | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
mckeever, susan | Senior lecturer | Technological University Dublin | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: My own PhD work was in the AI domain. In addition, I supervise a team of PhD students and post docs in the domain of AI – with a strong interest in shaping and ensuring that AI is used in an ethical manner, for ethical purposes – supported by international and national legal frameworks to safeguard us all. |
Poell, Thomas | Netherlands | ||||
Kraemer, Stefan | Director | NVIDIA | Germany | Industry, Other | |
Belotti, Pietro | Fair Isaac | United Kingdom | Industry | ||
Gijsbers, Pieter | PhD Candidate | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Ragone, Maria Morena | Contract Professor Master « Data Science » (law) | Università degli Studi di Bari | Italy | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Korošec, Peter | Researcher | Jožef Stefan Institute | Slovenia | Academia | AI expert: |
Aarts, Antoine | CEO | Nederland AI | Netherlands | Industry | |
jaberi, taleb | Phd Student of Philosophy | University of Tehran | Iran | Academia | |
Cordialis, Niels | Owner | Cordialis Living Group | Netherlands | Other | |
Russo, Giovanni | Lecturer | University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia | |
Rodríguez, Abdel | Consultant (Senior Software Engineer) | Addiva AB | Sweden | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: PhD on Intelligent Control applied to industrial applications. Currently interested on real life applications of AI. |
Schumann, René | Professor | HES-SO Valais / Wallis | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Co-President of The Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (SGAICO) ad interim |
Qatash, Khaled | Student | University of Siena | Italy | Other | |
Marano, Silvestro | Software Architect | IACV Research | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Scano, Riccardo | Information Systems Technician | CREA | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Theobald, Martin | Professor | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Moroi, Alexandru | Programmer | Java developer with intrest in AI | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Gamulin, Niko | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Izzo, Dario | Scientific Coordinator of the Advanced Concepts Team | European Space Agency | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Griffiths, Patrick | Data engineer | ESA, ESRIN | Italy | Academia | |
Ninni, Giorgio | electrical engineer | TIM – Telecom Italia | Italy | Industry, Other | |
Porcaro, Lorenzo | PhD Student | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | |
Fisicaro, Matteo | Italy | Academia | |||
Iacono, Andrea | Software Engineer | eBay | Italy | Industry | |
Spaccarotella, Simone | Senior Software Engineer | BBC | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Ranuzzi, Giuliano | Dr. | ASI (Italian Space Agency) | Italy | Other | |
Pagnozzi, Federico | post-doc researcher | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Fisichella, Marco | Head Data Scientist | Otto group | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Lavorini, Vincenzo | Data Scientist | company | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Ph.D. in physics, blogger in AI with more than 6k visualizations/month, bronze medal in international competition about AI (Kaggle) |
Badaloni, Silvana | Italy | ||||
congedo, marco | Senior Researcher | CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes | France | Academia, Industry | |
Carbone, Angelo | Knowledge Engineer | Heurise | Italy | Academia, Other | |
Zombori, Zsolt | Researher | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Hungary | Academia | AI expert: |
Nowak, Andrzej | Professor | University of Warsaw | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
McDonald, John | Senior Lecturer | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of interest: Computer Vision, Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, AI |
Nicolau, Miguel | Assistant Professor | University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Worring, Marcel | Director Informatics Institute / Co founder ICAI | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Co-founder of Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence, The Netherlands |
Vasconcelos, Wamberto | Professor | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Van Gool, Luc | prof | ETHZ, KU Leuven | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Coghill, George | Professor, SICSA Chair in System Modelling | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Daoutis, Marios | Research Scientist | N/A | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Oren, Nir | Reader | University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: I work in multi-agent systems, and have a strong interest in human-agent teams, trust, and explainability of AI systems |
Kelly, Liadh | Lecturer | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | |
Yessad, Amel | Assistant professor | Sorbonne Université | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Bouchet, François | Assistant professor | Sorbonne Université | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Parent, Xavier | Research Assistant | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Löloff, Frank | Owner / Projekt Manager | KYBERNETIKO ® | Germany | Other | |
Talbi, El-ghazali | Professor | University of Lille | France | Academia | |
Luengo, Vanda | Full Professor | Sorbonne Université | France | Academia |
AI expert: professor Artificial Intelligence in education |
Bachofer, Felix | Postdoctoral researcher | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | Academia | |
Kessaci, Marie-Eléonore | Associate professor | University of Lille | France | Academia | |
Font Ruiz, Roberto Javier | Biometric Vox S.L. | Spain | Industry | ||
Postma, Marie | Associate Professor | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Bogula, Werner | Founder | Institut für Artificial Intelligence Hamburg | Germany | Other |
AI expert: ist eine Organisation zur Förderung der Anwendung von KI in Praxis und Wirtschaft. Sie aggregiert praxisrelevante Informationen zur AI. |
Nucci, Francesco Saverio | Application Research Director | Engineering SpA | Italy | Industry, Other |
AI expert: High Level Expert on IA for Italian Ministry of Economic Development |
McDermott, James | Lecturer | National University of Ireland, Galway | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: James McDermott holds a BSc in Computer Science with Mathematics from the National University of Ireland, Galway, and a PhD in evolutionary computation and computer music from the University of Limerick. |
Mauceri, Stefano | PhD Candidate | NCRA | Ireland | Academia | |
Le, Nam | PhD Researcher | Natural Computing Research & Applications Group, University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia | |
Loughran, Roisin | Dr | UCD | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Interested in evolutionary computation, creative AI and computational creativity. |
Cheng, Sen | Professor | Ruhr University Bochum | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Houben, Sebastian | Junior Professor | University of Bochum, Institute for Neural Computation | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: computer vision, autonomous driving, driver assistance, deep learning, generative adversarial networks |
Terziyan, Vagan | Professor | University of Jyvaskyla | Finland | Academia |
AI expert: Deep Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Semantic Web |
Naughton, Thomas | Professor | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Bryson, Joanna | Reader (Assoc Prof) | University of Bath | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Actively engaged in both direct research on developing AI, using AI for scientific understanding, developing policy and regulation for AI and AI ethics. |
Pearlmutter, Barak | Professor | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Muth, Wolfgang | Lead Business Analyst | European Investment Bank | Luxembourg | Other | |
Devreese, Frederik | Owner | Frederik Devreese | Belgium | Other | |
Taubert, Oskar | Doctoral Researcher | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Academia | |
Schöner, Gregor | Director/Professor | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Loekken, Sveinung | Data science | European Space Agency | Italy | Academia | |
Mouret, Alexander | Director Brave New World Conference | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Kruse, Rudolf | Professor | University of Magdeburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Fellow |
Bogdan, Martin | Prof. Dr. | Leipzig University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: I’m working more than 20 years in the field of Artificial Neural Netwaorks, Machine LEarning and Spiking Neural Networks regarding the application in research and industrial applications, mainly in the neuro-medical field (BCI, stroke rehab) but also in optimization problems in chip production or IT-security. |
Sridharan, Mohan | Senior Lecturer | University of Birmingham, UK | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: My primary research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, computational vision and cognitive systems as applied to autonomous robots and adaptive agents. I develop architectures and algorithms that enable robots to (i) represent and reason with different descriptions of incomplete domain knowledge and uncertainty; and (ii) incrementally and interactively learn domain knowledge from the environment and humans who are not domain experts. Furthermore, I am interested in developing algorithms for estimation and prediction problems in application domains such as agricultural irrigation management, intelligent transportation, and climate informatics. |
Derkinderen, Vincent | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Bernstein, Abraham | Professor | University of Zurich | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Abraham Bernstein is a Full Professor of Informatics as well as director of the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland. His current research focuses on various aspects of the semantic web, knowledge discovery, service discovery/matchmaking, and mobile/pervasive computing. His work is based on both social science (organizational psychology/sociology/economics) and technical (computer science, artificial intelligence) foundations. |
Ilievski, Filip | PhD student | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Melero, Maite | Senior researcher | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Winters, Thomas | PhD Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Van Daele, Dries | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Requena, Stephane | CTO | GENCI | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: GENCI is providing in France of a converged HPC / AI research infrastructure for the scaling of AI workflows and tools, the closer integration between HPC, numerical simulation, HPDA and AI |
Valerio, Lorenzo | Researcher | IIT-CNR | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Kilbane-Dawe, Iarla | Head of the Φ-lab Division | European Space Agency | Italy | Other | AI expert: |
Dumancic, Sebastijan | Postdoc | KU Leuven, Belgium | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Snoek, Cees | Full professor | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Thiele, Christopher | Data Scientist | German Economic Institute | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Fellens, Denis | professeur-coordinateur | InterLycées Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Weitz, Katharina | M.Sc. | University of Augsburg | Germany | Academia | |
Sonntag, Daniel | Principal Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Polimeni, Francesco | Italy | Industry, Other | |||
Bhattcharya, Sougata | India | ||||
Alonso, Eduardo | Head of Department Computer Science, Reader in Computing | City, University of London | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: PhD in Philosophy from the University of the Basque Country |
Koch, Alexander | Student | Technical University Munich | Germany | Industry | |
Chauvin, Simon | Machine Learning Engineer | ESRLabs AG | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Yu, Zhewei | Research project leader | SupAirVision | France | Industry | |
Landgrebe, JobstDr. | Managing Director | Cognotekt GmbH | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Schöning, Johannes | Professor | University of Bremen | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Wolf, Thomas | Innovation Manager | WABCO GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Research for industrial AI solutions |
Čartolovni, Anto | Assistant Professor/Dr | Catholic University of Croatia | Croatia | Academia | |
LUCAT, Laurent | European Projects Coordinator, DIASI | CEA | France | Academia | |
Dowling, Michael | Associate Professor / Director of AI-driven Business research centre | Rennes School of Business | France | Academia |
AI expert: I am Director of the AI-driven Business research centre in Rennes School of Business. The centre focuses on cross-disciplinary application of AI to the business context. |
Chuda, Daniela | associate professor, vicedean | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) | Slovakia | Academia |
AI expert: Daniela Chudá received the Mgr. (Master) degree (cum laude) from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in applied informatics from the Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2005. She is currently an Associate Professor of informatics with the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. She has published 41 research articles and papers and the textbooks Programming 1, Programming in C, and Guide Pathfinder for the Information Highway. Her research interests are in the area of information systems, quality of information systems, security and privacy, user modelling, in particular she focuses on similarity of texts and behavioral biometric authentication. |
Benesova, Wanda | Associate professor | STU – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) | Slovakia | Academia | AI expert: |
ElFallah, Amal | Full professor and head of MAS group | Sorbonne Université | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Lilienthal, Achim J. | Professor | Örebro University | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Rozinajova, Viera | Associate Professor | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) | Slovakia | Academia |
AI expert: Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU, Vice-dean for Research, Projects and Cooperation with Industry, |
Ortiz, Magdalena | Assistant Professor | TU Wien | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Knowledge representation and reasoning, description logics, logics for knowledge representation and reasoning. |
Davis, Jesse | Professor | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Pescape, Antonio | Full Professor | University of Napoli Federico II | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Vauth, Alexander | Germany | ||||
Di Ciccio, Claudio | Assistant professor | Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Fiorini, Paolo | Professor | Univerity of Verona | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Nguyen, Minh Tri | Researcher | Steinbeis University Berlin | Germany | Academia | |
Klakow, Dietrich | Professor | Saarland University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Speech, Language, Dialog, ML |
Amiri, Puya | Researcher | Saarland university, DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Vanhoof, Koen | Professor | Uhasselt | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Kolossa, Dorothea | Associate Professor | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Universitätsstr. 150 |
Engels, Mikael | Senior IT Teacher | University | Germany | Academia | |
Renaux, Alexandre | PhD candidate | ULB (Machine Learning Group), VUB (AI Lab.) | Belgium | Academia | |
Igel, Christian | Professor | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Karampidis, Konstantinos | PhD student | University of the Aegean | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Wiskott, Laurenz | Prof | Institute for Neural Computation, Ruhr-University Bochum | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Laurenz Wiskott is full professor at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. He holds a |
Kop, Mauritz | Master of Laws, LL.M. | Artificiële Intelligentie & Recht | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Artificiële Intelligentie & Recht is a niche law firm focussing on technological game changers such as AI, Machine Learning, Robotica, Big Data, VR, Nano-Engineering and Cognitive Computing. Our lawyers specialize in the Farmaceutical, eHealth, Food & Feed, Media, Entertainment & Art industries, providing proactive lawyering services covering issues like algorithmic accountability, AI Impact Assesments, fundamental rights, privacy requirements for the GDPR in big data, multi-cloud, distributed ledger and deep learning implementations, product safety standards, traceability, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and maximization of intellectual property portfolio for both tech startups and globally operating multinationals. We are based in Amsterdam. Our website: We wish to exchange views on legal and ethical frameworks for AI, smart robotics and Internet of Things devices, with a focus on medtech, European foodlaw, entertainmentlaw and intellectual property. |
Dhaene, Tom | Full Professor | UGent – imec | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Walshe, Ray | Assistant Professor | Dublin City University | Ireland | Academia | |
Andreev, Igor | Cfo coo | Pg | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Wong, Moses | CEO | Siremix GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Meier-Ewert, Christina | Senior Lecturer | International School of Management | Germany | Academia | |
Sahlgren, Magnus | Head of Natural Language Processing | RISE AI | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gattami, Ather | Senior Research Expert | RISE | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Csabai, Istvan | Professor of Physics | Eotvos Lorand University | Hungary | Academia |
AI expert: – machine learning for sciences: cosmology, medical image analysis, genomics and cancer research |
Olsson, Fredrik | Senior research scientist | RISE SICS | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Atzmueller, Martin | Associate Professor | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Ramentol, Enislay | Postdoctoral Researcher | RISE SICS | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Nivre, Joakim | Professor | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: NLP researcher, specialising in multilingual morphological and syntactic processing. |
Olsson, Tomas | Senior Researcher | RISE | Sweden | Other | AI expert: |
Marsh, Ian | Senior Researcher | RISE, The Research Institutes of Sweden | Sweden | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Mogren, Olof | Researcher | RISE AI, Research institutes of Sweden | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Amanatiadis, Angelos | Postdoctoral Researcher | Democritus University of Thrace | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Senior Member |
Nonnengart, Andreas | Senior Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Wijnhof, Rik | Project manager in transparancy | Province of Zuid-Holland | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Cochez, Michael | Postdoctoral researcher | Fraunhofer FIT | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Federico, Marcello | Principal Research Scientist | Amazon AI | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Barták, Roman | Professor | Charles University | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Isufaj, Ralvi | Master student | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | |
Devedzic, Vladan | Professor | University of Belgrade, Serbia | Serbia and Montenegro | Academia |
AI expert: Complete information / research profile / publications / projects etc. available at my homepage ( In addition, I am the founder and the Chair of GOOD OLD AI research network ( that would like to join CLAIRE. The network is internationally recognized and has run a number of fruitful research activities. For a quick overview of our publications, please visit |
de Gier, J. | Ir. | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | |
Everardo, Flavio | PhD Student | University of Potsdam | Mexico | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Prestwich, Steven | Dr | University College Cork | Ireland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: My main AI areas of research are SAT, constraint programming, evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, deep learning. |
Pichler, Reinhard | professor | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
van Rijn, Jan | Assistant Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Zachmann, Gabriel | Professor | University of Bremen | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Visual Computing |
Hanckmann, Patrick | Research Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | |
Bouvy, Charlotte | consultant | self-employed professional | Netherlands | Industry | |
Sebe, Nicu | Professor, Department Head | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Faisal, Aldo | Associate Professor | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Bel, Núria | Full Professor | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Natural Language Processing and Language Technologies |
Sijs, Joris | Senior Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
VanRullen, Rufin | Research Director | CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Karvanen, Juha | Professor | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Academia |
AI expert: areas of interest: causality, study design, missing data |
Kameugne, Roger | Lecturer | University of Maroua-Cameroon | Cameroon | Academia | AI expert: |
Dameski, Andrej | PhD Researcher | Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate (LAST-JD), ERASMUS | Luxembourg | Academia | |
Nijboer, Gerard | Advisor | Government | Netherlands | Other | |
Rosanio, Stefania | Consultant | Ministery of Justice | Netherlands | Other | |
Bomhof, Freek | senior project manager & consultant | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
Brandt, Paul | Sr. Scientist | Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Tolios, Ioannis | TNO | Netherlands | |||
Verhoosel, Jack | Senior scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | |
Brewster, Christopher | Senior Scientist/Professor | TNO and Maastricht University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
McNeill, Fiona | Associate Professor | Heriot-Watt University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Fellow of the BCS |
Maroni, Gabriele | Università degli studi di Bergamo | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Kamphorst, Bart | TNO | Netherlands | |||
Blake, Andrew | AI Consultant, Hon. Professor U. Cambridge | AI consultant: Samsung, Five AI, Siemens | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Also a signatory to ELLIS. |
Stolk, Martin | Project manager | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Van Opbroek, Annegreet | Researcher | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kester, Leon | Senior research scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Expert in ethical artificial general intelligence |
Burghouts, Gertjan | Senior scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
Podkopaev, Dmitry | post-doc researcher | Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
de Weerdt, Mathijs | associate professor | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Nouwt, Barry | Medior Innovator Semantic Technology | the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
de Boer, Maaike | Scientist / Dr | TNO | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Msc in AI from Utrecht University |
Lopez, Pierre | Research Director | LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse | France | Academia | |
Sanfilippo, Emilio | Research fellow | Italian National Research Council | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Schutte, Klamer | Lead Scientist Intelligent Imaging | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
van der Waa, Jasper | Research Scientist | TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) | Netherlands | Academia | |
Timan, Tjerk | Scientists Specialist | research institute (TNO) | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mannucci, Tommaso | Junior Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Rousi, Rebekah | Postdoctoral Researcher Cognitive Science | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Academia | AI expert: |
Kaikova, Olena | Senior researcher | University | Finland | Academia | AI expert: |
Asghar, Muhammad Zeeshan | Postdoctoral Researcher | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: 5G, Self-Organizing Networks (SON), Network management, |
Saarela, Mirka | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University | Finland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Bouveret, Sylvain | Associate Professor | LIG, Grenoble-INP, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Costin, Andrei | Assistant Professor | University of Jyvaskyla | Finland | Academia | |
Fioretto, Ferdinando | Postdoctoral Researcher | Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Moniz, Nuno | PostDoc Fellow / Professor | INESC TEC / University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Contucci, Pierluigi | Professor | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Branchini, Paolo | Research Staff/Dr. | INFN | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Janota, Mikolas | Assistant Professor | IST/INESC-ID, U. of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Vinagre, Joao | Researcher and Auxiliary Professor | INESC TEC and University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
PIECHOWIAK, Sylvain | Professor | LAMIH – Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Escuela, Gabi | Germany | Academia, Industry | |||
Di Persio, Luca | Dept. Comp.Science UniVr – HPA | Italy | Academia, Industry | ||
de Givry, Simon | Research Scientist | INRA | France | Academia |
AI expert: constraint programming |
Bonacina, Maria Paola | Professor | Università degli Studi di Verona | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Maria Paola Bonacina is Professor of Computer Science at the Università degli Studi di Verona. Earlier she was first Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Iowa, where she received NSF RIA and CAREER awards and a Dean Scholar Award. Her research area is automated reasoning. She gave over one hundred and twenty talks, authored over seventy peer-reviewed papers, and edited two books. She was elected thrice to the Board of Trustees of CADE (Conference on Automated DEduction) Inc., and twice President of the Board. She is a member of the Association for Automated Reasoning (AAR) and of ACM SIGLOG. |
Karoui, Wafa | Associate professor (PhD) | Université de Tunis El Manar | Tunisia | Academia | AI expert: |
Tunanyan, Hazarapet | Data Scientist | Picsart | Armenia | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Schijf, Leontine | Innovation advisor | Dutch government | Netherlands | Other | |
Götz, Markus | Postdoc | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Mengshoel, Ole Jakob | Professor | NTNU | Norway | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, NTNU |
Choukri, khalid | CEP | ELRA/ELDA | France | Industry |
AI expert: PhD, CEO |
Emmerich, Michael | Associate Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Cardoso, F. Amilcar | Professor | CISUC, University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Vice-President of Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra. Treasurer of Association for Computational Creativity. |
Morettin, Paolo | PhD student | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | |
CZAJKOWSKI, Francois | IT Business Partner | arvato | France | Industry | |
Slavkovik, Marija | Associate Professor | Universitetet i Bergen | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Borgo, Stefano | Researcher | Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC CNR, Trento IT | Italy | Academia | |
Vieu, Laure | Senior researcher | IRIT-CNRS | France | Academia | |
Bianchi, Federico | PhD Student | University of Milan-Bicocca | Italy | Academia | |
Pellegrini, Giovanni | Phd student | University of Trento | Italy | Academia | |
Spaan, Matthijs | Associate Professor | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Guo, Siwen | PhD student | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | |
Wender, Jan | Head of Presales | Atos science+computing ag | Germany | Industry | |
Samwald, Matthias | Associate Professor | Medical University of Vienna | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Lalla-Ruiz, Eduardo | Assistant professor | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Tochi, Medina | Macedonia | Industry | |||
Jain, Muskan | Third-year undergraduate Mathematics and Computing student | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | Academia | |
Larrañaga, Pedro | Full Professor | Technical University of Madrid | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: EUrAI Fellow |
Uskaner, Hakan | CEO | Offlimits IT Services GmbH | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Lang, Maren | Head of Bioinformatics R&D | BioNTech | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Harmeling, Stefan | Professor | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Banzhaf, Wolfgang | Koza Chair in Genetic Programming | Michigan State University | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Dubba, Krishna | Senior Research Scientist | Blueprism | United Kingdom | Industry | AI expert: |
Wagner, Stefan | Professor | Technical University of Munich | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Applying AI in software engineering, interested in engineering AI software |
Schlicker, Wolfgang | Co-Founder and CEO | IET GmbH & Co.KG | Germany | Industry | |
Schneider, Markus | Senior Software Developer | Vector Informatik | Germany | Industry | |
Mrziglod, John | European Space Agency | Germany | |||
Autuly, Julie | Earth Observation Business Analysis | ESA | France | Other | |
Sacramento, Paulo | Project Manager | ESA/ESRIN | Portugal | Industry | |
Doherty, Mark | Senior Advisor | European Space Agency | Italy | Other |
AI expert: My interest in CLAIRE is for application of AI in Earth Observation |
Nurmi, Olli | Principal Scientist | VTT | Finland | Industry |
AI expert: Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications |
van wynsberghe, Aimee | Assistant professor | Delft university | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Hajič, Jan | Professor, Director of LINDAT/CLARIN Research Infrastructure | Charles University, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: Professor of Computational Linguistics, vice-director of Institute, Chair of META-NET Executive Board ( |
Van den Hoven, Jeroen | university professor | Delft university of technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Luksenburg, Bas | Netherlands | Industry | |||
Petry, Sebastian | Director Competence Center Data Science and AI | b.telligent GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Reis, Gerd | Senior Research Scientist / Dr. | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Lüth, Christoph | Vice Director, RD Cyber-Physical Systems | DFKI and University of Bremen | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Windt, Tobias | Student | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Busemann, Stephan | Associate Head of Lab, Professor | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Natural Language Processing, Language Technologies |
Tamburri, Damian A. | Associate Professor | TU/e – JADS | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Dorffner, Georg | Associate Professor | Medical University offenbar Vienna | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Herzfeldt, Sebastian | Manager | Reply AG | Germany | Industry | |
Hopfgartner, Andreas | Senior Consultant Data Science | b.telligent | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Saucedo, Alejandro | Chief Scientist | The Institute for Ethical AI &Machine Learning | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gambäck, Björn | Prof. Dr. | Norwegian University of Science and Technology + RISE SICS AB | Norway | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Professor in Language Technology, AI Lab, Dpt of Computer Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. |
Langseth, Helge | Professor | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Trost, Markus | Partner | Odgers Berndtson Group | Germany | Industry | |
Allgöwer, Dr. Michael | Management Consultant Data Science | b.telligent | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Hähnle, Reiner | Professor | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Founding Trustee of the FLOC Conferences |
Fraile, Marlon | IT Security Consultant | AITRISK Limited | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | |
Auer, Peter | Full professor | Montanuniversitaet Leoben | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Scharkowski, Oliver | Ingenieur | Auto-Kabel Management GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Grunwald, Peter | Full Professor | CWI and Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Lemsalu, Madis | Student | Univesity of Twente | Finland | Academia | |
Murlowski, Christian | Wissenschatlicher Mitarbeiter | Universität des Saarlandes | Germany | Academia | |
von der Malsburg, Christoph | Senior Fellow | Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: brain theory |
KALAYCI, Tahir Emre | Senior Researcher | Virtual Vehicle Research Center | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Axenie, Dr. Cristian | Head of AKII Microlab – AI and VR | Audi Konfuzius-Institut Ingolstadt | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Current positions: – Head of AKII Microlab (Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality) at the AUDI Konfuzius Institute Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany – Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the Technical University of Ingolstadt, Germany – Senior Research Engineer in Online Machine Learning and Big Data, Huawei European Research Center, Munich, Germany Awards: – Awarded a Bavarian Elite Research PhD Scholarship (4 years funding, ~120.000EUR) by the Bavarian Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts. |
de Meer, Jan B. | Head of AIT Department | GmbH ℅ HTW Berlin | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: since 2003: Theoretical Computer Science Teaching at several Universities A.S. in Berlin and Brandenburg and head of AIT Simulation Department of GmbH. |
Möller, Timo | co-founder | deepset | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Liaqat, Abdul Rehman | Student | University of Hildesheim | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Pietsch, Malte | Co-Founder | deepset GmbH | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Cota, Giuseppe | Postdoc | University of Ferrara | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Hardman, Lynda | Manager Research & Strategy; Professor | CWI; University of Utrecht | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Director of Amsterdam Data Science; Past President Informatics Europe |
Dumeur, Renaud | Principal Architect | IBM | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Hölldobler, Steffen | Professor | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Laborie, Philippe | Principal Scientist | IBM | France | Industry |
AI expert: Areas of expertise: Planning, Scheduling, Temporal reasoning, Constraint Programming |
Shaw, Paul | Senior Technical Staff Member | IBM | France | Industry | AI expert: |
Raaijmakers, Stephan | Senior scientist | TNO, The Netherlands | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Natural language processing; deep learning; explainable AI. |
Stranden, Henriikka | PhD student | University of Surrey | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Landi, Marco | President | The Digital Box | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: former President WW Apple Computer |
Köhne, Frank | R&D | viadee Unternehmensberatung AG | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Kjellström, Hedvig | Professor | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Borges, Georg | Direktor; Institut für Rechtsinformatik; Universitätsprofessor | Universität des Saarlandes | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Georg Borges is a Professor of Civil Law, Legal Informatics, German and International Business Law and Legal Theory and the managing director of the Institute for Legal Informatics at Saarland University, Germany. |
Bhatt, Mehul | Professor | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: | |
Fricker, Samuel | Prof. Dr. | FHNW | Switzerland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Bonseyes marketplace for artificial intelligence |
Lessel, Pascal | Researcher | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz | Germany | Academia | |
Speicher, Marco | Researcher | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Jhotti, Sukhvinder Singh | Founder | Human Operating System | Norway | Other |
AI expert: Augmented Intelligence that helps every human thrive and survive Mission: Spearheading a new era of abundance. Idea stage: ?????? M: +47-91541900 |
alfreider, silvia | adviser | OsloMet | Italy | Academia | |
Byström, Katriina | Professor | Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Paes, Paulo | Technology Advisor | Daytwo AS | Norway | Industry | |
Tumanov, Kirill | PhD Candidate | Maastricht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Rocchi, Laura | Research & Innovation Manager | NIER Ingegneria | Italy | Industry | |
Vasey, Baptiste | Probationer Research Student | University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | |
Kruithof, Maarten | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: | |
Finzel, Matthias | Justus-Maximilians Universität Würzburg | Germany | Academia | ||
Finzel, Bettina | Doktorandin | Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg | Germany | Academia | |
Bertero, Dario | PhD Candidate | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Italy | Academia | |
Thomas, Rachel | Director of Corporate Development | Simula Research Laboratory | Norway | Academia, Other | |
Gruchmann, Yvonne | project manager | Frau | Germany | Other | |
Ha, Phuong | Associate Professor | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Academia | |
Broersen, Jan | Prof. dr. | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise on responsible AI, logics of agency, ethics and machines. |
Meij, Staffan | Co-Founder, CCO | Readspeaker | Netherlands | Industry | |
Grieser, Gunter | Full Professor | University of Applied Science Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Bielikova, Maria | Professor | Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) | Slovakia | Academia |
AI expert: Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies |
Trousse, Brigitte | Senior Researcher | Inria, Côte d’AZur University | France |
AI expert: AI expert |
Guedj, Benjamin | Research Scientist | Inria | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Oberrauch, Tobias | CTO | ai-driven Business | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Bindt, Pieter | Strategic Advisor | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS) | Netherlands | Other | |
Ahmed, Sheraz | Senior Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Fábregas, Xavier | Dr. | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Liwicki, Marcus | Prof. Dr. habil. | Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: IAPR ICDAR Young Investigator award 2015 |
van Gastel, Pieterjan | Software Developer | Festa Solutions B.V. | Netherlands | Industry | |
Kober, Jens | assistant professor | TU Delft | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Robotics, Motor Skill Learning, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, Deep Learning, Interactive Learning |
Herrera, Manuel | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Critical infrastructures, smart and resilient cities. |
Marvasti-Zadeh, Seyed Mojtaba | Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering | Yazd University | Iran | Academia | |
Moelker, Peter | Software engineer | Netherlands | Industry | ||
Broekstra, Reinder | PhD candidate | University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Miho, Enkelejda | Professor | FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Jacquemart, Delphine | Business Development Associate | company | Belgium | Industry | |
Maertens, Filip | Business Development | Faktion | Belgium | Industry | AI expert: |
Verhoeven Zupanc, Kaja | NLP Engineer | Chatlayer | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gossey, Bert | Faktion | Belgium | |||
Kalfas, Ioannis | PhD Researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Callewaert, Jonathan | Faktion | Belgium | |||
Polfliet, Jos | VP of Applied AI | | Belgium | Industry |
AI expert: Jos is the VP of Applied AI at Faktion, an AI engineering company that works for some of the biggest and most innovative companies in the world. Originally a mathematician, he has lead Machine Learning and AI implementation all over the world. Over the last years, Jos lead the team that was responsible for developing the NLP models that power, the most popular enterprise-ready chatbot platform in Europe. Besides chatbots, Jos has created NLP models for companies like Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and has developed Pearl, the first AI Jury Member in the world. Jos was also responsible for the team that won first place in the Data Impact Award for their work on predicting suicide risk from analyzing social media data of teenagers, and the team that won the inQbet Hackathon by creating an AI Lab assistant for P&G. Voted Best Keynote award on Data Innovation Summit 2017, regular speaker at Machine Learning/AI conferences including ML Conference Munich, AI Congress London, AI Norway, AI4Business summit, Chatbot Summit Berlin, Big Data Toronto, NTBC, ETIS, Data Innovation Summit, Luxembourg Analytics Summit, Screenforce Day 2018 Helsinki, SAS Global Forum, SAS Benelux Forum, meetups and guest lectures at University of Waterloo, University of Ghent, VUB, ULB, Schulich business school, … |
Gomez Tato, Andrés | Aplicaciones&projects manager | CESGA | Spain | Other | |
Ganchev, Todor | Associate Professor | Technical University of Varna | Bulgaria | Academia | AI expert: |
Reinsperger, Simon | Student | TU Berlin | Germany | Academia | |
Lopez, Jose | Estudio Objeto | Spain | Academia, Industry | ||
Midwinter, Phill | Technology Director | Home | United Kingdom | Industry |
AI expert: Home Marketing Ltd |
Floréen, Patrik | University Lecturer | University of Helsinki | Finland | Academia |
AI expert: Also at the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence. |
Wood, Patrick | Owner | iRaishrimp S.L. | Spain | Industry, Other | |
Svensson, Conny | Head of Digital Tranformation and AI | CGI | Sweden | Academia, Industry | |
Figueiredo, Mário | Professor | Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow. |
Tuikka, Tuomo | Research Manager | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland | Finland | Academia | AI expert: |
Papanikolaou, Panos | Digital Media Manager | Company | Greece | Industry | |
Fitze, Andy | CO-Founder – Managing Partner | SwissCognitive | Switzerland | Industry, Other |
AI expert: AI Influencer | Top Digital Leader | Co-Founder SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub | CIO CDO | Keynote Speaker | CIO of Year | Skipper |
Manaila, Florin | Cognitive Systems Architect | IBM | Germany | Industry | |
Eickhoff, Jens | Future Programs | Uni Stuttgart and Airbus Defence and Space | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Aerospace Engineer, Universität Stuttgart, Germany |
Stankovic, Milan | Sépage & Sorbonne, Paris | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Miksch, Silvia | Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Boeva, Veselka | Professor of Computer Science | Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden | Bulgaria | Academia | AI expert: |
Giudici, Paolo | Professor | University of Pavia | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: My professional and research interest is in bulding AI risk management methods in finance |
Smutek, Krzysztof | Master student | Universite Paris-Dauphine | Poland | Academia | |
Jervert, Claire | Artist | Artist | United States | Other | |
Tsiporkova, Elena | Coordinator EluciDATA Lab | Sirris | Belgium | Other |
AI expert: Dr. Elena Tsiporkova is presently leading EluciDATa Lab, the Data and AI competence Lab of Sirris. She has an extensive technological R&D experience, both in an academic and an industrial environment. She has worked for more than 20 years in the field of data analysis, fuzzy systems, speech recognition, decision making, machine learning and bioinformatics at different research institutions in Belgium, UK, Bulgaria, Germany and Austria. |
Olmeda, Ignacio | Professor | University of Alcala | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Deep Learning |
Sarmonikas, George | Head of IoT Analytics & AI | company | Sweden | Industry | AI expert: |
Vinkhuijzen, Lieuwe | PhD student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Breiling, Marco | Chief Scientist | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS | Germany | Academia | |
Joy-Warren, Victoria | Software Engineer | Canada | Industry | ||
Cacchione, Annamaria | Research Assistant | INDIRE | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Formerly Profesora Interina Titular at the Depart. of Filologia Italiana at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; specialized (post-doc fellowship) in Mobile Language Learning and Learning Technologies; interested in Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics, Human-Machine Relationship. Currently working on Blockchain applications in the certification of competences and on the evolution of Adult Education in Italy. |
García-Cuesta, Esteban | Associate Professor | Universidad Europea de Madrid | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: More than 15 years at AI área |
Rapisarda, Carlo | Master student | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Italy | Academia | |
Pozzi, Cristina | Co-founder and CEO | Impactscool | Italy | Other | |
Wykowska, Grazyna | Knowledge Manager | Hamburg Port Authority | Poland | Academia, Industry | |
Meyer-Vitali, André | Senior Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
raspati, marco | CEO | Company | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Selman, Bart | Professor | Cornell University | United States | Academia |
AI expert: Bart Selman is the Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering and Computer Science at Cornell University. Prof. Selman is the President-Elect of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the main international professional society for AI researchers and practitioners. He is also the co-Chair of a national study to determine the Roadmap for AI research to guide US government research investments in AI. Prof. Selman was previously at AT&T Bell Laboratories. His research interests include artificial intelligence, computational sustainability, efficient reasoning procedures, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, planning, knowledge representation, and connections between computer science and statistical physics. He has (co-)authored over 150 publications, including six best paper awards and two classic paper awards. His papers have appeared in venues spanning Nature, Science, Proc. Natl. Acad. of Sci., and a variety of conferences and journals in AI and Computer Science. He has received the Cornell Stephen Miles Excellence in Teaching Award, the Cornell Outstanding Educator Award, an NSF Career Award, and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. He is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and a Fellow of the American Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He is the recipient of the Inaugural IJCAI John McCarthy Research Award, awarded in recognition of outstanding AI researchers at their mid-career stage. |
Waltinger, Ulli | Co-Head Siemens AI Lab / Head of Machine Intelligence Research Group | Siemens AG – Corporate Technology | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Kennedy, Catriona | Independent researcher | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Adriaanse, Joost | Senior consultant | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Haindl, Michal | prof. DrSc. | The Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Ekelund, Lars | Sweden | ||||
Mitchell, Mike | Chief Product Officer | Agorai | United States | Industry | AI expert: |
poppe, toon | Prof drs, ceo, venture capitalist | KuLeuven, Uni of Illinois, Univ des Saarlandes | Belgium | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Pioneer in wireless, online preventive heart monitoring. |
Kandula, Maciej | Staff scientist | Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria | Austria | Academia | |
BLANCHARD, Philippe | CEO | Futurous SA | United Arab Emirates | Industry |
AI expert: Over the last 10 years, a team of experts from the Olympic Movement and the mega-events industry has followed the rise of e-games and new sports and investigated how technology impacts the future of sports, competitions and disciplines. A revolution is under way and the whole ecosystem is changing: new stakeholders, new business model, new expectations from the spectators and the competitors. The time has come to master these disruptions and technology-based innovation in order to align completely with the ways sport and international competitions are promoted, played, sold and consumed. FIFA is the international governing body for football, the International Olympic Committee for the Olympics. We set Futurous, the international committee of innovation. This new Committee provides a unique standpoint to influence and to develop the events of the Future… bringing business, entertainment and education opportunities. Futurous takes the responsibility of It also stimulated our willingness to Inspire, Invent, Include, Improve & Impact. Bringing education programmes, TEDx talks and hackathons, onto the field of play between each session of the competitions. Observing and understanding the growing hunger for data and information, simply delivered everywhere on earth to everyone on-line, we deliberately designed the complete package: inclusive sports, education and a high degree of entertainment and ‘fun’. Fans and spectators wanted “an experience”, we wanted to bring ‘education and food for thought’. Futurous articulate the competitions in 5 Galaxies articulated around disrupting technologies: |
Berthold, Michael | CEO | KNIME AG | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Fellow IEEE |
Lidgard, Anne | Director | Swedish Innovation Agency – Vinnova | Sweden | Academia | |
Goltz, Sean | Senior Lecturer | Edith Cowan University | Australia | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gelepithis, Petros A. M. | Adjunct Faculty Member, Medical School, University of Crete, Hellas. | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: 1. Grant-holder, designer, and Director of the first MSc in Artificial Intelligence in the UK (1987), Kingston University London. |
Musiol, Martin | Senior/ Lead Data Scientist | TU Munich, frog design, IBM | Germany | Industry | |
Montazeri, Allahyar | Lecturer in Mechatronics | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Reithinger, Norbert | Principal Resaercher and Research Fellow | DFKI | Germany | Other | AI expert: |
Adrian, Benjamin | Dr. | Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kalimuthu, Marimuthu | Master’s student | DFKI, Saarland Informatics Campus | Germany | Academia | |
Lenz, Nicolas | Member of the management | geo7 AG | Switzerland | Industry | |
Zimmer, Christophe | Research director | Institut Pasteur | France | Academia |
AI expert: interests: advanced imaging, computational biology, applications of deep learning to biomedicine |
Torres, Abel | Founder | DATAVERAS | Belgium | Industry | |
Onwudiwe, Victor | Chief Executive Officer | Mr | United Kingdom | Academia, Other | |
Huddleston, Martin | Head of Cyber | APMG International Ltd | United Kingdom | Industry, Other | |
Richter, Andreas | President | Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Jaokar, Ajit | Course director – University of Oxford – Data Science for IoT course | University of Oxford – Data Science for IoT course | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: In addition to my work in AI and IoT, I am also associated with UPM(University of Madrid) and the Harvard Kennedy school for future of AI. My current research work in AI relates to Affective Computing. I have a Bachelors in Engineering(Uni Bombay); Masters in Information systems(Uni Salford); PhD(ongoing – TBC 2019) in AI with Uni Madrid |
Torok, Agoston | Lead Data Scientist | AGT International | Hungary | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Zinke, Guido | Senior Researcher | VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik, Berlin | Germany | Other | |
Ndiaye, Alassane | Senior Software-Engineer (R&D) | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Develder, Chris | Professor | Ghent University – imec | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Arendshorst, Harm Jan | CEO and Founder | iLabs Technologies b.v. | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
Pohlmann, Camila | Community Lead | Unbabel | Portugal | Industry | |
Simoens, Pieter | professor | Ghent University – imec | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Taddeo, Mariarosaria | Research Fellow, Deputy Director | Digital Ethics Lab, University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Azzano, Massimo | Head space physics Germany | Airbus | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Alte Uhldinger Str.5B |
Arpteg, Anders | Principal Data Scientist | Peltarion AB | Sweden | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: AI researcher that has been working with AI for 20 years both in academia and industry with a PhD from Linköping University. Worked at Spotify for many years making use of big data and machine learning techniques to optimize user experience. Now working with the latest and greatest AI techniques at Peltarion as Principal Data Scientist, where we have the ambitious goal of making deep learning and the latest AI techniques available for all, not just the large technology organizations. Also founder of Agent Central AB, AI adviser for the Swedish government, member of the European AI Alliance, founder of the Machine Learning Stockholm meetup group, and member of several advisory boards. |
Schauerte, Boris | Product Manager Autonomous Driving & Principal Machine Learning Expert | BMW | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Diepgrond, Denny | MSc | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Dengler, Dietmar | Deputy Head of Cognitve Assistants Department | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise in Industrie 4.0 |
Vasilakos, Athanasios | Full Professor | LTU, Sweden | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: 27000 citations, |
Shakurov, El | Partner | DataRoot Labs | Ukraine | Industry | AI expert: |
Mac Namee, Brian | Lecturer | University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Chair of The Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AIAI) |
Eeckhout, Lieven | Full Professor | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | |
mathieu, pp | data scientist | ESA | Italy | Academia | |
Mannens, Erik | Research Valorisation Director | imec – Ghent University – IDLab | Belgium | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Fusion of Semantics & ML |
Wolff, Gerry | Director | | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: See « Introduction to the SP Theory of Intelligence » (PDF, |
Turhan, Anni-Yasmin | Senior Lecturer | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Editor of the German AI Journal (KI Journal), co-PC chair of the German AI conference in 2018 |
Ahrenberg, Lars | Professor emeritus | Linköping University | Sweden | Academia | |
Santos, Isabel | Business Development | Unbabel | Portugal | Other | |
Loureiro Solleiro, Alexandre | Product Manager | Unbabel | Portugal | Industry | AI expert: |
Kontopoulos, Efstratios | Senior Researcher | Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Peppas, Pavlos | Professor | University of Patras | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Bienstman, Peter | UGent | Belgium | Academia | ||
Barreto, Guilherme | AE | Unbabel | Portugal | Industry | |
Carrozo, Matthew | Director of Communications | Unbabel | Portugal | Industry | AI expert: |
Verborgh, Ruben | Professor | Ghent University – imec | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Carpenter, Nigel | Chief Data Scientist | RSA Insurance | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Van den Poel, Dirk | Professor of Data Analytics | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Dr. Dirk Van den Poel (PhD) is a Senior Full Professor of Data Analytics/Big Data at Ghent University, |
Kornai, Andras | Professor | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Hungary | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: H=26 |
Demeester, Piet | Director IDLab | Ghent University – imec | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: FIEEE, ERC advanced grant holder |
Zoghbi, Susana | Founder & CEO | | Belgium | Industry | AI expert: |
Di Rosa, Emanuele | Chief Technology Officer | App2Check | Italy | Industry |
AI expert: Dr. Di Rosa is currently Chief Technology Officer at App2Check, company dedicated to design and develop AI & NLP based software products, having as applications Customer Experience Analytics and Chatbots. He has a strong background in Artificial Intelligence, on both the Symbolic approaches to AI, more specifically in Automated Reasoning on which he wrote his PhD thesis, and on the ones based to Machine Learning and sub-symbolic representations. He is co-author of 18 scientific papers published by international peer-reviewed international journals/conferences/workshops/doctoral consortiums. Recently, he is more focused on Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification and Machine Learning. Recently, in this latter field, he was speaker at the 2017 Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York, in the board of the ESWC-17 Challenge on Semantic Sentiment Analysis and won the irony detection task at Evalita SentiPolc 2016. He was speaker and reviewer in many international conferences and workshops. He works since 2004 on chatbot design and development and was awarded in 2005 by Confindustria Liguria for his chatbot project involving the use of Latent Semantic Analysis for man-machine dialogue. He has a strong interest in building connections between academy and industry, believing that a strong synergy can lead to an important positive impact in both worlds. |
Chintala, Sandeep | Managing Director | Impressive Applications | United Kingdom | Industry | AI expert: |
Camps-Valls, Gustau | Professor | Universitat de València | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: * Professor in Electrical Engineering + PhD physics |
Chen, Andy | United States | ||||
Fazio, Tommaso | Data Scientist | HUBX | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | |
Kloeckner, Kristof | Honorary Professor | University of Stuttgart | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Retired CTO of IBM Global Technology Services, Honorary Professor at the University of Stuttgart, experience in applying AI to IT Service Management |
Lilleby, Ian | Co-Founder, CTO, CISO | Infinite Alpha | United Kingdom | Industry |
AI expert: Passionate about pushing the boundaries of AI, model optimisation, reducing training times and improving accuracy in multi-model AI approaches. Contributing to scalability of AI infrastructures. Fellowships include Chartered Management Institute and British Computer Society. Recently won the Wealth & Finance International award for Innovation in AI and Blockchain. |
Ciuonzo, Domenico | Senior Researcher | Network Measurement and Monitoring (NM2), Spin-off of University of Naples « Federico II », Italy | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I received Ph.D. from Univ. of Campania (IT) in ’13. In ’11 I was involved in the VRP of the NATO CMRE, La Spezia, IT. In ’12 I was a Visiting Scholar at the ECE Dept of UConn, US, under the supervision of proffs Y. Bar-Shalom and P. K. Willett. In ’13-14 I was a PostDoc at DIII-UniCampania, funded by MIUR-FIRB ’13. In ’15 and ’16 I was Guest Researcher at the Dept of Electronics and Telecom, NTNU, NOR. In ’14-’16 I was a PostDoc at DIETI, Univ. of Naples, « Federico II », IT and, since ’17, Researcher at NM2. Research interests: Data Fusion, Spectrum Sensing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Massive MIMO, Radar and Sonar, Det. Theory, Network Traffic Classification and Machine/Deep Learning. IEEE SM’16 (Student ’11-13, Member ’14-15). Nominated « Exemplary Reviewer » by IEEE Comm. Lett. and IEEE Trans. on Comm., in ’13/’17 and ’14, respectively. Currently serving as AE for Elsevier IF, Neurocomputing, IEEE IoT J and Comm Lett. Senior AE for IEEE T-AES journal. |
Umre, Ashish | Head of Artificial Intelligence | AXA XL | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Academic research background through a Bachelors in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering, Masters and Doctoral research work in Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, and Sociobiology. |
van der Smagt, Patrick | Director of AI Research | Volkswagen Group | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Pedramparsi, Hilla | CEO | Silicon Syrup Limited | United Kingdom | Industry |
AI expert: I have been leading ML teams at Yahoo and recently at Gamesys in London. I have the passion for AI and especially in the area of CNN. |
Alam, Muddasser | Chief Scientist | Wondrwall Group of Companies | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Goldstaub, Tabitha | co founder | cognitionx | United Kingdom | Industry | AI expert: |
Wang, Hui | PhD candidiate | Leiden University | China | Academia | |
Hiemstra, Bas | Portfolio Solution Designer Automated Interactions | Arvato CRM Solutions | Netherlands | Industry | |
Morelli, Davide | CTO | BioBeats Group LTD | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I’m a researcher and entrepreneur. My startup focuses on building AI models for analysis and prediction of physiological and psychological stress. I have a PhD in Computer Science (Pisa) and currently pursuing a DPhil in Engineering Sciences (Oxford) |
Canak, Caner | Artificial intelligence manager | Turkcell telecom company | Turkey | Industry | |
Kumluk, Semih | Data Scientist & Human Resources Manager | Turkcell | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Pancioni, Luca | Professor | University of Siena | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Guttmann, Christian | Vice President; Professor (Adj. Assoc.) | Tieto; University of New South Wales | Sweden | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: We are the Nordic Leading AI company. I am overlooking all AI strategic and executive activities at Tieto – top 100 IT company (according to reuters). 15000 global employees. |
Lowry, Mathew | Founder | | Belgium | Industry |
AI expert: Startup |
Foschini, Luca | Chief data scientist | Evidation health | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
voight, randall | Research Analyst | Intl Research & Evaluation LLC. | United States | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Quantum cryptography. |
Joscelyne, Andrew | advisor | LT-Innovate | France | Industry | |
Molan, Gregor | Head of Research | Comtrade | Slovenia | Industry | |
Lowndes, Alison B | AI DevRel | EMEA | NVIDIA | United Kingdom | Industry | AI expert: |
Siebert, Mark | Director engagement programs | Elsevier | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: Writing a report on dynamics of global AI research and the definition of AI. |
Keluro, Caesar | Co-Founder | Nanocentric Technologies | Nigeria | Industry | |
Lehre, Per Kristian | Senior Lecturer | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Duarte, Monique | COO | Melior AI | United Kingdom | Industry | AI expert: |
Rodriguez Fernández, Jose Marcos | CTO and Head of AI | MeliorAI | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: MSc in Computer Science and MSc in Artificial Intelligence. Worked in AI research for natural language understanding for various different private companies where I co-authored research publications. I am also the inventor of several patents for AI-based language understanding technology. I have a special interest in bio-inspired algorithms and reinforcement-learning. |
Johansson, Moa | Associate Professor | Chalmers University of Technology | Sweden | Academia | |
Borg, James | Lecturer in Evolutionary Systems | Keele University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Rauber, Andreas | Head of IFS | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Henesey, Lawrence | Assoc. Professor | Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: Since 2000, Dr. Henesey has been researching on the application of Distributed Artificial Intelligence in Container Ports and Terminals, which has culminated into 60+ published articles and two books. In addition to lecturing at several US and European Universities, Dr. Henesey is a member of the board of advisors at the Port Operations Research and Technology Centre at Imperial College London. Dr. Henesey posseses 27 years of industrial work experience while employed with companies such as: Evergreen, Sea Land, TTS Port Equipment, Conductix-Wampfler AG, Vahle GmbH, SIMPORT AB. Dr. Henesey assists in the development of solutions for energy and data transmission needs in ports and container terminals globally. Dr. Henesey has worked with clients on employing automation and electrification technologies such as AGVs, ASCs, Automated cranes, RTGs and RMGs. Dr. Henesey earned his PhD in Computer Science from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. Additional degrees are: MSc (Cum-Laude) in Transport and Maritime Management from the University of Antwerp, Belgium and degrees from Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA. Member of the following organisations: Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA), Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS), and Association of Computer Machinery (ACM). |
Hansen, Nikolaus | Research director | Inria | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Auger, Anne | Senior Researcher | Inria and Ecole Polytechnique, France | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Homeyer, Maria | Coordinator Welcome Centre for internationally mobile researchers | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | |
Biedenkapp, André | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | ||
Hanisch, Thorsten | Senior Vice President | Arvato CRM Solutions | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Salmon, Joseph | Full professor | Université de Montpellier | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Rudolph, Sebastian | Professor | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: ERC Consolidator Grant |
Kliegr, Tomas | Assistant professor | University of Economics, Prague | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: interpretable models |
Koch, Dr. Andreas | Studiendekan, Prof. | Hochschule der Medien | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Gründer des « Institute for Monitoring Artificial Intelligence » an der HdM Stuttgart. |
Soria-Frisch, Aureli | Director of Neuroscience | Starlab barcelona | Spain | Industry | AI expert: |
Petrick, Ron | United Kingdom | AI expert: | |||
Petta, Paolo | Head, Intelligent Software Agents and New Media | OFAI, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
SIMON, Guillaume | Data Scientist | GfK | France | Other | |
Krishnamurthy, Sri | President | QuSandbox | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Soares, Antonio | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |||
Gupta, Abhinav | PhD student | Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
Leroux, Sam | Researcher | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Lau, Kenneth | Hong Kong | ||||
Pipa, Gordon | Professor and Chair of the Neuroinformatics Department | University of Osnabrueck – Institute of Cognitive Science | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: research gate: |
Mazloomi, Hamid | Assistant Professor | RENNES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS | France | Academia | |
Schuster, Jasmin | AI & Innovation Project Manager | Mercedes-Benz Consulting | Germany | Industry | |
Altın, Umut Can | Student | Eskisehir Technical University | Turkey | Academia | |
Baus, Jörg | Senior Reseacher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Acs, Ferenc | Subject Matter Expert: Artificial Intelligence | Mercedes-Benz Consulting GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: |
Hofmann, Dirk | Co-Founder, CEO | DAIN Studios | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Vella, Godfrey | Chair | NCFHE | Malta | Academia, Industry | |
Lobelle, Marc | professor emeritus | Université catholique de Louvain | Belgium | Academia, Other | |
Sabou, Marta | Senior Postdoctoral Researcher | Technical Univerity of Vienna (TU Wien) | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
van Gils, Mark | Research Professor | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. | Finland | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Spilka, Jiri | researcher | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Dingli, Alexiei | Associate Professor | University of Malta | Malta | Academia | AI expert: |
Dheur, Yvan | Intelligence Manager | Studycircle Free Inquiry | Belgium | Academia | |
Mohr, Lukas | Research Assistant | University | Germany | Academia | |
Gonzalez-Mendoza, Miguel | Associate Professor | ITESM | Mexico | Academia |
AI expert: Carr. Lago de Guadalupe km 3.5 |
Moser, Bernhard | Research Coordinator, Priv.-Doz. Dr. | SCCH, Software Competence Center Hagenberg | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Habilitated in Mathematics (JKU LInz); interested in foundations of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning; |
Ballarin, Emanuele | Student | University of Trieste | Italy | Academia | |
Torossian, Bianca | Assistant Analyst | The Hague Center of Strategic Studies | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Jensen, Rune Møller | Associate Professor | IT University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Moreno, Ana | Computational Linguist | Bitext Innovations S.L. | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Gricius, Gabriella | Assistant Analyst | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Freundlieb, Michael | Director Data Intelligence | Arvato SCM Solutions | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Griffith, Josephine | Lecturer | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Currently supervising PhDs in the areas of Game Theory and Evolutionary Computation. My research interests are in the areas of Collaborative Filtering, Recommendation, Sentiment Analysis and Social Media, Linguistics and Evolutionary Game Theory. |
Saerens, Marco | Professor | Universite de Louvain | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Declerck, Thierry | Senior Consultant | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
Lechner, Werner | BMW Group | Germany | Industry | ||
Pascu, Sorin | CEO | Appstam Consulting GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Paliouras, Georgios | Research Director | NCSR « Demokritos » | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Yenicelik, David | CEO | The AI Company LLC | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Rademaker, Michel | deputy Director | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies | Netherlands | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Agosti, Donat | Switzerland | ||||
van Eck, Wim | PhD candidate | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
B, Tiru | Machine Learning Engineer | Enterprisebot Pvt Ltd | India | Industry | |
Weiler, Andreas | Assistant Professor | ZHAW Winterthur | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lamers, Maarten | assistant professor | Leiden University Institute of Advanced Computer Science | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Cieliebak, Mark | Lecturer on NLP and AI | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Isoaho, Pauli | CTO | Arctic Robotics Oy | Finland | Industry | |
Thomas, Charles | Research assistant | UClouvain | Belgium | Academia | |
Blaauwbroek, Lasse | Researcher | Czech Technical University | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Cappart, Quentin | Postdoctoral fellow | Polytechnique Montréal | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
Verhaeghe, Hélène | PhD student | UCLouvain | Belgium | Academia | |
Ziebart, Volker | Dr. | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
PHAM, Hoang Son | postdoc researcher | UCL | Belgium | Academia | |
Gencoglu, Oguzhan | Head of AI | Top Data Science | Finland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Hegyi, Stefan | Research Associate | Zurich University of Applied Science | Switzerland | Academia | |
Buchberger, Ernst | Assistant Professor | Medical University of Vienna | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Mehonic, Aida | Programme Manager | Institute | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Industry background. Currently a Programme Manager at the Alan Turing Institute. |
Fay, Dominik | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Germany | Academia | ||
Mazhar, Heba | Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Schietgat, Leander | Business developer Artificial Intelligence Lab | Vrije Universiteit Brussels | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Stalder, Melanie | Engineer | company | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Van Cauwelaert, Sascha | Postdoc | UCLouvain | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Caron, Sascha | Associate Professor | Radboud University Nijmegen | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Paatero, Anssi | Finland | Academia, Other | |||
Pradel, Florian | Mechanical engineering student | HAW Landshut | Germany | Academia | |
Hämäläinen, Pentti | Finland | Other | |||
Pelillo, Marcello | Professor | University of Venice, Italy | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Director, European Centre for Living Technology IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow |
Rodosthenous, Christos | IT Officer and Phd Candidate at Computational Cognition Lab | Open University of Cyprus | Cyprus | Academia, Industry | |
Monett, Dagmar | Prof. Dr. of Computer Science | Berlin School of Economics and Law | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Prof. of Computer Science with 30+ years of research and teaching experience. Co-Founder of the AGI Sentinel Initiative, ACM professional member. Keynote speaker. Currently focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Software Engineering methods and techniques, and Computer Science education. Particularly interested in understanding and solving intelligence, machine learning, robotics in education, distributed AI, agents and multiagent systems, metaheuristics (e.g. evolutionary algorithms, ant colony systems, neural networks), knowledge-based systems, and software design and development including Agile. |
Legay, Axel | Professor | UCL | Belgium | Academia | |
Riviere, Etienne | Professor | UCLouvain | Belgium | Academia | |
Branders, Vincent | PhD Student | Université catholique de Louvain | Belgium | Academia | |
van Dongen, Jos | Principal Consultant | SAS | Netherlands | Industry | |
Srinivasan, Gokul Krishna | Chief Technology Officer | Startup | Finland | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Expert in autonomous vehicles – aerial and ground vehicles. |
Füchslin, Rudolf M. | Prof. Dr. | Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Elezi, Ismail | PhD Student of Deep Learning | 1991 | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Benites, Fernando | Research Associate | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lewis, Colin | Founder | | Poland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: By working closely with scientists and leading thinkers from multi-disciplines, the founders of the AGI Sentinel Initiative ( believe that we can help humanity to better understand intelligence. If human beings have a better understanding of intelligence, it will not only help to build artificial intelligent machines, but it will also help to improve individual’s situation awareness, decision making and values, and ultimately greatly improve people’s knowledge of each other and our world, and thereby improve the quality of life for society overall. |
Sure-Vetter, York | Professor | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: – also Director at FZI Research Center for Information Technology |
Pesah, Arthur | Master’s student | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | France | Academia | |
Rouanet, Anaïs | Research associate | MRC Biostatistics Unit | France | Academia | |
Lama, Manuel | Associate Professor | University of Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Koch, Christian | Data Scientist | CarDataBank | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Fromont, Elisa | Professor | University | France | Academia | |
Tidemann, Axel | Senior research scientist | Telenor Research | Norway | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Richta, Karel | | Czech Technical University | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: Problem Solving |
Olhofer, Markus | Chief Scientist | company | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Vallejo, Marta | Head of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning | ClearSky Medical Diagnosis | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: MSc in Artificial Intelligence |
de Witte, Astrid | Communications Coordinator | Arvato Financial Solutions | Netherlands | ||
Georgieva, Lilia | Dr. | Heriot Watt University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Kelleher, John | Professor | Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: My research areas include: machine learning, natural language processing, and human-robot interaction. |
Longo, Luca | Lecturer | Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Automated Reasoning, Defeasible Reasoning, Machine Learning |
Aylett, Ruth | Professor of Computer Science | Heriot-Watt University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: I work in social agents/robots, affective systems and digital narrative. I have led groups in a series of EU projects in these areas since 2001. |
Rios, Andre | Data Scientist | Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | Academia, Industry | |
Bozic, Bojan | Research Fellow | Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Cowley, Benjamin | Docent | University of Helsinki | Finland | Academia | |
Delany, Sarah Jane | Professor | Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Marco Detchart, Cédric | PhD student | Universidad Pública de Navarra | Spain | Academia | |
Corcho, Oscar | Professor | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Member of the Spanish Association for AI (AEPIA) |
Bridge, Derek | Senior Lecturer | University College Cork | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Alonso, Jose Maria | Postdoc Researcher | CiTIUS, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: M.S. (2003) and Ph.D. (2007) degrees in Telecommunication Engineering, both from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain. I am currently with the Department of Computer Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Secretary of EUSFLAT, Chair of the IEEE-CIS Task Force on Fuzzy Systems Software, and Associate Editor of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. My main research interests include explainable artificial intelligence, data science, soft computing, computational intelligence, fuzzy modeling, interpretable fuzzy systems, natural language generation, free software tools, robotics and WiFi localization. |
Farkas, Richárd | head of data science | BlackSwanData and University of Szeged | Hungary | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Csirik, János | Emeritus Professor | University | Hungary | Academia | AI expert: |
Kuzilek, Jakub | postdoc researcher | CIIRC, CTU in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Radosavljevik, Dejan | Lead Data Scientist & Manager Data Science a.i. | T-Mobile Netherlands | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kurkova, Vera | Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: president of the European Neural Network Society |
Stathis, Kostas | Professor | Royal Holloway, Univ. of London | United Kingdom | AI expert: | |
Kun, David | CEO | Functional Finances Ltd | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
koopmans, hugo | Cief Data Science | DIKW Intelligence | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Piao, Guangyuan | PhD Student | Insight Centre for Data Analytics | Ireland | Academia | |
ANANIA, loretta | Scientific officer | International civil servant | Italy | Academia | |
Jakob, Michal | Head of AI for Transport and Mobility | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ramos Soto, Alejandro | Postdoctoral researcher | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Working in application of fuzzy sets to data-to-text systems. |
Åström, Joakim | Artificial Intelligence Lead | CGI | Sweden | Academia, Industry | |
Benczur, Andras | head, Informatics Laboratory | Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Hungary | Academia | AI expert: |
Díaz Hermida, Félix | Innovation Manager | University of Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Matoušek, Jindřich | Associate professor | University of West Bohemia | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Berka, Petr | prof. | University of Economics, Prague | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: my areas of interest are expert systems, machine learning and data mining |
Svátek, Vojtěch | Professor | University of Economics, Prague | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise mainly in Semantic Web, Ontology Engineering and Linked Data |
Azevedo, Lucas | PhD candidate | The Insight Centre for Data Analytics | Ireland | Academia | |
Cernadas, Eva | Associate professor | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Losada, David E. | Associate Professor | Univ. Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | |
Pereira-Fariña, Martin | Dr | University of Santiago de Conpostela | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Argumentation, Philosophy of Language, Natural Language Processing |
Tóth, László | Associate professor | University of Szeged | Hungary | Academia | |
Omlin, Christian | Professor | University of Agder | Norway | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Fernández-Delgado, Manuel | Associate Professor | University of Santiago de Compostela | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Šmídl, Luboš | assistant professor | University of the Bohemia | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Holena, Martin | senior researcher, board member | Institute of Computer Science | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Kofránek, Jiří | CEO, owner | Creative Connections s.r.o. | Czech Republic | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: We deal with the research and development of medical simulators and the creation of extensive computer models of the human organism (see and We work closely with the academic sphere. CEO and CreativeConnections s.r.o. owner, Jiří Kofránek, is an Associate Professor at the Czech Technical University and also of Charles University. Jiří Kofránek is the head of the Laboratory of Biocybernetics, Institute of Pathological Physiology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University. U Nemocnice 5, 128 53 Praha 2 |
Muyambala, Leon | Engineer | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) | Sweden | Academia | |
Hanna, Mina | Chair, IEEE-USA AI & Autonomous Systems Policy Committee, Co-Chair Policy Committee of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems | IEEE-USA | United States | Industry | |
Knop, Robert | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | |||
Bramer, Max | Professor Emeritus | University of Portsmouth, UK | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Chartered Fellow of British Computer Society |
Keane, Mark | Chair of Computer Science | University College Dublin, National University of Ireland | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: ECCAI Fellow |
Buitelaar, Paul | Senior Lecturer | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
De, Sagar | Data Scientist | Workday | Ireland | Industry | AI expert: |
O’Mahony, Michael | Lecturer | Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia | |
Foy, Stephen | Deep learning researcher and Valeo expert | Valeo | Ireland | Industry | |
Ross, Robert | Senior Lecturer | Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Gustavsson, Peter | Senior Partner | Elpis Partners | Sweden | Industry | |
MACAS, Martin | researcher | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Seiler, Stephen | Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation | University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Vojtas, Peter | full professor | Charles University, Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | |
Auer-Welsbach, Chirstoph | Founder | City.AI, global applied AI network | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Messina, Enza | Professor | University of Milano Bicocca | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Kudina, Olya | PhD researcher | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | |
Smeaton, Alan | Dublin City University | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Fellow of the IEEE, member and gold medal winner Royal Irish Academy, Chair of ACM SIGMM |
Roberts, Brian | Lecturer/PhD Student | University | United Kingdom | Academia, Other | |
McCrae, John | Lecturer Above-the-Bar | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
van de Poll, Stan | Netherlands | Academia | |||
dempsey, pat | Strategic Projects Director | nui galway | Ireland | Industry | AI expert: |
Moreu, Enric | Research Assistant | Insight Centre of Data Analytics | Spain | Industry | |
Winter, Jos | MSc Student | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Kechadi, Tahar | Professor | University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
O’donoghue, Diarmuid | Lecturer | Maynooth University | Ireland |
AI expert: Cognitive Modelling, computational creativity, psychologically inspired computation. |
Pesquet, Baptiste | Professeur | National Engineering School of Cognitics (ENSC) | France | Academia | |
Hanczar, Blaise | University Paris-Saclay, Univ Evry | France | Academia | AI expert: | |
Parnell, Andrew | Hamilton Professor | Maynooth University | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Leavy, Susan | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
O’Neill, Michael | ICON Chair of Business Analytics | University College Dublin | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert:’Neill.html |
van de Voordt, Roos | secretary coordinator | University Leiden | Netherlands | Academia | |
Sjöberg, Per-Olov | Chef of Online- and Development Department of Norrmejerier Dairy corporation | Norrmejerier Dairy | Sweden | Industry, Other | |
Fahlgård Lahache, Anna | Phd student Business Admin – digital innovation | Stockholm school of economics | Sweden | Academia | |
Wolstencroft, Katherine | Assistant Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Dunjko, Vedran | Asst. Prof. | LIACS, University of Leiden | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Katanguri, Prakash | Lead Architect | Merkle Inc | United States | Industry | |
O Riordan, Colm | Lecturer | National University of Ireland, Galway | Ireland | Academia | |
Cannon, Dara | Senior Lecturer | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | Academia | |
Madden, Michael | Professor of Computer Science | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Michael Madden is the Chair of Computer Science in the National University of Ireland Galway. He joined NUI Galway as a lecturer in 2000. He leads the Data Mining & Machine Learning Group, working on theoretical advances in machine learning, applied to problems in health, security, and scientific domains. He has over 90 publications, four patents, and spun out a company based on his research. He has spent time as a Visiting Research Scientist in University of Helsinki, University of California Irvine, and UC Berkeley. |
Diaz-Aviles, Ernesto | Co-Founder and CEO | Libre AI | Ireland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Winter, Robert | CEO | Elastisys AB | Sweden | Industry | AI expert: |
Breslin, John | Senior Lecturer | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: Senior lecturer at NUI Galway’s College of Engineering and Informatics Co-PI at the SFI Insight Centre for Data Analytics, FI at the SFI Confirm Centre for Smart Manufacturing, FI at the SFI VistaMilk Centre for Precision Pasture-Based Dairying • 190+ peer-reviewed publications, 5,600 citations, 37 h-index |
Lhotska, Lenka | head of the department, senior researcher | Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics | Czech Republic | Academia |
AI expert: research focus: applications of AI methods to biomedical area; data and knowledge representation; machine learning applications |
Mitchell, George | COO / Dr. | Realizeit Ltd | Ireland | Industry | AI expert: |
Quesada, Luis | Research Project Leader | Insight Centre for Data Analytics | Ireland | Academia | |
Provan, Gregory | Professor | University College Cork | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: expertise in autonomous systems, machine learning, and control |
Klein, Simon | Cognitive Scientist seeking employment | Unaffiliated | Sweden | Other | |
Manoury, Charles | Intern European Commission, Digital Cabinet | Européen Commission | France | Academia | |
Hansson, Mikael | Umeå University | Sweden | |||
Verbeek, Fons | Professor dr ir | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Daae-Qvale, Agathe | Norway | Industry | |||
Groenewegen, Luuk | associate professor ; dr | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Rozenberg, Grzegorz | Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Takes, Frank | dr. | Leiden University | Netherlands | AI expert: | |
Sorge, Christoph | Professor of Legal Informatics | Saarland University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Interest in legal and privacy aspects of AI, as a computer scientist and professor in a law faculty. |
Armbruster, Chris | Director | Data Science Retreat | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: 10,000 Data Scientists for Europe |
Carlos, Ansótegui | Associate Professor | University of Lleida | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Leader of LOG team: |
belkhir, nacim | Research scientist | Safran | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Vink, Henk Jan | Managing Director | TNO Unit Information and Communication Technology | Netherlands | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Parthie, Sandra | Head of European Affairs and Brussels Office | German Economic Institute | Belgium | Academia | |
Goecke, Henry | Head of Research Group Big Data Analytics | German Economic Institute | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Vilariño, Fernando | Associate Director at CVC | Computer Vision Centre, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona. European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Voulgaris, Efstratios | Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Vanassche, Michelle | Belgium | ||||
Gurel, Peretz | Israel | Industry | |||
Lang, Muriel | Specialist Development AI | BMW Group AG Munich | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
de Keulenaar, Emillie V. | Junior researcher | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Pan, Wei | Assistant Professor | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Research interest: |
Correia, Luís | Associate professor | Universidade de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Marrow, Paul | Researcher Developer – Data Science, Applied Maths | Liverpool John Moores University | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Chartered IT Professional (UK) |
Rodríguez Parada, Héctor | Software Engineer | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Clark, James | Professor | McGill University | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
GASCON, ALBERTO | Head of Advanced Analytics | CEPSA | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kroes, Fernando Silva | Software Engineer | VU | Netherlands | Academia | |
Voormanns, Klaus | VP Portfolio Management | Bertelsmann / Arvato | Germany | Industry | |
Koehler, Jana | interim president | SGAICO Swiss Group for AI and Cognitive Science | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: I am pleased to inform you that SGAICO unanimously supports the CLAIRE initiative! |
Madrigal, Pedro | Computational Scientist | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Rupp, Jörg | CEO | DORUCON DR RUPP CONSULTING Gmbh | Germany | Industry, Other |
AI expert: network management, innovation management, consulting, project management,, networking, cluster management, subsidies, grants, subventions, horizon 2020, ki, hpc, security, industry, sme, small and mid size companies |
Mañas, Oscar | Graduate student / Computer Vision Engineer | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Torres, Jordi | Professor | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Barcelona Supercomuting Center | Spain | Academia | |
Baier, Patrick | Senior Data Scientist | Zalando SE | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Tognon, Davide | it technician (developer) | inail | Italy | Academia, Other | |
Zollhoefer, Michael | Visiting Assistant Professor | Stanford University | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Huijsmans, Maarten | co-founder | WebMonks | Belgium | Industry | |
Boyer, Anne | Professor in computer science | Université de Lorraine / Loria | France | Academia |
AI expert: I lead a research team within the Loria lab, named KIWI (Knowledge, information & web Intelligence). Its research activities are about mining human data in order to build behavioral users’ models. Application fields are recommender systems, educational datelining (and Learning Analytics), …. |
Topp, Elin Anna | Senior Lecturer | Lund University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Hansen, Dan Witzner | Associate professor | IT University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
van Hoof, Herke | Assistant professor | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Johnson, Alexander | Junior Adviser (Valuations) | PwC | Sweden | Academia, Industry | |
Vincent, Emmanuel | Senior Research Scientist | Inria | France | Academia |
AI expert: areas of interest: speech & audio |
Augenstein, Isabelle | Assistant professor | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Dolog, Peter | Associate Professor | Aalborg University, Department of Computer Science | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Agic, Zeljko | Associate professor | IT University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia | AI expert: |
Stoy, Kasper | Professor | IT University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Schluter, Natalie | Associate Professor, Head of Data Science | IT University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
van Fenema, Paul C. | Professor | Netherlands Defence Academy | Netherlands | Academia | |
Macias-Hernandez, Jose Juan | Associate Professor | University of La Laguna | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Goerz, Guenther | Prof. i.R. Dr. | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: also: Visiting Scholar, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome, Italy |
Peck, Jonathan | PhD Student | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | |
Boujemaa, Nozha | Director of research | Inria | France | Academia |
AI expert: Director of DATAIA Institute, Member of the Board of Directors of BDVA, President of Scientific Council of SystemX, |
Basile, Pierpaolo | Researcher | University of Bari Aldo Moro | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Lucena-Cid, Isabel-Victoria | Professor | Universidad Pablo de Olavide | Spain | Academia | |
Stede, Manfred | Professor | Universität Potsdam | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: area of interest: language technology / computational linguistics |
Aissa, Kerkour Elmiad | teacher/ researcher | University | Morocco | Academia, Other | |
van Knippenberg, Marijn | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Fuentes Hitos, Dunai | Spain | Industry | |||
Yıldırım Yayılgan, Şule | Professor | NTNU | Norway | Academia |
AI expert: Significant teaching and research experience in AI, ML, deep learning |
Pireva, Krenare | PhD student | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Tschandl, Philipp | Associate Professor | Medical University of Vienna | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Dalipi, Fisnik | Associate Professor | University of South-Eastern Norway | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Dietz Saldanha, Emmanuelle | Dr. | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia | |
Spindler, Christian | CEO | TrustIn.AI | Switzerland | Industry |
AI expert: TrustIn.AI develops products to enable interpretable, transparent and fair AI solutions for organizations. We are happy to become part of the CLAIRE initiative! |
Niemueller, Tim | Doctoral Researcher | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Farquhar, Jason | Assistant Professor | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Dickens, Luke | Lecturer in Machine Learning | University College London | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: PhD – Machine Learning |
Höhn, Sviatlana | Research associate (postdoc) | University of Luxembourg | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: |
Sudmann, Andreas | PD Dr. | Ruhr-University Bochum | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Research interests: The cultural, political and media history of AI in general and ANN in particular Special interests: Computer vision and machine translation |
Ryckaert, Claire | Data architect | company | Belgium | Other | |
Müller, Christian | Head of Competence Center Autonomous Driving | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Nenkova-Aslan, Nadezhda | Consultant | Austria | Industry | ||
Paquete, Luís | Assistant Professor | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Denecker, Marc | Professor | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Pool, Lourens | TU Delft | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Muthuri, Robert | Research Fellow | Strathmore University | Kenya | Academia | |
Wang, Hilary | Technical Trainer | ABB | Singapore | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
van Keulen, Maurice | Associate Professor | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
van der Voort, Noah | Radboud University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Mascardi, Viviana | Associate Professor | University of Genova | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Brzezinski, Dariusz | Phd | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lukowicz, Paul | Full Professor, Embedded Intelligence | DFKI and University of Kaiserslautern | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Bolioli, Andrea | Research & Innovation Manager | CELI – Language Technology | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Cappuccio, Roberto | CEO | BVM S.r.L. | Italy | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Areas of interest: |
Quesada Real, Francisco José | PhD Student | University of Edinburgh | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Renda, Alessandro | PhD Student | University of Florence | Italy | Academia | |
Khouas, Leila | Research Engineer | Bertin-It | France | Industry | AI expert: |
Wever, Marcel | Research Assistant | Paderborn University | Germany | Academia | |
van den Hengel, Anton van | Director | Australian Institute for Machine Learning | Australia | Academia | AI expert: |
Krejca, Martin S. | PhD Student | Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Wråli, Christian | Student, Master in Knowledge Management | Nord University | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Turcea, Alexandru | MD student; R&D engineer | Transilvania University; * Corporation | Romania | Academia, Industry | |
Gratiot, Arshia | Founder | Industry | United Kingdom | Industry |
AI expert: Representing start-up involvement in the design of regulatory enviornment |
Floreano, Dario | Professor | EPFL, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Director of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research Robotics |
Vögel, Hans-Jörg | Manager AI, Cognitive Services and E/E Prototypes | BMW Group Research | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Ernst, Markus | Master Student | Goethe University Frankfurt | Germany | Academia | |
Cataron, Angel | Transilvania University of Brasov | Romania | Academia, Industry | ||
Moldovan, Adrian | Romania | ||||
Galmeanu, Honorius | lecturer | Transilvania University of Brasov | Romania | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: * Kernels |
Topoleanu, Tudor Sabin | R&D Software Engineer | Siemens AG | Romania | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Sasu, Lucian | Associate professor | Transilvania University of Brasov | Romania | Academia |
AI expert: Associate professor at Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science |
Hartl, Florian | Divisional HR | Austria | Academia, Industry | ||
Norlander, Arne | CEO – Chief Scientist | NORSECON | Sweden | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Arne has over twenty years of experience at senior and executive levels in the public sector, mainly in analysis, research, consultation and education with significant international impact. He is renowned for his leadership and expertise in strategic government research and development. Arne has authored more than sixty scientific publications and delivered numerous lectures and presentations in scientific, technical and policy-related contexts. He is active as a researcher, analyst, author and scholar. |
Schubert, Johan | Dr | KTH / FOI | Sweden | Academia, Other |
AI expert: Associate Professor at KTH, Deputy Research Director at FOI. |
Creemers, Lutgarde | Trade Union | Belgium | Other | ||
Pommerening, Florian | Post-doc | University of Basel | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Murano, Aniello | Professor | University of Naples Federico II | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Formal methods for the strategic reasoning in open and multi-agent systems. Specification, verification, and synthesis of reactive systems. Formal languages, automata theory, real-time systems, pushdown systems, hierarchical systems, temporal logics, mu-calculus, model checking, module checking, game theory, logics for the strategic reasoning. |
Yürüten, Onur | Data Scientist | Evolusys SA | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Bangalore, Srinivas | Director of AI | Interactions LLC | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Moritz, Dominik | PhD student | University of Washington | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Kayser, Bastian | Germany | Industry | |||
Knaebel, René | Research Assistant | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Ajana, Soufiane | PhD Student | Bordeaux university | France | Academia | |
Zheng, Yilin | Mr. | Southern University of Science and Technology | China | Academia | |
Karatzas, Dimosthenis | Associate Director | Computer Vision Centre, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Hejblum, Boris | Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor) | Université de Bordeaux | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Lepetit, Vincent | Professor | University of Bordeaux | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Athanasaki, Despina | Student | The university of Melbourne | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Morisco, Michele | Università di Pisa | Italy | |||
Somaraki, Vassiliki | CEO & Founder | V&V Health Innovations | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Loi, Daria | Principal Engineer | Intel Corporation | United States | Academia, Industry | |
Papaioannou, Ioannis | PhD Candidate | National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Greece | Academia | |
Papadourakis, Giorgos | Professor | Technological Educational Institute of Crete | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: Intelligent Systems and Computer Architecture Laboratory |
Benjelloun Touimi, Abdellatif | Senior Standards Manager | Huawei Technologies (UK) | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Palm, Christoph | Professor | Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg (OTH Regensburg) | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Full Professor for Medical Image Computing; |
Krawczuk, Igor | PhD Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Raines, Dorit | Prof. | Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia | Italy | Academia | |
Maunsbach, Leslie | Founder/Content Creator | UR Epic Stories | Sweden | Other | |
Murino, Vittorio | Director of PAVIS – Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision Dept. | Italian Institute of Technology | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Gurrutxaga, Ibai | Associate Professor | University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Pérez de la Fuente, Jesús M. | Associate Professor | University of the Basque Country | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Aldewereld, Huib | Dr. | University of Applied Sciences Utrecht | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
Köhn, Sebastian | Senior Manager | Deloitte Germany | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Emec, Soner | Program Coordinator Mechatronic System Engineering / Dr.-Ing. | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Soner Emec received his Dr.-Ing. degree from Berlin Institute of Technology for his work on scalable knowledge discovery in streaming sensor data for fault recognition in machining processes, Germany, in 2016. He studied 2009 Engineering Science (Dipl-Ing. ) with a focus on mechatronics at the Berlin Institute of Technology and system dynamics in Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia. He works as a Research Engineer in the Department of Industrial Automation Technology at the production technology center of Berlin, is responsible for the engineering faculty coordination and the launch of the Bachelor-Master degree program Mechatronic Systems Engineering at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul. He has experience in the areas of sustainable manufacturing, industrial automation and information technologies, and software development. His current research work is the sustainable integration of artificial intelligence techniques in industrial automation to improv scalable condition monitoring, predictive fault detection and online inspection in manufacturing. His research interests focus on the scalable and real-time pattern recognition on industry process data streams using machine learning as an enabler for advanced services and sustainable value creation. In the past years, Soner Emec has worked on the cross-European project “Knowledge, Awareness and Prediction of Man, Machine, Material, and Method in Manufacturing” (KAP, WP1, WP10) funded as part of the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU. KAP was a multidisciplinary, industry-supported research initiative with 14 global partners from 8 EU countries, which aimed at developing the next generation ICT technology framework and manufacturing standards to ensure the efficient use of resources through the effective coordination of man, machine, material, and method by an increased intelligence across the automation pyramid. |
Aigner, Thomas | President | ICARUS International Centre for archival research | Austria | Academia, Other | |
Noordegraaf, Julia | Professor of Digital Heritage | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Maier, Andreas | Head of Pattern Recognition Lab | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Prof. Dr. Andreas Maier was born on 26th of November 1980 in Erlangen. He studied Computer Science, graduated in 2005, and received his PhD in 2009. From 2005 to 2009 he was working at the Pattern Recognition Lab at the Computer Science Department of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His major research subject was medical signal processing in speech data. In this period, he developed the first online speech intelligibility assessment tool – PEAKS – that has been used to analyze over 4.000 patient and control subjects so far. |
Kestemont, Mike | Research professor | University of Antwerp | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Friedrich, Tobias | Professor | Hasso Plattner Institute | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Civin, Damon | Principal data scientist | Arm | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Brownlee, Alexander | Lecturer | University of Stirling | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: I’m a Lecturer within Computing Science and Mathematics at Stirling, and a member of the Data Science Research Group. I am also a Visiting Fellow in Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University. I’m interested in explainable or value-added optimisation: techniques that yield optimal or near-optimal solutions but also reveal underlying information about the problem to help people make informed decisions. My main focus is in metaheuristics, including evolutionary algorithms and estimation of distribution algorithms; related issues such as fitness modelling (and mining such models), handling constraints and multiple objectives, and decision support. I am also interested in the underlying theory of what makes particular algorithms suited to particular problems. I have applied this work to application areas including scheduling and simulation-based optimisation in civil engineering and transport, software engineering, healthcare, and art. |
Kahle, Michael | PhD | Uni Freiburg | Germany | Academia | |
Wagner, Markus | Senior Lecturer | University of Adelaide | Australia | Academia | AI expert: |
Soru, Tommaso | PhD Candidate / Research Assistant | University of Leipzig | Italy | Academia | |
Kofod-Petersen, Anders | Deputy Director, Professor | The Alexandra Institute | Denmark | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gotszling, Luke | United States | Industry | AI expert: | ||
Kiener, Heinz-Dirk | SME | Zurich | Germany | Other | |
Lang, Konstanze | Program Coordinator | German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo | Japan | Other | |
Lengler, Johannes | Senior Researcher | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
La Cava, William | Postdoctoral Fellow | University of Pennsylvania | United States | AI expert: | |
Glasmachers, Tobias | Prof. | Ruhr-University Bochum | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Crowley, James | Professor | INRIA and Univ Grenoble Alpes | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Chrisley, Ron | Director, Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS) | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Pospiech, Alexander | Data Scientist | inovex GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Schotten, Hans D. | Scientific Director | german Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Chairman of the German Society for Information Technologies (ITG / VDE), |
Renting, Bram | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Other | ||
Algra, Paul | radiologist | Northwest hospital group | Netherlands | Academia | |
Wagner, Achim | Head of Research | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Siebert, Alexander | CEO | Retresco | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Weydert, Emil | Senior researcher | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia |
AI expert: Interest: KR (Logic & Uncertainty), HAL-level AI, Foundations of AI, … . |
Romijnders, Rob | student | Eindhoven, university of technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Musliu, Nysret | Priv.Doz. | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
Aupetit, Michael | Scientist | Qatar Computing Research Institute | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: I study how Visual Analytics, Machine Learning, Topological Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence can support human understanding of complex phenomena and decision. |
Kazan, Hilal | Assistant Professor | Antalya Bilim University | Turkey | Academia | |
Tonetta, Stefano | Researcher | Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) | Italy | Academia | |
Grimme, Christian | Dr | WWU Muenster | Germany | Academia | |
Säring, Dennis | Prof. Dr. | FH Wedel (University of Applied Sciences) | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Pang, Jun | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | ||
Rabe, Markus | University of California at Berkeley | United States | Academia | AI expert: | |
Graziano, Alberto | Senior Data Scientist | Knowledge Discovery and Predictions – Grupo AIA, Sant Cugat del Vallès | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Formerly affiliated to University of Torino, INFN Torino and CERN. Owner of a Ph.D. in Experimental Particle Physics. Two years spent as a post-doc researcher at Universidad de Cantabria. |
Hecher, Markus | Master | TU Wien | Austria | Academia, Industry | |
Fersini, Elisabetta | Assistant Professor | University of Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Academia | |
Reisner, Manfred | System Safety, CEO | AVQ GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Bewley, Alex | Dr. | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Formally a postdoc from the University of Oxford, I am an AI specialist for robotics and computer vision. I would like to see CLAIRE and ELLIS become a reality. |
Vandewaetere, Mieke | Sr. Researcher | University of Applied Sciences | Belgium | Academia | |
Nourani, Cyrus | Professor Dr. | TU Berlin, SFU, MIT, Singularity Hub, GIITM: Germany and USA | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Berlin Germany. and SF, USA. |
Verbeke, Mathias | Senior expert data innovation | Industrial Research Centre | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Saitta, Lorenza | Professor Emeritus | Università del Piemonte Orientale | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: EurAi Fellow |
van Breemen, Albert | Founder | | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Avdic, Edo | UX Designer | Sweden | Academia, Industry | ||
Wu, Yulun | master | tudelft | China | Academia | |
Goasdoué, François | Professor | Université de Rennes | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Röger, Gabriele | Lecturere | University of Basel | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Liebenberg, Martin | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: | |
Junge, Lisa | PhD candidate | University | Germany | Academia | |
Müller, Bertie | Chair | AISB (Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour) | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: AISB is the world’s oldest AI society, founded in 1964, and fostering collaborations between industry and academia. Working towards responsible use of AI with ethics engineered into systems that augment human intelligence with smart computer tools. |
Meise, Volker | CEO / Geschäftsführer | Linkfluence Germany GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: We use AI in our software suite for social listening (called Radarly and Search), developed by our HQ in Paris. Happy to showcase if helpful. |
Fuchs, Béatrice | Assistant professor | Université de Lyon | France | Academia | |
Stephan, Sebastian | Junior Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | |
Guerrero, Esteban | Postdoc researcher | Umeå University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Marinoni, Christian | Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | ||
Sundequist, Kristofer | Student | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Ducroux, Mathieu | Master Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Rognvaldsson, Thorsteinn | Professor | Halmstad University | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Blomqvist, Eva | Senior lecturer | Linköping university | Sweden | Academia | AI expert: |
Fortz, Bernard | Professor | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Nowaczyk, Slawomir | Associate Professor | Halmstad University | Sweden | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Skjølsvik, Tale | Professor | OsloMet | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Villata, Serena | Researcher | CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Lecue, Freddy | Research Manager | Accenture Labs | Ireland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Mencar, Corrado | Assistant Professor | University of Bari « Aldo Moro » | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Van de Vorst, Fancy | Policy Advisor | City | Netherlands | Academia | |
Tzanetos, Alexandros | PhD Student | University of the Aegean | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Yampolskiy, Roman | Professor/Director | University of Louisville | United States | Academia | |
Ricca, Francesco | Associate Professor | University of Calabria | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Coordinator of the Computer Science Degree Courses (since October 2016) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Calabria, Italy. My research activity ranges over several topics related to the fields of Logic Programming, Artificial Intelligence and related issues of Software Engineering and Applications Development. I’m author of more than 90 research papers, the publication venues include AIJ,JAIR,TPLP, IJCAI,AAAI. See the list of my papers in my web page. |
Knoch, Sönke | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
Raso, Rocco | Researcher | German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Industry | |
Hamberg, Maarten | Researcher | University, DFKI | Netherlands | Academia | |
Pettorossi, Alberto | Professor « Docens Turris Virgatae » | University of Roma Tor Vergata | Italy | Academia | |
Bernal Segura, Jorge | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Cruz, Jorge | PhD | Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of interest: |
Gerevini, Alfonso Emilio | Full professor | University of Brescia | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: EurAI Fellow EurAI Fellow |
Bellotto, Lorenzo | Italy | Academia | |||
Didaraly, Hamza | IA Expert | Mission Internationale | France | Academia |
AI expert: Conference speaker and White paper writer on AI ethical impact on society , on Quantum Machine Learning. |
Scarcello, Francesco | Full Professor | University of Calabria | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Montali, Marco | Associate Professor | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Recipient of the AI*IA Marco Somalvico 2015 Prize, given to the best Italian researcher under 35 who contributed to the advancement of AI. |
Belloli, Michele | Student | University | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Di Gaspero, Luca | Associate Professor of Information Technology | Università degli Studi di Udine | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Loos, Peter | Professor | DFKI, Saarland University | Germany | Academia | |
Proietti, Maurizio | CNR-IASI | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Member of AIxIA, ALP, and GULP |
Pentimalli, Tancredi Massimo | Student | Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ | Italy | Academia | |
Lisi, Francesca A. | University of Bari | Italy | Academia | AI expert: | |
Fioravanti, Fabio | University of Chieti-Pescara | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: I’m a member of the Italian Association for Logic Programming and of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence AI*IA. |
Dovier, Agostino | Professor | University of Udine, Italy | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Since 2012, president of the Italian Association for Logic Programming |
Bistarelli, Stefano | Associate Professor | University of Perugia | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: qualifications: fellowships and awards: area of interest/expertise: google scholar h-index: 27 |
Gatti, Nicola | Associate Professor | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Cuadra, Renzo | Student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Industry | |
Cayrol, Raphael | Public Relations Officer | Wizata | Belgium | Industry | |
Fanizzi, Nicola | Professor | Università degli studi di Bari « Aldo Moro » | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: ML+ KRR |
Alexoudi, Panagiota | Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Malerba, Donato | Director | University of Bari | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Director of the CINI Lab on Big Data |
Piernik, Maciej | Assistant Professor | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Ferilli, Stefano | Associate Professor | University of Bari | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Di Mauro, Nicola | Prof. | University of Bari | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: AI*IA member |
Kraume, Karsten | CIO | Bertelsmann / Arvato | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: The ERCIS Omni-Channel Lab, at the University of Münster, is a partnership between ERCIS and Arvato CRM Solutions. The Lab combines the academic research and teaching activities of ERCIS and Arvato’s practical experience of delivering tech-enabled Omni-Channel CRM solutions from 110 global locations for many of the world’s best-known brands. Its areas of investigation focus around ‘Processes’, ‘Data’ and ‘Analytics’. The ERCIS network, is an international and inter-disciplinary network of universities and individual researchers in the field of Information Systems. Close collaboration with industry, in terms of an Advisory Board, ensures the practical relevance of ERCIS research and delivers inspiration for innovative research ideas. For more information, including publications, please go to |
Esposito, Floriana | professor | University of Bari « Aldo Moro » | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Esposito Floriana currently works at the Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. She is responsable of the LACAM Laboratory at the Computer Science Department. Esposito does research in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining. More in particular she works on: 1) Machine Learning methods and systems based on symbolic and numerical approaches. 2) Integration in first order logic of probabilistic methods for the development of reasoning techniques under uncertainty. 3) Inductive Logic Programming: Incremental and Multistrategy Learning. 4) Inductive methods for ontologies and Semantic Web representations. 5) Sum Product Networks and probabilistic architectures for Deep Learning. |
Myllymaki, Petri | Professor | University of Helsinki & Aalto University | Finland | Academia |
AI expert: Vice-Director, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence |
Manieri, Andrea | Project/Proposal Manager | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa | Italy | Industry | |
Fichte, Johannes | PostDoc | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gulli, Andrea | Master student | Università degli Studi di Udine | Italy | Academia | |
Mucha, Maciej | student | AGH UST | Poland | Academia | |
Wojtaś, Julia | AGH University of Technology | Poland | |||
Tokarczyk, Patrycja | Student | AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow | Poland | ||
Rajs, Maciej | Student | University | Poland | Academia, Other | |
Skoczeń, Sebastian | Student | AGH – University of Science and Technology | Poland | Academia | |
Roberge-Mentec, Tristan | Knowledge Transfer Officer | CERN | France | Academia, Industry | |
Lembo, Domenico | Associate Professor | Sapienza Università di Roma | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: My research interests in AI are: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning |
Stoelinga, Emiel | Graduate student in Artificial Intelligence | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mayer, Markus | Lead Developer | nyris GmbH | Germany | ||
Zhao, Rui | PhD student | University of Edinburgh | China | Academia | |
Schröder, Simon-Martin | Research Assistant | Kiel University | Germany | Academia | |
Baum, Manuel | PhD student | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | Academia | |
Redlhammer, Ekkehard | CEO | DYNAXITY (company) | Austria | Academia, Industry | |
Valcke, Peggy | Professor of Law | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Buchheister, Sandra | Portfolio Manager AI | DB Systel GmbH | Germany | Industry | |
Ali, Shaukat | Senior Research Scientist | Simula Research Laboratory, Norway | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Hermann, Andreas | PhD Student | ERCIS – University of Muenster | Germany | Academia | |
Mathieu, Philippe | Professor | University of Lille | France | Academia |
AI expert: Symbolic AI |
Klement, Balint | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Stambolieva, Maria | Associate professor, PhD, Director of Language Technologies Lab | New Bulgarian University | Bulgaria | Academia | |
Bonenkamp, Koen | Co founde | Bloqhouse | Netherlands | Industry | |
Schramowski, Patrick | PhD Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Bloch, Isabelle | Professor | LTCI, Telecom ParisTech | France | Academia | |
Molnar, Christoph | PhD candidate | LMU Munich | Germany | Academia | |
Poser, Valerie | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
Sánchez, Katia | Spain | Industry, Other | |||
Szelag, Marcin | Assistant Professor, Ph.D. | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Antonsen, Patrick Edvard | Student | Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | |
Martorelli, Irene | PhD student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Diaz, Johanna | Editor-in-Chief | ActuIA | France | Other | |
Andrade Cetto, Juan | Director | Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Sousa, Maria João | Research Fellow | Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | |
Lamballais Tessensohn, Tim | Junior Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Giannakopoulos, George | Research Fellow (Demokritos) and CTO (SciFY) | NCSR « Demokritos » and SciFY PNPC | Greece | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Paparrizou, Anastasia | Researcher | CNRS-CRIL, University of Artois | France | Academia | |
Bartoletti, Ivana | Head of Privacy and Data Protection | Gemserv | United Kingdom | Industry | |
van Deijzen, Bertine | Master student | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Veenman, Cor | Senior Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Chaves, Pedro | Web Developer Coordinator | Portugal | Academia, Industry | ||
Madeira, Rui | Professor | ESTSetúbal/IPS and NovaLincs/FCT/NovaUniversity | Portugal | Academia | |
Chicco, Davide | Postdoctoral researcher | Princess Margaret Cancer Centre | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
Crescenzo, Pierre | Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Université Côte d’Azur | France | Academia | AI expert: | |
Ruddick, Julian | Student | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Boves, Lou | emeritus professor | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Fadaee, Marzieh | PhD candidate | University of Amsterdam | Iran | Academia | AI expert: |
Pato, Margarida | Prof. Dr | ISEG and CMAF-CIO, Universidade de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | |
Corstjens, Jeroen | PhD candidate | Hasselt University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Bürvenich, Thomas | CEO | TaleTek UG (haftungsbeschränlt) (Company) | Germany | Academia | |
St-Jean, Richard | VP | Terraform power | Canada | Industry | |
Elichanova, Fatima | AAU | Austria | |||
Sušin, Nejc | Student | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | Academia | |
Mocanu, Elena | Researcher | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Cortez, Paulo | Associate Professor | University of Minho | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Current research interests: |
Mocanu, Decebal Constantin | Assistant Professor | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Murali, Suraj | Student | Uppsala University | India | Academia | |
Bergmann, Urs | Research Lead | Zalando Research, Zalando SE | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Vigo, Daniele | Prof. PhD | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Professor of operations research |
Jamone, Lorenzo | Lecturer | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Rúbio, Thiago | Researcher / PhD Student | LIACC / Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto | Portugal | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Blandfort, Philipp | TUK, DFKI | Germany | Academia | ||
Roca, Carlos | Student | UNED SPAIN | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Hubmann, Beat | Student | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | Academia | |
Orteg-Mier, Miguel | Head of Department | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Cortes, Juan | Directeur de Recherche | LAAS-CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Acar, Ayşe | Student | İstanbul Bilgi University | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Tonnaer, Loek | PhD Candidate | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Persidis, Andreas | CEO/Dr | Biovista | Greece | Industry | AI expert: |
Ahmed Bem, Ajaz | Board | University | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Balsa, João | Professor Auxiliar | Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Oliveira, Eugénio | Full Professor, Founder of AI Lab (LIACC) | University of Porto, LIACC | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: 39 years in Ai R&D. |
Schmied, Thomas | Student | Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Academia | |
Leyman, Pieter | Dr. | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Purohit, Ashwin | Germany | Industry | |||
Özcan, Ender | Associate Professor | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Herremans, Dorien | Assistant Professor | Singapore University of Technology and Design | Singapore | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: – Marie-Curie Individual Fellow for Experienced Researchers (completed, QMUL, London) – Current position, lab leader in Singapore, but would like to be affiliated with Europe AI movement. – Senior member IEEE |
Anil, Mehmet Ali | Director | Grus BV | Netherlands | Industry | |
Wasik, Szymon | Assistant Professor | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kheiri, Ahmed | Lecturer | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Dhaenens, Clarisse | Full professor | University of Lille | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Haspeslagh, Stefaan | Research manager | University of Applied Sciences | Belgium | AI expert: | |
Yıldız, Ecrin | Student | Ankara University | Turkey | Other | |
Depaire, Benoît | Associate Professor | Hasselt University | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Tierney, Kevin | Professor | Bielefeld University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Gozali, Alfian Akbar | PhD Student | Waseda University | Japan | Academia | |
Vanden Berghe, Greet | professor | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Gonzalez, Ricardo | Student | Uppsala Universitet | Sweden | Academia | |
Ramisa, Arnau | Research scientist | Wide Eyes Technologies | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Rocha, Gil | Research Assistant / PhD Student | LIACC/DEI/FEUP | Portugal | Academia | |
Rocha, Miguel | Associate Professor | Universidade do Minho | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: Campus de Gualtar |
Cardoso, Margarida | Professor | ISCTE-IUL | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Antonucci, Alessandro | Senior Researcher | IDSIA | Switzerland | Academia | |
Barahona, Pedro | Professor | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Penkov, Svetlin | The Univeristy of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Gatta, Timo | Germany | Academia | |||
McKenna, Michael | Research Officer | Australian National University | Australia | Academia | |
Kaci, Souhila | Professor | LIRMM, University of Montpellier | France | Academia | |
Gómez Martínez, Mario | Assistant professor | Universitat Politécnica de València | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Billard, Aude | Full Professor | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Robot Learning, Machine Learning, Human-Robot Interaction, Computational Neuroscience |
Janse van Rensburg, Louis | Sweden | ||||
Benamira, Adrien | student | CENTRALESUPELEC | France | Academia | |
Perret, Jérémy | R&D Engineer | Hubware | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: PhD in AI, Natural Language Processing. |
Hera, Andrei | Software Engineer | Continental Automotive | Romania | Academia, Industry | |
Danci, Emanuel | Romania | ||||
Veltman, Kim | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Gonçalves, Ricardo | Researcher | FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Oblak, Tim | MSc Student | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science | Slovenia | Academia | |
Ortiz, Vázquez | Mexico | Academia | |||
Berntsson, Simon | Student | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Sandini, Giulio | Professor | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – Director Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Ingmar, Linnea | Master student | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Stjerna, Albin | Student | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Kort, Regina | Uppsala universitet | Sweden | Academia | ||
Viik, Fredrik | Student | Uppsala University | Sweden | ||
Björdal, Gustav | PhD Student | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Pavlidis, George | Research Director | Athena Research Center, Institute for Language and Speech Processing | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Raganato, Alessandro | Postdoctoral researcher | University of Helsinki | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
de Mooij, Jan | Master of Science | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kirkedal, Andreas | Senior speech research scientist | Interactions LLC | Denmark | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: NLP and speech technology |
Moreno, Antonio | TU (Senior Lecturer) | Univ. Rovira i Virgili | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Head of IAKA (Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition) research group. |
Rousset, Pauline | Sorbonne | France | |||
Arbel, Michael | Graduate student | University college london | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Rodríguez, Francisco | Spain | Academia | |||
Vianello, Lorenzo | Italy | ||||
Hesse, Robin | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Martinez Palenzuela, Yaser | Senior Data Scientist | Deustche Telekom | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Su, Ezgi Iraz | Turkey | ||||
Lango, Mateusz | PhD Student | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | |
Kottapalli, Jayshree | Global Head of Ai and Analytics | Vodafone | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Romeijn, Marc | Machine Learning Engineer | Spotify | Netherlands | Industry | |
Fouladgar, Nazanin | Postgraduate Student | Computing Science, Umeå University | Sweden | Academia | |
Lagunas Arto, Manuel | PhD candidate | University | Spain | Academia | |
Aghaeepour, Nima | Assistant Professor | Stanford University | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
Chatzigeorgiou, Panagiotis | Undergraduate student | AUTH | Greece | ||
Dell’Acqua, Pierangelo | Associate Professor | Liköping University | Sweden | Academia | |
Schleimer, Josiane | Luxembourg | Other | |||
Haya, Pablo | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain | Academia, Industry | ||
Fernandes de Oliveira, Rafael | CTO | Curiosity GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Rakowski, Alexander | Poland | Academia | |||
Rodríguez, Abián | Student, Computer Science Degree | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Gama, Joao | Associate Professor | Inesc Tec, University of Porto | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: EurAI Fellow |
Durodola, Lola Ololade | Manager | HSBC | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | |
Schlangen, David | Professor | Bielefeld University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Kirtsoudis, Dimitris | Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Camacho Collados, Jose | Research Associate, PhD | Cardiff University | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Marzano, Gaetano | Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Hermenegildo, Manuel | Distinguished Professor | IMDEA Software Institute and T.U. Madrid (UPM) | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Member Academia Europaea, National Prize in Mathematics and Information Science and Technology, Aritmel Computer Society National Prize, Founding Director IMDEA Software Institute, President INRIA Scientific Board, Member Dagstuhl Scientific Board, Former General Director of the Spanish scientific research funding agency |
Corallo, Francesco | student | Sapienza | Italy | Other | |
Nold, Jan | Ruhr University Bochum | Germany | Academia | ||
Little, James | Full Professor | University of British Columbia | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
Brandenburg, MdB, Mario | Member of the German Parliament | Deutscher Bundestag | Germany | Other | |
Mellema, René | Master’s student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Rahimli, Kanan | Ms Student | Sapienza | Azerbaijan | Industry | |
miranda, vladimiro | Associate Director and Full Professor | INESC TEC and University of Porto, Portugal | Portugal | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Fellow |
Aguilar Feener, Joseph | Software Analyst | Sapienza | Italy | Academia | |
Middelhoff, Michael | Research Assistant | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | |
Michieletto, Stefano | Postdoctoral researcher | University of Padova | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Dinu, Floris Ciprian | MSc Student | Sapienza, University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
van den Boomen, Bram | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Ramírez Martín, Antonio | Spain | Academia | |||
Tatai, Fabian | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | ||
Dame, Pauline | Master student | Utrecht University | France | Academia | |
Booth, Richard | Lecturer | Cardiff University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Garcia Frey, Alfonso | CEO | YOTAKO S.A. | Luxembourg | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kuijpers, Roelof | Netherlands | Industry | |||
JAcobsen, Andreas | Norway | ||||
Rovatsos, Michael | Reader | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
van der Pol, Wicorel | Student | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Lassleben, Michelle | Germany | Academia | |||
Fleuriot, Jacques | Director of the Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Li, Xue | PhD student | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Other | |
Pantazi, Despina-Athanasia | Research Assistant, M.Sc. Student | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece | Academia | |
Spigler, Giacomo | Post-doc | The Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | Italy | Academia | |
Gutierrez-Basulto, Victor | Marie Curie Fellow | Cardiff University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Tsamardinos, Ioannis | Professor | University of Crete | Greece | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Schröder, Markus | DFKI GmbH, TU Kaiserslautern | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Jilek, Christian | DFKI GmbH & TU Kaiserslautern | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Haugerud, Hårek | Associate Professor | Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | |
Amen, Bakhtiar | Research Fellow | Aston University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Bertram, Patrick | Researcher | Technologie-Initiative SmartFactory KL e.V. | Germany | Academia | |
Grujić, Maja | Student | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | Academia | |
Wagner, Carolin | Germany | ||||
Alvarez Feliciano, David | UNED | Spain | |||
Ruder, Sebastian | PhD student | National University of Galway, Ireland | Ireland | Academia, Industry | |
Guin, Nathalie | Associate Professor | University of Lyon | France | Academia | AI expert: |
KOMULAINEN, Tiina | Associate Professor | Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | |
Kotthoff, Lars | Assistant Professor | University of Wyoming | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Willemin, Jean-Brice | Journalist | Organization | Switzerland | Academia | |
Jiang, Xiaoyi | Full Professor | University of Münster | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: IAPR Fellow |
Vizzari, Giuseppe | Associate professor | University of Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Yang, Kaifeng | Netherlands | ||||
Schlegel, Noah | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Verhoef, Tessa | Assistant Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kalfoglou, Yannis | AI Strategist | Samsung Research | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Samsung R&D Institut |
Kada, Prasad | Consultant | Capgemini | Sweden | Industry | |
Karpova, Liubov | Student | University Potsdam | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Behnke, Sven | Full Professor, Autonomous Intelligent Systems | University of Bonn | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Research areas: Cognitive Robotics, Deep Learning, Computer Vision. |
Arroyo Galende, Borja | UNED | Spain | Academia | ||
De Caigny, Arno | PhD Candidate | IESEG School of Management | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
Veldhuis, Ton | director | Company + PublicPrivatePartnerships | Netherlands | Industry | |
Beeksma, Merijn | Drs. | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Bonnet, Grégory | Assistant Professor | Normandy University, GREYC | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Schultheis, Matthias | Student | TU Darmstadt (Germany) | Germany | Academia | |
Hofmann, Till | Doctoral Researcher | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | |
Basar, Erkanb | PhD Candidate | Radboud University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Stenger, Sascha | Student | University | Germany | Academia | |
Dageförde, Jan | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | ||
Emmery, Chris | PhD student | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Dague, Philippe | Professor | LRI, University Paris-Sud and CNRS, University Paris-Saclay | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Aucher, Guillaume | Associate Professor | University of Rennes 1 | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Rosa, Juan Luis | UPC Barcelona | Spain | Industry | ||
Dias Casagrande, Flavia | Brazil | ||||
Tenorio Berrio, Jorge | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia | |
Georgiou, Theodoros | PhD Candidate | Leiden University | Greece | Academia | |
Letscher, Alena | Technologie-Initiative Smartfactory KL e.V. | Germany | |||
Meusel, Robert | Head of Data Science – Digital Connected Assets | SAP SE | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Kukkonen, Kaisa | PhD student | Turku School of Economics | Finland | Academia, Industry | |
Philonenko, Laurent | SVP, Innovation | Avaya | United States | Industry |
AI expert: AI is going to transform numerous industries, including communications and contact centers. I am involved and driving leading AI projects. |
Dwiastuti, Meisyarah | Student | Saarland University | Indonesia | Academia | |
Heißwolf, Laura | Germany | Academia | |||
Li, Lanpei | Student | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Hussing, Marcel | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Oliveira, Arlindo | Prof. | INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Técnico | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: |
Lewis, Peter | Senior Lecturer & Director, Think Beyond Data | Aston University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Fumera, Giorgio | Associate professor | University of Cagliari | Italy | Academia | |
Graf, Benjamin | Software Architect / Data Scientist | SAP SE | Germany | Industry | |
Rosendahl, Ann-Marie | CEO | AR Digital Verksamhetsutveckling AB | Sweden | Industry | AI expert: |
Gigante, Nicola | Ph.d. candidate | University of Udine, Italy | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Teng, Teck-Hou | Research Scientist | Singapore Management University | Singapore | Academia | AI expert: |
Ottervanger, Gilles | Master Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Netzer, Florian | Master Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Portegies Zwart, Simon | Professor of Computational Astronomy | Leiden Observatory | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Darwin put us on a gradual path to perfection, AI makes us realize we |
Aguilar Sotos, Ares | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
van de Wolfshaar, Jos | Research Engineer | KTH Stockholm | Netherlands | Academia | |
Sievers, Silvan | Post-Doc | University of Basel | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Caminero, Agustin | Asoc. Professor | National Distance University of Spain (UNED) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Fuchs, Maximilian | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Kalthoff, Johanna | Student | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | Germany | Academia | |
Löschel, Andreas | Professor | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Frisch, Yannik | M.Sc. Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Gaimari, Giancarlo | Technical Partner | RINA Consulting | Italy | Industry | |
Kodde, Alexa | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Fischer, Tim | Apprentice | Bank Vontobel AG | Switzerland | Industry | |
Modemann, Josef | Germany | Academia | |||
Selimović, Alena | Slovenia | ||||
Ferrario, Andrea | University of Udine | Italy | Academia, Industry | ||
Behling, Maximilian | Student | TU Munich | Germany | Academia | |
Huysman, Marleen | professor | VU University Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: As a professor at a business school I am learning, teaching and studying AI and Work & organization. I am spearheading the Dutch VSNU Digital Society agenda on work and Organization |
Ferreira, Lilian | University | Spain | |||
Surmann, Hartmut | Prof. Dr.- Ing. | University of Applied Science Gelsenkirchen | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Phd Award from the German AI Instituts (AKI) 1996. |
Caseau, Yves | President of ICT Commission | National Academy of Technologies of France | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Michelin Group CIO |
Palenicek, Daniel | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Binnig, Carsten | Full Professor | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Gibert, Daniel | PhD student | University of Lleida | Spain | Academia | |
Dörnfeld, Timon | Master student | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Hernández, Félix | Associate Professor | UNEX | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gonzalez Rocha, Sergio Natan | Full Time Professor | Universidad Veracruzana | Mexico | Academia, Industry | |
Catacora Ocaña, Jim Martin | Master student | Sapienza University | Peru | Academia | |
Štepec, Dejan | Software Developer | XLAB d.o.o | Slovenia | Academia, Industry | |
Giorgini, Diego | Student | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Zouganeli, Evi | Associate Professor | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Ragno, Alessio | Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Dubertret, Louis | President of the ethical committee | Founding member of the French Academy of Technology | France | Academia | |
Reichhart, Thomas | Germany | Academia | |||
Cremer, Zoe | Student | ETH Universitaet/ LMU | Germany | Academia | |
Hiemstra, Djoerd | Associate Professor | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Del Verme, Manuel | MSc | Sapieniza Univeristy of Rome | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Jiang, Peter | Student | TU Darmstadt | Germany | Academia | |
Savoia, Dylan | Sapienza, University of Rome | Italy | |||
Fumeo, Emanuele | Value Advisor Associate | SAP Italy S.p.A. | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Dang, Nguyen | Research Fellow | University of St Andrews | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Yazidi, Anis | Associate Professor | OsloMet | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Abels, Axel | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | ||
Alcocer, Alex | Associate Professor | OsloMet | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Lamerichs, Geert | Msc economics, quantum computing business analyst | Tilburg university, Accenture | Netherlands | Industry | |
Schober, Fabian | Student | Universität Klagenfurt | Austria | Academia, Industry | |
Montoya, Rafa | Researcher | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Gergely, Tamas | Director | Applied Logic Laboratory | Hungary | Other | AI expert: |
van Steen, Maarten | Scientific Director | University of Twente | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Seeberg, Peter | business development manager | Germany | Industry | ||
Hammer, Hugo Lewi | Associate professor | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | |
Abolpour Mofrad, Asieh | PhD candidate | OsloMet | Norway | Academia | |
Mailly, Jean-Guy | Assistant Professor | University Paris Descartes | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Poole, David | Professor | University of British Columbia | Canada | Academia |
AI expert: Fellow AAAI |
Staruch, Bozena | doctor | University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Lo, Awa | Student | VU University Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Honeine, Paul | Full Professor | LITIS Lab, Université de Rouen Normandie | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Junker, Ulrich | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Interests: preference handling and explanation generation. Chair of a working group on advances in preference handling. |
Houben, Marco | Student | Company/ university | Netherlands | Industry | |
Ulbert, Attila | Hungary | ||||
Fuentes, Esther | Student | Uned | Spain | Academia | |
Concejal Muñoz, David | IT Engineer | IECISA | Spain | Academia | |
Stiegler, Fabian | Developer | AAU Klaugenfurt, OpenText | Austria | Academia, Industry | |
Kilian, Jürgen | Dr. | Kilian IT-Consulting | Germany | ||
Stavseng, Gry Helene | Project manager | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Castellor, Roberto | Spain | Industry | |||
Romero Davila, Javier | Researcher | University of Potsdam | Spain | Academia | |
Pampliega, Marina | Computer engineer | University | Spain | ||
Peperkamp, Jeroen | PhD candidate | KU Leuven, Department of Computer Science | Belgium | Academia | |
Nedic, Nemanja | Graduand student | National Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece | Academia | |
Risse, Benjamin | Prof. Dr. | University of Münster | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Montero-Calvo, Adrian | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia | |
Tsiaras, Konstantinos | Student | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece | Academia | |
Chamorro Martinez, Jorge Andres | MSc. Student focused in Deep Learning | Ponthficial University of Rio de Janeiro | Colombia | Academia, Industry | |
Gomez-Espinoza Martin, Roberto | CTO | | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Roberto Gómez-Espinosa holds an Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering Master Degree from Polytechnic University of Madrid and several specializations in artificial intelligence technologies: « Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng (Stanford CS230 Course) », « Deep Learning NanoDegree by Udacity », « Self Driving Car Engineer by Udacity », « Professional Program Certificate in Data Science by Microsoft », “Machine Learning Specialization by the University of Washington,” « Big Data Specialization by University of California San Diego » , “Machine Learning by Stanford Online University”. |
Ogorelysheva, Natalia | Student | Technical University of Dortmund, Fraunhofer Institute for Material flow and logistics | Germany | Academia, Other | |
Timmers, Marit | Consultant | Netherlands | Other | ||
Rahimi Gorji, Saeed | PhD research fellow | University of Agder | Norway | Academia | |
Toda, Aleix | Student | UPC | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Bonifati, Angela | Professor in Computer Science | University of Lyon | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Rienstra, Tjitze | Researcher | Koblenz University | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Clever, Nico | Research Assistant | University of Muenster | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Arias Rico, Roi | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia | |
Bologna, Guido | Senior Lecturer | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Kola, Ilir | PhD candidate | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Fredriksson, Einar | Director | Fairscholar | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Piette, Eric | Postdoc position | Lamsade | France | Academia, Other | |
Kim, Minkun | student | University | Ireland | Academia | |
Piatov, Danila | Researcher | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Kalweit, Gabriel | PhD Student | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | |
Costa, Vicent | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | Academia | ||
Carles, Jose L. | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Garcia de Guindos, Iciar | graded Psicology + student IT | Uned | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Rauch, Job | Teacher educator | Rotterdam University of applied sciences | Netherlands | Academia | |
Cortés Martínez, Atia | Spain | AI expert: | |||
Traeger, Manfred | Director | I.R.I.S. AG | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Fleury, Anthony | Associate Professor | IMT Lille Douai, Mines and Telecom Institute | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Thuv, Øyvin Halfdan | Assistant Professor | UiT – The Arctic University of Norway | Northern Mariana Islands | Academia | AI expert: |
Pals, Geke | Student | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Valls, Aida | Titular d’Universitat (Associate professor) | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Atxaerandio Alesanco, Iñaki | Student | UNED | France | Academia | |
Kavakiotis, Ioannis | Post Doctoral Researcher | University of Thessaly | Greece | AI expert: | |
Aushev, Alexander | Russia | Academia | |||
Koolen, Wouter | Scientific Staff Member | Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: ACM Future of Computing Academy member |
Tolmeijer, Suzanne | PhD Student | University of Zürich | Switzerland | Academia | |
Gabirondo Zumeta, Agustin | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia | |
Dupin de Saint-Cyr, Florence | Assistant Professor | IRIT, Université de Toulouse | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Shults, F. LeRon | Prof. Dr. | Center for Modeling Social Systems | Norway | Academia |
AI expert: University of Agder |
Navaie, Keivan | Associate Professor | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: IET Fellow |
de Jonge, Dave | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) | Spain | Academia | ||
Salamó, Maria | Associate Professor | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Edström, August | Student | Uppsala university | Sweden | Academia | |
Gil, Cristina | computer science | universitiy | Spain | ||
Ramos Guillou, Jesús | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Junta de Castilla y León | Spain | Academia | ||
Gómez, Martin | Spain | ||||
Galajda, Martin | Student, programmer | Masaryk university | Slovakia | Academia, Industry | |
Cabrera, Ruben | UNED | Spain | Academia | ||
Ballester, Guifré | Master of Data Science | UPC | Spain | Industry | |
Antonis, Agapiou | BSc in Computer Science | Universtity of West Attica | Greece | Academia | |
Bapaume, Thomas | Noisy le grand | Esiee | France | Academia | |
Gheisari, Mehdi | researcher | IAU | Iran | Academia | |
El Majdouli, Mohamed Amine | Ph.D Student | MOHAMMED V University | Morocco | Academia | |
Safont A., Anna | Student | UNED | Spain | Academia | |
Errica, Federico | University of Pisa | Italy | |||
Rahmani, Hossein | Lecturer | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Bahar, Kazim | CEO | AISOMA AG | Germany | Industry | |
Lorch, Tobias | Postdoc | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität | Germany | Academia | |
Golovanova, Irina | Portugal | Academia | |||
Vittas, Chris | Kapodestrian Univercity | Greece | Academia | ||
Meisgen, Frank | Dr. | Vodafone GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Head of Big Data Technology Germany |
Cossu, Jean-Valère | Data Scientist | My Local Influence | France | Academia | |
Barge, Alexander | CTO | compaio | Germany | Industry | |
García-Cerdaña, Àngel | Lecturer | DTIC-UPF / IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Lepri, Bruno | Head of Research Unit | FBK | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Jamroga, Wojciech | Associate Professor | Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Chmura, Alla | Scientific staff | University | Germany | Academia | |
Ruggieri, Giovanni | Arpac | Italy | Academia, Other | AI expert: | |
Dahl, Veronica | Professor (Emeritus) | Simon Fraser University | Canada | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Areas: very interested in Responsible AI (co-applicant of one such proposal), particularly in interface with legal aspects. Other strong areas of research: computational linguistic, grammatical inference for indigenous, under sourced languages, logic programming (one of the 15 founders), computational molecular biology, constraint based reasoning (CHR), knowledge bases, responsible AI. |
Rigas, Emmanouil | PhD Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Champin, Pierre-Antoine | Associate professor | Université de Lyon – UCBL1 | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Calimeri, Francesco | University of Calabria | Italy | Academia, Industry, Other | AI expert: | |
Mille, Alain | Professeur émérite | Université Lyon1 | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Platter, Frederik Florian | Student | Universität Klagenfurt | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Rivera, Pedro | Royal Academy of Engineering Chair | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Papadopoulou, Despina | Cyprus | ||||
Landman, Tjitte | Student | Netherlands | |||
Tsoukiàs, Alexis | Professor | CNRS, PSL Research University | France | Academia |
AI expert: Former president of EURO, the European Association of Operational Research Societies. |
Hürriyetoglu, Ali | Postdoc | Koc University | Turkey | Academia | AI expert: |
Martinel, Niki | Assistant Professor | University of Udine | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Gómez Maureira, Marcello A. | PhD Candidate | LIACS, Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Gomes, Sofia | Portugal | ||||
Efila, Dany | Student | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Nunes, Orlando | Telecom Engineer | Portugal | Other | ||
Lefèvre, Lucas | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Industry | ||
Mazurkevich, Alehander | Founder | Transfer Money Technologies s.r.o. | Czech Republic | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: HI, my and our company would like to offer our team to develop AL, and all new technologies. Inform me what we need to do thanks. |
Preiß, Jens | Germany | Academia | |||
Bianchini, Monica | Associate Professor | University of Siena | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Spanakis, Gerasimos | Assistant Professor | Maastricht University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Biggio, Battista | Assistant Professor | University of Cagliari | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Formolo, Daniel | software eng. and phd student | vu universiteit amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Stampfli, Marc | Company | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Poppe, Ronald | Assistant Professor | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Santos, Luís | Portugal | ||||
Schouten, Kim | PhD candidate | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Zhang, Yingqian | Assistant Professor | TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Academia | |
Trilling, Laurent | Prof. | Université de Grenoble | France | Academia |
AI expert: Logic programming technology. |
Beerepoot, Iris | PhD researcher | VU Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Koeman, Vincent | PhD candidate | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Wintgens, Manon | PhD | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Fuchs, Philipp | Bachelor Electrical Engineering | TU München, Infineon | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Kovacs, Peter | None | None | Slovakia | Industry, Other | |
Cândido, Pedro | FCUL-Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa | Portugal | |||
Araujo, Lourdes | Proffesor | niversidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Kommers, Sebastiaan | MSc. student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Anastasiadis, Loukas | student | University | Greece | ||
Buche, Cedric | Professor | ENIB/LAB-STICC | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Helal, Sumi | Professor and Chair in Digital Health | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Dimassi, Mouhamad | CEO | company | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Manzoni, Sara | Associate professor | University of Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Bozo, Merve | Software Engineer | Istanbul Technical University | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Le Goc, Marc | Full Professor | Université Aix-Marseille | France | Academia, Industry | |
Antoniadis, Nikolaos | BSc in Computer Science | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece | ||
Perelló, Antonio | PhD Student | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia | |
Santos, Pedro | Student | Faculdade de Ciências das Universidade de Lisboa | Portugal | Academia | |
Guyet, Thomas | Assistant professor | IRISA | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Roli, Andrea | Assistant professor | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Mulayim, Mehmet Oguz | PhD student | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia, Industry | |
Shafi, Jawad | Assistant professor | COMSATS Univeristy Islamabad, Lahore Campus. | Pakistan | Academia, Industry | |
Heusner, Manuel | PhD student | University of Basel | Switzerland | Academia | |
Correia, Paulo | Ms Student | Faculdade Ciencias UL | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |
Karatsin, Ilias | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
Chatalic, Philippe | Assistant Professor | Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay | France | Academia | AI expert: |
van der Zon, Simon | MSc (PhD student) | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Soffner, Constantin | Student | University of Duisburg-Essen | Germany | Academia | |
Kollias, Stefanos | Professor | National Technical University of Athens, ECE School, Greece; University of Lincoln, CS School, UK | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: IEEE Fellow |
van der Waal, Ruben | Master student | Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science | Netherlands | Academia | |
Raithel, Lisa | Master student | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Lazaar, Nadjib | Associate professor | LIRMM, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier | France | Academia | AI expert: |
van Zelst, Sebastiaan | PhD. Candidate | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Brics, Kristaps | Student | Riga State Gymnasium No. 2 | Latvia | Academia | |
Gebser, Martin | Researcher | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Sintek, Michael | Senior Consultant | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Severini, Silvia | Italy | ||||
Shah, Huma | AI Research Scientist & Senior Lecturer | Coventry University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: With British cyberneticist, Professor Kevin Warwick I have co-authored a book on fundamental Artificial Intelligence published by Cambridge University Press in 2016: I have also co-written evidence on AI published in the UK House of Lords’ AI Select Committee Report 2017 |
Sediri, Samia | Phd Student | uga | France | Academia | |
Lew, Michael | Associate Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Head of the Deep Learning Group and Director of the LIACS Media Lab at Leiden University |
Keller, Thomas | Postdoctoral researcher | University of Basel | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Figuerola, Joan | ICMAB – CSIC | Spain | Academia | ||
van der Blom, Koen | Postdoc | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Dippold, Daniel | Student | Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt | Austria | Other | |
Zoetmulder, Riaan | Student | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Χαντζαρίδης, Κύδων | Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Dias, Joana | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Academia | AI expert: | |
Lercher, Alexander | Student | Alpen-Adria-Universität | Austria | Academia, Industry | |
Mueller, Vincent C | UAF | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Philosophy & Ethics of AI |
Fatz, Filip | Junior Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | |
Bello, Farid | PhD Student | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
El Raheb, Katerina | PhD Candidate | University of Athens | Greece | Academia | |
El Mernissi, Karim | Ph.d. in AI | Sorbonne University | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Kolaitis, Panagiotis | Graduate Student | University | Greece | Academia | |
Pruim, Raimon | Research Scientist | TNO | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Boudou, Joseph | postdoc | IRIT – Toulouse University | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Schorlemmer, Marco | Tenured Scientist | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
van der Bent, Renate | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Aryan, Abi | Researcher | Delegano | United States | Industry | |
Jevtić, Aleksandar | Researcher | Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics (CSIC-UPC) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Prévoteaux, Simon | Data Scientist | Thales | France | Industry | |
Abeyrathna, Kuruge Darshana | PhD student | University of Agder, Norway | Norway | Academia | |
Vladutu, Liviu | Lecturer Dr | Politehnica University of Bucharest | Romania | Academia |
AI expert: I have a MSc, PhD and postdoctoral studies in AI and applications in Big Data Analysis and Biomedical Engineering |
Collet, Christopher | Germany | Industry | AI expert: | ||
Destercke, Sébastien | Researcher | French National Research Centre (CNRS) | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Samperna, Riccardo | MSc student | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Morkisch, Philip | University | Germany | Other | ||
Clergue, Louis | Research Student | polytechnic university of catalonia (UPC) | Spain | Academia | |
Imaz, Gonzalo E, | Scientific Researcher | IIIA.CSIC | Spain | Academia | |
Lőrincz, András | Senior Researcher | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary | Academia, Industry | |
Sais, Lakhdar | Professor | CRIL – CNRS, Artois University | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Pereira, João | FCUL | Portugal | Academia | ||
Stefanov, Todor | Associate Professor | LIACS, Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Rasenberg, Mark | Master Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Reboud, Llorenç | PhD student | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | Academia | |
Cugliari, Jairo | Assistant Professor | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Brandsen, Alex | PhD researcher | University of Leiden | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Stober, Sebastian | Artificial Intelligence Lab | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: bridging deep learning and cognitive neuroscience |
van de Merwe, David | rMSc student | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Burger, Franziska | PhD Candidate | TU Delft | Netherlands | Academia | |
Rane, Roshan Prakash | Masters in Cognitive Systems | University of Potsdam | India | Academia, Industry | |
Ruijter, Sander | Master Student | University of Leiden | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Puyol-Gruart, Josep | Tenured Scientisc | IIIA – CSIC | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Gomez, Vicenç | PhD | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: c/ Tanger |
Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo | Full professor, President of Spanish Association for AI | univeristy of A Coruña | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Wansleven, Dennis | Student (Master) | University student | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Stephane, Loiseau | Professor | université d’Angers | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Müller, Jörg P. | Full Professor, Head of Department of Informatics | Technische Universität Clausthal | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Since 1991 research on intelligent agents, multiagent systems, modeling sociotechnical systems. |
Díez, Jorge | Assistant Professor | University of Oviedo | Spain | Academia | |
Seltmann, Johann | Germany | ||||
Buffet, Olivier | researcher | LORIA-INRIA | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Akrum, Ivana | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Terrioux, Cyril | Assistant Professor | Aix-Marseille University | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Compagnon, Paul | PhD student | LIRIS/INSA Lyon – Orange Labs | France | Academia, Industry | |
Thomas, Burger | CNRS | France | Academia | AI expert: | |
Verhaar, Peter | University Lecturer | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Faux, Francis | Doctor | Informatics Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT) | France | Academia | |
Dapoigny, Richard | Associate professor | Université Savoie Mont-Blanc | France | Academia | |
Delcroix, Véronique | Associate Professor / Dr | Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France, LAMIH | France | Academia | |
Maris, Frédéric | Associate Professor | University of Toulouse, IRIT | France | Academia |
AI expert: Board member of the French AI association (AFIA) |
Kant, Jean-Daniel | Associate Professor | Sorbonne Université Sciences | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Legastelois, Bénédicte | Research assistant | Sorbonne University | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Sabater-Mir, Jordi | Tenured scientist | IIIA – CSIC | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Preuss, Mike | Dr. | WWU Muenster | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: evolutionary optimization, game ai, deep learning |
Saget, Sylvie | University of Gothenburg | Sweden | Academia, Industry, Other | ||
Arcos, Josep LLuís | Research Scientist | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Machine Learning, Healthcare |
Macho González, Santiago | Head of the R&D department | SENSEDI | Spain | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Wansink, Bob | Msc Student | Universiteit Leiden | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Kerber, Frederic | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
Steiner, Ralf | Inventor+Founder IPCentury Project | IPCentury Holding | Germany | Industry | |
Hod, Shlomi | Student in Cognitive Systems Master Program | Potsdam University | Israel | Academia, Industry | |
Parniere, Paul | ACADEMICIEN | ACADEMIE DES TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: 55 rue de Mareil 78100 SAINT GERMAIN EN LAYE FRANCE |
Manhaeve, Robin | Phd Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Sindhya, Karthik | Cofounder, Chief business development officer | FINNOPT Ltd. | Finland | Industry |
AI expert: Cofounder, consultant of FINNOPT providing technology solutions in the area of computational intelligence to global companies. Also, docent of the Faculty of IT, University of Jyväskylä Finland |
Sabbadin, Régis | Senior Researcher | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Popineau, Fabrice | Professor | CentraleSupelec/LRI | France | Academia |
AI expert: 3 rue Joliot-Curie |
Audemard, Gilles | Professor | France | Academia | ||
Moyse, Gilles | CEO | reciTAL | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ouerdane, Wassila | Assistant Professor | Centralesupelec | France | Academia |
AI expert: AI and Decision |
Hake, Philip | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | |
Bischof, Stefan | Research Scientist | Siemens Corporate Technology | Austria | Industry | AI expert: |
Lagasquie-Schiex, Marie-Christine | professor | University of Toulouse, IRIT | France | Academia | |
Jouandeau, Nicolas | Professor Associate | LIASD, Paris 8 University | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Lopez-Sanchez, Maite | Phd. Associate Professor or Tenured University Lecturer/Professor | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Areas of interest/expertise: Multi-Agent Systems, Ethical issues. |
Farnadi, Golnoosh | Postdoc researcher | University of California, Santa Cruz | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
de Jong, Niels | Student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Vallverdu, Jordi | Professor | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Philosophy Dept., Fac. Lletres, UAB |
Garcia Calvés, Pere | Researcher | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. CSIC | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Duch, Amalia | Lecturer | University | Spain | Academia | |
Skulimowski, Andrzej M.J. | 1. AGH | Poland | |||
Rueher, Michel | Professor | University of Nice | France | Academia | |
Verbeemen, Dieter | M-Sc | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: | |
Räckers, Michael | CFO | University of Muenster | Germany | Academia | |
Dafoe, Allan | Director, Professor | Governance of AI Program, FHI, University of Oxford | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Gonzalez, Borja | MSc Student | Technical University of Madrid | Spain | Academia | |
Cardenas, Martha-Ivon | Post Doc and researcher | UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: ACIA associate |
Müller, Johann | Dipl. Ing | Engeneer | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Wirthlin, Marco | MSc Student | University of Groningen | Switzerland | Academia | |
Mansouri, Mohamed Amr | Master Student: Computational Science | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Leuenberger, Gabriel | Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Pals, Hugo | Netherlands | Industry | |||
Grefenstette, Gregory | Chief Science Officer | Biggerpan | France | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: natural language processing, information retrieval |
Boixader, Dionís | Senior Lecturer | Universitat Politècnicade Catalunya | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Gligoric, Kristina | PhD student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Wiehr, Frederik | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
van Vreumingen, Dyon | Master’s student in theoretical physics and computer science | Leiden university | Netherlands | Academia | |
Esteva, Francesc | Professor at honorem | IIIA-CSIC | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: I was the former Director of IIIA. Now I am retired but with a partial job in the institute |
Jimenez, Luis | Project Manager | GPOMCT | Mexico | Industry | |
Togelius, Julian | Associate Professor | New York University | United States | Academia |
AI expert: Leader in artificial intelligence for games. |
Mościcki, Maciej | Student | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | |
Grimaldo, Francisco | Associate Professor | University of Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Melendez, Joaquim | Dr. Ing | Universitat de Girona | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Segovia-Aguas, Javier | PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | |
Elderman, Richard | Master student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kuipers, Wietse | MSc. Student | Radboud University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Pulles, Lonneke | Student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Babelotzky, Wilfried | Germany | Industry | |||
Stieglitz, Stefan | Professor Dr. | University of Duisburg-Essen | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Sanchez Fibla, Marti | Visiting Professor | University Pompeu Fabra | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille | Prof. for Data Science | Paderborn University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Kampffmeyer, Ulrich | Managing Director | PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other |
AI expert: Curriculum, Publications, Awards, Fellowships |
Serra, Joan | Researcher | Telefonica Research | Spain | Industry | AI expert: |
Navarin, Nicolò | Research fellow | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Domingo Penya, Joan | Professor | Universitat Poiltècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia | |
Tisseron, Serge | PH D | Paris VII Denis Diderot | France | Academia | |
Bahamonde, Antonio | Professor | University of Oviedo | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: President of the Spanish Scientific Society of Informatics |
Confalonieri, Roberto | Assistant Professor | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Vantaggiato, Giulia | Student | University of Ferrara | Italy | Academia | |
Holvoet, Tom | Prof. Dr. | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Simon, Narduzzi | Master Student | Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne | Switzerland | Academia | |
van der Eerden, Joni | Student | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Ballan, Lamberto | Assistant Professor | University of Padova | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: EU MSCA Fellow 2014-17 @Stanford AI Lab |
De Caro, Valerio | Student | Università di Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Immer, Alexander | MSc Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |
Seidler, Maximilian | MSc Student | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Farah, Mustafe | Student | OsloMet | Norway | Academia | |
Masegosa, Andres | Assistant Professor | University of Almeria | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Griggio, Alberto | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | AI expert: | |
Petris, Sandra | Italy | Academia | |||
Becker, Jörg | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. | University of Muenster | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Assmann, Astrid | University Potsdam | Germany | Academia | ||
Netten, Bart | Sr Scientific Researcher | TNO | Netherlands | Other | AI expert: |
Colombo, Moreno | PhD Student | University of Fribourg | Switzerland | Academia | |
Pham, Vu | Dual-Student | Hamburg School of Business Administration | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Grätz, Fabio | Phd candidate | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Kupnik, Samo | B.Sc. Bionic Engineering | Student | Slovenia | Industry | |
Berger, Armin | CEO | 3pc GmbH Neue Kommunikation | Germany | Industry | |
Schmidt, Robin | Student | Germany | Academia | ||
Bruinsma, Nick | CEO | Pixelbluemedia | Netherlands | Industry | |
Ianni, Giovambattista | Associate Professor | University of Calabria | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Sadler, Philipp | M.Sc. Cognitive Systems | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Zenner, André | Researcher / PhD student | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus | Germany | Academia | |
Caon, Maurizio | Associate Professor | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: Bd Pérolles 80 |
Vercruyssen, Vincent | KU Leuven | Belgium | |||
Güzel Kalayci, Elem | PhD Student | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy | Academia | |
Fodor, Paul | Lecturer | Stony Brook University | United States | Academia |
AI expert: Department Of Computer Science |
Van den Broeck, Guy | Assistant Professor | UCLA | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Molinghen, Yannick | Student | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Scafoglieri, Federico | PhD student | La Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Ben Lazreg, Mehdi | PhD research fellow | University of Agder | Norway | Academia | |
Ciucci, Davide | Associate Professor | University of Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Vollaro, Simone | Student | University of Pisa | Italy | ||
Wieland, Fabian | Scrum Master | Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall | Germany | Industry, Other | |
Chiariello, Francesco | Student | University | Italy | ||
Feurer, Matthias | Research assistant/PhD candidate | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | |
Gario, Marco | Senior Research Scientist | Siemens Corporation | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
de Winter, Roy | Master student | University of Leiden | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Erden, Berna | MS student | Bogazici University | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Mizel, Paul | CEO | Foundation | Germany | Other |
AI expert: At Asure Foundation we research various technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and automation of insurance processes. Asure is an open decentralized autonomous insurance platform built around openness, privacy and fairness, powered by blockchain innovation that brings together individuals, companies and governments in a digital world. We will enable governments around the world to establish pay-as-you-go social security systems and assist in migrating existing ones to the Asure platform so they take advantage of the blockchain technology. |
Jansen, Bart | Professor | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Leysen, Christiaan | CEO & Co Founder | Overture | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |
van den Berg, Jelle | Student | University of Leiden | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Esen, Sercan | Senior Software Developer & MSc Computer Engineering | Sony & Bogazici University | Turkey | Industry | |
Andres, Timothée | Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Van Craenendonck, Toon | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Colombo, Michele | Master Student; Machine Learning Engineer | University of Pisa; BioBeats Group Ltd | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Löbkens, Jacob | Student | University of Potsdam | Germany | Academia | |
Iliadis, Dimitris | postgraduate sudent | University | Greece | Academia | |
Nguyen, Duc | phd | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
De Groote, Matthias | Belgium | ||||
Fragkiadakis, Manolis | PhD student | Leiden University | Netherlands | ||
Koller, Alexander | Professor | Saarland University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Landolfi, Francesco | Student | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
van de Guchte, Lennart | Bachelor of Science | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Lopez, Antonio M. | Associate Professor | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: I’m PI on vision-based autonomous driving, with special focus on domain adaptation between virtual and real worlds. |
Porwoll, Martin | Germany | Industry, Other | |||
Van hamme, Hugo | Prof. | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Kristof, Victor | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Switzerland | Academia | ||
Willemin, Xavier | EPFL (Technical | Switzerland | |||
Stan, Eduard Ionel | Student | University | Italy | Academia | |
Asfour, Tamim | Full Professor | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Germany | Academia | |
Croce, Federico | Ph.D. Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Jiao, Lei | Associate Professor | University of Agder | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Trabattoni, Marco | PhD student | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Cramer, Marcos | Research associate | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | AI expert: |
Mabrouk, Mahmoud | Research Assistant | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | Academia | |
GUL, Mehmet Ali | MSc. Candidate | Istanbul Aydin University | Turkey | Academia | |
Dhali, M.A. | PhD candidate | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Pavlidis, Pavlos | Student | University | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Katsirelos, George | Researcher | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Simar, Cédric | Master degree student | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Punčochář, Michal | Student | University | Czech Republic | ||
van Stein, Bas | PostDoc | University of Leiden | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ilia, Kurenkov | Potsdam University | Germany | |||
Mengoni, Federica | Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Renkema, Tom | Master’s Student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Altmeyer, Maximilian | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
Stojic, Ivan | Researcher | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Ríos Muñoz, Mario | Master student | University of Groningen | Spain | Academia | |
Fuggitti, Francesco | Student | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Academia | |
Espinoza, Huascar | Project Manager | Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) | France | Other | |
Keshavarzi, Alireza | Master Student | University of Tubingen | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro Miguel | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Roveri, Marco | Senior Researcher | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia, Other | |
Zumbach, Yves | Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Valenza, Federico | Italy | ||||
Bernardi, Lorenzo | Journalist | Italy | Other | ||
Jadoul, Yannick | PhD Student | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | |
Cetoli, Alberto | Research Engineer | Context Scout | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Ieva, Carlo | Senior Research Engineer | Simula Research Laboratory | Norway | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Florensa Campo, Caros | PhD student | UC Berkeley | Spain | Academia | |
van der Linde, Jelmer | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Daiber, Florian | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
Ramos, Isabel | Associate Professor | University of Minho | Portugal | Academia | |
Rehse, Jana | Researcher / PhD Candidate | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | |
Angelo, Basile | Master Student | University of Groningen | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Bergener, Katrin | Postdoc | University of Münster – ERCIS | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Kopmels, Marieke | Student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Svaizer, Piergiorgio | Researcher | Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) | Italy | Academia | |
Devriese, Delphine | Belgium | ||||
Mingcheng, Ding | Student | University of Groningen | China | Academia | |
Strobel, Volker | PhD student | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
de Jong, Bas | student | University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Prébandier, Marc | Student | University (EPFL) | Switzerland | Academia | |
van der Loos, Pim | Student | RUG | Netherlands | Academia | |
Jafari, Raheleh | PostDoc researcher | Centre for Articial Intelligence Research (CAIR), University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway | Norway | Academia | |
Zghonda, Jalel | Bachelor student | Epfl | Switzerland | Academia | |
Sharma, Jivitesh | Doctoral Research Fellow | University of Agder, Norway | Norway | Academia | |
Bourgeois, Dylan | Masters’ Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Jahn Thomas, Fidje | Ph.D. candidate | University of Agder and Bilagos AS | Norway | Academia | |
Veneziano, Andrea | Student | EPFL | Italy | Academia | |
Irfan, Ahmed | Expert Researcher | Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy | Italy | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Feretzakis, Georgios | Hellenic Open University | Greece | Academia | ||
Dr. Bernardi, Ansgar | Principal Researcher | DFKI GmbH | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Spolmink, Ruben | Student | Rijksuniversiteit groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Pham, Tu-San | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Micheli, Andrea | Researcher | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Hansen, Erik Aaron | Student | University of Oslo | Norway | Academia | |
Bottu, Gert-Jan | PhD Researcher | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Michel, Manon | Student | EPFL | France | Academia | |
Bozzano, Marco | Italy | ||||
Vanthienen, Jan | Professor | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Edelmann, Jana | Prefer not to say | ||||
Krol, Daan | Student | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Spieker, Helge | PhD Student | Simula Research Laboratory | Norway | Academia | |
Granoux, Enguerrand | EPFL | France | Academia | ||
harish, Arjun | student | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Bajwa, Muhammad Naseer | Research Associate | DFKI Gmbh, Kaiserslautern, Germany | Pakistan | Academia | |
Kefalas, Marios | PhD candidate | Leiden University | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Heuchert, Markus | PhD student | ERCIS – University of Muenster | Germany | Academia | |
Lerner, Paul | Student | ESILV | France | ||
Maly, Jan | Research Assistent | Technische Universität Wien | Austria | Academia | |
Fatemeh, Azimi | PhD researcher | TU Kaiserslautern | Germany | Academia | |
Cossu, Andrea | Student | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Dries, Anton | Research Expert | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Bocquillon, Benjamin | France | ||||
Sinha, Atul Kumar | Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
van Dijk, ruben | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Meertens, Quinten | PhD student | LIACS, Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Goel, Naman | PhD Candidate | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) | Switzerland | Academia | |
Herbig, Nico | Researcher / PhD student | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarland Informatics Campus | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Luppes, Jeffrey | Master Student, Machine Learning Engineer | iCIS Radboud University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Morten, Goodwin | Associate Professor | University of Agder | Norway | Academia |
AI expert: Deputy Director Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research at University of Agder ( |
Roothaert, Ritten | Bsc Artificial Intelligence student | University of groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Steckelmacher, Denis | PhD student | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | |
Esposito, Amedeo Roberto | PhD Student | EPFL | Italy | Academia | |
Vercauteren, Mathias | Founder | One Data Partner | Belgium | Industry | AI expert: |
Maus, Heiko | Head of Topic Area Knowledge Work at DFKI / Dr. | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Semantic Technologies, Organizational Memory, Semantic Desktop, Context, Knowledge Work, Personal Information Management |
Giunta, Julie | Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Esposito, Anna | Associate Professor | Università della Campania « Luigi Vanvitelli » Dipartimento di Psicologia | Italy | Academia | |
ten Caat, Sjaak | Student | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Bekker, Jessa | PhD student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Ocheretnyuk, Dmitry | Student | Polytech Sorbonne University | France | ||
Erdogan, Emre | PhD Student | Bogazici University | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Baas, Jochem | University of Groningen | Netherlands | |||
Veldhuyzen, Paul | Student assistent | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kletzander, Lucas | Project Assistant / PhD Student | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | |
Brown, Ken | Professor | Insight, University College Cork | Ireland | Academia |
AI expert: applied AI, decision support, optimisation, wireless networking |
Alessio, Antonini | Research Associate | Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Steven, Warmelink | MSc student Artificial Intelligence | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | |
Rethmeier, Nils | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
van Zwieten, Thijs | Graduate Student | Utrecht Univerity | Netherlands | ||
Defferrard, Michaël | PhD student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Labinot, Bajraktari | Project Assistant/Researcher | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | |
Fara, Sam | Student | University | Belgium | Academia | |
Loeckx, Johan | Lab manager | Artificial Intelligence Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Schouterden, Jonas | PhD Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Herman, Ivan | Senior Researcher | CWI, Amsterdam, & World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Ben Hadj Sghaier, Ghassene | Student | Sorbonne Université | France | Academia | |
Rossi, Arianna | PhD candidate | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Tran, Thanh Hai | PhD student | Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) | Austria | Academia | |
van Duijn, Max | Assistant Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kiourt, Chairi | Research Associate | RC Athena | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Klecker, Sophie | Doctoral Candidate | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | |
Kröchert, Maria | engineer | Germany | Industry | ||
Krennwallner, Thomas | Austria | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | ||
Eldesouky, Bahaa | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Geiger, Mario | PhD | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | AI expert: |
Verbeke, Wouter | Assistant Professor of Data Analytics | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Simkus, Mantas | Senior Scientist | TU Wien | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: Description Logics, Rule Languages, AI Safety, Knowledge Representation, Ontology Languages |
Fettke, Peter | Professor | DFKI and Saarland University | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: business informatics, process mining, process prediction, process anomaly detection, process automation |
Lukasson-Herzig, Anna | CEO | NYRIS GmbH | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: nyris is a visual search engine, our tech is leading in terms of speed and scalability. |
Lal, Sourabh | Student | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia | |
Robaldo, Livio | postdoc researcher | University of Luxembourg | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Nguembang Fadja, Arnaud | University of Ferrara | Italy | Academia, Industry | ||
Liu, Yu | PhD student | Leiden University | China | Academia | |
Dündar, Uğurcan | Research Assistant | Istanbul Kültür University | Turkey | Academia | |
Phuc, Vo-Huu | PhD student | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia | |
Schüller, Peter | Postdoctoral Researcher | Technische Universität Wien | Austria | Academia | |
Libal, Tomer | Assistant Professor | American University of Paris | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Peeters, Marieke | Research scientist AI | Netherlands | AI expert: | ||
Dauphin, Jeremie | PhD candidate | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia | |
Simov, Kiril | Associate Professor | Institute of Information and communication technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria | Academia |
AI expert: Acad. G. Bonchev 25A St. |
Suda, Martin | Postdoc | TU Wien | Austria | Academia | |
Hartenstein, Mark | MSc. Student | Imperial College London | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Dermentzoglou, Ioannis | MSc student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Mazzullo, Andrea | PhD student | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Howcroft, David | PhD Student | Saarland University | Germany | Academia | |
Saglik, Tolga | Masters Student | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Academia, Industry | |
Pontelli, Enrico | Dean | New Mexico State university | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
Spagnoli, Simone | University of pisa | Italy | Academia | ||
Chollet, Mathieu | Research Associate | University of Southern California – Institute for Creative Technologies | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Francisco Rodriguez, Maria Andreina | Research Fellow | National University of Singapore | Singapore | Academia | AI expert: |
Vandersleyen, Joachim | Manager Software Engineering | AISIN | Belgium | Industry |
AI expert: Background: computer science |
Gorer, Binnur | Phd student, teaching assistant | Bogazici university | Turkey | Academia | |
Simi, Maria | Professor | Università di Pisa | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Knowledge representation, Natural Language Processing, Question Answering, Information Extraction. |
Aussenac-Gilles, Nathalie | Senior researcher | CNRS, IRIT, université de Toulouse | France | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise in Knowledge Engineering, Ontology learning and population form text, information extraction, semantic annotation, ontology engineering from text |
Rigau, German | Associate Professor | University of the Basque Country | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: German Rigau Ph.D. and B.A. in Computer Science by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). Currently, he is teaching at the Computer Science Faculty of the EHU as an Associate Professor. He has published more than hundred-refereed articles and conference papers in the area of NLP, and in particular Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge, Word Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Processing and Inferencing. He has been involved in several European research projects (ESPRIT BRA ACQUILEX, ACQUILEX II, LE EUROWORDNET, LE NAMIC, MEANING, KYOTO, PATHS, OpeNER and NewsReader) and in several Spanish National research projects (ITEM, HERMES, SENSEM, KNOW, KNOW2, SKaTer and TUNER). Currently, he is board member of the GWA, and member of ACL and SEPLN. |
van der Heide, Edwin | Lecturer | Leiden University – LIACS | Netherlands | Academia | |
Ustun, Ceyda | Phd student | CEU | Hungary | Academia, Industry | |
Sener, Melisa | Research Assistant, MSc Student | Bogazici University | Turkey | Academia | |
Enrico, Scala | Researcher | FBK | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
van Zoelen, Emma | Graduating MSc Student AI | Utrecht University & TNO | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Xiaoqin, Tang | PHD Candidate | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
de Melo, Gerard | Assistant Professor | Rutgers University | United States | Academia | AI expert: |
O’Mahony, Johannah | Student | Saarland University | Germany | Academia | |
Wang, Hao | Postdoctoral researcher | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
De Santis, Lorenzo | Student | Università di Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Malachias, Georgios | Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Computer Science Department | Greece | Academia | |
Theofilou, Savvas | Student | University | Greece | ||
Wozny, Phillip | Master’s student | Utrecht university | United States | Academia | |
Mikhaylova, Maria | Bachelor student | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Russia | Other | |
Franke, Patrick | Germany | ||||
Micheli, Alessio | Prof. Dr. | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: National coordinator of the Italian group on Machine Learning & Data Mining of the AI |
Simonsen, Kristian Munter | Master student | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia, Industry | |
Di Sarli, Daniele | Student | Università di Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Schmitz, Hans Christian | Utrecht University | Germany | |||
Thiebaux, Sylvie | Professor | The Australian National University | Australia | Academia | AI expert: |
Padazopoulos, Christos | Undergraduate Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | ||
Lieto, Antonio | Researcher | University of Turin | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems. Vice-President of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC, 2017-2019). |
Brusset, Xavier | Professor | Skema business school | Prefer not to say | Academia | AI expert: |
DUNIER, Xavier | student | university | France | Academia | |
Tragkas, Nikolaos | Student | Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Kirbiyik, Omer | Student | Boğaziçi University | Turkey | Academia | |
Nowe, Ann | Full Professor | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: IFAAMAS Board member, Former President of BNVKI, Former EurAI board member |
Yan, Zhang | Student | University | Belgium | Academia | |
Niels, Taatgen | Professor, and Chair of the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Nikolaos, Moustidis | Computer Science Student | University | Greece | Academia | |
Saranti, Margarita | Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Michiels, Yentl | student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Mathias, Quentin | Student | LIP6 | France | Academia | |
Maliouris, Ioannis | Student | University | Greece | Other | |
Ornek, Evin Pinar | Master’s Student | TU Munich | Turkey | Academia, Industry | |
Jørgensen, Tara | Student | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | ||
Stork, Lise | MSc. | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Schmelzeisen, Lukas | PhD-Student | University of Koblenz-Landau | Germany | Academia | |
De Kock, P. | Director | Jheronimus Academy of Data Science | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
M., Khushboo | United Kingdom | Academia | |||
Hoppenbrouwers, Nicolas | Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Alviano, Mario | Associate Professor | University of Calabria | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Latre, Steven | Assistant professor | University of Antwerp – imec | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Member of the Young Academy, Belgium |
Schekotihin, Konstantin | Associate Professor | Universität Klagenfurt | Austria | Academia | AI expert: |
De Cat, Broes | Senior product analyst | OM Partners | Belgium | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Tverdyshev, Sergey | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | ||
Heusdens, Jordy | student | KULeuven | Belgium | Academia | |
Devriendt, Jo | Dr. Ir. | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Pechenizkiy, Mykola | Professor | TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Delgrande, James | Professor | Simon Fraser University | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
van Genabith, Josef | Prof. Dr. | DFKI German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Widmer, Tobias | CTO | Onedot | Switzerland | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: « Big Data is not the new oil: small and messy data, properly refined, is the new fuel. » Technology entrepreneur with over 15 years of professional experience, software engineering, software architecture to project management, data management, product development, business operations, business strategy and entrepreneurship. Currently Co-Founder and CTO at Onedot, an AI-powered data preparation company in Zürich, Switzerland. I head product development, technical recruiting, IT strategy and IT architecture from front to back and coach our exceptionally talented team to excel at what they do. |
Svoboda, Tomas | Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Cybernetics | Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Academia | AI expert: |
Nejdl, Wolfgang | Professor | L3S Research Center & Leibniz Universität Hannover | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Palma, José | Associate Professor | University of Murcia | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the Spanish association for AI board of directors. |
Steinmann, Rolf | Switzerland | Industry | |||
Billekens, Janne | Master Student | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Helwerda, Leon | PhD student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio | Assistant Professor | University of Genoa | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
van Gerwen, Robin | Student Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence | Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Kaplan, Frederic | Professor | EPFL | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Ferrein, Alexander | Institue Director | Institute for Mobile Autonomous Systems & Cognitive Robotics, FH Aachen Applied Science University, Aachen, Germany | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Chawki, Djeddi | Associate Professor | Larbi Tebessi University | Algeria | ||
Verstraete, Kenneth | Student | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | |
De Vos, Marina | Senior Lecturer | University of Bath | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: – PhD in Artficial Intelligence from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium |
Seibold, Heidi | Germany | ||||
Lomonaco, Vincenzo | PhD Student | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Winterer, Thorsten | PhD, Team Lead Optimization | flexis AG | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: member of ACM, GI, GOR |
Anguita, Davide | Full Professor | University of Genova | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Senior Member of IEEE – Computational Intelligence Society |
Contreras Ochando, Lidia | PhD Student | UPV – Universitat Politècnica de Valencia | Spain | Academia | |
Boedecker, Joschka | Prof. Dr | University of Freiburg, Germany | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Thiele, Thomas | Expert for Artificial Intelligence | Deutsche Bahn | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: AI Expert @ Deutsche Bahn with a research background from RWTH Aachen University (Cybernetics Lab/Information Management in Mechanical Engineering) |
Pritz, Torsten | Delivery Manager | Germany | Industry | ||
Moerland, Thomas | PhD student | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Verhoef, Wilco | Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Vareilles, Elise | Associate Professor | IMT MINES ALBI | France | Academia | |
Martinez-Plumed, Fernando | Postdoc | Technical University of Valencia | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Rodrigo, Gumucio | Bolivia | ||||
Haarich, Max | Ambassador to Munich | Republic of Užupis | Germany | Academia, Industry, Other | |
Lacerda, Allysson | Assistant Professor | Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros | Brazil | Academia | AI expert: |
Maurice, Kügler | Investment Manager | High-Tech Gründerfonds | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Azevedo, Carlos | Experienced Researcher in IoT Technologies | Ericsson Research | Sweden | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Distributed machine intelligence, multi-objective optimization, decision-making under uncertainty, flexible machine learning. |
Janssens, Ruben | Student | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | |
Meert, Wannes | Research Manager | KU Leuven | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Haemmerl, Norbert | Software development, data science leadership | GWVS mbH | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Applied data science with machine learning, neural networks, genetic algorithms |
Babaoglu, Ozalp | Professor | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Planes, Jordi | Associate Professor | Universitat de Lleida | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Ye, Furong | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Zaman, Rashid | Data Science Researcher | Pakistan | Academia | ||
Yali, Wang | PhD candidate | Leiden University | China | Academia, Industry | |
Cesta, Amedeo | Research Director, vicepresident of AI*IA | CNR – Italian National Research Council, ISTC | Italy | Academia | AI expert: EurAI Fellow |
Portmann, Edy | Swiss Post Professor of Computer Science | University of Fribourg | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Refanidis, Ioannis | Professor | University of Macedonia, Department of Applied Informatics | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Banu, Soylu | Prof.Dr. | Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Engineering | Turkey | Academia |
AI expert: Data mining |
Dick, Tump | Netherlands | Other | |||
Schultz, Martin | Group leader | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Air quality analysis and modelling |
Papa, Gregor | Head of Computer Systems Department | Jožef stefan Institute | Slovenia | Academia | AI expert: |
Ginis, Vincent | Professor | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Bonsels, Burkhard | Germany | ||||
Loevens, Bart | Director Business Development | SPi Global | Netherlands | Other | |
van der Spek, Thierry | Leiden University, LIACS | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | ||
Pearman, Alan | Professor of Management Decision Analysis | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
KIZILTAN, Zeynep | Assistant professor | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Xu, Dong-Ling | Full Professor, Dr. | Decision and Cognitive Sciences Research Centre, The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Academia | |
Adranale, Deyaa | Senior Data Scientist | CEP Group | Germany | Industry | |
Baratchi, Mitra | Assistant professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Guth, Michael | Technology Transfer Organization | Germany | Industry, Other | ||
Krick, Maximilian | Student | Escp Europe | Germany | Academia | |
Palomares Carrascosa, Ivan | Lecturer in Data Science and AI | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Athanasios, Lentzas | PhD Candidate | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Mikhaylovskiy, Nikolay | CEO | NTR Lab | Russia | Industry | AI expert: |
Konak, Orhan | Research assistant | University | Germany | Academia | |
Cardoso, Pedro | Professor | University of the Algarve & LARSyS | Portugal | AI expert: | |
Frick, Nicholas | Teamleader | Germany | Industry | ||
Lex, Knape | Chief Data Science Officer | Data Analytics | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Werkhoven, Peter | prof dr | TNO & Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
de Wendt, Markus | CEO | Open Logic Systems GmbH&Co.KG | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Dhar, Prajit | PhD/Scientific Researcher | Leiden University | India | Academia, Industry | |
Li, Pei | Switzerland | AI expert: | |||
Kotropoulos, Constantine | Professor | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: Current research interests include: audio, speech, and language processing; signal processing; pattern recognition; multimedia information retrieval; biometric authentication techniques, and human-centered multimodal computer interaction. |
Pirig, Claudia | Consultant | Germany | Industry | ||
Wuyts, Roel | Team Lead ExaScience | Research & Technology Organization – IMEC | Belgium | Academia, Other | AI expert: |
Liefooghe, Arnaud | Associate Professor | University of Lille, CRIStAL / Inria Lille | France | Academia | AI expert: |
Köther, Ulf | CEO | KRT Medical Solutions GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | Industry | |
Mostaghim, Sanaz | Professor | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Zeidler, Philip | Germany | Industry | |||
Feusi, Michael | Business Analyst | Swisscom | Switzerland | Industry | |
Volkmann, Magnus | Researcher | TU Kaiserslautern – WSKL | Germany | Academia | |
Tefas, Anastasios | Associate Professor | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Anselma, Luca | Ricercatore | Università di Torino | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Boeni, Michael | Chairman & CEO | Blackzendo AG | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Burchardt, Aljoscha | Lab Manager | DFKI | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Murphy, Maximillian | Switzerland | Academia, Industry | |||
Emmanouil, Patavos | Senior Director | FTI Consulting | Belgium | Industry | |
Bormann, Gert-Henrik | Theological student | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | Germany | Other | |
Schmidt, Matthias | Germany | Academia | |||
Melis, Frank | CEO | Industry | Netherlands | Industry |
AI expert: supports local economies with KeyBattleFramework to ignite economic opportunities to mobilize all talents and assets by winning a number of selected ‘key battles’. We digest all the data collected in the network in CockpitWork (big data analysis tool) to generate meaningful information for all stakeholders including policy makers in public sector. We develop new AI and ML techniques to serve policy makers in Europe. |
Chennamkara, Suresh | Client Services Specialist | Fitch Solitions | Germany | Industry | |
Schneider, Lukas | B.Sc. | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Misur, Marin | Ph.D | Croatia | Academia, Industry | ||
van der Beek, Timmo | CTO | Laboratoire Laser Afrique | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Baryannis, George | Research Fellow | University of Huddersfield | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Schwering, Christoph | Research Associate | University of New South Wales | Australia | Academia | AI expert: |
Jellema, David | Student | Willem de Kooning Academy | Netherlands | Other | |
Espericueta, Rafael | Computer Science PhD Student (focusing on machine learning) | University of California, Santa Cruz | United States | Academia, Industry | |
Papagelis, Manos | Assistant professor | York University | Canada | Academia | AI expert: |
De Coninck, Sven | Ceo | Belgium | Industry, Other | ||
Bergmann, Ralph | Professor | University of Trier | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
ronald, edmund | France | Other | AI expert: | ||
Ufer, Tim | Bachelor student | Radboud University Nijmegen | Germany | Academia | |
Guo, Yanling | Germany | ||||
Beuls, Katrien | Prof. Dr. | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Metzke, Tobias | Head of Legal & Compliance | Mandaris AG | Switzerland | Industry | |
Kapitan, Daniel | Chief Data Scientist | Mediquest | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: PhD in Physics |
Todorovski, Ljupco | Professor | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | Academia | AI expert: |
Mackworth, Alan | Professor | University of BC | Canada | Academia |
AI expert: Former President of IJCAI, AAAI and CAIAC. Fellow of AAAI, CAIAC and Royal Society of Canada. |
Tobinski, David | Dr. | University of Duisburg-Essen | Germany | Academia | |
Friedrich, Christoph M. | Professor | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
von Asmuth, Erik | Doctorandus | Universiteit Leiden | Netherlands | Academia | |
Grasselli, Alain | Switzerland | Academia | |||
Wagner, Christoph | Advisor strategic data analysis | AOK Nordost statutory health insurance | Germany | Academia | |
Luan, Yuyang | Delft University of Technology | China | Academia | ||
Crowley, Mark | Assistant Professor | University of Waterloo | Canada | Academia |
AI expert: 165 Duke St. W. Unit 312 |
van der Kouwe, Erik | Assistant Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Anastacio, Marie | PhD student | Leiden University | France | Academia | |
Löser, Alexander | Professor & Speaker of Data Science Research Center | Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: We conduct research and teaching in exploring text-based and structured data. During the last five years, we helped large corporations, health organizations and start-ups in defining novel data products or in introducing new business units for designing data products. |
Elakehal, Emad Eldeen | MD | ibiidi ltd | United Kingdom | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Zijlstra, Andries Jan | student | ITVitae Learning | Netherlands | Academia | |
Semmann, Martin | PostDoc | University of Hamburg | Germany | Academia | |
Edelkoort, Lidewij | trend forecaster | Trend Union | France | Industry | AI expert: |
Schenk, Willem | Executive Assistant to the Dean of Hybrid Design Studies | Parsons School of Design | United States | Academia, Industry | |
Maskeliūnas, Saulius | researcher | Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Vilnius University | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of expertise: President of Lithuanian Computer Society (LIKS), a member society of EurAI |
Peinl, René | Professor | Hof university of applied sciences | Germany | Academia | |
Abruzzo, Dominic | B.A. | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | Germany | Academia | |
Herpson, Cédric | Associate Professor | Sorbonne Université, LIP6 | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Franzin, Alberto | PhD student | IRIDIA, ULB | Italy | Academia | |
Linders, Claudia | Director | Fontys Academy of Architecture & Urbanism Tilburg | Netherlands | ||
Maedche, Alexander | Professor | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: – |
Condon, Anne | Canada | ||||
Cucchiara, Rita | full professor | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Diretcor of Italian CINI Lab of artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems; IAPR Fellow; President of Italian association in Computer Vision, Pattern recognition and Machine Learning |
Reh, Fabian | Business Analyst | Germany | Industry | ||
Verhoeff, Bart-Jan | chief medical information officer – nephrologist | Ziekenhuis St Jansdal | Netherlands | Other | |
Merkwirth, Christian | ML Engineer | Nauto | Poland | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Verberckmoes, Olivier | Belgium | Academia, Industry | |||
Fabrizio, Magugliani | Strategic Planning | E4 Computer Engineering SpA | Italy | Industry | |
Patz, Matthias | Vice President Innovation & New Ventures | Deutsche Bahn | Germany | Industry | |
Donini, Michele | Applied Scientist II | Amazon | United States | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Finke, Matthias | Student | FH Südwestfalen | Germany | Other | |
Wilken, Pierre Jack | Softwaredeveloper | Germany | Academia, Industry | ||
Dittrich, Jens | Professor | Saarland University | Germany | Academia | |
Slezak, Dominik | Associate Professor | University of Warsaw | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Scales, Claire | Student | Hanze Hogeschool | Netherlands | Other | |
Diez-Olivan, Alberto | Senior Data Scientist, PhD | TECNALIA Research & Innovation | Spain | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Dear Sir/Madam, |
Rouvoet, Lars | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |||
de Gea Fernandez, Jose | Team Leader | DFKI Robotics Innovation Center | Germany | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: José de Gea Fernández, born in 1976, received his M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering (2002) from the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), Spain and his PhD in Robotics (2011) from the University of Bremen, Germany. Between 2003 and 2009 he was a Researcher at the Robotics Group of the University of Bremen. Since 2009 he is working at the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) of DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in Bremen. There, from 2011 to 2013 he acted as Deputy Head of the Department for « Mobility and Manipulation ». Currently, he is Senior Researcher and the Head of the Team « Robot Control ». He has co-authored over 40 scientific publications and has been involved in different German national (BMBF, DFG, BMWi, DLR) and European projects (EU, ESA) in several areas within his research in robotic manipulation. He led the DFKI team in the German project SemProm, which specified the software / hardware characteristics and designed the control strategies for the humanoid robot AILA. He acted as project leader of the DFKI contributions in the EU Project Robofoot and led the four-year project BesMan (Behaviors for Mobile Manipulation), funded by BMWi (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) and DLR (German Space Agency). His main research area is on mobile manipulation, basically interested on control concepts to perform complex manipulation actions in unstructured and dynamically changing environments. He is also active in the area of safe human-robot collaboration, currently leading the European project FourByThree in which DFKI RIC develops new series-elastic actuators to create safer industrial robot manipulators. Moreover, he led the cooperation project iMRK with Volkswagen in which a novel safe and intuitive dual-arm robotic system was developed for human-robot collaboration in production scenarios. Currently, he leads the DFKI RIC contributions in the project HyBr-iT (funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research – BMBF) in the area of human-robot collaboration which includes important industrial participation. |
Nickles, Matthias | Dr. | National University of Ireland, Galway | Ireland | Academia | AI expert: |
Dechesne, Francien | researcher | eLaw Center for Law & Digital Technologies – Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
de Vries, Joery | Student | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Damiani, Ernesto | Professor and Director | Universita’ degli Studi di Milano | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Ernesto Damiani is a Professor of computer science at the University of Milan, where he leads the SEcure Service-oriented Architectures Research (SESAR) Lab. Ernesto is the Founding Director of the Center on Cyber-Physical Systems at Khalifa University, in the UAE. Ernesto Damiani received an honorary doctorate from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, France (2017) for his contributions to research and teaching on Big Data analytics. Ernesto is the Principal Investigator of the H2020 TOREADOR project on Big data as a service. His research spans Cyber-security, Big Data and cloud/edge processing, where he has published over 600 peer-reviewed articles and books. He is Distinguished Scientist of ACM and a recipient of the 2017 Stephen Yau Award. |
Esper, Ian | Principal Software Engineer / M.Sc Defense Engineering | Meddit | Brazil | Academia, Industry | |
Biberger, Simon | Student | University of Passau | Germany | Academia | |
Rombaut, Benjamin | Student | Ghent University | Belgium | Academia | |
Rohrbeck, Jakob | Student | Universität Mannheim | Germany | Academia | |
Claßen, Jens | Postdoctoral Researcher | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Lindauer, Marius | Professor | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Founding member of COSEAL |
Stadler, Yannick | Student | HEMS | Germany | Academia | |
Liebegott, Mike | CEO | Futureworxx | Germany | Industry | |
Mohammad, Samaa | student | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Hartelt, Stefan | Machine Ethics Expert | Evangelical Church in Germany | Germany | Other | |
Springer, Arnd | United Arab Emirates | ||||
Elsen, Ingo | Professor | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Schiffer, Stefan | Postdoctoral Research Associate & Research Coordinator | RWTH Aachen University & FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Deecke, Christopher | Germany | Academia, Industry | |||
Karger, Reinhard | Unternehmenssprecher | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI | Germany | Academia | |
Merkert, Pina | Editor | Magazine | Germany | Other | |
Boutalis, Yiannis | Professor | Democritus University of Thrace | Greece | Academia |
AI expert: Current research interests are focused in the development of Computational Intelligence techniques with applications in Control, Pattern Recognition, Signal and Image Processing Problems. |
ten Have, Herbert | CEO | Fizyr B.V. | Netherlands | Industry | |
Bunne, Charlotte | ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Academia | ||
Verkerk, Marijn | Research Assistant | Erasmus MC | Netherlands | Academia | |
Marinus, de Bie | Advisor Innovation | European Business Process Institute | Netherlands | Other | |
Schaar, Anna | Student | Technical University Munich | Germany | Academia | |
Eber, Rene | Student | RWTH Aachen | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
de Greeff, Joachim | COO | Interactive Robotics | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
De Stefani, Jacopo | Teaching Assistant / PhD Student | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Freebody, Dr. King | Owner, Entrepreneur | Independent Consultant, Automobile Industry | Germany | Industry |
AI expert: Ph.D-Thesis: « Prediction of the energy yield of wind turbines using probalistic neural networks », 2003 |
Richter, Sebastian | Co-Founder | Coral Innovation | Germany | Industry | |
Solak, Imdat | CTO | Company | Germany | Industry | |
Markl, Volker | Scientific Director | DFKI | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: olker Markl has presented over 200 invited talks in numerous industrial settings and at major conferences and research institutions worldwide. He has authored and published more than 100 research papers at world-class scientific venues. Volker regularly serves as member and chair for program committees of major international database conferences. He has been a member of the computer science evaluation group of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Volker has 18 patent awards, and he has submitted over 20 invention disclosures to date. Over the course of his career, he has garnered many prestigious awards, including the European Information Society and Technology Prize, an IBM Outstanding Technological Achievement Award , an IBM Shared University Research Grant , an HP Open Innovation Award , an IBM Faculty Award, a Trusted-Cloud Award for Information Marketplaces by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, the Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award, and a VLDB Best Paper award. He has been speaker and principal investigator of the Stratosphere collaborative research unit funded by the German National Science Foundation (DFG), which resulted in numerous top-tier publications as well as the « Apache Flink » big data analytics system. Apache Flink is available open source and is currently used for in production by several companies and serves as basis for teaching and research by several institutions in Germany, Europe and the United States. Dr. Markl currently serves as the president of the VLDB Endowment, is advising several companies and startups, in 2014 was elected as one of Germany’s leading « digital minds » (Digitale Köpfe) by the German Informatics Society (GI). |
Amilevičius, Darius | Assoc. Proffessor, Senior Researcher | Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University | Lithuania | Academia |
AI expert: Areas of expertise in AI: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Autonomous Systems, RoboEthics Additional information: member of Lithuanian Computer Society (AI section) |
Vollstedt, Marc-Andre | PhD Student | University | Germany | Academia | |
Zandvliet, Martijn | Lead Programmer / R&D | Ramjet Anvil | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Saponaro, Giovanni | PhD student | Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico | Portugal | Academia | |
Latour, Anna | PhD student | LIACS, Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Kruijff, Ivana | Senior researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia |
AI expert: Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová is a senior researcher and project leader in the Language Technology Lab of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Saarbruecken (DFKI,, Germany (since 2008), where she is leading the Talking Robots Group (since 2013) and the DFKI Competence Center for Emergency Response and Recovery Management (since 2016). She holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Czech Technical University (1992) and a PhD in mathematical linguistics from Charles University (1998), Prague, Czech Republic. 1999-2000 she held a British Academy Visiting Fellowship and a Royal Society / NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in discourse semantics at the University of Edinburgh, U.K. 2001-2010 she held a research position at the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, Saarland University, Saarbruecken. Her research includes various topics in discourse and dialogue modelling and context-sensitive natural language processing for dialogue systems and human-robot interaction. She has more than 70 peer-reviewed publications. Since 2013 she coordinated the European integrated projects NIFTi ( and TRADR (, focused on the cooperation of human-robot teams in disaster response. On Sept 1 2016 she led the deployment of a TRADR human-robot team in earthquake-struck Amatrice, Italy. |
Ullrich, Simon | Head of Research | Company: Naissance Capital | Switzerland | Industry | |
van Diggelen, Jurriaan | Senior research scientist | Dutch organisation of applied research TNO | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Seiffert, Ulrich | game designer ++ | gameus!de | Germany | Industry, Other | |
Padget, Julian | Reader | University of Bath | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Reichenberger, Volker | Professor | University | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Lawrynowicz, Agnieszka | Assistant Professor | Poznan University of Technology | Poland | Academia | AI expert: |
Hill, Jon | University of Edinburgh | Germany | Industry | ||
Stadelmann, Thilo | Senior lecturer | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia |
AI expert: I am vice president of the Swiss AI socieity within EurAI, SGAICO. I head the ZHAW Data Science Laboratory. I am a pattern recognition researcher working on a wide variety of tasks on image, audio or generally “signal” data. I come from the tradition of the field of artificial intelligence, and my tool is machine learning. My research interest is to discover and understand how intelligent behaviour can be evoked through self-learning, including practical (robustness, generalization) and ethical (algorithmic bias) side effects. I focus on deep learning methodology, inspired by biological learning. |
Wind, Roland | Software Architect | Company | Austria | Industry | |
Dzimitrowicz, Daniel | Germany | Academia | |||
Vovkanics, Ivan | Data Scientist | UNIQA | Austria | Industry | |
Cattelani, Luca | PhD | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
MENAKIEV, Preslav | Business Analyst | Luxembourg | Industry | ||
Spitzbarth, Ines | Germany | Academia | |||
Menz, Andreas | Specialist for software rollout | Germany | Industry | ||
Neugebauer, Ulrich | Germany | Academia | |||
Carcillo, Fabrizio | Phd student | ULB-Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia | |
Meng, Zhang | Researcher | TU Clausthal | Germany | Academia | |
Koß, Marvin | Germany | Academia | |||
Flach, Peter | Professor of Artificial Intelligence | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Ritoe, Rajan | founder | Yooray Search | Netherlands | Academia | |
Lagopoulos, Athanasios | PhD Student | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | |
Sirbu, Alina | Assistant professor | University of Pisa | Italy | Academia | |
Mc Garvey, John | Strategic Partnerships, Senior Manager | Infectious Media | United Kingdom | Industry | |
Klös, Peter | Germany | Academia | |||
Neerincx, Mark | Prof. | TNO / TU Delft | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Mark Neerincx is full professor Human-Centered Computing at the Delft University of Technology and principal scientist Perceptual & Cognitive Systems at TNO (Netherlands organisation of applied research). Recent projects focus on the situated cognitive engineering of artificial –virtual or physical– agents (ePartners) that show social, cognitive and affective behaviours to enhance performance, resilience, health and/or wellbeing. |
Le Borgne, Yann-Aël | Researcher | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | Academia |
AI expert: Machine learning, Big data |
Lemon, Oliver | Professor | Heriot-Watt University | United Kingdom | Academia |
AI expert: Expertise in conversational AI, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning. |
Tax, Niek | PhD candidate | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Zielke, Thomas | Professor | Hochschule Düsseldorf | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Fages, Jean-Guillaume | Co-founder | COSLING | France | Industry |
AI expert: Constraint Programming Expert |
Schreurs, Ruben | CEO | Company | Digital Decisions | Netherlands | Industry | |
Condoluci, Andrea | PhD Student | University of Bologna | Italy | Academia | |
Konle, Leonard | DH Expert | Würzburg University | Germany | Academia | |
Komorowski, Jan | Chair of Bioinformatics | Uppsala University | Sweden | Academia |
AI expert: machine learning for Life Sciences |
van Rijn, Sander | PhD Student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Berendse, Annemart | PhD | University | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Bauer, Klaus | Head of Basic Technology Development | TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co.Kg | Germany | Industry | |
Stylianou, Nikolaos | PhD Candidate | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Academia | AI expert: |
Diederik, ten Brink | Netherlands | Academia | |||
Desain, Peter | Full Professor of AI | Radboud University and MindAffect | Netherlands | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Brain Computer Interfaces |
Papahristou, Nikolaos | University of Macedonia, Greek Ministry of Education | Greece | Academia, Industry | AI expert: | |
Belle, Vaishak | University of Edinburgh & Alan Turing Institute | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: | |
Stig, Bosmans | PhD Student | University of Antwerp | Belgium | Academia | |
Groen, Roland | Chief Innovation Officer | Company | Netherlands | Industry | AI expert: |
Ruis, Jules | Director | Fractal Consultancy | Netherlands | Academia | |
Besold, Tarek R. | AI Lead @ Alpha Health | Telefonica Innovation Alpha | Spain | Industry |
AI expert: Interests/areas of expertise: Cognitive systems; explainable AI, computational creativity. |
Tiejun, Ma | Reader | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Academia | |
van Rijn, Flip | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |||
Alfieri, Claudio Arthur | Partner | Machine Learning Reply | Italy | Industry | AI expert: |
Proenca, Hugo | PhD | LIACS | Portugal | Academia | |
de Vries, Gerben | Applied Scientist | Wizenoze | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Chiarella, Davide | Researcher | CNR-ILC | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Human-Robot Interaction |
Heesen, Robert | Director Product | Comapny | Germany | Industry | |
Timmer, Sander | Healthcare Industry Solutions Manager for AI | Microsoft | Belgium | Industry | AI expert: |
Kierkels, Roland | Developer | Netherlands | Other | ||
Brokmeier, Pascal | Student | University of Cologne | Germany | Academia | |
Robino, Giorgio | software engineer | UNIGE/CNR | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Kerkdijk, Sander | Student | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | |
Giro-i-Nieto, Xavier | Associate Professor | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya | Spain | Academia |
AI expert: Xavier Giro-i-Nieto is an associate professor at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona, and member of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEAI-UPC) and Image Processing Group (GPI). He graduated in Telecommuncations Engineering at ETSETB (UPC) in 2000, after completing his master thesis on image compression at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels (VUB) with Prof. Peter Schelkens. After working one year in Sony Brussels, he started a Phd on computer vision, supervised by Prof. Ferran Marqués. In parallel, he designed and taught courses at the ESEIAAT (video delivery) and ETSETB (deep learning) schools at UPC, as well as the Master in Computer Vision of Barcelona (video analysis). He visited multiple times the Digital Video and MultiMedia laboratory directed by Prof. Shih-Fu Chang at Columbia University in New York between 2008-2014, with whom keeps collaborating. He also works closely with the Insight Center of Data Analytics at Dublin City University, as well as his industrial partners at Vilynx, Mediapro, and Crisalix. He serves as associate editor at IEEE Transactions in Multimedia and reviews for top tier conferences in machine learning, computer vision and multimedia. |
Bryce, Benda | Universiteit Leiden | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Elsken, Thomas | Germany | ||||
Nebot, Àngela | Associate Professor | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) | Spain | Academia | AI expert: |
Klein, Aaron | Phd Student | University of Freiburg | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Elbert, Fliek | AI Solutions Lead | Kaios | Netherlands | Industry | |
Wagner, Claudia | JProf | University Koblenz-Landau | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Ossenbruggen, van, Jacco | Research group leader | CWI, VU Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
de Boer, Victor | Assistant Professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Banja, Andreas | Germany | Other | |||
Bonsangue, Marcello | Director of Education/ Associate Professor | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Massimiliano, Ruocco | Associate Professor | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | Academia, Industry |
AI expert: Senior Research Scientist, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Telenor |
Shoaib, Muhammad | AI specialist | Kaios | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
von Loeper, Paul | Treasurer | Volt Europa | Germany | Other | |
Han, The Anh | Senior Lecturer | Teesside University | United Kingdom | Academia | AI expert: |
Riegler, Michael | Researcher | Simula | Norway | Academia | AI expert: |
Luyckx, Kim | Data scientist | Antwerp University Hospital | Belgium | Academia | AI expert: |
Seidt, Stephan | Germany | ||||
de Jong, Youri | Product Manager | KLM – Royal Dutch Airlines | Netherlands | Academia, Industry | |
Carloni, Raffaella | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | ||
Varanasi, Kiran | Researcher | DFKI | Germany | Industry | AI expert: |
Brenne, Christopher | TU Dortmund | Germany | Academia | ||
Keppler, Gustav | Mechanical Engineering B.Sc Thesis: « The Influence of Preprocessing on Data Analysis Algorithms » | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | Academia | |
Zhou, Bo | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Mulder, Tom | Lead Data Scientist | Wehkamp | Netherlands | Industry | |
Birtel, Max | Researcher | Technology-Initiative SmartFactory KL e.V. | Germany | ||
van Remortel, Piet | Dr. | MDCPartners | Belgium | Industry | AI expert: |
Osterrieder, Joerg | Professor | ZHAW | Switzerland | Academia | |
Walter, Diegel | PhD student and research assistant | Trier University | Germany | Academia | |
Marcel, Burggraf | Integration and Operations Architect | Dimension Data AG&Co.KG | Germany | Industry | |
Popper, Jens | Researcher | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) | Germany | Academia | |
Kaiser, Patrick | LMU | Germany | Academia | ||
Volz, Raphael | Professor | Pforzheim University | Germany | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Moura, Paulo | Researcher | INESC TEC | Portugal | Academia, Industry | |
Monti, Johanna | Associate Professor | L’Orientale university of Naplesw | Italy | Academia | AI expert: |
Martin, Pompéry | Philipps-Universität Marburg | Germany | Industry | ||
Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo | Associate Professor | University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Natural Language Processing |
Zayed, Mohamed | Senior Research and Development Engineer | Jouve | France | Industry | AI expert: |
Kapidis, Georgios | Greece | Academia, Industry | |||
Anstaedt, Lukas | Germany | Academia | |||
Biraghi, Riccardo | Software Engineer | IBM | Italy | Industry | |
Körber, Nils | MMI | Germany | Industry | ||
Bex, Floris | Professor | Utrecht University & Tilburg University | Netherlands | Academia |
AI expert: Working in close collaboration with Dutch Police and Judiciary on AI for justice and security. |
Thimm, Matthias | Lecturer | University of Koblenz-Landau | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Peng, Cong | Phd | Leiden University | China | Academia | |
Jochem, Sybesma | Student Software engineering | Zuyd University of Applied Science | Netherlands | Academia, Other | |
Straube, Sirko | Research and Administrative Manager | DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Abbou, Daniel | Co-Founder | AI-Hub Europe | Germany | Other | |
Gogas, Periklis | Associate Professor | Democritus University of Thrace | Greece | Academia, Industry | |
Wind, Giel | Student | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Marta, Loredana | Austria | ||||
de Haan, Ronald | postdoctoral researcher | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Marco, Rospocher | Research Scientist | Fondazione Bruno Kessler ICT IRST | Italy | Academia |
AI expert: Knowledge |
Rigot, Maia | Student | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Academia | |
Mohr, Florian | Team Leader | Research Center | Germany | Academia, Industry | |
Anne, Dirkson | PhD student | Leiden University | Netherlands | Academia | |
Hobo, Eliza | AI student | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Academia | |
van Hoof, Charel | Ir, MBA/MBI, Sr. VP | VC | Netherlands | Industry | |
de Back, Walter | Postdoc | TU Dresden | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Stricker, Didier | Professor | DFKI & University Kaiserslautern | Germany | Academia | AI expert: |
Montmirail, Valentin | PhD Student | CRIL, CNRS and Artois University | France | Academia, Industry | AI expert: |
Van den Heuvel, Henk | Director Centre for Language and Speech Technology | Radboud University | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Basadonne, Alessia | PhD candidate (Executive) | University of Pavia | Italy | Academia, Industry | |
Wiering, Marco | Assistant Professor | University of Groningen | Netherlands | Academia | AI expert: |
Nagengast, Eric | Manager Real estate | Housing Corporation Rochdale Amsterdam | Netherlands | Other | |
Polleres, Axel | Full Professor | Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Academia |
AI expert: We are active in our university to promote an interdisciplinary discourse on AI and Sustainable Computing in general., cf. |
Buer, Sook Berge | R&D Advisor | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University | Norway | Academia | |
Hu, Jason | Canada | ||||